It feels really good to have an insider. Chelsea immediately passed the personnel configuration of the night raid to Chu Yufan and Alisa.

After thinking it over again and again, Chu Yufan still chose to meet with the related Akagi as a breakthrough point, so he came to the place where Akagi and Shayou were investigating early and waited.

""Long time no see! Master!" After Shayou confirmed that the person in front of her was Chu Yufan, she couldn't help but step forward and say.

Chi Tong was stunned, his head was a little confused. Why did Chu Yufan suddenly appear here? What was his purpose in appearing here at this time?

"It's been a long time since we last met, Shayou." Chu Yufan replied

"……It seems that Master has already known what we three will do after arriving in the imperial capital, right?" Shayou said while looking at Chu Yufan

"That's right, this is also part of the training. I can't always lead the way for you three, right?"Chu Yufan said directly without hiding anything.

"Really, we almost died!"

"Aren't you living well now?"

"What are you talking about... By the way, Chi Tong, why are you standing there?" Shayou turned around and found that Chi Tong did not come forward, so she couldn't help but ask

"Speaking of long time no see... it's really been a long time since we last met, Chi Tong." Chu Yufan looked at Chi Tong and said

"……Indeed, since you and Sister Ke Er fell off the cliff, we haven't seen each other again... But this is for me, right? For you, you must have seen me a long time ago, right?"Mr. White Death." Chi Tong said to Chu Yufan, who was strange and familiar.

Chu Yufan was not wearing a mask now, but Chi Tong had seen the White Death up close, so he recognized him directly based on their temperament.

"I have to say, your temperament has really changed a lot. Last time in the canyon, we were clearly close to each other, but I still didn't recognize you."Akagi said

"I was so panicked at that time. After all, if I spoke, you would recognize me, right?"Chu Yufan said helplessly.

"Why act in this way?"

"It is precisely because we act in this way that we can see a different scenery, Akagi"

"Were you the one behind the An Ning Dao incident?"

"Yes, it's me."Chu Yufan replied

"Although it was planned by Alisa……"Chu Yufan thought to himself

"Then the officer of Jerlock……"

"I can assure you that they are definitely officials of the Empire's Conscience Faction, not the Empire's people."Chu Yufan assured Chi Tong

"Phew, it seems that the intelligence of the Revolutionary Army is indeed wrong, so Nadezhda and the others will be relieved."Akagi said with a light breath

"Akame...Do you really think this is just an intelligence error by the Revolutionary Army?"

"……What's the meaning?"

"The achievements made by the officials of Jelock after taking office. The civilians of Jelock can empathize with them the most, and you should have experienced this."Chu Yufan said

"That's right, so when the Revolutionary Army's order was issued, Najetta once thought that the Revolutionary Army's intelligence was wrong."Akagi nodded and said

"The question is, would the Revolutionary Army make such a low-level intelligence error? Given the style of the Jerlock officers, no matter how good the spies of the Empire are at acting, they wouldn't be able to do this, right?"

"……"Chi Tong did not answer, but thought about it.

Since joining the night raid, Chi Tong's targets have indeed been officials and profiteers who are only interested in profit, so he is quite clear about the intelligence capabilities of the Revolutionary Army.

As Chu Yufan said,"The current Jelock official is a spy of the Empire" is too wrong.

"Your original plan for Anningdao was to kill Borik, and then use the armed uprising of Anningdao as a fuse to launch a final decisive battle against the Empire, right?"

"……That's right"

"Then, the so-called armed uprising has been stopped with the emergence of the Imperial Conscience Faction. Because of this, the Revolutionary Army has no reason to take action to respond to the uprising, right?"Chu Yufan continued

"So if at this critical moment, Jelock's conscience officials were assassinated by the Empire...what do you think will happen next?"

"Chi Tong, do you still think that the Revolutionary Army simply made a mistake in intelligence?"Chu Yufan looked at Chi Tong and said slowly

"……"Akahima frowned and did not answer.

Akahima knew very well that the civilians of Jelock were full of hope for the future. And all this hope was because of the Conscience Faction. Once the Empire assassinated the Conscience Faction officials, it would cause a more intense armed uprising.

""In my impression, the revolutionary army is not a group that would do such a thing." Chi Tong was silent for a long time, then shook his head and said.

At the beginning, the armed uprising of An Ning Dao was seen by Night Raid and the revolutionary army as a helpless result of the empire's high-pressure policy.

But now with the emergence of the Conscience Faction, the armed uprising has been completely stopped, which has allowed many innocent civilians to survive.

Now Chu Yufan said that the revolutionary army ignored the lives of civilians and planned to forcibly create bloodshed in order to achieve its uprising goals... It was hard for Chi Tong to believe what Chu Yufan said.

"I understand. I am quite familiar with the revolutionary army's propaganda. Plus, my words are not enough to prove anything, so it is understandable that you don't believe me."Chu Yufan said

"Akame, let's make a bet?"


"Now that it has been confirmed that the current Jelock officer is not a spy of the Empire, you must report this matter to Najeta and the Revolutionary Army, right?" Chu Yufan asked

��Of course"

"So, the bet is……"

After a while……

"……"Okay, I accept." Chi Tong replied.

There was nothing wrong with Chu Yufan's bet, so Chi Tong agreed to Chu Yufan's bet.

"Then, I'll trouble you to cooperate with me." Seeing that the goal was achieved, Chu Yufan said with a smile


Location: Revolutionary Army Headquarters

"I say, Ariana, what's so important that you need to rush us here?" Davis said dissatisfiedly.

"Yeah, what happened?" Mir asked

"There is news from Night Raid, they found the traces of White Death. Night Raid is ready to go out to meet White Death, the boss wants you two to take this opportunity to go to Jerlock and assassinate Jerlock's conscience faction."Arina said to Davis and Mir.

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