"Strange? Why can't I find her anywhere?" Leone has entered the beast state, and her sensory ability has been enhanced to the extreme, but she can't feel the location of Arya on the assassination list.

""Akagi, Brand, did you find anything?" Leone asked the two of them.


"Nothing was found except the guards."

"How strange! Could it be that Arya has escaped? If so,……"Leone shuddered, and Najeta's face appeared in Leone's mind.

"Leona! We found something here!" Lubbock rushed over and said.

The four of them came to the warehouse, and Maine and Hill were waiting at the door with disgust on their faces.

"Arya is dead, in the warehouse."Hill said.

Leone and Akame entered the warehouse and saw Arya's body. Leone went forward to check and found that Arya was strangled to death by a hand.

"The door of one cell was forced open. It seems that the captured person escaped and killed Arya."Akagi said standing in front of the cell.

"Hmm... Interesting, I wonder if I can find this person."As someone who is looking for assassination talent, Leone instantly became interested. If they could easily escape after being caught by this family, then this family wouldn't have taken so many lives.

"Hmm?"The imperial weapon in Lubbock's hand suddenly reacted.

Lubbock's imperial weapon, the ever-changing [Cross Tail], is a strong linear imperial weapon that can be used to set traps or deploy detection barriers. It can also be used to form weapons or armor to protect itself. It is truly ever-changing.

"The barrier line set up outside the house has reacted. It seems that the members of the security team have arrived."Larber said

""Retreat!" Leone said.

After Akahime and the others retreated, the guards arrived. The leader was a girl with a long ponytail and a puppy-like animal in her arms. Seeing the corpses on the ground, her face was filled with anger.

"Everyone in the house was dead, and some of the bodies had traces of curses, probably caused by the imperial weapon Murasame."

"Was it a night raid?……"The girl said viciously

"I must kill them!!"


""Huh! Huh! I didn't expect there would be a thin line of security outside the house." Tatsumi said as he ran

"Fortunately, Shayou found it, otherwise the other party would have found it."Iyeas said

"Let's find a place to hide first. There are more and more people around here."


The three of them randomly found a high tower and climbed to the top in no time. They then spent their first night in the imperial capital there.

Since it would be too conspicuous to climb down from the tower during the day, the three of them climbed down at dawn. Then they hid here and there until people started walking on the street. Only then did they dare to show up.

"Phew! It’s finally dawn. What bad luck!"Sayou complained

"Let's find a place to stay first, so we don't have to sleep on the street again tonight."Tatsumi said.

The three of them looked for several hotels, and finally found a cheaper one with an honest owner and booked a room.

After solving the housing problem, the three of them began to look for job opportunities on the street or to find their master Chu Yufan.

""Eh?! Look!" Iyeas saw the wanted poster posted on the city wall and whispered to the other two.

The three came to the wanted poster, which had photos of Akame, Brand and Hill printed on it. However, the three of them just glanced at it and then looked at the wanted poster at the top.

Although the person in the photo was wearing a mask, the long sword in his hand was quite familiar to Tatsumi and the other two. The three looked at each other, but no one said what they were thinking. The three then went straight back to the hotel where they lived.

"That's the master, right?" Iyeas said.

"Of course, that black long sword is so familiar."

"White Death... sounds so cool." said Shayou

"It turns out that the master ended up being a killer.……"Tatsumi said

"Well, but in this case...how can I find my master? After all, it would be hard to find him in this state, right?"

"No, it's much easier this way.……"Sau looked at Tatsumi and Iyeas and said

"We can also buy a mask and put it on the wanted poster of the capital!"


At night, on the bustling streets of the imperial capital

"Lord Ouka! Thank you so much for your care these days!"

"Thank you for your hard work on duty, Lord Ouka!"

"Oh! Those are just small matters. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can continue to come to me."

Ouka, nicknamed"Demon Ouka", is the highest captain of the Imperial Capital Guard. If ordinary people saw the scene just now, they would definitely think that this Ouka is a very responsible person for protecting the imperial capital.

It's a pity that this guy is just a person who is responsible for collecting money and then absolving the rich of their crimes. In order to absolve the people who bribed him, it is his daily life to make up false charges and put innocent people in jail.

In today's empire, such things are also commonplace.

"Hahaha, I am the king on this street! Power is supreme, and I can do whatever I want!" Ouka walked on the road, enjoying the praises of ghosts and monsters on the roadside.

Ouka, who was already a little bit in a daze, did not notice that in the middle of the crowd in front of him, there was a man wearing a cloak and a white mask on his face standing quietly.

But the strange thing is that the man dressed so strangely did not attract the attention or panic of the crowd. Everyone walking on the street would unconsciously avoid him, and then just pass by him.


Oka suddenly felt a trace of murderous aura, and he woke up instantly. His right hand instinctively placed on the weapon on his waist. Just after doing this, he found that his vision was upside down. It was not until he saw his body standing there straight that he realized that his head had been chopped off.

This process happened in an instant, until the blood at the cut gushed out like a fountain and sprinkled on the passers-by, and then they reacted.

"Murder! Someone was killed!"

"What's going on? What just happened?"

"Oh my God! Lord Ouka was killed. Go and notify the security team!"

The cloaked man who did all this was already standing on the roof.

"Well... I still failed. No matter how I attack, I will still reveal my killing intent at the last moment. Even a small character like this can detect it."After taking off the white mask, Chu Yufan's frowning face was revealed.

"It seems that if I want to enter that state, I still need to continue to hone my skills." Chu Yufan said to himself, and then looked at the moon in the sky.

"I wonder if Tatsumi and the other two have arrived at the imperial capital?"

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