In this picture of Guanyin sending a child, Guanyin comes with a vase in her hand and a baby in her arms, stepping on the lotus seat. It is rich in content and vivid in ink painting. It seems that Guanyin really came with his son in his arms.

In the traditional Chinese culture, Guanyin's sending children is intended to wish the new couple an early birth.

When ye Buqiu saw clearly the signer in the lower right corner, he suddenly wanted to cry without tears, thinking that the little school flower was jealous.

Ji Yaner.

Three beautiful fonts are quietly in the lower right corner of the picture.

"Brother... What's the matter with you?" Tian Yuan called softly behind.

"Well, it's OK." Ye Buqiu recovered from the bitter smile and stuffed the picture into a cardboard box, then threw it directly on the shoe shelf by the door.

"Tian Yuan, I haven't had time to ask you. How do you feel at school now? Is there any maladjustment? " Ye Buqiu turned around and walked towards the restaurant, smiling and asking.

"I'll get used to it soon." Tian Yuan nodded and said“ It's just the beginning of my study. I have some difficulty in my lessons, but I can catch up soon. "

"It's OK. Take your time. Fat people don't make it in one bite." Ye Buqiu knows that this girl wants to prove her achievements all at once, but now that she has just entered school, she needs to run in.

"I'll try!"

"By the way, Tian Yuan, my elder martial sister called me yesterday and started to prepare to shoot your movie today. I'll show you the script I've written in the past two days later. You should be familiar with these processes as much as possible. For the first time, don't put too much pressure on it, just try your best Ye Buqiu said.

"Thank you, brother!" Tian Yuan was very grateful, and her eyes were full of firmness and desire.

This is her way to repay her brother's kindness, and also her long cherished contribution to the old Dean. She does not allow herself to have any mistakes, even if she is only twelve or thirteen years old now, she can not let it become an excuse for failure.

After breakfast, Tian Yuan didn't wait for ye Buqiu to talk, so he scrambled to clean up the table.

Ye Buqiu looks at Tian Yuan with a smile, goes upstairs to her study, takes the script that was just finished last night, puts it on the desk, and then goes out after telling Tian Yuan.

Just out of the villa, ye Buqiu subconsciously takes a look at the villa next door. At this time, the door of the villa next door is closed, and only nanny Sister Zhang is busy cleaning the yard.

Ye Buqiu took back her eyes and walked out of the villa gate. When she passed the security booth at the gate, a tall, upright man called out: "boss!"

This man's name is sun Zheng. He is a retired soldier. He is very skilled. He is a capable general under Tu Fusheng's hand. He is loyal and reliable. These days, it is sun Zheng who acts as Tian Yuan's bodyguard to escort him to and from class.

"If Tian Yuan has something to go out, you can help to watch her. She is bullied by others." Although ye Buqiu has no blood relationship with Tian Yuan, he has no lack of affection for Tian Yuan. Otherwise, he won't let Sun Zheng come to Tian Yuan to "overuse his talents.".

"Guarantee to finish the task!" Sun Zheng said seriously.

"Hard work!"

"It's not hard to serve the boss!" Sun Zheng shook his head.

This is true. Although ye Buqiu seems to be a student on the surface and rarely appears in the headquarters of heaven, it does not mean that ye Buqiu has a low status in the hearts of the heaven gang.

Ye Buqiu then told sun Zheng a few words and drove away from the villa area to the place mentioned by the elder martial sister on the phone yesterday.

Because the shooting case happened two days ago, although there are undercurrents in Mingzhu city now, and all forces are secretly thinking about it, they dare not offend the police and cause trouble at this time. Therefore, ye Buqiu did not have much vigilance, and directly drove his iconic Maserati out.

Yumin media company is a big entertainment company in Mingzhu city. Although it has more than 100 artists, there is not a first-line or second-line star, and only a few third line stars at most.

Although Yumin media company has been listed on the stock market, it has been operating at a loss in recent years. In the process of gradual decline of interests, the shareholders of Yumin media have been active one after another, either to find someone to sell their shares, or to directly propose to merge the company with other large groups.

There was a dispute at the general meeting of shareholders. In the end, with more votes than less votes, they agreed to sell the controlling shares of the company or integrate into other groups.

Gu Yuyan did not know through what channel, directly at the end of the shareholders' meeting of Yumin media company, started to take over the entertainment company. And Gu Yuyan generous, coupled with the status of the recommender noble, those shareholders are also happy to reach an agreement with Gu Yuyan.

This morning, it will be time to sign the transfer agreement. As the "new boss" of this entertainment company, he can't be absent.

Yu Min media company is a generation in the prosperous business district, the location is quite obvious, but the rent for this location is not cheap. No wonder over the years, Yu Min media company has a feeling that its income can't make ends meet. It turns out that some funds are not used on the blade, but on some chicken ribs.

There are two security guards on duty in the company, but they are bowing their heads to discuss something. Let ye Buqiu drive straight in without any hindrance.

Seeing the appearance of the two security guards, I think it's not as simple as once or twice. Instead, I often do things that have nothing to do with my work during working hours. As an entertainment company, security is the most important position, which can prevent some fans from taking drastic actions. Now, these two security guards are perfunctory.

Thinking that he is going to accept the company, ye Buqiu has some helplessness.

Ye Buqiu does not care about the two security guards for the time being and comes directly to the front desk.

I don't know if it's because of the occupation or because of the explanation from the upper class. The young girls at the front desk are very serious about their work attitude. They see ye Buqiu come over, pupil slightly big, mouth slightly open, a pair of surprised feeling.

They came back, simply asked to verify the name of Ye Buqiu, then led by a person on the elevator.

The little girl who leads the way stealthily glances at ye Buqiu from time to time, trying to cover up the excitement on her face.

Ye Buqiu looked at her and knew that the little girl had recognized him as her real boyfriend. But he didn't care. He talked to her kindly all the way.

What ye Buqiu thought was right. Before he came to Yumin media company, several front desk ladies were discussing about Gu YuYan's "explosive" news.

You know, Gu Yuyan, as the star representative of the new era, called the only goddess of the whole people, not only gathered a large number of male fans, but also gathered countless female fans like straw. It can be said that Gu Yuyan is a big star of all ages.

The ninth floor is the main meeting room of the company. I learned from my elder martial sister that the place where the contract was signed was also arranged in the main meeting room on the ninth floor.

Two people get off the elevator, the front desk lady who leads the way tells ye Buqiu the location, then turns to enter the elevator. In some high-level parliaments, she is still not qualified to participate.

Just close to the conference room, ye Buqiu heard a very familiar voice coming out of the conference room.

In front of the door stood a secretary like girl, the girl saw ye Buqiu came, immediately reached out to greet, and then pushed the door of the conference room for ye Buqiu.

Ye Buqiu pushed the door into a huge conference room. There were almost ten people sitting on the seats, including men and women, old and middle-aged people, all dressed like successful people.

In the main position of the conference room, Gu Yuyan, wearing a black dress, is sitting with her cheek in her arms. When she sees ye Buqiu coming in, she shows a smile on her serious expression.

This smile, so that countless men peek at the mind rippling, unable to move his eyes.

"Coming?" Gu Yuyan chuckled and gave a simple greeting.

"Here we are." Ye Buqiu nods.

"You take this seat!" Gu Yuyan saw that ye Buqiu was about to find a place to sit down. She immediately pointed to her position. Then she stood up and said to the old man who was closest to her in the conference room, "Uncle Wu, everyone is here. Now we can start."

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