Xia Yumeng was about to have a rest after dinner when her roommate Yan Ruyu took her out to go shopping in Guyao street. Xia Yumeng is weak and doesn't know how to refuse. Even though her body has been exhausted by military training, she is still embarrassed to open her mouth and can only agree to Yan Ruyu's invitation.

In desperation, she could only drag her tired body to Guyao street with Yan Ruyu.

At the beginning, both of them were shopping in some boutiques or clothes. Later, both of them were tired, so Yan Ruyu and Xia Yumeng went to buy two ice cream and took a rest on the street bench with few pedestrians. Did not expect two people eating ice cream rest soon, do not know where to come out of a few bad young people around maliciously, all kinds of language behavior to tease them.

They are located at the westernmost side of Guyao street, near the Huangpu River, which is more remote and at night, with few pedestrians. Even if two people how to shout, dim around did not see someone come forward to speak.

A few bad teenagers are about to do something to them. Yan Ruyu flurries Xia Yumeng to call ye Buqiu.

In a hurry, Xia Yumeng doesn't have any time to think about it. She immediately takes out her mobile phone and calls ye Buqiu for help. However, she didn't expect that her mobile phone broke those men just after she said less than a word.

So this is the scene of Ye Buqiu receiving a phone call in the car.

"Six, faster." Ye Buqiu shouts to No. 6 with a black face. In fact, the speed of No. 6 is already very fast. The speedometer is as high as 150 per hour. In the way of racing, it has thrown away countless sports cars one after another, and even ran through several traffic lights. However, ye Buqiu is worried and confused. He only feels that the speed is too slow.

While urging her to drive faster, ye Buqiu asks her to quickly locate the specific location of Xia Yumeng.

He has a good feeling for Xia Yumeng. Of course, this kind of good feeling is not the love between men and women, but the simple appreciation. Xia Yumeng, a girl with simple and innocent mind, is very kind-hearted, but in her heart there is a kind of obstinacy that can't be pulled by six cows. Moreover, she often calls "brother Ye", which makes ye Buqiu feel a little protective.

Now seeing that Xia Yumeng had an accident, he was very anxious.

Liu Hong is a serious gangster. His eldest brother is Chen Nan, who is called "Mingzhu Chen Haonan". His eldest brother is the elder brother of Axe Gang, a small Gang in Mingzhu city.

Liu Hong is a chatter. He often Tucao his own gang's axe gang name, privately with a few brothers are discussing whether their boss is a crazy fan of Kungfu, or else he won't make complaints about a boring and high-profile gang.

What's more, it's the era of hot weapons. Who's going to go out and wave an axe fiercely? That's not insanity. What is it?

Last night, Liu Hong had a drink with some brothers of the axe gang in the black widow bar to discuss which of the two axes on the "flag" of the axe gang was the male and the female. He received a money call.

So according to the regulations, they squatted on Guyao street to drink and eat a bunch tonight, waiting for two pink targets to come into their sight, so they played the role of big gray wolf and went up to tease the two little girls dutifully.

Originally, Liu Hong just took money to do business, and said to tease Xia Yumeng and Yan Ruyu. However, when he saw Xia Yumeng's pitiful appearance, his eyes brightened and his courage became bigger.

"Girl, stop yelling. If you keep yelling, the knife in my hand will turn red." Liu Hong shakes the knife on his hand and threatens fiercely: "if you don't want to have an accident, I advise you to keep your mouth shut."

Summer rain dream met so fierce several men, face already scared white, shivering Jiao body. Yan Ruyu blocks Xia Yumeng behind him, stares at Liu Hong and says, "you, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Hehe, in this dark and windy environment, we naturally have to do some romantic affairs. What else do you want to do? " Liu Hong left hand across the air to grasp, color said. He has been very good at Chinese since he was a child, and he knows thousands of idioms, but his talent has been buried by the society all the time. Now he has the chance to regain it, and he feels very proud.

"Hooligans." Yan Ruyu said aloud.

"Hooligans?" Liu Hong is not angry but laughs. He thinks this is a very senior and glorious title“ Hooligans naturally have to do some hooligan things. I said, two girls, you two should not refuse my hooligan's wishes. "

Liu Hong and his axe help the brothers surround Xia Yumeng and Yan Ruyu, and slowly lean towards the two lambs to be slaughtered.

Just when Liu HongChong came across the trembling summer rain dream, a dazzling light came from the distance.


A black Volkswagen Tenghui stopped in front of Liu Hong. Liu Hong, who blocked the light with his hand, was about to yell at him when a man jumped out of the car. Before he spoke, there was a burning pain on Liu Hong's right side. Then he heard the sound of his body crashing against the hard ground.

"Fuck him." The gang of axes are not vegetarians. Seeing their brother Liu Hong slapped to the ground by the man who jumped out of the car, how could they be hurt? Immediately one by one took the knife on the hand and stabbed at the man. Of course, the positions they poke are not easily fatal parts such as the man's thigh or buttock.

Ye Buqiu's face is cold. Looking at the first gangster who rushes up in front of him, he raises his foot and kicks it suddenly. With a move, he lifts his Yin leg and sends it up. The gangster covers his crotch and rolls on the ground in pain. The remaining several gangsters continue to rush over, ye Buqiu sneer repeatedly, with the speed of terror one by one to lift Yin leg.

Those thugs who were knocked down by Ye Buqiu rolled to and fro on the ground one after another. The only one who could stand unharmed was a thin boy with yellow hair.

That yellow hair looked at the brothers on the ground, and then looked at ye Buqiu, who was pointing at him. He suddenly bit his teeth. He... Punched his little brother, and then he lay down next to his brothers and moaned.

"Brother Ye." Xia Yu dreams that the gangsters are all put down, and immediately runs over. Just be surrounded by a few gangsters and hold back the fear of instant collapse, pear flower with rain, really poor.

"It's OK. Don't worry." Ye Buqiu touched Xia Yumeng's head and was glad that he came in time. He raised his eyes to see Yan Ruyu and asked, "are you OK, Ruyu?"

Seeing ye Buqiu's caring eyes, Yan Ruyu dodged, slightly lowered her head and said, "it's OK.". Seeing Yan Ruyu like this, ye Buqiu also thinks that Yan Ruyu is frightened by those gangsters, and he doesn't have too many ideas.


Two police cars came whistling and stopped in front of several people.

Ye Buqiu looked at the two police cars and frowned slightly. Before waiting for the people on the car to come down, he turned to Xia Yumeng and Yan Ruyu and asked, "who just called the police?"

"No Xia Yumeng shook his head.

When ye Buqiu heard Xia Yumeng's words, he thought about it and gradually showed a sneer on his face. He glanced at several thugs on the ground, and then looked up to see that Yan Ruyu was avoiding his eyes.

Several uniformed policemen came down from the police car, the first of which was a middle-aged policeman with a horse face. The horse faced policeman saw several thugs on the ground, and then looked at ye Buqiu standing in front of him. He waved his hand and said, "you are involved in a fight case. Please cooperate with us to go back to the Public Security Bureau for investigation."

Several policemen rushed up to push all the gangsters on the ground into the police car when they heard the order. When the policeman was about to pull ye Buqiu, ye Buqiu seemed to be motionless and fixed his eyes on the horse face. The policeman sarcastically said, "our good police comrades came in time. They didn't show up when my friends were bullied by gangsters just now. I had to wait until I solved them, That's how I came out. Is it true that the police only appear after the fact, just like in TV and movies? "

Horse face the police face cold down, the tone is not good said: "the police handle a case, it's not your turn to intervene this outsider."

"Since you said to handle the case, please show me your police identification."

The horse faced policeman snorted coldly, but he still took out his certificate from his arms and shook it in front of Ye Buqiu, then waved his hand: "take him away from the Bureau."

Ye Buqiu pats the back of Xia Yumeng's hand, smiles quietly to comfort her, so that she doesn't have to be nervous. He takes a look at No. 6 in the car, and then pulls her into the police car with several police officers. Before entering the police car, he looked up at the starry night sky and said in his heart, "the night tonight is really beautiful, but I really hope not to be red."

Gu Yao Public Security Bureau, interrogation room.


"Ye Buqiu."




"You guess... Forget it, you're a male creature, so don't tease. Man

In front of Ye Buqiu, the young policeman snorted coldly, but he continued to perform the routine and asked, "please tell me the whole case."

Ye Buqiu nodded and told the whole story from the beginning to the end. He added that he was a hero in golden armor and colorful clouds. Then he told those gangsters that he was a villain who did all kinds of evil and was punished by everyone.

They were bad guys.

"Pop." The young policeman in front of him clapped his case and said angrily, "ye Buqiu, please cooperate with our police in handling the case. We should be lenient when we confess and strict when we resist. We should honestly tell the truth of the whole incident. Otherwise, we should not be blamed for our impoliteness. You know, their caliber is that you beat them for no reason, that you beat people for breaking the law, and that you actually bite back? "

"You can ask those two girls." Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

"We've all interrogated." The young policeman said coldly“ One of the girls said that you were interested in her, and then first you teased her, and finally you beat some of her friends. What's more, the video from the witnesses at the scene shows that you have been beating them all the time. "

Ye Buqiu was not surprised to hear what the young police said. He knew everything when the police appeared.

There is something wrong with Yan Ruyu.

"I'm really a hero." Ye Buqiu said in distress“ Don't force me... If I get angry, even my aunt's third uncle's second son's daughter-in-law will be afraid. "

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