"There are many forms of drama performance, including drama, opera, dance drama, puppet show and so on. Due to the differences in cultural backgrounds, the dramatic forms produced by different cultures often have unique traditions and procedures... "

In the classroom, Zhang Zhenhua, an old professor of drama, stood in the classroom and talked about the boring content step by step, regardless of the sleepy students at the bottom.


There was a sound at the door of the classroom.

Lying on the table, the students are sleeping. They look up and rub their eyes to see which guy is disturbing their dreams. Professor Zhang Zhenhua also pushed his old glasses and looked at them.

"Classmate, what are you doing? It's class time now. We'll wait until class is over. " Zhang Zhenhua looked at the strange looking student and said with a smile.

"Teacher, he is a student of our class! It's called Ye Buqiu. He's a new student from Dean Jiao! "

"Yes. It is said that he is Gu YuYan's gossip boyfriend! Our classmate Ye is a famous person in Ming University now

"A few days ago, I made a ranking on the school draft? I voted for ye! "


When Professor Zhang Zhenhua heard the students' comments, he didn't embarrass ye Buqiu for being late. With a kind smile on his face, he told him, "come in, don't be late next time."

"Thank you, teacher!" Ye Buqiu said with respect.

Because drama is a big class, the three classes of the director department are all taught together. So just after ye Buqiu stepped into the classroom, he could see Hu Yuan, who kept waving to him.

Ye Buqiu smiles and walks towards the three.

The seats for three people are relatively backward, but there are many vacant seats. He sat down on the right side of Gu Shiyu, looked at a pool of water stains in front of Hu Yuan, and said with a smile, "is this lesson so boring? It's making your mouth water? "

"Second, you don't know!" Tang Duoduo said bitterly.

"Although Mr. Zhang Zhenhua is an old artist in our college, you don't know how boring his lectures are! On the first day of class, half of our professional people slept, a quarter of them were reading novels and playing with mobile phones, and a quarter of them occasionally looked up to listen to the class, but they understood very little. "

"Second, third, that's true! Even if I love learning and life, I can't bear the merciless devastation of Mr. Zhang Zhenhua! " Hu Yuan also said bitterly.

Ye Buqiu pointed to the dense notes written in front of Gu Shiyu and said, "if it's really boring, why can Lao Si listen to it?"

"Professor Zhang is an excellent artist. And drama is the quintessence of Chinese culture. I'm very interested in these cultures. " Gu Shiyu said with a smile.

"Traitor!" Tang duo murmured.


"That's fine!"

"I remember the contribution fee of senior four today. It's his treat at noon! "

In the wailing of the students, the drama study in the first two sections of the morning finally passed. But when they suddenly thought of the next two lessons, they almost fell to the ground.

"There's a hypnotic kid, and there's a cannibal Yama. I can't live this day! " Tang Duoduo also howled.

"What is hell? Yama is still a bit humanized. This menopausal woman is just a tigress, OK

"Guess how many people will be thrown out of the classroom this time?"

"I guess three! Bet on a bag of spicy sticks

"Ten, I guess."

Although Professor Zhang Zhenhua's teaching method is old-fashioned and traditional, the content is very rich. Ye Buqiu stopped seriously and benefited a lot.

When ye make complaints about Professor Zhang's drama, he heard all kinds of tucking noises around him. So he looked at the jade coin and asked, "what's going on?" How can one by one be more miserable than killing a pig? "

"What else can we do? It's huqin, our professional film teacher!" Gu Shiyu thought of the teacher and showed some fear“ In the first class, three of us were carried outside the classroom by her with chairs on our backs. In the second class, she was even more ruthless. She asked our sleeping classmates to run on the playground with the sign "sleeping and drooling."

"That's tough." Ye Buqiu picked his eyebrows. Now this kind of corporal punishment is very rare in high school, let alone Free University?


The bell rings for class.

All of them, like a pupil, sat upright in their seats, gazing at the door of the classroom.

Under the circumstance of "the attention of the public", Hu Qin, a little fat and short, came to the classroom with great vigour, walked to the platform and scanned the students sitting in front of him, showing a smile.

Everyone was shocked.

Does the tigress laugh? Is it the second spring?

"Today I have good news for you. In the morning, a special teacher will take the place of me to give lectures for you Hu Qin said.


Immediately, the hearts of the people began to laugh.

No matter who takes the place of this female tiger, it is better than this female tiger in class.

"Let's welcome this special teacher with warm applause." Hu Qin took the lead in clapping.

There was no small applause and discussion in the classroom, looking at the door of the classroom.

A tall woman in a cap and a red T-shirt with the three letters gyy came in from the outside.

Tall woman has a concave and convex body, white skin, black thick hair over the shoulder, her whole body is full of noble temperament.

Just because of the cap, people can't see her face clearly, but these factors are enough to judge that she is a young and beautiful woman.

"Beauty, this must be a beauty!" Tang Duoduo pats the table and shouts.

"Still very young beauty! I went to the Taoist temple to offer incense last week. The old Taoist there gave me a divination saying that I was doomed to peach blossom! My God, is it the spring of my young master

"Brothers, when I catch up with this beautiful teacher, I will definitely write you a YY novel" the story that I have to tell the beautiful teacher and me ", and generously give you losers' erotic love!"

"Go next door to your mother! This teacher is definitely my dish. I will bite anyone who dares to fight with me! Woof, woof


Ye Buqiu saw the tall woman's moment, the expression on her face was a little stunned.

Why is she here?

The tall woman walked all the way to the platform with her head down. Hu Qin stepped back to the side with a smile and said softly, "Mr. Gu, I'll leave it to you. If you encounter any difficulties in teaching, just ask me! "

"Thank you, Mr. Hu!" The tall woman said with a smile. Her voice is very beautiful, like the most beautiful voice in the world.

Hu Qin exchanged a few friendly greetings, and then told the students in the classroom to keep order, which made her leave the classroom a little uneasy.

After huqin left, the depression in the students' mind was swept away.

Many students in the front row peeped forward to see the tall woman's real face, but they were afraid that such a move was really indecent, so they gave up halfway.

In the public attention, the tall woman slowly took off her cap, and a gorgeous face appeared in the public eye.

After seeing the true face of the tall woman, the classroom was strangely quiet.


It's like silence in the mortuary.

And the silence lasted 30 seconds.

The tall woman saw many students who were stunned. She raised a little radian at the corner of her mouth and said with a smile, "classmates, do I look so ugly? You're so scared you can't speak? "

The tall woman's words are like the spark that ignites the fuse of the explosive barrel, which makes the crowd explode instantly.

"Gu Yuyan! It's Gu Yuyan

"Valley goddess, my idol! oh my god! Am I dreaming? "

"My God! It's true. It's Gu Yuyan! There are pictures of Gu Yuyan in my room. The movie starring Gu Yuyan has been rotten for several times. I didn't expect to see a real person at last! "

"Gu Yuyan! You are my electricity, you are my light, you are my only myth

"Gu Yuyan! I love you! Gu Yuyan! I love you There are brave guys, shouting directly in the classroom.

"Elder martial sister Gu..."

Gu Yuyan, who is standing on the platform, looks at the students who are so excited that she can't help herself. She also has a bright smile on her face.

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