At the gate of Orrick's mansion, there is a team of guards who are guarding the gate diligently. There is no other way, because Orrick gave so much money, so they have to guard it with their lives. But unfortunately, it is obvious that these guys will not survive tonight.

Because the elite seven-member team of the Empire Assassination Force has arrived!

""Who are you? Stop right there!" The guards saw four figures coming towards them quickly and shouted angrily, but the four people ignored them.


"Da da da……"

"Let's begin!"

When Nahashu saw the dense barrage of bullets coming towards him, he took out his servant's sword, the Water Dragon Sword, to resist. Another person who also took out the servant's sword, the Kiri Ichimonji, was Akame.

Both of them were masters of swordsmanship, and this level of gun attack obviously could not threaten them at all.

At the gate, all the guards were concentrating on stopping Nahashu and his men, and no one noticed that a figure had drilled into their defense line by burrowing through the ground.

This person was Guy, who used the servant's sword, the Thousand Clothes. He suddenly appeared from the mud with a"bang", and took away two guards who were shooting with guns with one punch and one kick, and then drilled into the mud again while the other guards were still not able to react.

"Watch out! There's someone underground!"

"How is this possible? Are you kidding me?"

The guards had never seen Guy's attack method before, and they all panicked for a moment, which allowed Nahashu and the other four to successfully break through the guards' defense line. The servant tool, Crushing King, which the rebel Otto had used before, was now worn on Cornelia's right hand. She jumped up and smashed it towards the place with the most guards. For a moment, the surrounding guards were blown away by the shock wave generated by Crushing King.

Another user of the servant tool, Youzhi Pants, Bonnie, also rushed directly to the position with the largest number of guards. She kept kicking her legs towards the guards, and each kick could take away a guard, which showed how powerful her leg skills were.

Nahashu and Akato also rushed into the guards, and killed all the remaining guards like a whirlwind.

"Are you all right? If you are all right, let's proceed as planned!" Nahaxiu said as he looked at the uninjured team members.


Just as the seven assassination teams were attacking the front door of the mansion, a fierce battle was also going on in the corridor of the mansion.

Scott and Gozzi, both of them are masters from the Royal Fist Temple, and both of them are at the level of the Four Rakshasa Ghosts. The level that can be used as the unit of measurement for combat power in the original work naturally surpasses many people.

Scott raised his right hand towards Gozzi, and his five fingers instantly stretched out, shooting towards Gozzi like bullets.

The Four Rakshasa Ghosts, who have undergone brutal training, can control every part of their body at will. From the legs and feet to the hair, their length can be freely controlled, making every part of their body a weapon for killing.

After Gozzi avoided Scott's attack, he stretched out his hands and clenched his fists to fight back at Scott. The two sides fought back and forth, and for a while, no one could do anything to the other.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Suddenly, the whole mansion was filled with alarms, and all the guards were awakened and began to head to the battlefield.

"It looks like they broke through the gate." Goziqi smiled at Scott.

"Did you even bring the Elite Seven with you?" Scott's face was very ugly at this time. He didn't expect the man in front of him to spend so much money on this. After all, the Elite Seven was an assassination team that had been trained for several years. Losing one of them would be a huge loss.

"Of course, this is also part of the training. Or do you think that the guards here can threaten them?"

"Hahahaha... Of course the guards here can't do it, but that kid has the ability to do it."

"Don't worry, I told the kids not to attack him and his companions. After all, they will act together as a team in the future."

"Haha...really?" The smile on Scott's face made Goziqi feel uneasy. But before he could think, Scott attacked Goziqi again.

"Although he felt incredible at first, he remained calm after reacting. Scott seems to be planning something. It seems that we can't waste time with him like this!"Although he didn't know what Scott was planning, Goziqi decided to deal with him quickly. Goziqi took a few steps back and pulled out the long knife hanging on his waist.

"Is this the"Imperial Sword" Murasame? It's a really dangerous sword!"Scott looked at the long sword that Gozzi had pulled out, and his face began to become serious. As a member of the Imperial Fist Temple, Scott was naturally very clear about the power of this imperial sword.

One strike kills, Imperial Sword Murasame. Even if you are slightly scratched by the sword in front of you, you will be poisoned and die immediately. Moreover, this poison belongs to the cursed poison, so it has nothing to do with the body's resistance to poison. As long as you are injured by this sword, you will die.


The Orik mansion was attacked, and Abbott and his team naturally had to join the battle. Thanks to the effects of the drugs, the strength of the four of them has improved by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, when they met Nahasu, Cornelia and Green, they did not feel particularly nervous.

"Be careful, those four kids are the target."Nahash saw at a glance that Abbot and the other four were their targets, so he quickly reminded the other two.

""It's an intruder! Wex!" Abbott shouted, drawing his sword and rushing towards Nahashu and the other two, with Wex following behind him.

"Leave these two to me!���I'll leave it to you, but remember not to kill them." Nahasu instructed the other two, while raising the Water Dragon Sword to fight with Abbot and Wex.

Cornelia and Green rushed towards Molly and Zorn respectively, intending to subdue them.

""So strong!" Abbott and Wex, who were fighting with Nahashu, thought to themselves at the same time.

The man in front of them looked similar to them, but their strength was indeed very different, and it seemed that the other party did not use his full strength. The other two were also completely suppressed by the other party and had no power to resist for a while.

"Sure enough, even with drugs, they are no match for the other party!"Two guards were hiding aside, observing the battle and discussing the situation in front of them.

"It seems that we can only follow Scott's plan.……"

""Head! That guy is coming!" A guard suddenly came out and said in a panic

""Hurry up!"

On the battlefield, it seemed that the winner had been decided. Although drugs were used to enhance one's physical fitness, it was difficult for the body to maintain it forever. Especially when encountering a strong opponent, it would show up more quickly.

Abbot and the other four were quickly subdued and tied together. Nahaxiu and the other three surrounded them, smiling and comforting them not to be afraid. After all, in the eyes of Nahaxiu and the other three, these four people were just poor people who were used by the bad guys.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. We won't hurt you. We will tell you the whole truth after everything is over." Cornelia, one of the three, kept explaining to the four people.

"The invaders are here! Kill them!"A large number of guards came and began to surround Nahaxiu and the other two. Nahaxiu and the other two also hurriedly fought.

At the same time, a figure also quickly ran towards the battlefield.

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