On the morning after Jiang Yun came back from the dragon boat, Jiang Yun and the other women were having breakfast.

"I didn't expect to encounter a night raider on that ship yesterday, it's a pity, I should have gone with you. "

Between meals, Estes sighed.

After the incident ended yesterday, the three orcs reported the specific story to Estes, and when they heard that Jiang Yun had taken action to kill the user of the emperor's demon-haunted [Operation Armor], Estes actually showed a pity expression, and the three orcs present looked helpless. Obviously, the three orcs are also very clear about Estes's habits.

In the original book, Estes is a very belligerent person, and even in order to have more opponents in the future, Estes often lets go of the other party in battle, and now even with the appearance of Jiang Yun, this habit of Estes has not changed.

But unlike in the original book, with the help of Jiang Yun, Estes is more perverted than the strength in the original book, and because of this, it is more difficult for Estes to meet opponents worthy of his own shots, although Jiang Yun's strength in the silver by his side can almost be said to be on par with himself, but after all, he is his own person, and it is not easy to let go of his hands and feet during sparring, and it is difficult for Estes to experience the bloody sense of life and death during the battle.

Therefore, Brand, the user of the Emperor's demon-haunted [Operation Armor], who was highly respected by Liva, became a very rare training object for Estes, and now that he was killed by Jiang Yun, Estes couldn't help but feel a pity.

"Well, Estes, it's just a powerful emperor, there's nothing to be sorry for, if you want to fight, I'll accompany you at any time, you can shoot as you like." "

Seeing Estes's appearance, Jiang Yun also felt a little helpless, so he said.

"Heh, forget about this matter, it's not called a battle with you, it's purely called finding yourself unhappy, I'm not stupid. "

Unexpectedly, hearing Jiang Yun's words, Estes did not agree, but directly refused.

Over the years, I don't know how many battles have been fought between Estes and Jiang Yun, but without exception, Estes has hardly even touched the corners of Jiang Yun's clothes.

I still remember that there was a time before when Estes deliberately stimulated Jiang Yun to say that he would only hide, not like a man, but as soon as the words fell, he was knocked out by Jiang Yun's blow, and he didn't even have time to react, and then he was taken to the room by Jiang Yun and in the dark, kneeling and begging for mercy, after that time, Estes never dared to say to Jiang Yun that he was not like a man.

Up to now, Estes has no hope of defeating Jiang Yun, and even if he does, he will only practice with the girls around Jiang Yun.

"Estes, this really doesn't look like you. "

Hearing Estes's words, Jiang Yun couldn't help but tease.

To be honest, Jiang Yun still remembers the feeling of doing that kind of thing after knocking Estes unconscious, after all, Estes after fainting is completely different from the strong feeling when he usually wakes up.


Hearing Jiang Yun's teasing, Estes lowered his head and let out a cold snort, and at the same time, Jiang Yun noticed that her face was a little red, obviously thinking of the same thing as Jiang Yun.


Breakfast was spent in this pleasant atmosphere where Jiang Yun and the other women communicated with each other.

"Master, this is the information you asked for earlier about the scientist named Dr. Fashion. "

After the meal, while the other maids were cleaning up the dishes, Taeko handed a document to Jiang Yun's hand.

"Yo, it's really strange that you would take the initiative to investigate a person's information. "

Hearing Taeko's words, Estes said with some surprise. Not only Estes, but also the other girls also stared at Jiang Yun strangely.

After all, in the eyes of the women around Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun seemed to be unable to arouse Jiang Yun's interest in all people and things except for the people around him.

Seeing the ghostly looks of the women, Jiang Yun had no choice but to explain.

"Hey, there's no need to be so surprised, I'm just a little interested in this guy's talent. "

Due to Jiang Yun's involvement, Estes has not set up a special organization to deal with night raids, "Hunters", and Sai Leu has not accepted body modification, so the few people present do not know Dr. Fashion.

Dr. Fashion is a genius scientist with homosexual tendencies, who has always dreamed of being able to build equipment like the Imperial Tool.

In the original book, Seliu's body transformation is one of his achievements, with a large number of modified private soldiers, who like to compare his subordinates to pawns in shogi.

He is observant and suspects Tazmi's identity after his first meeting in the books, and then finds the NightRaid headquarters. In order to monopolize the emperor's tools and experimental materials, he led the fashion troops to attack, and after a fierce battle, his men were defeated one by one, and finally used a killer weapon to turn himself into a super dangerous species, but after all, he was defeated by the NightRaid and was killed by the red pupil.

At the same time, Dr. Fashion is also an imperial tool, and his Imperial God's Imperial Hand [Perfect] is an imperial tool that can trigger the precise movements of the fingers hundreds of times, which is convenient for making various fine weapons, and can also be used to examine and treat human injuries, which can be said to be a tiger with wings for scientists like Dr. Fashion.

"Interested in this guy's talent, what are you going to do?"

Hearing Jiang Yun say this, Estes couldn't help asking.

"I want him to work under me. "

Jiang Yun replied.

In fact, Jiang Yun has been thinking about this matter for a long time.

Generally speaking, a mad scientist like Dr. Fashion is often the most terrifying guy, but if used well, he can also be said to be the most powerful of his subordinates, and sometimes he can play an effect beyond imagination.

You don't see Orochimaru in "Naruto", his research can be said to be based on the lives of countless people, but his research results, such as the mature Filthy Earth Reincarnation Technique, have almost promoted the development of the entire Hokage world.

The development of the plot in "Tokyo Ghoul" is also the same as that of the mad scientist Akihiro Kana, whose research is also almost the main thread of the entire world.

Although there are not many scenes of Dr. Fashion in "Chopping the Crimson Pupil", Jiang Yun has never doubted this guy's true talent, as can be seen from the fact that this guy can research a potion that turns people into super dangerous species in the original book.

With the system, Jiang Yun knew that he would be able to go to other worlds sooner or later, and at that time, Jiang Yun would definitely create his own forces, he didn't want to do everything by himself, and at that time, Jiang Yun knew that scientists like Dr. Fashion would definitely be what Jiang Yun needed.

Therefore, Jiang Yun plans to gradually build a team of scientists that belongs only to him from now on.

Although it is absolutely extremely difficult for ordinary people to control a scientist like Dr. Fashion, and if it is not controlled well, it can be said to be a double-edged sword, but this is not a problem for Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun has many ways to make him absolutely sincere to himself.

.................. (To be continued)

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