The sun is in the sky on a desert island.

In a cave, ye Buqiu holds two stones and puts them under the withered grass. He knocks them together and sparks are splashed. After a few more blows, the withered grass sparks.

Man made, oh no, ye Shui.

Ye Shui is slanting his head, holding two big fish with wood in his hand. He is staring at the sparks in the grass, blinking curiously.

There is no such data in her loading system.

The key part of Ye Shui's body is covered by simple cloth, which is cut from ye Buqiu's clothes. At first Ye Shui was very awkward. After all, she had been naked since she was born. Now she suddenly put on some tight cloth, which made her feel that she was locked in a test tube again.

Can hear the tone of Ye Buqiu order, she reluctantly put on the "clothes".

At the same time, she is very depressed. Why do humans feel comfortable naked? Why do they paste these superfluous things?

She doesn't understand!

"Maybe it's data that is not loaded in your own system." Ye Shui thought in his heart.

When the smell of grilled fish came, ye Shui shook his head, thinking that the smell was too bad.

"Ye Shui, what do you use to replenish energy? Do you want fish Ye Buqiu impolitely took the roast fish from her hand and gave it to Ye Shui.

"Master, it's solar energy, and electricity." Ye shuidaimeng replied“ Food is OK, but raw meat is needed. "

"Raw meat doesn't taste good." Ye Buqiu breaks a piece of meat from the fish and puts it into Ye Shui's mouth. Ye Shui dare not fight against ye Buqiu. He opens his mouth and lets the fish in, but he is stunned. He doesn't know what to do next.

"Eat it." Ye Buqiu continued“ You will eat what I eat later. Although I know that your constitution is different from that of ordinary people, if we can leave here, you want to keep your identity from being exposed and coveted by others, and try to live the same way as ordinary people. "

"Come and kill." Ye Shui said fiercely.

"Don't kill people all the time, girl. You should be gentle."

"Girls? What is it? " Ye Shui askew his head and asked.

Just as ye Buqiu was going to give her the rest of science popularization, he suddenly heard a sound, like the roar of a ship.

"There's a boat coming."

Ye Buqiu is full of surprise and pulls Ye Shui out. Ye Shui is confused and follows him behind.

Out of the cave, ye Buqiu climbed to the top of the rock pile. Looking at it, there was a boat in the distance, which was going south in the direction of a parallel line.

Ye Buqiu waved his hands and cried out: "there are people here! There are people here

However, the sound of the waves was too loud, and the ships were far away. Ye Buqiu's voice was covered in the sea and disappeared without a trace.

As the ship slowly moved away, ye Buqiu was in a hurry.

He and ye Shui have been down here for nearly ten days. Today is the first time that they meet a ship. Judging from the coconut storage on the desert island, this may also be their last chance.

If they miss this ship and the fresh water resources are exhausted, they may die directly on a desert island.

Oh no, it should be ye Buqiu who will die here.

But as a man-made leaf water, solar energy as a source of energy, is absolutely no problem.

Seeing ye Buqiu's reaction, ye Shui asked curiously, "master, what are you doing?"

"There are people here! There are people on the island But ye Buqiu didn't care about her. She kept shouting.

"Do you want to shout?" Ye Shui whispered, looked at ye Buqiu's appearance, then looked at the direction of the boat, and suddenly cried out, "there's someone here!"

Ye Shui's voice is deafening, like thunder rolling in the sky, like the sound played by a huge speaker.

Dayton time, ye Buqiu eardrum pain, with a period of tinnitus.

To his surprise, the boat seemed to hear ye Shui's cry, changed its direction and drove towards their desert island.

Ye Buqiu was so surprised that he took Ye underwater to the rock heap, chewed a few mouthfuls of fish, threw away the bone and ran to the beach.

This is a small fishing boat. After making great efforts on the beach, there are two Asian muscle men on the deck waving to ye Buqiu and ye Shui and lowering the climbing rope at the same time.

Ye Buqiu runs over with Ye Shui and climbs up the climbing rope.

Among them, the muscular man with long beard saw ye Buqiu with unkempt face, and then looked at Ye Shui with exposed and sexy figure. A trace of imperceptible cruelty flashed in his eyes. Then he showed a kind smile and said in broken English: "Hello, my name is Zheng Zhiqiao, Korean."

"Hello, my name is ye Buqiu." Ye Buqiu points to Ye Shui“ Her name is Ye Shui, my sister. "

Ye Shui looks at the two men curiously with a lovely face. When ye Buqiu saw this, he couldn't help wondering if there was something wrong with Ye Shui's system. Instead of the ferocity he had been in the experimental base, he was cute.

Now he began to doubt whether ye Shui was really a man-made man before?

Of course, this is just an episode in ye Buqiu's thoughts. When he saw the fierce look in Zheng Zhiqiao's eyes just now, he looked at all kinds of fishing gear on the deck and a piece of blood that had not been wiped clean. The corners of his mouth were slightly the same.

"Interesting Ye Buqiu said in his heart.

"Brother ye, how did you come to this desert island?" Zheng Zhiqiao asked.

"We drove the yacht out to sea. Unexpectedly, a few days ago, there was a storm and the yacht was involved in the sea. My sister and I swam to this desert island with the help of lifebuoy." Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

"How many days have you been here?"

"About ten days."

"Ten days?" Zheng Zhiqiao looked surprised“ Ten days on a desert island is not so good

"There is fresh water on the island." Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

"It's not easy to survive." Zheng Zhiqiao looked at his partner and said, "I'm hungry these days. Although the food here is not good, there are some vegetables and meat. I'll make some for you. When it comes to shore, I'll treat you to a good meal. "

"Thank you very much." Ye Buqiu thanks.

Later, Zheng Zhiqiao took ye Buqiu and ye Shui to the bottom rest cabin.

The rest cabin is not wide. After going in, ye Buqiu leaned against the wall and listened for a while. He recognized that there were three other people in the boat besides Zheng Zhiqiao and his partner just now.

Hearing their discussion, ye Buqiu immediately said a few words in Ye Shui's ear.

After hearing ye Buqiu's words, ye Shui still looks cute. She really can't figure out why the master can torture and kill them and has to do other things in a roundabout way?

Man, it's complicated.

Before long, Zheng Zhiqiao came with two boxes of rice.

"Brother ye, have dinner." Zheng Zhiqiao put the lunch box on the table and said to ye Buqiu with a smile.

But in his eyes, the spicy color was obvious.

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