Back to earlier times……

"This feeling... is really wonderful……"Esdeath looked at Chu Yufan in front of her and felt a little unbelievable.

Of course, it was not because Chu Yufan was so handsome that Esdeath fell in love with him at first sight, but because she actually felt a hint of danger in this teenager.

"Interesting... This is really interesting.……"After a brief moment of surprise, Esdeath's eyes began to swell with endless fighting spirit.

Chu Yufan's face also became solemn. The woman in front of him made him feel extremely dangerous. If she was really the leader of the gravekeepers, then it would be a big trouble. At least the other people in the team would be dead if they met this woman.

"He seems to think of me as a gravekeeper.……"Esdeath thought to herself, and then said to Chu Yufan

"I am not a grave keeper, but a reinforcement sent by the empire."

"So that's how it is... Then I'll continue my action." Chu Yufan didn't say anything else after hearing this, but turned around and was about to leave


Just as Chu Yufan turned around and took a step forward, the hairs on his body stood up. Without any hesitation, Chu Yufan drew his sword and slashed backwards. The moment the two weapons collided, Chu Yufan flew backwards.

"He actually reacted... How interesting." Looking at Chu Yufan flying backwards, Esdeath felt that it was a good decision to come here today.

"You are indeed the leader of the gravekeepers, and you even said that they are reinforcements from the empire.……"Chu Yufan finally stood firm, took a stance and said to Esdeath

"I didn't lie... Forget it, let's fight first!" Esdeath said, raised the sword in his hand, and disappeared instantly.


The knife and the sword collided again, and the huge force of both sides caused the entire mausoleum to shake.

"Come again!"Feeling the power coming from the weapon, Esdeath couldn't help but get excited, and the weapon in her hand began to attack Chu Yufan quickly.

Chu Yufan was not to be outdone, and directly faced the enemy head-on.

The fight between the two sides was very fierce, and it also attracted the attention of others.

"These...these two people...are both invaders?"

"This is too scary. I can't beat it."

"Humph! What are you panicking about!"At this time, a man came out from the gravekeepers and shouted

"Look how I deal with them!" As soon as the man finished speaking, he transformed into a giant bear and rushed between the two men without fear.

"Don't get in the way!"

""Get out of my way!"

The two men roared at the same time, and the man who turned into a giant bear was instantly chopped into pieces by the weapons in their hands. The minced meat and blood immediately covered the entire corridor.



Seeing the miserable end of the strong gravekeeper, the other gravekeepers fled in panic.

"What on earth happened? Why did these two people fight?"

Nahasu and Cornelia were also attracted. When they saw Chu Yufan fighting with the imperial general Esdeath, they were also confused.

"Speaking of which... Chu Yufan doesn't seem to know some things about the empire yet?" Cornelia suddenly remembered something, then frowned and said uncertainly

"Ha? Are you kidding? How is that possible?" Nahashu looked incredulous.

She is the strongest in the empire! Anyone in the empire should have heard of Esdeath's name. How could Chu Yufan not know her?

"However, Chu Yufan was able to fight against the strongest person in the empire. How strong was he?……"Cornelia murmured as she watched the figures in battle.

As the two of them talked, the battle continued.

"Water Breathing, Type 3, Flow Dance"

"Water Breathing, Form of the Wild, Wave of Strike"

"Water Breathing, Land Form, Twisting Whirlpool."

Chu Yufan used three consecutive water breathing techniques and suppressed Esdeath for a while.

"Water Breathing, Seventh Form, Shizuku Ripple Strike."

Chu Yufan's knife tip stabbed towards Esdeath's heart at a very fast speed, but Esdeath turned the sword sideways to block the attack, but the power transmitted by the blade still pushed Esdeath back a few steps.

Esdeath, who had just stabilized her body, quickly counterattacked, and stabbed Chu Yufan's face with a thrust that was no less powerful than the Water Breathing Type 7. Chu Yufan dodged the attack by tilting his head and took two steps back, then he exerted force again to slash at Esdeath's waist.

Esdeath used the sword in her hand to block Chu Yufan's knife, and while Chu Yufan had not yet retracted his force, Esdeath quickly turned around and kicked Chu Yufan's head with his backhand.

Chu Yufan leaned back to avoid the kick, and then turned around and kicked towards Esdeath's position, and Esdeath punched out and collided with Chu Yufan's kick.

The two retreated at the same time, and the first round of the contest between the two sides was evenly matched.

"Although he didn't use his full strength, he was able to tie with me. He is a really good opponent."Esdeath looked at Chu Yufan and thought to himself

"This woman is so strong, and she seems to be able to handle it with ease."Chu Yufan commented in his heart

""Young man, you are great. Do you want to join my army?" Esdeath asked sincerely.

"How could I possibly join you? Don't be ridiculous." Chu Yufan replied firmly.

"That's a shame. If that's the case, let's take this opportunity to have a good fight!" Esdeath said confidently and full of fighting spirit.

"Come on then!"Chu Yufan, who hadn't met a strong opponent for a long time, was affected by Esdeath's emotions and felt his blood boiling.

Esdeath's eyes lit up slightly, and then he came to Chu Yufan, stretched out his arm like lightning and grabbed Chu Yufan's arm.

"Everything is frozen in front of me!"

In just a moment, Chu Yufan was frozen.

"In this case, how should you……"

"Breath of Fire, Form Two, Ascending Blaze."

The terrifying high temperature added to the blade also allowed Chu Yufan's body inside the ice to move. The long sword swung upwards, instantly shattering the ice completely.

"Just smash the ice? You really are not that easy to defeat!"Esdeath couldn't help but admire Chu Yufan after seeing him smash the ice easily.

"Breath of Fire, Type 1, Shiranui."

Chu Yufan did not reply, but directly attacked Esdeath.

"The speed is a little faster than before. Didn't he use his full strength just now? It's getting more and more interesting."While Esdeath was parrying Chu Yufan's attack, she was still observing Chu Yufan's movements.

"You don't seem to be an imperial weapon user, you will suffer if you do this." Esdeath stepped on the ground, and an ice spike appeared out of thin air and stabbed towards Chu Yufan.

"Breath of Fire, Form Three, All Forms of Fire."

The blade chopped off the ice spikes from top to bottom with flames, and then Chu Yufan found that Esdeath had prepared a large number of ice spikes waiting for him.

""Breathing of fire, form of rampage, vortex of flames."

The ice cone shot towards Chu Yufan like a bullet, and Chu Yufan swung the knife in his hand quickly to form a vortex of flames to block all the ice cones.


While Chu Yufan was defending against the ice cone attack, Esdeath had already quickly circled behind Chu Yufan and stabbed him with a sword.

Chu Yufan jumped up to avoid the sword and passed over Esdeath's head to get behind Esdeath.

""Breath of Fire, Form Five, Flame Tiger!"

The flames wrapped around the blade gradually formed the shape of a huge tiger head, and the Flame Tiger opened its mouth wide and was about to bite Esdeath. Esdeath quickly opened an ice wall and directly burst the entire Flame Tiger.

The two sides entered a tug-of-war again and began to move to other parts of the mausoleum. Nahashu and Cornelia, who were watching the battle, also hurried to catch up. Although they could not intervene or stop the fight between the two, it was not bad to be a spectator and watch the battle.

The two kept moving in the passage of the mausoleum while fighting, and the whole mausoleum kept shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

"You can keep up with my speed, that's great." Esdeath stopped and looked at Chu Yufan who was chasing her closely, and she once again looked up to him.

"Why did you stop?" Chu Yufan asked

"I ask you again, are you willing to join (referring to joining the Esdeath Army) under my command?"

"I'll say it again, I can't possibly join your team."

"That's a shame.……"Before Esdeath finished her words, a terrifying aura suddenly rose from her body, and she also took an attacking stance.

"Such a strong momentum, has she not used her full strength from just now until now?"Sensing the pressure brought by Esdeath, Chu Yufan also prepared to use his strongest moves.

"Thunder Breathing!"

After Chu Yufan's continuous practice, the current Thunder Breathing Form 1 can already exert the strongest power of the basic form.

"One move determines the outcome!"

Esdeath thrust out with all her strength. This strike did not involve any technique, only powerful force and extreme speed.

""Thunder Breath, Form One, Thunderbolt Flash." The sword-drawing slash, which also possessed extreme speed, collided with the tip of the sword. The air instantly twisted, and a shock wave spread out in all directions, continuously impacting the mausoleum.


There was a sudden noise from the floor where the two of them were standing, and then the entire floor where the two of them were standing collapsed instantly.

Fortunately, there was no abyss under the floor, but a hall on another floor. Chi Tong and the others were looking at Esdeath and Chu Yufan falling from the ceiling in amazement.

"Be careful! Everyone, this woman is the leader of the gravekeepers!"Chu Yufan saw Chi Tong and others just happened to be here, so he hurriedly warned them.

"……Isn't she General Esdeath of the Empire? When did she become the leader of the gravekeepers?" Hearing Chu Yufan's call, Green asked in confusion.


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