"Next is the development of the intelligence organization and the changes in personnel. Please review it." Alyssa took out a document and handed it to Chu Yufan.

"Oh, I feel very relieved to leave this matter to you"

"No matter what, you are the leader of this organization, so you still need to understand the basic situation."Alyssa said helplessly

""Okay, okay, I got it." Chu Yufan could only check the file.

"It's only been a month, what could have changed?……?!"Chu Yufan was originally looking at the document carelessly, but then his eyes widened

"Thanks to Nishimiya's hard work, the entire organization is now developing rapidly. The intelligence network has completely covered every corner of the empire, including the intelligence agents I have inserted into the revolutionary army operating secretly in the imperial capital."Alyssa said proudly

"……This"Hidden" unit now has 5,000 people... Did you write an extra zero?"Chu Yufan pointed to a piece of data in the file and asked.

Chu Yufan knew the details of the"Hidden" unit. After all, it was his idea to establish this unit. As the basic combat force of the organization, if I remember correctly, Chu Yufan's requirement at that time was that every"Hidden" member must have the combat power of the Empire Assassination Force.

"That's right, the reason why it developed so fast was because he took over the Xigong territory. After all, he originally raised private soldiers in his own territory."Alyssa explained

"Oh, so I found a ready-made one."Chu Yufan finally understood. He was really scared. After all, if he could really train 5,000 soldiers in a month, comparable to the imperial assassination corps, it would be too exaggerated. If that was the case, wouldn't he be able to wear the yellow robe directly after waiting for another year or two? After all, the combat effectiveness of the assassination corps was not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

"I have to say that what Nishimiya left behind is pretty good. In addition to a large number of rare minerals, each territory also has a complete set of forging factories. It can be said that with these things, at least 90% of the organization's development time can be saved."Alyssa said

""Huh! I roughly understand it." After looking through the documents for a while, Chu Yufan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not that outrageous, and it was basically all ready-made.

However, Chu Yufan's current thinking was undoubtedly underestimating Elisa's operational capabilities.

"Hmm...should we take down the revolutionary army as well?" Alyssa looked at Chu Yufan and this thought came to her mind.


"As the master said, the imperial capital is not that beautiful. Tatsumi said as he walked down the street and looked around.

"Ah...yeah, if I wasn't prepared……"Shayou shuddered as she recalled what happened at Arya's house.

"It looks like it's not as good as the village."Iyeas said.

The surface of the prosperous imperial capital is just the surface. Beggars can be seen everywhere, merchants bowing and scraping to the guards, and there is a special execution ground for those who oppose the ministers.

"Don't run! Stop right there!"

"Pay off my previous debts as soon as possible!"

"And hand over the money you cheated my big brother with! Bastard!!!"

The sudden noise attracted the attention of Tatsumi and the other two. A big sister with short blond hair was being chased and ran towards them.

"Hmm...it's worthy of being the imperial capital." Tatsumi said

""Yeah... that's right." Iyeas said.

The two of them looked at a certain part of the runaway elder sister from time to time, and said in admiration. Seeing this, Sayou on the side also looked at herself, and felt inferior for a moment and made a"tsk" sound.

However, in the imperial capital, if you peek casually, you will be unlucky.

Leone, who was chased by the creditors, naturally noticed the gazes of Tatsumi and Iyeas, and saw that the three were from the countryside, so he directly taught them a lesson.

"Boss! Hurry up and give them the money back!" Leone ran up to the three of them and shouted

"?!"Tatsumi and the other two were confused

"If you can't pay it back, you can sell yourself!" Leone said this and ran away.

"Hey! You three are Leona's boss, right?"Just as Tatsumi and the other two looked at each other, the creditors naturally heard Leona's shout and intercepted the three of them.

"These three people obviously don't look alike, right?" One of them whispered

"Are you stupid? Leone has already disappeared. Who cares if the three of them know her or not? The most important thing is to get the money."Another person cursed in a low voice.

"That...we don't……"

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you still trying to quibble? Everyone on the street heard what Leona just said!"The leading creditor interrupted Tatsumi and said

"If you can't pay it back, you can sell yourself.……"The creditor said as he looked at Sau and licked his lips.

Tatsumi and the other two also understood that these people knew they couldn't catch up with the big sister just now, so they planned to use them as scapegoats.

"Have you thought it through? If you have,……?!"Before the leading creditor could finish his words, Tatsumi and the other two disappeared right in front of them.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

"Damn, how come these three guys run so fast!"

After a while, the three of them ran into an abandoned alley.

"Damn it! If we hadn't been on the street just now, we would have knocked them down long ago." Shayou wiped the sweat from her forehead and said

"Oh, I didn't expect you guys to run so fast."

The three of them looked up and saw the elder sister who had just escaped hiding on the balcony. She jumped up and jumped in front of the three of them.

"Hey! You made us get chased for no reason!"Iyeas said angrily.

"Hey~ Don't say that~ You two were staring at the front of me just now, weren't you happy? Just consider this as interest." Leone blew a kiss and said

"What is your purpose? I'm afraid it's not as simple as just chatting with us, right?" Sayou looked at Leona and asked directly

"No~ I see you three came to the capital from the countryside, right? I have a good job here~ Are you interested in joining~" Leone asked with a smile.

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