Ji Yan'er's surprise flashed by. She looked up at the signature left by Ye Buqiu and said, "you are the same as your name, but it's very special."

"You're special, aren't you?" Ye Buqiu pointed to the surrounding wild environment and laughed“ If I were a normal person, I wouldn't run to this mountain at this time. Moreover, it's still the back mountain of Xiyuan, which is' forbidden to enter '. "

"I like to be here alone." Ji Yan'er put all the brushes and pencils into the pencil bag beside him. At the same time, she took down the paper from the easel and carefully put it into the bucket.

See Ji Yan son is about to put away the easel, ye Bu Qiu is a step ahead. See ye Buqiu automatic her easel, Ji Yan'er Liu Mei slightly wrinkled, but still did not say anything.

"This kind of coolie can't be done by a delicate girl." Ye Buqiu naturally feels Ji Yaner's displeasure to his behavior, but he doesn't care.

Ye Buqiu looked around, thought about it, and said, "it's going to be late. It's not safe to go down until the sun sets completely. Let me help you to take down the easel. If you carry these things by yourself, it's easy to trip and fall. This is a stone ladder. If you fall down, something serious will happen. "

"Good." Ji Yan Er nodded and stood up.

The two cleaned up on the top of the mountain. When they saw that there was no rubbish, they went down together. Ji Yan'er puts all kinds of small tools on her backpack, turns on her mobile phone, lights the road and takes the lead. Ye Buqiu holds the easel in one hand and the bench in the other, and follows her closely.

Slowly from the stone ladder down the two people all the way silent, walked for about five minutes, finally ye Buqiu broke the calm, asked: "Ji Yan'er, you should be a student of Ming University?"

"Sophomore." Ji Yan son's simple reply, the tone is still so calm.

"Or my sister, do you study art? The technique of painting is so good that I don't think some famous painters in China can match you. " Ye Buqiu said with a smile. This sounds like flattery, but in fact, Ji Yan'er's painting level is really superb, and those famous painters may not be as good as her.

"It's just a hobby."

"Hobbies?" This time, ye Buqiu was surprised. He didn't expect to pick up a hobby casually, which was of such a high standard“ So what's your major? "

Ji Yan'er stops and looks back at ye Buqiu. Seeing his face full of doubts, he says, "natural research major."

"This is a good major. Only by being close to nature can we know the greatness and vastness of nature. And in nature, it's easy to relax and go back to the basics. There's no more urban intrigue, no more materialistic desires, and no class food chain fights. It's great. " Ye Buqiu said with the same feeling.

Ji Yan'er looks at ye Buqiu one more time, doesn't speak, and continues to drive.

Nearly ten minutes later, they finally reached the foot of the mountain, and at this time, it was dark. During this period, they are chatting with each other, but almost all of them are asked by Ye Buqiu. Ji Yaner answers selectively.

They come to the iron gate with a "no entry" sign on it. To ye Buqiu's surprise, Ji Yan'er has the key to the iron gate. Her movements are very skillful. It is obvious that she often "patronizes" the back hill of Xiyuan.

After closing the iron door, ye Buqiu weighed the weight of the stool and easel in his hand, and said with a smile to Ji Yan'er, "it's not proper for a girl to take this easel, and it's still heavy. I'd better help to send it to your dormitory."

Ji Yan'er thought about it, nodded and agreed: "OK."

At this time, there were very few people in Xiyuan. They walked shoulder to shoulder, but they didn't see a pedestrian. Occasionally, they were all those little lovers who were in the grass. Xiyuan Road is equipped with night lights. The dim lights do not hinder the night travel. The light on the top of the head pulls the shadow of two people on the ground very long.

Out of Xiyuan is the famous food city in Mingzhu University. The food city is introduced by foreign businessmen. Various fragrant streets crisscross the city. There are many people in the city. No matter where you are, you can see students wandering around or eating.

In this period of time, the popularity of the food city is obviously much more than that of the snack street in the west of the school, but ye Buqiu is a little excited. Smelling the fragrance of various snacks floating out of the Food City, ye Buqiu, who had dinner not long ago, had some cravings, which made him sigh. It seems that Chinese food is really a magical element.

But Ji Yan'er didn't have the slightest bit of heart. She chose a remote and dark path, carrying a delicate white backpack and walking slowly alone. See Ji Yan son so, leaf not autumn had to carry easel bench to follow up.

Just as she was walking, Ji Yan'er suddenly stopped. She looked up at the "purple potato meatball shop" not far from her. Her face was slightly moved. Ye Buqiu feels Ji Yan'er's strange look and looks back at her face. He immediately puts down the easel bench and trots to the purple potato meatball shop. When he comes back, he has two more boxes of purple potato meatballs in his hand.

Ye Buqiu handed two boxes of purple potato balls to Ji Yaner: "there are two kinds of flavors in the store. I don't know which one you like, so I bought them all at once."

Ji Yan'er looks down at the purple potato ball on ye Buqiu's hand, and doesn't take it.

Ye Buqiu thought Ji Yan'er was embarrassed and said with a smile, "don't be embarrassed. This little thing is nothing. It's just a gift I gave you. Anyway, we are friends."

"Friends?" Ji Yan'er chews these two words. She hasn't heard anyone say these words to her for a long time.

"Yes. Although we've known each other for less than an hour, I'm in love with you. I really hope to make you a friend. Of course, if you like... "

"Thank you." Ji Yan'er takes the purple sweet potato balls from ye Buqiu.

"Let's find a place to sit and eat. It's not good to eat standing like this."


They found a bench not far away. As soon as they sat down, Ji Yan'er couldn't wait to open the purple potato ball in her hand. No matter whether it was hot or not, she directly grabbed it with her hand and threw it into her small mouth. All of a sudden, her mouth was full of stuffing. It was so beautiful and lovely, completely overturning the quiet image given to ye Buqiu at the beginning.

After eating a lot, Ji Yan'er seems to realize that there is a person sitting next to her. Her pretty face turns red slightly. Fortunately, the light around is dim and she can't see clearly. Ji Yan'er handed another unopened box to ye Buqiu and said, "I can't finish it by myself. Let's have this box for you."

"Good." Ye Buqiu takes over, also learning Ji Yan'er's appearance, directly grasps with the hand to eat. As soon as he ate it, ye Buqiu immediately praised the purple potato meatball. It was scorched outside and moist inside. It smelled sweet, but it tasted moist and warm, and didn't feel hot at all.

No wonder the girl is so inconsiderate in eating.

The box of purple potato balls looks very small, but the weight is enough. Let alone Ji Yan'er, ye Buqiu feels very supportive when eating a whole box. However, when ye Buqiu had just finished burping, a voice sounded around him.

"Ji Yan'er, Ji Yan'er, it's really Ji Yan'er!" A girl just passing by suddenly screamed. And the girl's scream, immediately attracted a lot of people.

"Hello, jiyaner, you are my goddess. Can you take a picture with me?"

"Sister Ji Yan'er, I worked hard for you, studied hard and went to this school, otherwise I would go to Yanda... Ouch, why do you pinch me? I don't want people to tell the truth... OK, OK, I admit that I come in by relationship, but it's also for Ji Yaner's elder sister... "

"Ji Yan'er, I love you." What's more, he just yelled.

Looking at the two people instantly became the object of others, ye Buqiu was shocked, opened his mouth to look at Ji Yan'er, and asked inconceivably: "Ji Yan'er, you are very famous?"

In fact, at noon, big Hu Yuan instilled all kinds of things about Ji Yan'er in ye Buqiu's ear, but ye Buqiu's goods were all from left ear to right ear, and he didn't pay attention to them, so he didn't know that the white dress girl in front of her... Is Ji Yan'er, the first school flower recognized by Mingzhu University.

Ji Yan'er hasn't said anything yet. The students who have heard ye Buqiu's words are not happy.

"This classmate, you can insult me, insult my roommate, my object can also, but I don't allow you to disrespect Ji Yaner, or I will throw white gloves to challenge you."

"Hey, boy, don't be ungrateful. How dare you blaspheme our goddess like this? Aren't you afraid we'll spit on you?"

"Who do you dare to sit next to the goddess?"

When ye Buqiu heard these words, he suddenly wanted to cry. I just asked a question. You said that I insulted others. Is there any reason? Is there any royal law?

Ji Yan'er is obviously used to such cases. She calmly said to the onlookers: "students, thank you for your respect for me, but I still hope you can respect my private life. I'm just a student in Mingzhu University. I'm not a big star and I don't deserve your love."

"Ji Yan'er, you are wrong. In our hearts, you are more important than those so-called big stars."

"Yes, Ji Yaner. Since you don't want us to be like this, let's leave. Please forgive me and don't blame us for our recklessness. "

Everyone talks, but no one is rude to Ji Yan'er. Ye Buqiu secretly thumbs up and sighs that the beauty effect is really powerful!


A blue Rolls Royce Limited Edition Yaoying came quickly, and the crowd quickly made way for a road. Rolls Royce stopped in front of Ji Yan'er. When the car door opened, a sunny and handsome man with eyes came down from the car. The man was wearing a white shirt, tailored suit pants, a pair of Italian style shoes on his feet, and a figure of 1.8 meters. He was a real man.

"Get in the car." The man said gently to Ji Yan'er.

"Good." Ji Yan'er nods.

The man walks up to ye Buqiu, takes away the easel and bench from him and says "thank you". He goes to the back and helps Ji Yan'er open the car door. Ji Yan'er takes a look at ye Buqiu and goes in.

The man returned to the driver's seat and told Ji Yan'er to wear a seat belt and drive slowly. After a period of time, he gently said, "who is he?"

"Friends." Looking at Ji Yaner outside the window in the back, she answered calmly.

"Friends?" The man murmured, then no longer think, will be thinking after seriously driving the car.

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