It was two o'clock when I came out of the office building of the art college.

At 2:30 p.m., he still needs to gather for military training. Ye Buqiu clenches his file bag and walks towards his dormitory.

His heart was heavy with a sense of loss. He knew what gift Jiao Tianya gave him and what weight it was. Needless to say, Jiao Tianya gave him a bright future on the first day.

This is the time for class. On the way, ye Buqiu met many senior students who rushed to the classroom. Feeling the passionate campus atmosphere, ye Buqiu relaxed a lot. It just makes him feel that many people... Look at him strangely, and point at him and whisper from time to time.

"Are you handsome again?" Ye Buqiu thinks shamelessly in the heart.


Ye Buqiu pushes open the door of the dormitory. Before entering, he hears Tang Duoduo's voice full of sorrow: "Ye is not here. Please leave a message if you have something. There are paper and pen on the table. I write down my name, gender, dormitory number, telephone number, chest circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference, male left and female right separately. Ten dollars for men and no bill for women. "

"What message? What are you doing? " Ye Buqiu asked in surprise.

Hearing ye Buqiu's question, there was a sound in the dormitory... Oh, it was three. Tang Duoduo, Gu Shiyu and Hu Yuan, who have just been lying on the bed like dead pigs, sit up, just like zombies in the American movie biochemical crisis. Their eyes are empty and fanatical, staring at ye Buqiu who has just entered the door. This kind of look makes Ye feel a little nervous. If he didn't see lust in the eyes of the three roommates, he would have run away.

Ye Buqiu took a look at the convenience paper on his desk and found that there were dense handwriting on it, most of which were names. What makes him laugh and cry is that there are several unique three line love letters.

For example: brother ye, I've heard a lot about you.

When we saw this love story, our classmate Ye was very angry. I am a bright flower in the future of our motherland. How can you find me to make a foundation? Is there any mistake? You are such a disaster of the motherland's morning glory... No, it's peony. It's a matter of mutual indignation. Do you know?

Ye Buqiu pointed to the scattered things on the table and asked, "what's the matter? Which hero can explain to me? "

Tang Duoduo jumps down from his fragile bed and runs to ye Buqiu. Fat pig hands touch Ye's body, even his buttocks. When ye Buqiu wants to kick Tang Duoduo, he stops and stands in front of Ye Buqiu, thinking seriously.

"It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense." Tangduo shook his fat head.


"Why do we appear in the video together? Why are you so famous that we are still a little unknown green leaf. Look at yourself. If you want to be shapeless, if you want to be shapeless, which one can match the handsome young master Tang? It makes no sense

Is "..." any better than that?

"Well. It's a pity that they are young. Why are they blind? "

After several people's explanation, ye Buqiu finally understood the truth of all this, but also let him laugh and cry. Is emotion famous on the first day of military training? No wonder that group of students on the road pointed at him. He thought that he had become a flower picking killer who killed thousands of beautiful men and stupid women, which made him worry for a while.

Ye Buqiu raised the message on his desk and asked doubtfully, "are these left by the students who are attracted to him?"

"It's true." Gu Shiyu and Hu Yuan both nodded.

"Men and women?"

"80% of men, 20% of women."

"What about the woman? Why isn't it on the list? " Ye Buqiu raised his list.

"I took it." Tang Duoduo said with a red face.

"No, I can't. I'll give it right away." Ye Buqiu is not happy. These are all my own fans. Why should you take them alone?

The sun in September is very hot, like throwing people into a sauna. In the studio or classroom, white-collar students blow cool and comfortable air-conditioning fans, while migrant workers or hawkers sometimes hide in the shade and fan with sweat.

September day of the Pearl, for military training students, it is a more torture than college entrance examination, more painful than electric shock addiction. Especially at two or three o'clock in the afternoon when the sun is strongest.

The higher the temperature, the higher the moisture. Every freshman who goes to the designated military training ground with one or two bottles of iced water in his hand

When ye Buqiu four came to their team, many boys took the initiative to say hello to ye Buqiu.

"Ye Buqiu, Tang Duoduo is so fat that you can carry him around the track and field for four times. I admire him very much. Have you ever practiced weightlifting? "

"Classmate ye, my dormitory is in 544. I often come to play cards when I have time."

"Ye Buqiu, you are famous. I really envy you. You are handsome and have teacher Jiao as a disciple. In the future, there must be a group of flowers. If you find it troublesome, remember to push those roses to our brothers. "

The students were so enthusiastic that ye Buqiu responded with a smile one by one.

The general whistle sounded, and Gu Shiyu, the temporary monitor, assembled the team. It wasn't long before Li Gang, the black faced man, came. Seeing the rapidly integrated team, Li Gang was a little satisfied, praised Gu Shiyu, and immediately entered the state of military training after seeing ye Buqiu in the first row.

"Stand at attention."

With the foundation of the whole morning, the boys all have a model to straighten their waists and erect their hands.

"At ease."

"Stand at attention."

"At ease."

"Well, it's like a rookie at last." Li iron and steel nodded with satisfaction and turned around the team“ You have to remember that you are the soldiers brought by Li Ganggang. You can not fight for the first place, but you can not be weak to the bottom. Do you know? "

"I know." Cried the boys.

"Are you men? Or didn't you have enough for lunch? " Li iron and steel drank a lot“ Speak up, I can't hear you. "

"I know." The boys roared with all their strength.

"Still qualified." Li iron and steel quickly entered the state“ In the afternoon, we still went straight. All have it. Look right, look forward... "

Military training is boring and painful.

Under the guidance of instructor Li Gang Gang, the boys of the 12th team are kicking forward, standing up and stepping forward mercilessly. Fortunately, the hot sun hanging in the sky slowly hid into the dark clouds, and there was a shade in the air, which gave them a little breathing.


Tick, tick.

It rained again. A torrential rain suddenly poured down, irrigating the hot and dry Pearl City, and also sprinkling on the sound of military training in the Pearl University.

When it rains, military training will naturally stop. Countless freshmen yelled and roared, resounding with excitement. For these new students who have just entered the campus, no military training is enough for them to cry. No military training in hot weather makes them feel excited to thank God and the goddess of Ming University. You see, college students are so easy to satisfy.

In the face of such a situation, the school and the army negotiated to arrange for those military training freshmen to enter some open and unmanned classrooms or indoor areas. The boys of the 12th team are closer to the gymnasium, so they are given priority to enter the basketball court in the gymnasium.

Instructor Li Ganggang led the boys of the 12th team to sit cross legged on the basketball court. After settling down, Li Ganggang turned his eyes and suddenly asked the boys, "do you want to make some entertainment programs?"

The boys were stunned at first, then yelled, "I want to."

"Good." Li Gang Gang sat down in front of them, arranged his clothes, and said, "then we will sing and sing military songs."

"Good." The boys yelled excitedly.

"Then we'll sing" loyalty to serve the country ". This is the first song I sing when I enter the military camp." Li iron and steel face is full of comfort and respect said“ I hope every one of you has a Chinese heart. Once upon a time, no matter where you are, you should always remember that you are a Chinese. "

"Good. Instructor Li Gang Gang, you are right. "

"Serve the country faithfully and cherish China."

"Huaxia, if necessary, I would like to join the team and raise my gun."

In the hot-blooded youth stage, they are impassioned and flushed. Even ye Buqiu, who is among them, can feel a kind of full of heart.

"Life in the army will come soon." Ye Buqiu has some expectations in his heart.

Which man has no hero dream? Which man doesn't want to wear a military uniform to defend his country? Each of them wanted to hold the gun in his hand to drive away foreign criminals, stabilize domestic chaos, and fill every corner of the map of China with military flowers of China. However, more or less all kinds of reasons make them pass the green barracks, but this does not hinder their love for military life.

Since I can't personally experience it, it's also a good experience to be able to sing a few military songs.

"I'll start. The mountains and rivers look to the north. Ready, sing Li Gang Gang shouts loudly. Li Gang Gang is not a dedicated music teacher, but he is definitely a qualified iron and steel soldier. From his mouth, loyalty to serve the country calls out that he has the courage to serve the country with blood and heart.

"The wolf smoke rises and the rivers and mountains look north." The freshmen followed《 Loyal to serve the country is a familiar military song in China. They are not unfamiliar with this song.

Tornado, horse long hiss, sword like frost

The heart is like the Yellow River

Twenty years, vertical and horizontal, who can resist

Hate and lust, long sword

How many brothers and souls buried abroad

He Xi died and reported to his family and country


"I'd like to keep the soil open again, and let the four sides of China celebrate."

The roaring chorus stopped suddenly, and the new students burst into tears##### Longtao role building has been established. Readers who are interested in mixing roles in the book can move to the book review area and leave a message under the comments! Thank you for your support!

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