Xiangshan community is a well-known Regal villa community in Mingzhu city.

In the Pearl City, Xiangshan district has a total area of 200000 square meters. All the people who live in Xiangshan district are the tycoons, rich businessmen and dignitaries in Mingzhu city. Just throw out a person from Xiangshan District, which can make a certain industry in Mingzhu City tremble a bit.

Xu Chongming lives here. It's called Chongming Pavilion.

He started from scratch and worked hard in the dark underworld. After decades of hard work, he has achieved his status in the black and white underworld. Xu Chongming is treacherous, cunning and cruel, just like Dong Zhuo, a troublemaker in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms. However, he also attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and is like Liu Bei, who is worthy of Zhuge Liang and other five tiger generals to "devote themselves to death".

Outsiders call him a: disturb the world thief, stable world king. From this we can see how high Xu Chongming's evaluation is in other people's eyes.

Ye Buqiu and Xu Zhan came to Xiangshan community, passed the gate, and stopped in front of Chongming Pavilion in less than ten minutes.

Xu Zhan gets out of the car first, runs to the back and opens the door for ye Buqiu. Ye Buqiu greedily drinks all the good wine in his cup, and then goes on swaggering.

The gate of Chongming Pavilion opened wide, and a rickety old man with white hair and sunken eyes came out. Xu Zhan, the "fighting tiger", and Zhu Han, the "cold sword", respected the rickety old man and called out: "uncle he."

"Well, here it is?" He Shuying, a rickety old man, said: "I've heard a lot about Mr. Ye Buqiu. Today, I see that he is really Lu Bu, Ma Zhong Chi Tu, a promising young man."

"It's not just Teddy in the dog." Ye Buqiu grinned. His heart became solemn. The old man looked yellow and thin, just like a mummy running out of the coffin. But there was a kind of depth in the old man.

Master, this is a master.

"Ha ha, fun, fun." Uncle he grinned on his withered face and nodded with satisfaction“ It's rare to see such an interesting boy. It's rare in the world. Mr. Ye, the master has prepared dinner and has been waiting for a long time. Please come in

"Please." Xu Zhan leads the way ahead.

"Thank you, uncle he." Ye Buqiu said to uncle he. Of course, as for whether he has respect for uncle he in his heart, who knows?

Just entering the hall of the villa, a loud and powerful voice came.

"Brother ye, I'm tired. You're on your way. Please come in. Please come in." A polite middle-aged man with glasses came out. This man is Xu Chongming. He looks polite. On the surface, he is a teacher from a scholarly family, but everyone who knows him knows that he is a murderous and cruel man in front of him.

Ye Buqiu met Xu Chongming. At that time, Xu Chongming was seriously ill. He took a lot of rich businessmen as a bridge and went to his master to ask for his life. Later, after negotiation and trading, his younger apprentice, Xiao Mo, came forward to save his life.

His younger martial brother, Xiao Mo, is also a gifted man. He is born with medical roots. He has a great love for medicine from childhood to adulthood. Besides reading medical books, his usual hobby is practicing medical skills. Moreover, his medical skills are superb. His master's medical skills are less than half of Xiao Mo's.

Ye Buqiu's serious illness from urination can be cured. The main credit comes from Xiaomo.

Xiao Mo was only 15 years old, and he had passed through several ashes doctors. His medical skills improved rapidly, and his reputation spread far and wide when he was young. Many sick dignitaries were famous one after another. Among them is Xu Chongming.

Ye Buqiu's master spoke highly of Xu Chongming. At that time, she said, "this man is arrogant and knows how to keep a low profile. He is a hungry wolf who is difficult to deal with."

Ye Buqiu has seen and fought with hungry wolves. The hungry wolf is in the state of starvation, which not only does not weaken its attack power, but also makes it more ferocious and manic. It has a great power and can easily tear off a large area of Hunter's flesh and blood with any bite. Because the hungry wolf knows that if he doesn't work hard, he will be killed or starved to death. Thus, the name of hungry wolf is often daunting to those senior hunters in the jungle.

"Big brother." Xu Zhan exclaimed.

"Boss Xu is very polite." Ye Buqiu pretends to be very modest. His eyes quickly scanned the layout of the number of people in the villa. In addition to Xu Chongming and Xu Zhan, there were only a few busy chefs and servants in the kitchen. As for housekeeper he Shuhe and Zhu Han, they have been guarding outside the gate.

"Brother ye, you are too polite." Xu Chongming comes to ye Buqiu and says“ There's no big difference between you and me. I'll call you brother. Brother ye, you should call me brother. "

"But..." ye Buqiu hesitated. In fact, he said in his heart, you are a middle-aged man in your 40s and 50s, and I am still in the weak crown of youth. How can I be more or less?

"That's it."

"Well, brother Xu."

"That's what it's like. Come on, our brothers are going to have a good drink today. " Xu Chongming enthusiastically took ye Buqiu to the dining table and said, "I know that ye is from Zhucheng and likes to eat snacks and desserts, so I went to Mingzhu restaurant and invited some chefs to make a good meal for ye."

"Thank you, brother Xu." Ye Buqiu sat down impolitely. He glanced at the feast on the table, all kinds of delicacies, as well as many mountain game which are hard to find in the city. Among them, there are many special delicacies of Zhucheng, which are considered as a big dinner. I think Xu Chongming has made great efforts for this meal.

"That's very kind of you." Xu Chongming sat down opposite ye Buqiu and ordered the servant to pour the red wine. He raised a toast to ye Buqiu and said, "brother ye, it's a formal first meeting. Here's to you. If you need any help in the future, just tell me. Brother Xu, I will try my best to help you. "

"It's done." Ye Buqiu drinks it all.

"Good drink." Xu Chongming is not stingy in praise.

After the servants present all the delicious food in the kitchen, the chef, the servants and Xu Zhan also leave the villa. Xu Chongming and ye Buqiu are left in the empty villa. They ate dinner and drank a lot of red wine. Sometimes they talked and sometimes they talked about women. They got along very well.

After their candlelight dinner, the servant cleans up the dishes. Xu Chongming invites ye Buqiu to his study,

There are many books in Xu Chongming's study. In front of the window of Xu Chongming's study is a desk. On the desk are all kinds of rice paper and ink. On the right side of the desk is a piece of calligraphy paper with the words "seven key points of cinnabar, all the rivers and mountains are stained with blood".

Xu Chongming noticed that ye Buqiu's eyes stopped on the calligraphy, and explained with a smile: "this is a copy written by elder brother Xu in his spare time, but I'm a rough man, and I can't write elegant characters. The writing style is rough and the ink is not enough, which makes brother Ye laugh. "

In the way of nature, this piece of calligraphy is really half entry-level. The ink is not enough and the handwriting is a little messy. However, the killing intention and momentum in the characters are surging and powerful, which is less mellow and more sharp than the natural way. Even those famous calligraphers in China, I'm afraid no one can write such words.

"Brother Xu. When I chatted with Xu Zhan and Zhu Han on the road, Zhu Han said that it was hard and easy to break. I also felt that there was some truth, so I comforted brother Xu Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

"Of course I know that." Xu Zhongming spread out the rice paper on his desk, took the ink brush, wrote a big word "he" on the paper, put down the pen and said, "I'm old, and I don't have the spirit. For people to seek wealth, it's good to live comfortably. Peace is the most important thing. "

"Yes, I think peace makes money, too. But if people don't offend me, I'm not guilty, and I'm helpless. "

Xu Chongming looks at ye Buqiu with a smile. He suddenly thinks of something and says, "yes. Before, I heard the following people say that dog and brother ye have had conflicts. No matter who is right or wrong, it should be dog. Today I'll ask dog to come and apologize. Let's be friendly in the future. "

"You're welcome, brother Xu. The flood flushed the Dragon King temple. It's all young people. It's normal to be impulsive. I don't need to apologize. " Ye Buqiu waved his hand and said. Just his eyes narrowed, chewing the words of Xu Chongming in his heart.

This old guy doesn't want to admit that it's his son's fault.

"No, no, No. I'm Xu Chongming. At least I'm in the Jianghu. I can't lose my sense. " Xu Chongming said“ Besides, if you let this word spread to doctor Mo's ears, I'm afraid he will be angry. "

Before ye Buqiu speaks, Xu Chongming waves to the outside of the window. A black car in the villa yard is opened. Xu Erlong, who is bandaged with his palm, enters the villa with Xu Zhan. Soon Xu Erlong is in Xu Chongming's study.

When Xu Erlong saw ye Buqiu, his eyes flashed through the haze and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. He looked at Xu Chongming and called respectfully, "father."

"Yes." Xu Chongming nodded his head expressionless, pointed to ye Buqiu and said, "this is brother Ye. You must know him. All the previous grievances and grudges have passed. You are all young people. You will be close to each other in the future. "

"Yes, father." Although Xu Erlong didn't want to, he didn't dare disobey his father's words. His eyes fell on ye Buqiu, gritted his teeth and said: "brother ye, it was Xu Erlong's fault before. I hope brother ye will forgive me."

"Wrong, wrong." Hearing this, ye Buqiu shook his head. He corrected and said, "your father and I are brothers. If I call you brothers again, I will be in a mess. My dear nephew, you'd better call me uncle

Xu Erlong's face was livid, and his anger in his eyes showed. At last, he forced his intention to kill. On one side, Xu Chongming narrowed his eyes. After a while, a smile appeared on his face and said to Xu Erlong, "Erlong, it's Uncle Ye."

Xu Erlong lowered his head and said heavily, "Uncle Ye."

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