Protrusion, protrusion---

The bullets were all over the place like money. They shot at the clothing store where Qin ruxuan was staying. Then the customers fell into a pool of blood one by one.

When ye Buqiu shouts out, Qin ruxuan is obviously aware of it, and happens to see three empty muzzles. So at the moment when the three shooters shot, she fell down and hid behind the Lishi counter. No matter how the bullet opened a small hole in the Lishi table, she could not hurt Qin ruxuan.

Ye Buqiu was relieved. At the next moment, his feet sped up and ran towards the three gunners.

Because of the sound of shooting, the whole shopping mall was in chaos, and all the customers fled in confusion. And some innocent customers, unfortunately, ate a bullet and went to hell.

The crowd became more and more mixed, there were screams and wails.

But the three shooters were extremely excited and ferocious, as if they were even more excited than taking the white particles. As they walked towards the clothing store, they shot down the customers in front of them.

Ye Buqiu arrived in a twinkling of an eye. I don't know when a dagger appeared in his hand. He jumped up and stabbed at the neck of the shooter in the middle.


Blood gushed, and the shooter in the middle fell down with his mouth open.

The other two Gunners suddenly react, they want to move the muzzle to shoot ye Buqiu, but ye Buqiu is faster than them. He comes to a gunner, grabs his muzzle and aims at another short shot gunner, pulls the trigger, and the bullet hits the short shot gunner's eyebrow. Then, with a dagger stroke, he solved the shooter around him.

At this time, Qin ruxuan quickly came to ye Buqiu's side, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and finally frowned at ye Buqiu and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Ye Buqiu shakes his head“ Your identity is exposed. "

"I know." If Qin ruxuan didn't see that the target of the three men was her, she would have been working as a criminal police and special police for so many years“ But your identity is now exposed. "

Ye Buqiu's eyes circled the whole shopping mall, frowned and said coldly: "it seems that this is not the time to discuss these."

With that, he grabbed two submachine guns and bullet bags on the ground, threw one submachine gun and part of the bullets to Qin ruxuan, and grasped them to check and load.

Qin ruxuan's expression was cold, and her eyes were full of killing intention.

The customers in the shopping mall ran away in a panic. Although many people were killed by stampede, in a short time, the customers and stores of the whole shopping mall almost ran away, and the huge shopping mall was empty.

Dada dada.

The sound of orderly footsteps came into ye Buqiu's and Qin ruxuan's ears, accompanied by the sound of loading guns.

"Here we are." Ye Buqiu whispered.

The next moment, the muzzle of two people's guns to a corner direction, crazy pull the trigger. And in that place, one by one armed men in black rushed out.

In front of a few people in black fell at the muzzle of two people's guns, but also because of the people in black in the front row, gave the people behind the shot breathing opportunity.

Suddenly, suddenly.

The man in black is holding the muzzles of the guns in rows, blazing the tongue of fire, and pressing against ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan.

After a round of bullets, ye Buqiu pulls Qin ruxuan to hide behind and runs to a western restaurant. When people in black saw this, some changed their bullets and some pressed them carefully.

They walked into the western restaurant, moved their guns from side to side, and looked in all directions, but found no shadow of Ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan. The man in black, the leader of the group, made a gesture. The man in black was divided into three waves, one towards the backstage of the kitchen, the other towards the bathroom, and the remaining wave stayed in place.

But at this time, there was a flash of light on his head, and two figures jumped down from above.



Two hands, white in and red out, shuttle back and forth in the crowd in black, like cutting straw to solve these people in black one by one.

The leader in black didn't think that ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan would hide above their heads. He was a bit unprepared. But soon he calmed down, grabbed the dagger, and was kind enough to be nearest to Qin ruxuan and turned his back to him.

But Qin ruxuan had a hunch. She grabbed him by the wrist with her backhand. At the same time, she stepped back half a step, and her right hand and waist worked at the same time. She threw the leader in black over his shoulder and fell to the ground. Her last foot heavily stepped on his neck, and her blood vessels broke and there was no life.

Half the time, people in black who stayed in the original place all fell down.

Ye Buqiu doesn't dare to delay. He grabs Qin ruxuan who is about to take the bullet. They run down the stairs. And behind them, again came the rapid footsteps.

Naya shopping mall is in the business circle. Originally, the area was prosperous and there were a lot of pedestrians. However, after the shooting and fleeing customers of Naya shopping mall, the whole street was empty except for a newspaper flying in the wind.

They went down to the first floor, where the man in Black shot wildly. Fortunately, their escape route was along the stone pillar, so they cleverly avoided the bullets.

Running towards the main entrance of Naya shopping mall, a jeep comes quickly and stops in front of Ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan.

When Qin ruxuan raises her hand to shoot, ye Buqiu stops her and pulls her into the rear driver's seat.

When the jeep started, the blonde woman in the driver's seat said respectfully, "Mr. Ye, I'm Elma, Mr. Smith's man. I'll help you this time."

"Hard work." Ye Buqiu nods.

Immediately, he pulled an iron box from under the co pilot's seat. There were rows of weapons in the iron box. Even Qin ruxuan, who had seen many kinds of guns, could not help but be surprised.

"Mr. Ye, they are catching up." Alma takes a look in the rearview mirror and takes out a uzzie punch from below.

Ye Buqiu also took a look. Sure enough, not far behind the jeep, several black cars came at a high speed. Through the front window of the jeep, he saw all the weapons in it.

Ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan look at each other, choose their own weapons, gently nod their heads, put down the guns in the window, look out and shoot at the vehicles behind them.

Those black cars didn't expect ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan to shoot in public. They turned to the side in a hurry and hit the building. Suddenly, the car cover was smoking.

"Mr. Ye, here they are again." Said Alma.

In front of the jeep, several motorcycles came at a high speed, flashing left and right flexibly. Each rider held a gun and was shooting in the direction of the jeep.

Protrusion, protrusion---

The bullet flew wildly and fell into the bulletproof glass in front of the car. Although none of them penetrated the front window of the car, it looked very creepy and heart shaking.

When Elma stepped on it, a drifter threw it out sideways and hit the oncoming motorcycle.

Ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan take the opportunity to take out their heads, aim at the motorcyclists and take a person away with one shot.



The sound of collisions and explosions is as loud as a Hollywood movie.

But ye Buqiu knows that this passionate chase is just the beginning.

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