That night, in the room of the villa, a sexy woman climbed over Lin Guohe. She looked at the time and said to Lin Guohe, "boss, I've completely injected resources into it."

"Disperse as soon as possible and let the government know." Lin Guohe said with a relaxed expression.

"Yes." The sexy woman gets up from the bed and goes into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the sound of water came quickly.

But at this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and Lin Guohe jumped up from the bed like a spring.


The light in the room was turned on, and two figures stood at the door.

Lin Guohe is a familiar figure.

When he saw these two people, Lin Guohe's eyes were shocked, and his face was full of disbelief.

"I can't believe we're still alive?" Lin Xiyuan's mouth is cold, and his eyes are full of indifference when he looks at Lin Guohe. She had a cold temper, but when the hospital exploded that day, her heart for the man in front of her had already died.

"Evil." Lin Qingyuan stamped his crutch and angrily pointed to Lin Guohe.

Lin Guohe looked at them for a while, and immediately laughed wildly, as if he had been possessed.

"Ha ha ha --" Lin Guohe's face was full of self mockery“ I didn't expect that, ah, I didn't expect that being smart was mistaken by being smart, and I was put on the spot by you. "

"But this can kill you." Lin Xiyuan said coldly.

"Yes, it really killed me." Lin Guohe looked up at the ceiling, he could not accept such a situation, but the fact was that he had to accept it“ All of you have been controlled by me. There are few people who can use it. How did you hide the truth in the explosion

Just then, a man came out from behind Lin Xiyuan. He looked at Lin Guohe with a smile on his face and said with a smile, "you seem to have forgotten me."

"It's you - you're not dead?" Lin Guohe's pupils are dilated.

"Maybe God thinks I'm a useful person, so he put me in the world to continue to benefit the people." Ye Buqiu shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "but for you, heaven is not so kind."

"Ha ha ha, I lost. I didn't expect that I was still defeated by you." Lin Guohe laughed wildly, but after his face turned red, he raised a few doubts“ But I want to know, how did you know my plan and deliberately choose to break in at this time? "

"Your people don't seem very reliable either." Ye Buqiu said.

Lin Guohe looked at the bathroom. The people in it were still taking a bath, but now he knew that maybe she was not taking a bath, but was washing away the dirty things she had left on her.

He lost.

He lost not only in his plan, but also in his heart.

His only reliable man turned over and stabbed him at the last moment.

A blazing knife is the most lethal.

"I lost." Lin Guohe said.

"I know." Ye Buqiu nodded.

"Do you know why your father had the reputation of betraying his country for glory?"

"I know that, too. In fact, you are the initiator of everything. "

"Yes." Lin Guohe seemed to recall some memories and said with emotion: "he and I were friends originally. As a result, who could believe it, became the enemy later. "

"Your heart is too dirty."

"You can also praise my ambition." Lin Guohe didn't think it was his fault.

At this time, Lin Guohe took out a pistol from his pillow, but did not shoot at Bai Xiu.

He knew that he could not fight against Bai Xiu with a pistol alone, and he also knew that since Bai Xiu's three people could enter the room unobstructed and quietly, the people inside and outside here must have been their people.

Even if you can escape the room, you can't escape the villa.

A turtle in a jar is what he is now.

Lin Guohe raised his pistol and aimed it at his temple. He began to laugh again, a little strange and unwilling.

With a long sigh, Lin Qingyuan turned to leave with his crutch.

His heart has always been bad and he is not suitable for such a scene.

But ye Buqiu and Lin Xiyuan are looking at him with their eyes closed, as if this is a pet, dispensable.


At last, the gun rang out.

There was blood all over the sheets.

Along the folds of the sheet, the blood trickled down slowly, dripping on the wooden floor, into the wood seam.

Lin Xiyuan's tall and straight body suddenly falls down at this moment, and Bai Xiu holds her in his arms. Lin Xiyuan wanted to stand up, but his body was shaking and he had no strength.

Ye Buqiu picked up the haughty woman and said in the softest voice, "leave."

Lin Xiyuan slowly wrapped his hands around Bai Xiu's arms and held them tightly.

A woman who is capable and arrogant on weekdays.

Maybe now she is just an injured child.

Ye Buqiu sighs and looks at the woman who stops washing in the bathroom. He turns to leave with Lin Xiyuan in his arms. As for the bodies in the room, naturally someone will deal with them.

A week later.

When Lin Xiyuan returns to Lantian group, she first stabilizes the pattern of Lantian group, and then draws one third of the group's working capital for various aspects of charity structure.

That week, the image of Lin Xiyuan was repeatedly on the news, and was praised as the most caring entrepreneur.

At this moment, her word-of-mouth is rapidly rising, and the business of blue sky group is also expanding to all parts of the world. It only takes a short month to quickly occupy the markets all over the world.


On a holiday cruise ship, ye Buqiu was only wearing a big underpants, lying in a sun chair, basking in the sun and drinking iced juice.

Beside him lay a woman of attractive and sexy figure.

"How do you know I'm in Sanya?" Asked the woman.

"Big stars have news everywhere. I'll spend some money to find a paparazzi and find out that you've been shooting advertisements in Sanya recently, so I've come here secretly. Is it a surprise? " Ye Buqiu's head leaned over and looked at the beautiful face of the woman, smiling.

The woman drank a mouthful of juice, leisurely said: "it seems that we have cut off the relationship?"

"It seems so." Ye Buqiu nodded his head seriously.

"What are you doing here? Want to get back to me? "

Ye Buqiu got up, went to the woman, held her slender hand, and gave her lips a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. She said very gentlemanly, "Ms. Gu Yuyan, my name is ye Buqiu, the leaf of maple leaf, the immortal no, the autumn of autumn. Can I have the pleasure of meeting you? "

"With pleasure, dear Mr. Ye." Gu Yuyan gets up from the sun chair.

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