The imperial capital is quite far from Tatsumi's village. Even after Chu Yufan's training, it would take about five days for the three of them to reach the imperial capital.

On the third night, Tatsumi and the other two made a fire and camped by the road to rest.

"We will reach the imperial capital in two days. I wonder what kind of people we will meet."Tatsumi said as he grilled the meat he hunted.

"Master told us to be careful of the residents in the imperial capital. I hope we don't run into any strange guys." said Shayou.

"I wonder if I can meet my master?" Iyeas said, lying on the ground and looking at the sky.

"Of course, the capital is so big, I wonder where I can find it... Hmm?"Tatsumi said halfway, suddenly put down the skewers in his hand, and slowly put his hand on the handle of the knife beside him.

Sau also put his hand on the bow behind his back, and although Iyeas was still lying on the ground, his hand was also on the handle of the knife beside him.

""Swish, swish, swish"

Many arrows suddenly shot out from the nearby bushes. The three people who had been prepared reacted quickly. Tatsumi and Iyeas shot down all the incoming arrows, while Sau quickly took out his longbow and counterattacked in the direction of the arrows. Soon, screams were heard from the bushes.

"Good boy! You reacted so quickly!"

In an instant, more than 20 people jumped out of the bushes and surrounded Tatsumi and the other two. The leader shouted at them.

"I originally planned to let the three of you die quickly, but I never expected that you would kill several of my brothers. When I catch you, I will make sure you are crushed to ashes!"

"Looks weak……"Iyeas looked around and said

"Don't be careless, don't forget what Master taught us."Shayou reminded

"What Shayou said is right, we have to be careful and defeat them as quickly as possible!"Tatsumi said solemnly

"Kill them for me!" The leader gave an order and everyone rushed towards Tatsumi and the other two.


Facing an opponent other than Chu Yufan for the first time, Tatsumi was a little nervous at first. But then he realized that the group of people in front of him were just a group of guys with low combat effectiveness.

"Water Breathing, Three Forms, Flowing Dance."

After several months of training, Tatsumi successfully learned Water Breathing. He was also the only one among the three who could use the basic breathing method.

As for ordinary bandits, Tatsumi just passed through the crowd and those people were killed by Tatsumi.

Having strength is not enough, and character is also one of the important factors that affect the strength. Therefore, Chu Yufan naturally would not educate the three people to be saints who only have strength and are kind to the enemy, so Tatsumi could kill these bandits without hesitation.

"Breathing of sound, form of freedom, slashing without end."

Iyeas learned the breathing of sound, so the weapon he used was a little bigger than the other two. His movements would cause a small explosion, which could wipe out the enemy in front of him.

"These two little brats are so strong?! Damn... Oh, there's a girl too!" The leader looked at Shayou, who was fighting back with a bow and arrow. She looked so weak that she definitely wouldn't fight in close combat.

"You guys! Go grab that woman and take her hostage!"

"Yes!"The six people next to the leader rushed towards Shayou.

Seeing this, Shayou frowned and shot arrows at the six people while retreating. However, these six people were obviously slightly stronger and blocked all of Shayou's arrow attacks.


Looking at the six people approaching her, Shayou sighed helplessly. This performance made the six people feel that Shayou in front of them would not fight in close combat.……

"Flower Breathing, Form 3, Mikage Plum."

Sau quickly drew the knife from her waist and killed all six people who were close to her in just a moment.

"Alas, I prefer long-range attacks to close combat."Sayou said helplessly when she saw this.

"Bastard!"The leader saw this and knew that this operation was a complete failure. Just as he was about to give the order to retreat, he was shot in the throat by a bow and arrow from Shayou. The rest of the people were quickly killed by the three men.

"Phew! It’s finally done." said Iyeas

"Yes, it seems that we have become much stronger. If it were in the past, we would have to flee."Sayou said with a smile

"Good! Then let's use this momentum to head towards the imperial capital!"



Two days later, at the gate of the imperial capital,

Tatsumi and the other two stood there motionless, obviously all three of them were shocked by the prosperity of the imperial capital.

"This... this is too spectacular." Tatsumi showed a country boy's expression.

"Calm down, Tatsumi. Don't show such a country bumpkin expression! People will look down on you!"Iyeas said in a panic.

"Alas... you two are really so ignorant, aren't you?" Shayou complained, holding her forehead, but her slightly trembling legs showed that she was not calm at the moment.

"Anyway, let's go for a walk first. See if we can find a master, or some good job opportunities."

So the three of them started walking towards the city. There were a lot of people on the road. There were also many gadgets that the three of them had never seen before, which made the three of them feel very curious about everything. Unknowingly, the three of them walked on the road from day to night.

""Oh no! It's already dark!" said Iyas.

"Let's find a place to stay first." said Shayou

""Stop! Who are you?" A voice came from behind the three people. It was a member of the security team who was patrolling nearby.

Because of the night raids and the White Death, the imperial capital now has a curfew at night. Except for some dignitaries, ordinary civilians are not allowed to go out.

Therefore, Tatsumi and the other two who were wandering outside at this time would naturally be regarded as suspicious people.

"We are members of the security team, responsible for the security of the imperial capital. Now I suspect that you are spies of the rebels, please come with us for investigation!"The leading member of the security team, his eyes lit up instantly when he saw Sau, and then he said to Tatsumi and the other two

"That...we are……"

"Shut up, follow us back to the security station and we'll talk." The leader interrupted Tatsumi and surrounded the other two.

""Wait a minute!"

Just when Tatsumi and the other two were at a loss, a female voice stopped the guards' actions. Everyone looked over there and saw a luxurious carriage parked there. A girl with short blond hair and a blue dress got off the carriage.

When the girl got off the carriage, the guards, including the leader, immediately looked very respectful.

"Hello, Miss Arya!"

"As soon as I came out, I saw you bullying outsiders again. When will you change this bad habit?"Arya said to the guards

"Miss, we are……"

"All right, all right, my father and I will vouch for it. There is nothing wrong with these three country folks, understand?"

"……Yes."Anyone who can be a guard in the imperial capital naturally knows who the father behind Arya is. No matter how unwilling he is, he can only agree.

"You three, do you want to come and live at my house?"

"Miss, this……"

"There is nothing I can do about it. It's just my personality."Arya said to her guards, and then looked at Tatsumi and the other two.

"By the way, God is under curfew at night. If you continue to hang out outside, you will be arrested."


Hearing this, Tatsumi and the other two looked at each other. After confirming their eyes, Tatsumi replied:

"Thank you, Miss, for taking me in."

"Okay, it's settled then. I'm Arya."

"My name is Tatsumi, and these two are Satsuyu and Iyeas.

""Wow! Sister Sayu's hair is so long and beautiful!" Arya reached out and touched Sayu's hair.

Although Arya was talking about Sayu's hair with a smile on her face, Sayu felt uncomfortable all over.

"Tsk! The duck that was in hand flew away just like that."After Arya and Tatsumi and the other two left, the leader of the guard team cursed in a low voice.

"But then again, since those three were favored by Miss Arya, it would be better for them to return to the police station with us."One of the team members said.

In this way, Tatsumi and the other two were taken in by Arya. Arya's parents were also very enthusiastic when they saw Arya bringing three country people back. They ordered the servants to prepare a sumptuous meal for them.���

After eating and drinking, Tatsumi and the other two obviously felt that they were not able to hold their liquor. So they said goodbye to Arya and her parents, went back to the room Arya had prepared, and fell asleep. Just as the three of them were sleeping, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door.

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