Kill the Hero

< 22.00. Tiger Oyster (3). >


Since the dawn of the Dungeon Gate, every country in the world has been plagued and is still going through it.

Some have shifted the state's willingness to exist beyond the level of measles.

The same was true of countries that are often classified as weak countries.

Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia and · · · · · ·.

“Where? North Korea? ”

Countries like North Korea.

It was virtually impossible for such countries to properly deal with Dungeon Gates, both politically and nationally.

Those countries had to choose.

Or call the outside for help.

In North Korea, it was the latter. They opened a door that was closed and asked the world for help.

Not all of them, of course, opened one small door.

“North Korea's personality? ”

The personality was that little door.

After designating personality as a player's special zone, North Korea was free to enter almost all foreign nationals, while imposing no conditions or restrictions on all dungeon attacks originating in personality.

Even as a socialist state, there are no restrictions on any economic activity within the personality district.

You have created a good area for players to do anything if they can only handle Dungeon Gates.

Naturally, since its designation, personality has become the most greedy city in the world.

“Isn't that Gotham? ”

So the nickname is Gotham, the city of Batman, the hero of Dish Comix.

“You went there? Are you crazy? ”

That's why she was surprised to hear that Kim Woo-jin was headed there.

Lee Jina was so surprised that she said in a strange voice.

“You're the one who came here on purpose to drain my food bill. You fucking insect. ”

Lee Jin-ah, who had raised a pair of chopsticks in front of her, smiled awkwardly.

Seeing him, Se Chan snorted.

“Personality isn't as illegal as you think. ”

“Does that make sense? It's where the criminals gather. ”

As she said, the personality trait was actually a den of criminals, players who committed crimes, not just crimes.

A place where people can no longer face up and operate in normal countries, and who don't intend to.

“Wolves bloom among the sheep, but it's surprisingly peaceful with predators around. How frustrating is the number of people who died in a gun accident compared to the number of guns? ”

“Is that frugal? ”

“If you can imagine what would happen if you legalized firearms in the Republic of Korea, you'd feel more frustrated than you thought. ”

He said, after eating chopsticks of ramen.

“There's no better place to attack a dungeon than if you're skilled. There won't be any taxes, so we can trade goods all the time, so the merchandise is cheap. It's better than here if you just follow the rules. ”

“What are the rules? ”

“Just don't touch the dangerous ones. ”

“There must be Dangerous scum like me. ”

He said with all his might, with ridicule.

“Then I would have sent you there. I'm telling you, you're not that strong. ”

Lee Jina grunts with a fat expression.

“Brother, can't you give me a compliment? ”

“If you blow your nose against Kim Woo-jin, I'll admit it. ”

“Oh, really! He's a freak out of specification! You don't say that until you see the man fight. ”

“There is a monster stronger than that Kim Woo-jin. ”

In response, she asked with a firm expression.

“Who is it?”

“Suzuki H. You're about level 50, but there are no enemies in a two-story dungeon. ”

In that name, she tilted her head.

“I've never heard of it, but it's just to screw it up, right? ”

Despite his reaction, he did not look back, saying.

“Believe it or not, don't touch the tall guy with the scar on his right eye. ”

Oh Se Chan, who paused for a moment, warned me one last time.

“He's a hunting dog in the Messiah Guild. ”

In that warning, she said.

“Then why did Kim Woo-jin go there? In such a dangerous place? ”

“I don't know. ”

“Maybe he went after the scary one, then? ”

The question made him smile deeply.

“Absolutely not. No one can catch Suzuki H. in a dungeon on the second floor. Kim Woo-jin probably knows that better than I do. Probably went to see about something else. ”

I thought it was a short misunderstanding.

‘If Kim Woo-jin really went after Suzuki H, and if he did, there is no doubt that he would be after the Messiah Guild. ’

The thought hardened his expression.

‘· · · · · · · We may need to unleash Pharaoh's power in advance. ’


At the heart of the personality district was the personality coffin.

What used to be a factory was now a stage for players living in a special personality district.

The stage that was created was in a quite unique atmosphere, unlike what people would think.

Rather than feeling like a lawless city, it gave me a sense of otherworldliness beyond the level of exotic.

“Item for sale! ”

“Item Materials for sale! ”

The first thing that stood out was the items decorating the stalls all over the street and the item materials from the dead monsters.

Ordinary people were shocked beyond freshness to see what was rarely seen as fish in the fish market.

Or there were those who were just selling the whole body of the monster.

“Yesterday's Wear Wolf corpse is for sale! ”

The monsters that fled the dungeon gate were captured by modern weapons, not in the dungeons.

In other countries, when you deal with monsters in that way, you get a gift from the country with an iron bracelet, but in a personality trait, this was a specialty.



It was why tourists, not players, pressed elongated camera shutters toward the scene.

Of course, it wasn't just the scenery that looked good.

Illegal things happened in dark places, no matter where people didn't come, no matter who saw them.

“I like the water here. What do you think? ”

“You mean the booze? ”

“There's something better than that. ”

Liquor, drug deals, human trafficking.

The ugliest thing humankind could do was to trade the ugliest things.

If there is no commotion in such a place, it is rather disappointing.

“I'll kill him! ”

“Get him! ”

Those who were drunk, drugged, and those who had already completed the moral test in other ways were spread everywhere.

And it was amazing, beyond the intense intensity, to be repaired.

The battle between the players and the players who survived in their own dungeons is unlikely to be comparable to that of ordinary people.

Unlike the rules and regulations of fighting, most of the fighting in the personality district was a fight that killed and killed each other.

It's like the blood of a true death squad.

The battle, which was hard to see everywhere, became one of the most iconic features of personality from time to time.

Similar things are happening at a club in a corner of a personality park.

A thriving club with a few tables in the building that used to be a factory and a clear view of the money it spent on bars and unlike selling alcohol

Tsk, tsk!

The bottles in one of the tables inside begin to scatter.



Screams erupt from the mouths of those nearby.

Between that scream and the club song, two men yell at each other with broken bottles.

“What did you just say? What the fuck did you just say? ”

“Crazy bastard, do you want to try it? ”

The drunken two reveal their murders to each other.

The murders that were revealed were not their usual dimension.

It was evidence that they were not ordinary people.

“It's a player fight! ”

“This is crazy. Somebody stop him! ”

“They're over 30 levels, and you want me to go in there and stop them? ”

In fact, they were both players over level 30 and could not help but hold the automatic rifle in the hands of ordinary people.

“I heard they both play mulberry. ”

“Even the pills? This is crazy. ”

Above all, they were not only drunk, but also drugged.

Between them, the brake was like a broken car rushing towards each other.

Everyone looks at them and swallows their saliva.

Some of them dropped out early.

It was then.


An arrow flew in between them that no one else seems to be able to reach, rather than dry them.

The two immediately turned their heads to the fact. The gaze on their heads resembles that of an irrational predator.

A woman came into the eyes of those two beasts.

And next to her, I saw a small, tall man looking down at himself with cold eyes.

The wound under the right eye was an impressive man.



The moment I saw the man, I began to feel a sense of intoxication, medicine, and the face of both of them that were full of flesh.

Others were the same.

Everyone at the club was nervous about his appearance.

Only one of them was relaxed, rather than showing a tense mood in the situation.

‘Suzuki H. ’

I sat at the bar and watched Kim Woo-jin disguised as the mustache man who had been watching the situation, looking at the man who had calmed the atmosphere of the club with his only glance other than tension.

And then I remembered.

‘I didn't expect to see you like this. ’

Connection with him.


It was at level 55 that Woojin Kim joined the Messiah Guild before he returned to the past.

After receiving snowflakes from the Messiah guild as a starting point for hunting horned foxes, he gradually began to lose his reputation through subsequent Dungeon attacks.

When he reached level 55, the Mesia Guild offered to recruit him again.

“Hound Kim Woo-jin, I need your help. ”

Lee Se-jun, the hero and savior, reached out his hand and Kim Woo-jin grabbed his hand without hesitation.

Kim Woo-jin became a hunting dog in the Messiah Guild.

Monster for monster, player for player, and item for item · · · · · · · the Messiah Guild hunted anything the guild needed.

Kim Woo-jin became the best hunting dog in the Messiah Guild.

But he wasn't the first hound.

The word "hound dog" was not the first word Kim Woo-jin created, nor could Kim Woo-jin, who later became a player, have the first nickname.

In all guilds, frankly, there were more than one player with the nickname Hunting Dog, and there were hundreds of thousands of other players around the world with the nickname Hunting Dog.

Of course, there was someone who had heard the sound of hunting dogs before the arrival of Kim Woo-jin in the Messiah Guild.

Suzuki H.!

He was a hunting dog in the Messiah Guild.

Of course, it was only a little later that it became known.

His real name was the Messiah Guild when he reached level 100 and then attacked the Fourth Floor Dungeon.

In other words, when you reached level 100, you retired as a hound and now started with the right player.

That was the way of the hounds.

Common sense says a hound is a hound, and they can't just stare at it.

Most hounds act in secret, and when it gets hard, they retire from the hounds.

Of course, the place where the hound retired was filled with other hounds.

‘In retrospect, it must have been because he needed a replacement. ’

Kim Woo-jin was Suzuki H's replacement.

It was not a vague guess.

At Suzuki H's 80th level, Kim Woo-jin was the perfect difference to make a Baton touch at level 55.

As a member of the Messiah Guild, it must have been hard to find a piece of wood that was just Kim Woojin as a hunting dog for Suzuki H., who used to be the best hunting dog.

That's why the savior, Lee Se-jun, personally recruited a hunting dog.

Of course, the Messiah Guild made one mistake.

‘After that, I quickly caught up. ’

Kim Woo-jin caught up with Suzuki H. so quickly.

Anyway, when Kim Woo-jin was recruited, he was handed over what Suzuki H and his team had done, and he heard stories like his legends.

Of course I knew him well.

‘Excellent work. ’

What a great man he is.

‘Different team first. ’

Above all, he was more of a teamwork type than a solo fight.

You know better than anyone that a hound is stronger in herds than he is in solo combat.

‘If I let this go any further, I'll become a monster. ’

So it was clear that if I let it go on like this, it would become a stronger monster.

In fact, he became a monster.

Even after being overtaken by Kim Woo-jin, he has been a major player in the Messiah Guild.

"The Messiah Guild knew that, so they gave Lancelot's ring. ’

The evidence was that the other member of the Mesia Guild gave the legendary item, Lancelot's ring, to a man named Suzuki H.

‘Lee Se-jun's item. ’

Lancelot's ring, it was originally for Se-jun Lee.

Suzuki H. was the first target to be eliminated by Kim Woo-jin.

However, until a few days ago, Kim Woo-jin had no intention of hunting Suzuki H.

‘I never thought I'd see you like this. ’

Rather, Kim Woo-jin was thinking about how to avoid the monster when the Messiah Guild took out a Suzuki H card to hunt him down.

The reason was simple.

‘I thought meeting was after level 100. ’

I wasn't sure I was gonna win.

Kim Woo-jin's ability made it impossible to deal with Suzuki H. and his team.

Of course, all of this was a few days ago.

The fact that Woojin Kim is here means that all of that is no longer something to consider.

From now on, Kim Woo-jin was the only thing to consider.

‘You have to cut it when you can cut it. ’

How to hunt, that's all.

< 22.00. Tiger Oyster (3). > End

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