When Chu Yufan intercepted the rebels, Abbot and his four companions began to run all the way along the cave. Although they saw Chu Yufan's strength in the previous battle, they still hoped to catch the rebel leader as soon as possible so as to end the battle.

Soon the four of them came to the central area, but they found that there was no one here.

""Huh? Why is there no one here? It should be here, right?" Molly looked at the layout of the cave. It was obviously the headquarters of the rebels, so the leader should be here too.

"Let's look for any clues first, and then... quickly disperse!" Abbott had just said half of his words when he suddenly felt a dangerous aura coming from above his head, and hurriedly asked the other three to hide.


Just as the four men dispersed, a figure jumped down from above the cave, and the glove of his right hand hit the ground fiercely, creating a big hole.

After landing, Otto's eyes moved quickly, and then he locked his target on Zorn, who was closest to him. He quickly approached Zorn and punched him fiercely.

Zorn just came to his senses and saw a huge fist coming towards him. He only had time to raise the gun in his hand to resist, but Otto's punch was so powerful that it directly smashed the gun in Zorn's hand, and the momentum of the fist continued to knock Zorn out.

"Phew... Ugh……"

Zorn was thrown against the wall of the cave like a rag. After falling to the ground, Zorn vomited blood and then fainted.


It took only a moment from the moment Alto landed on the ground to the moment Alto was knocked away. Only then did Abbott and the other two react and began to counterattack Alto.

"Da da da……"

Molly raised her gun and shot at Otto crazily, but this attack was not a big threat to Otto.

Abt and Wex quickly closed the distance and drew out the long swords from their waists to fight Otto in close combat. But how could Otto, who had his weapons, be afraid of such an attack?

He swung his right hand with a glove fiercely, and the huge fist blew Abt and Wex backed away. Then the figure quickly approached Abt, trying to repeat the same trick.

"Da da da……"

Molly quickly fired from a distance, slightly restricting Alto's movement, while Abbott also took the opportunity to distance himself from him.

""You are just average? You can actually break through my defense like this?" Otto asked in surprise after fighting with them.

Abbott and Wex were embarrassed to hear that. After all, they were able to break through the defense because of Chu Yufan, and now he was outside resisting the rebels. They couldn't rely on him to defeat the rebel leader!

"Huh! Calm down! Calm down! Observe your opponent's moves carefully and look for his weaknesses."Originally, Abbott was about to get angry when he heard what Otto said, but he quickly calmed himself down. He didn't have the strength of Chu Yufan, so he had to calm down!

"This guy's boxing gloves are very powerful, but if you think about it from another perspective, this guy relies on these gloves to fight. If you can find a way to get around these gloves,……"While dodging Otto's attack, Abbott's mind worked at high speed. After making up his mind, he looked at Wex.

Noticing Abbott's look, Wex also understood. Then he began to launch a fierce attack on Otto, and Molly, who had been shooting from a distance to restrict Otto's movement, also began to increase the intensity of his shooting.

The goal of the two was clear, to restrict the glove weapon in Otto's right hand and create a chance for Abbott in the team to kill with one blow!

"interesting……"As the leader of the rebels, and having experienced countless battles, how could Otto not see what Abbot and the others were thinking? However, Otto didn't care, because it was meaningless in the face of absolute power.

"You only have one chance, calm down... calm down……"Abbott kept repeating to himself, then he stopped and waited for an opportunity.

Otto would not let go of this opportunity, and punched the motionless Abbott. At this moment, something unexpected happened to Otto. Wex actually gave up his weapon and grabbed the Crusher in Otto's right hand with his bare hands.

You know, the Crusher attacks outward in the form of shock waves. Even Otto himself would be affected by this shock wave, not to mention Wex who was going to grab the Crusher with his bare hands.

Wex had no other choice. He knew very well that the long sword in his hand was not a magical weapon and could not block Otto's gloves, so he simply used his body to create opportunities for Abbott.

Otto quickly tightened the power of his gloves, because he did not want to kill Wex like this, but let him hold his right hand.

"Da da da……"

Molly took the opportunity to fire several shots at Otto who was standing still. This time the bullets hit Otto's body accurately.

"Here they come!"

Seeing the opportunity created by the two, Abbott concentrated all his strength on his feet, then burst out with a speed beyond his limit, and slashed the long knife in his hand towards Otto's neck.


"What happened?"

A violent explosion suddenly sounded at the location where the three of them were, followed by a cloud of dust. Molly in the distance looked over there anxiously, and when the dust cleared, Molly's pupils shrank sharply.

Wex had fallen to the ground and was motionless, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead. And Abbott was held in the air by Otto's hand, and Abbott himself was struggling constantly. Otto had a small wound on his left cheek, which was probably caused by Abbott's knife just now.

"Your courage is commendable, but unfortunately you are not strong enough. If you were not on the same page, you might choose to join our revolutionary army."Otto said to Abbott.

"Bah... the rebels... are just garbage... and they call themselves... something... the revolutionary army……"Abbott responded word by word.

"So that's it. Has he been brainwashed by the Empire? How pitiful!……"Otto was not angry when he heard what Abbott said. Instead, he looked at him with pity, which made Abbott feel very uncomfortable.

"Let him go!"

Molly threw away the gun that had no bullets left, and drew the short knife from her waist and stabbed at Otto. However, this attack naturally couldn't hit Otto, and he just waved his hand and knocked Molly away.

"Damn it!"

Molly stood up again after falling to the ground. She was the only one left among the four who had the strength to fight. For the sake of her companions, she absolutely could not retreat.

"You are the same, you have great courage, but unfortunately you lack strength."Otto threw Abbot aside and said to Molly calmly

"Da da da……"

A series of small footsteps came from the entrance, and Otto and Molly looked towards the entrance at the same time. A figure holding a long knife was slowly walking in, and then Molly was surprised to find that the person who came was Chu Yufan who was resisting the rebels.

At this time, every part of Chu Yufan's body was covered with bright red blood. The bloody smell on his body was strong enough to make ordinary people vomit for three days and three nights. Even Otto frowned.

As soon as Chu Yufan came in, he saw Zorn and Wex lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive, Abbot struggling to get up on the ground, and Molly holding a short knife and confronting Otto.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Yufan's face became calmer and calmer.

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