Nahashu and the other six people all got goosebumps all over their bodies in an instant. Although they didn't know what Chu Yufan was going to do, judging from the momentum alone, it was probably a very powerful move.

Nahashu and Akagi both raised their weapons at the same time and stood in front of Cornelia and the others. They were probably the only two people in this team who could block Chu Yufan's attack.

Cornelia and Bonnie were also facing a formidable enemy. They stared at Chu Yufan intently, fearing that they would miss the other's actions and lose their lives. A closer look showed that the two had begun to sweat all over and looked very nervous.

"Hey, hey, hey... Who on earth is that person? Can we really capture him alive like this?" Guy sank his legs into the ground, ready to activate the ability of Servant's Thousand Layer Clothes at any time.

Tsukushi also raised Prometheus in his hand and aimed it at Chu Yufan, but from her shaking hands, it can be seen that she was quite scared at this moment.

"……The air... is vibrating?!"

Nahaxiu and Chitong noticed that the air around Chu Yufan's body began to distort gradually, as if it was shaking. Then Chu Yufan slowly opened his eyes and looked at Nahaxiu and others.


A feeling of being targeted by a super dangerous species arose in the hearts of the six people. At this time, the six people did not dare to move at all, as if if they moved a little, they would be killed by Chu Yufan in the next second!


Just as Chu Yufan was about to attack, Goziqi quickly flashed to the battlefield and blocked the middle, saying to Chu Yufan

""Thunder Breathing, Form 1, Thunderbolt Flash."

Chu Yufan did not respond to Goziqi, but slashed at him directly with a knife. A yellow flash flashed, and the next second the long knife in Chu Yufan's hand collided with the weapon in Goziqi's hand.

The huge force generated by the extremely fast speed made Goziqi fly out and kept retreating. Goziqi was very shocked by the speed of Chu Yufan's move, and at the same time he was very glad that he could arrive in time. Otherwise, even Nahaxiu, who had enhanced his combat power, could not receive this attack.

Chu Yufan was also surprised, although the Form 1 of Thunder Breathing had just been learned. But it was also a very powerful move, but the man in front of him could actually take this blow. It seems that the man in front of him is not at the same level as the few people he just saw.

The attack was fruitless again, and Chu Yufan could only choose to retreat again and look at Goziqi vigilantly. Obviously, Goziqi at this time is a very difficult existence for Chu Yufan to deal with.

""Huh! Did this knife calm you down a little? Can you listen to me?" Fortunately, Goziqi originally planned to take Chu Yufan under his command, so he did not attack again but asked softly.

"In fact, all this is a misunderstanding. We are here to help you. In fact, you and those children were deceived by Orrick. In order to train his own assassination team, Orrick joined forces with the rebels and destroyed your village."The fact is that Orrick asked his guards to dress up as rebels to destroy the village, but in order to maintain Chu Yufan's hidden hatred for the rebels in his heart, Goziqi said that Orrick and the rebels joined forces to do this.

In the final analysis, he just wanted to change the way to make Chu Yufan work for him.

"Since Orrick often assisted your village before, you have your trust in him. After the village is destroyed, you can only follow Orrick. This is our investigation report, you can take a look."Goziqi said, while taking out a book and throwing it to Chu Yufan.

Although Chu Yufan hesitated for a moment, he still took the book thrown by Goziqi and opened it to read. Chu Yufan quickly read the report briefly, but his face was still calm and expressionless.

Chu Yufan's calmness surprised Goziqi, but he continued to explain to him.

"The other children from your village... have been dealt with by Orrick... because he thought you were more valuable than the others. In order to save resources, they were all killed."

"As for the four people in your group, we plan to use drugs to control them out of consideration for your feelings, and at the same time make them stronger."

Chu Yufan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He finally understood why the strength of Abbott and the other four had improved by leaps and bounds.

"So, why did you kill them?"Chu Yufan looked at Nahaxiu and others and asked calmly.

"We didn't kill these four children, but the guards of Orrick framed us in order to create a conflict between us." Nahaxiu hurriedly explained after hearing Chu Yufan's words.

"The bullets fired by Tsukushi's weapons are different from those fired by Orrick's guards. This will become clear with a little investigation."Gozzi added.

"So that's it……"Chu Yufan said softly, and then he said no more. Instead, he put the long sword back into the scabbard again, and walked towards Nahaxiu and others.

Nahaxiu and others hurriedly stepped back to make way for him. Chu Yufan came to the bodies of Abbot and the other four, squatted down and just looked at them quietly.

How long have you all known each other? I forgot, it seems like I have known each other for a long time, so long that it seems like I can see each other for a lifetime. But life is ultimately fragile, and it may be separated at any time.

Chu Yufan didn't know what expression he should make, nor did he know what his mood was now, but he saw everything very clearly.

"Do you want me to join you?"

"That's right, there are many people in the empire who have the same experience as you. We must eliminate these people so that ordinary people can live a happy life!"Goziqi said to him passionately

"……"Okay, I'll join you after I bury them." Chu Yufan stood up and said lightly.

Chu Yufan knew very well that he couldn't completely trust what the man said. But he still decided to join this group of people first, because he wanted to know who his real enemy was.

And Goziqi in front of him was very likely the one who gave Chu Yufan the answer.

When Goziqi heard Chu Yufan agreed to join them, he laughed, but he didn't know that there were now two traitors in this team.

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