"I see... Is that why Guy-kun died?……"

Since they knew that Vinaigu had some secret skills, they had to be more cautious. Akahime, Green and Bonnie temporarily held the other party, and Tsukushi, since Prometheus was not a big threat to Vinaigu, chose to reunite with Kurohime and the other two, and learn the details of when Guy was killed.

Hearing about Guy's death, Tsukushi wanted to cry for a moment. But she still held back temporarily. She had to figure out the other party's ability, so that Akahime and the others could defeat the enemy.

"Guy's fatal injury came from his head, and according to the description of the battle situation by Akame and the others, Guy should have dealt a heavy blow to the opponent's head... Wait... Guy attacked the opponent's head... And Guy died because of a heavy blow to his head... So that's it!" Tsukushi's eyes lit up, and he had already guessed the opponent's secret technique.

"Everyone! Listen up! The enemy can transfer the damage they received to the opponent! Be careful if you want to deal a heavy blow to him!"Tsukushi shouted to Akame and the other two.

"What?! How did this kid know this? Did he figure it out just by listening to the three people's stories?"Vinagu was shocked. He didn't expect Tsukushi to figure out the ability of his secret technique so quickly.

"……So that's how it is. If you don't know this, you can't win against the other party." Chi Tong finally understood where the other party's confidence came from. If you inflict a heavy blow to the other party without knowing it, you will be killed by the other party's secret technique.

"Humph! What a despicable villain!"Green said angrily.

"Humph, a despicable villain? Compared to you thieves, I think I am still a gentleman."Vinagu said disdainfully

"And even if you know my abilities, what can you do to me with just a few of you?"

"My words... no... to be exact, only I can defeat you……"Akahime clenched the Kiri Ichimonji in her hand and said calmly

"Stop being so stubborn……"

"I am very strong now, because my sister is watching me. So, I will prove that you are not unbeatable!"Akagi got ready and challenged Vinaigu.

"Haha, interesting"

"Green, Bonnie, go and protect my sister, please, I'll take care of this guy." Chi Tong said to the two of them while Vinai Gu was still not moving.

"……"Okay." Both of them answered after a moment of hesitation. After all, their attacks had little effect on Vinaigu, and now they knew that the other party had a secret technique to transfer damage, so they could only leave it to Akame to deal with.

"Let me see how you can defeat me!"Vinagu flew forward and attacked Chitong. Chitong also quickly approached Venaigu, dodged the attack, slashed him twice and went around behind him

"Is that all?"Vinagu spit out flames again, and Akatsuki quickly dodged, intending to use the gap between attacks to get closer and attack again. However, what Akatsuki didn't expect was that Venaigu's flame attack did not stop.

"Look, I'm going to burn you to death with my fire breath!"

""Sister! Come on!" Hei Tong watched this scene and encouraged Chi Tong.

Chi Tong was immediately energized by her sister's encouragement. She rushed directly into the flames. Under Venai Gu's shocked eyes, Chi Tong rushed out of the flames and stabbed him twice again.

""Oh?! Her power has increased again. How did she do that?" asked Venetian.

"Because my sister is cheering me on.……"Akatsuki answered honestly

"Is that your reason... You are indeed a young man. However, no matter how hard you chop me, it will be useless. After all, this kind of minor injury can easily regenerate.……?!"At this time, Vinaigu discovered that the place that was cut by Akame showed no signs of regeneration.

No matter what kind of treatment medicine was used or how strong the regeneration ability was, the place that was cut by this demon sword could not be healed.

"watch out!"

"Then I'll use this move!"

Chi Tong instantly moved closer and stabbed Vinaigu in the abdomen, and Vinaigu also used the secret technique to feed the attack back to Chi Tong.


Akahima quickly retreated and quickly took out the healing medicine and poured it on the wound. Unlike Vinaigu's wound, Akahima's wound actually began to heal.

"The secret technique can only simply feedback damage, and cannot feedback other abilities."Akagi made a quick judgment.

"That'll do!" Chi Tong stepped forward again and slashed at Vinai Gu's body with the knife in his hand.

"……Is your plan to slowly wear me down with each blow? What a stupid idea, watch me continue to give you feedback!"Vinagu's secret technique was fully activated, wrapping his entire body in it.

But Chitong didn't care about that, and let it be fed back by his attacks. Each of Chitong's blows hit Vinaigu accurately, without cutting too deep, and at the same time making the opponent injured and bleeding.

Vinaigu also wanted to fight back, but he soon found that his attacks could not touch Chitong at all.

"No... I can't hit her at all... Did she already know my moves in the fight just now? Then I will use my own physical strength to deliberately create deeper wounds to give her feedback!"

"Bury you!" Chi Tong roared, and then slashed at Vinai Gu's neck with a knife, but Vinai Gu did not do any evasive action.


Something unexpected happened to Vinaigu again. Chi Tong's knife stopped and did not continue to chop towards the neck. Instead, it changed the knife path and attacked other positions again.

"Woo... Are you determined to slowly wear me down? This is not good, this guy is too talented in killing people.……"Vinai Gu was shocked and thought


Just as Chi Tong and Vinai Gu were in a tug-of-war, Chu Yufan finally met someone.

"Hmm?! Are you a gravekeeper too? You look like one, don't you?" Chu Yufan asked curiously, looking at the well-dressed lady in front of him.

"Hmm? This outfit... should be from the Imperial Assassination Corps. However, this feeling……"The queen in front of Chu Yufan is the reinforcement and the most powerful general of the empire, Esdeath.

What will happen when the two meet?

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