Two years ago, ye Buqiu took part in the civil war of a small country in South Africa. He was the first to take part in the civil war with high reward. He was not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf.

After taking over the task, he spared no effort to help the government, eliminated a lot of terrorists, and was highly praised by the small government army, even granted him the title of general.

Once, in a conflict involving thousands of people, he showed all his strength and shocked the whole audience. He led the government troops to defeat the terrorists who wanted to annex the front line of government defense.

But who would have thought that when he pursued the enemy, he mistakenly entered a refugee tribe.

As a result, because of all kinds of coincidences, coupled with the resistance of the terrorist forces, the refugee helped the terrorist forces fight against the government forces, but he could only lead the people to massacre the whole tribe, killing hundreds of refugees in the tribe.

In the end, some people reported their "bad deeds" to the army. Fortunately, the army did not find their own trouble and put on the label of a sinner.

But since then, ye Buqiu has suffered from the sequelae of the battlefield.

Battlefield sequelae refers to the result of mistakenly killing the enemy during the war, which makes the psychological state of the participants become worse after the war. Sometimes I feel guilty for the dead, and with the accumulation of time, it will produce a serious psychological disease.

Since that mission, ye Buqiu has no longer participated in some large-scale battles. Even in his later missions, in order to avoid aggravating the battlefield sequelae, he deliberately controlled his strength within one tenth.

Because if he doesn't, every time after the task is finished, he will fall into a deep shadow and make his head ache.

Beauty master also knows ye Buqiu's condition, but the disease can't be cured by external force, so she can only recover with her own willpower.

Beauty Shifu was helpless, but she didn't continue to send ye Buqiu to participate in the task of killing too many people. She just helped him with some simple tasks, such as escorting the target or assassinating a single enemy

After several years of interest adjustment, ye Buqiu's state gradually recovered, and the probability of battlefield sequelae attack was pitiful. Sometimes he forgot such a thing.

But less attack doesn't mean no attack.

If you can, ye Buqiu is still not willing to try to show his full strength again.

He had experienced the feeling of pain and the appearance of madness when the disease broke out. If it were normal, he would not try to touch this line even if he died before his mental state was healed.

But now, ye Buqiu can't care so much.

It takes two hours for the toxin of qingyandu to attack the heart. It has been more than an hour since I left Tianting hotel. If he wants to keep it, I'm afraid the elder martial sister's life is in danger. At that time, he will have no regret medicine to take.

Feeling ye Buqiu's indifferent eyes, the two women's subconscious body was stunned, and their hands became very stiff.

They seem to see death in ye Buqiu's eyes.

"He hid his strength from beginning to end." This is the first thought of two women when they see ye Buqiu's eyes.

However, this idea has not yet fallen down, their bodies are light, the wind blows over their ears, and then they fall heavily on the wall behind them, their teeth and brows are so painful, as if the bones in their bodies have been scattered.


Yes, it's second kill!

They haven't seen the speed of Chu ye Buqiu's hand yet, their bodies have been badly damaged and they fly backwards.

"This guy - so suddenly, so strong?"

Two women got up from the ground, but because of the internal organs displacement or broken, they had to rely on the corner to vomit blood.

For the first time, they felt the fear from their heart when they looked at the indifferent man who came gradually.

Especially to the eyes of Shangye Buqiu, as if they were looking at the devil.

It has been seven or eight years since they entered the world of killers. With hundreds of people's blood on their hands, they don't believe in the legends of Satan. But now seeing ye Buqiu's condescending look at them, they even doubted that this man was reincarnated?

"You should all die." Ye Buqiu looked coldly at the two women and said faintly.

"Bah!" Wu Yan spat in his direction, but unexpectedly, the spit was full of blood“ If you have the ability to kill both of us, now that you have won the battle, what kind of man are you standing there talking about? "

"I don't need to prove to you whether I'm a man or not. You just need to tell me who is the controller behind the scenes, "ye Buqiu said indifferently.

"Bah! Keep dreaming. Even if we're dead, we won't... "Before Wu Yan spoke, she heard a" click "from the bottom of her throat.

She looked down and found a shoe against her neck. She wanted to look up to see the owner of the shoe clearly, but her eyes were blank and she fell to the right.

"In that case, as you wish."

When ye Buqiu finished, he wiped his feet on Wu Yan's red clothes. It seemed that a man with a habit of cleanliness stepped on some dirty excrement, which made him feel cold and evil.

No Jiao sexy lips open, pupil also stare up.

She couldn't believe that she looked at her sister, who was lying on the ground and didn't wake up. This twin sister, who was with her day and night, practicing martial arts, killing masters, experiencing the pleasure of killing people, and torturing men in bed, died like this?

Wu Jiao felt inexplicable emptiness, as if she had lost an indispensable part of her life, which made her in a trance.

Until ye Buqiu's eyes, she woke up like a frightened hare.

She came back and slowly put out her tongue to lick the wet blood of her lips. Her eyes were full of evil color. She sneered and said, "even if you kill us, you will never know who is the person behind the scenes who is planning to kill you!"

"And I can tell you clearly that the goal this time is not Gu Yuyan, but you! If we die, you will lose the clue to find out the people behind the curtain. Then you will always have a fishbone stuck in your heart, and you will not be able to sleep and eat in the future. "

There is nothing wrong with what Wu Jiao said. They can set up a serial murder plot once, and they can set up two.

This time the goal is Gu Yuyan, who knows next time the goal will be Ji Yaner? Is it a summer rain dream in Xiangjiang? Or is it someone else around you?

"I tell you, I'll let you die!" Ye Buqiu said with a gloomy face.

"Ha ha..." Wu Jiao seems to have heard one of the funniest jokes in the world. She laughs. She wipes the blood on her red lips and sneers: "Ye Shao, ye Shao! Are you too naive? We all end up dead anyway. Why care about the torture before death? "

"But after death? I know some tramps under the bridge. They have been abstinent for such a long time, not to mention seeing a woman. I'm afraid that a corpse whose body temperature is still warm can have sexual desire! You can imagine that after your two sisters died, they were still under the pressure of a dirty man. "

"But now, I've changed my mind. I'll break your limbs and muscles, and let those tramps experience the taste of charming beauty. It's said that they usually rape girls who don't go home at night, but three or five of them go together. "

"Beast As expected, Wu Jiao's face changed greatly and she swore loudly.

"Beast?" Ye Buqiu sneers“ You're all going to kill me. Now I'm not killing you directly. It's my greatest kindness to you. "

"... asshole!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Ye Buqiu said with a smile“ Now let's talk about who is behind the scenes? "

Wu Jiao grits her teeth and thinks about it. After a long time, she stares at ye Buqiu fiercely and says, "I promise you, but you'd better fulfill your promise. Otherwise, our two sisters will not let you go even if they become fierce ghosts!"

"You don't have the right to bargain." Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

"Good." Wu Jiao said“ I tell you, the person behind this ambush today... "


Wujiao's head is like a watermelon fried into pieces, red and white mixed with liquid splashing everywhere.

Ye Buqiu took a look and saw a sniper lying on the left side of the building.

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