God bar is located in Hengshan Road, where there are many people. Mingzhu is quite famous in the city. It is a low-key gathering place where we often meet second and third tier stars. God bar has a large scale, luxurious decoration, magnificent, men and women looking for love, white-collar workers in suits and shoes, and young students. It can be said that people at all levels of the social pyramid can be seen everywhere in the God bar.

Bar, naturally there are drunk people. At the door of the bar, there are drunken women vomiting, there are crazy women shaking their heads, very hi. Of course, there are a lot of "corpse pickers" hidden in every corner.

Many passers-by marvel at the scenes of drunken women being pulled away by strange men. In which hotel will you wake up tomorrow morning? Will the man next to you be the one yesterday morning?

One night in heaven, one day in hell. It's about the mixed bars. Obviously, it's the same with God bars.

Along the way, Gu Shiyu, who was sitting with ye Buqiu, talked endlessly with him about the terrorist attack on the Pearl Grand Theater a few days ago. This event has long been a thunderbolt for the Pearl people, not to mention looking at Gu Shiyu in entertainment.

Gu Shiyu has a lot of eloquence, describing the rescue operation of the whole Pearl Grand Theater vividly, saying that the Flying Tigers fly into the sky to kill terrorists, and that the special police forces use the means often seen on TV to kill these murderous demons. If ye Buqiu had not participated in it, he would have believed it.

At the gate of the God bar, Gu Shiyu stops his big mouth and greets the three people to enter the God bar.

Gu Shiyu is familiar with the environment of God bar, so he often comes here to play. As soon as they stepped into it, the strong music came to their faces, shaking their hearts. The colorful lights kept flashing. In the dance area, there were sexy dancers who were doing the naked dance, which was fascinating.

"Shi Yu, here you are. Please come inside. Xiaomi, they have just arrived. They are waiting for you in the box now. " A waiter came up to him. Looking at the smile on his face, he seemed to be familiar with Gu Shiyu.

"Well, thank you very much." Gu Shiyu said with a smile to the waiter named Xie Ge. Ask Xie Ge for the box number, Gu Shiyu and ye Buqiu go in.

As soon as they got to the door of the box, they heard the bell like laughter inside. When they pushed the door in, they saw six or seven girls joking and fighting in the box. When several girls saw ye Buqiu's four coming in, they stopped fighting. One of them, a round faced girl in a red skirt, giggled and called Gu Shiyu: "monitor Gu, I haven't seen you for a long time, You are getting thinner as you grow. Come in, come in. If you don't come in again, people think I'm picking ducks. "

"Xiaomi, the longer you grow, the more beautiful you are. Looking at your figure, I'm afraid that after you get married and have children, you can support the whole tribe by yourself." Gu Shiyu also plays harmless jokes.

"Cluck, it's the same as before. It seems that you can't change your stinky nature after going to Mingzhu University." Xiaomi laughs, and her eyes turn behind Gu Shiyu. Finally, they fall on ye Buqiu and say, "so, I won't introduce you to Xiaomi sister?"

"How dare you not introduce it." Gu Shiyu pointed to ye Buqiu and said, "this is the second in our dormitory. Although ye Buqiu's name is strange enough, he is really good-looking. Xiaomi, if you want to dump your current boyfriend, you can chase our second."

Xiaomi looked up and down at ye Buqiu, showed a sly smile and said, "then I'm not polite."

"Hello, my name is ye Buqiu." Ye Buqiu smiles, but he doesn't take Xiaomi's joke to heart and stretches out his palm.

Xiaomi reaches out her little hand and shakes it with ye Buqiu. When she leaves, she stealthily touches the back of Ye Buqiu's hand, which is suspected to be a freeloader.

Gu Shiyu also introduced Hu Yuan and Tangduo one after another. Xiaomi still teased Hu Yuan and Tangduo with a smiling face. In the end, he became one with Tangduo.

Xiaomi also introduced several classmates behind her. Except for a girl named Mengling, who is more lively, others are more shy and shy. However, she said hello to ye Buqiu one after another. Among these girls, ye Buqiu noticed a girl sitting in the corner of the box with her head down.

The girl is about 1.62 meters tall. She is a standard southern girl. She looks a little thin, but she has a beautiful and moving sense of bone, especially the clavicle exposed in the air, which is tantalizing. The girl is wearing a black-and-white checked shirt, casual black trousers, a pair of white sports shoes, and a ruddy and delicate face, which makes her look a little smart and gives her a feeling of youth.

I just learned from Xiaomi's introduction that the girl's name is Xia Yumeng. She is a college student who went to Mingzhu from other places. She is Xiaomi's cousin. It happened that Xia Yumeng lived in Xiaomi's home today, so Xiaomi brought her here.

Xia Yumeng is very introverted and has been sitting there speechless. Even if the group of people in the box play games together, she is sitting there drinking alone. Hustle and quiet make summer rain dream seem out of place.

Ye Buqiu looks at Tang Duoduo, who is crazy for wine. With a bitter smile, he walks towards Xia Yumeng, points to Xia Yumeng and politely asks, "Xia Yumeng, do you mind if I sit here?"

Xia Yumeng looks a little surprised. She looks up at ye Buqiu's eyes. She looks away in a panic, just like a frightened rabbit and says, "no, I don't mind. Please sit down, classmate. Please sit down."

Ye Buqiu sat beside Xia Yumeng with a smile, poured himself a drink, touched the cup Xia Yumeng held in his hand, and said: "I'll introduce myself. My name is ye Buqiu. This drink is just for our first meeting. Cheers

"Good, good." Summer rain dream flurried to drink a full cup of drink down, dare not look directly at ye Buqiu, whispered: "my name is summer rain dream, please, please give me more advice."

Looking at Xia Yumeng's pretty red face, ye Buqiu chuckles quietly. I didn't expect to meet such a lovely girl in the bar. If ye Buqiu had not seen the drink in Xia Yumeng's cup, he would have thought that Xia Yumeng had just drunk a vodka.

"Why do you come to such a place? You know, you are not fit to play in a bar

"Yes, my cousin pulled me here." Summer rain dream pretty face a bit more anxious, flurried explanation way“ Originally, I didn't want to come, but my aunt asked me to follow my cousin to visit the Pearl. I, I didn't expect that my cousin would bring me to the bar. "

"Well, relax. I'm not a hungry wolf. You don't have to be afraid of anything." Ye Buqiu is quite fond of this girl and comforts her“ What's more, if I'm really a hungry wolf, you little sheep are so lovely and simple, where can I give up my mouth? "

Although ye Buqiu's joke didn't make Xia Yumeng laugh, the blush of her ears faded away.

Two people continue to talk, slowly also become familiar, after almost half an hour, summer rain dream flustered mood completely relaxed.

"In fact, I don't like to come to this kind of place. There are all kinds of people here. It's a mess, but I'm sorry to refuse my cousin's pull." Xia Yumeng whispered. The mood relaxes slowly, the speech also does not look like before prevaricate, becomes fluent many.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

After half an hour of chatting, ye Buqiu knows that Xia Yumeng doesn't want to stay here for a moment. Although the sound insulation effect of the box is very good, she must be on pins and needles at the thought of the chaos outside the box.

"Yes, but my cousin, she..."

"Don't worry. Leave it to me. I'll convince her." Ye Buqiu gave her a reassuring look.

"All right, all right." Summer rain dream bite teeth, nodded to agree, she really don't want to continue to stay. Then a blush appeared on her face and she said in a low voice, "well, classmate ye, I want to go to the bathroom. Can I..."

"Well, you go." Ye Buqiu nodded.

Xia Yumeng picked up her bag and looked at the occupied bathroom in the box. She could only bite her teeth and went out with the door open.

Watching Xia Yumeng leave, ye Buqiu gets up and tells Xiaomi the idea he just put forward with Xia Yumeng. Xiaomi gives ye Buqiu a white look and says angrily, "I didn't expect you to get my cousin in less than an hour... Tell me, what did you do? I know my cousin's character very well, but it seems very agreeable, But it's not going to be that close to boys. "

Ye Buqiu saw Xiaomi misunderstood himself and didn't speak. He just laughed but didn't speak. He really wants to leave here with Xia Yumeng, that's all.

When she heard Xiaomi's words, her sisters giggled and joked. Gu Shiyu and Hu Yuan secretly gave him a thumbs up, while Tang Duoduo secretly stuffed a tin foil wrapped thing into his pocket, patted him on the shoulder and told him to "pay attention to safety", which made ye Buqiu laugh and cry.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Xia Yumeng still didn't come back, but ye Buqiu didn't worry. He sat there alone and drank a drink leisurely.

It is universally acknowledged in the world that girls spend an appalling amount of time going out and going to the toilet. Ye Buqiu, as a male compatriot, naturally knows this.

There was a loud quarrel outside the box. There was a flustered voice in the abuse. You can tell from the confused voice that there must be a large number of people outside.

"What happened?" Gu Shiyu and they also heard the noise outside and frowned.

"Ah..." a cry came from outside the box.

"Something happened. It's Xia Yumeng." Ye Buqiu jumped up from the sofa and ran out of the box like a rocket. Gu Shiyu and others also followed.

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