Some people say that where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes.

Some people say that where there are women, there are sex wolves.

And television often says that once there are policemen in the place where the case is handled, there will be prisoners... So these criminal policemen simply and dominantly, based on the meager "evidence", directly put the suspect on Li Quan.

Of course, it's just a claim to assist in the investigation.

Hearing this firm voice, the criminal police turned back, and Li Quan, various deputy directors and actors also looked up.

A boy wearing a blue T-shirt crossed the cordon and came slowly with a calm face.

"Director Ye." Someone called out subconsciously. Ye Buqiu was the director of their production group for one day. Naturally, someone recognized the boy.

"Who are you?" The captain of the criminal police looked at the boy who had crossed the warning line. He was quite surprised. Then he was full of vigilance and scolded: "this is the scene of the police case. No one is allowed to get close to it. Otherwise, he will be punished for the crime of obstructing public affairs."

Ye Buqiu came over with a smile, stood in front of the criminal police captain, and said with a smile, "do you know me?"

"No The head of the criminal police captain answered without thinking for a moment. Then he seemed to realize that he seemed too clever, so he immediately changed his cold face and said in a calm voice, "I don't care who you are. We have the right to take you back to the Public Security Bureau."

"Since you don't know who I am, why are you driving me away in such a hurry?" Ye Buqiu asked.

"You are hindering us from handling the case now. Naturally, we will drive you away. Do you have to sit down and have a cup of tea to chat?" Seeing that the team leader was "in trouble", the little criminal police next to him came forward and retorted.

"Then why didn't they leave?" Ye Buqiu points to Li Quan and many of his crew members and asks suspiciously.

"They may all be suspects, so naturally they have to stay to help with the case."

"But I could be a suspect, too." Ye Buqiu, with a look of impatience, scolded the little criminal police and said: "any details of the case may become the key to solving the case, and anyone who is easy to be ignored may be the murderer. Haven't you learned these investigation concepts in the police academy? Or are you just a pig brain

"I had conflicts with the victim before. I said that he didn't have any acting skills. He was a star who could only play handsome and cool, but not be called an actor. One of his female partners was so angry that I vomited blood and went to the hospital. As far as the truth is concerned, my suspicion is no lower than any of them. "

"You must have got into the police station by relationship? As far as your IQ level is concerned, if you want to take the math test for primary school students, it's estimated that you have to take off your shoes and break off your toes to count

"But you weren't there at the time of the crime." The little criminal police are deeply aggrieved. How can there be such a curse? Where's the suspect who's hitting the muzzle?

When ye Buqiu heard this, he was angry and laughed. He pointed to the little criminal policeman and said, "have you ever heard of the murderer? Haven't you seen the big boss on TV standing behind directing and planning the work of the people below? "

"Enough." Zhang Li, the captain of the criminal police, turned to eat and drink to the little criminal police who was nearly mentally disabled beside him: "immediately collect his fingerprints, confirm his identity, and make a confession to him, so as to understand what he was doing at the time of the crime."

"Yes, captain." The little criminal police are doing Zhang Li's work.

Ye Buqiu is very cooperative to assist the work of the small criminal police, which surprised the small criminal police.

After these simple and necessary work, Zhang Li looked at ye Buqiu coldly. He was a little angry and said in a voice, "since you just said that Li Quan is not a suspect, then this suspect is yourself?"

"The suspect is naturally not me. How can there be such a stupid suspect who, after winning the job and getting dirty smoothly, jumps out and turns himself in foolishly?" Ye Buqiu shook his head and said. Later, he added: "of course, Mr. Li is not a suspect."

"You think I'll believe you if there's no evidence? What's more, when will it be your turn to point out when the police handle the case? " Captain Zhang Li sneered and pointed to Li Quan beside ye Buqiu. With a big wave of his hand, he said, "take him to the bureau to investigate."

"You can't touch him." Ye Buqiu stands in front of Li Quan and shouts.

"In case of disobedience, it shall be dealt with as a crime of obstructing public service." Zhang Li cried out.

Several criminal policemen grind their fists and walk towards Li Quan. The little criminal policeman who was scolded by Ye Buqiu just glared at ye Buqiu and rolled up his sleeves.

"Zhang Li." Ye Buqiu's eyes gradually cooled down, and his eyes were full of anger. He said in a deep voice, "do you really want to kill old Li? You know, if the king of hell really fights, it will always be the kids who suffer. In my eyes, you really can't see enough. "

Hearing ye Buqiu's name clearly and correctly, and then hearing what ye Buqiu said, Zhang Li didn't feel the slightest annoyance, but set off a storm.

"I didn't expect that he knew all about it." It's not good for Zhang Li to shout in his heart. Since ye Buqiu is involved in this matter, it is impossible for him to continue what he wants to do.

What ye Buqiu said is true. Although he is wearing the clothes of Guangzong Yaozu, for some people at some level, he is just a kid who can sacrifice at any time.

The man standing behind him is the king of hell. Similarly, the man in front of him who has a close relationship with Gu Yuyan and goes to the front door of the Lin family to divorce his wife without being driven out by the Lin family is also the king of hell that he can't afford.

Zhang Li did not know how ye Buqiu knew his identity, but Zhang Li did carefully investigate ye Buqiu's identity. After all, the master behind him is a loyal fan of Gu Yuyan, and as the master, Zhang Li naturally wants to memorize ye Buqiu's information.

Because of this, Zhang Li recognized the boy at the first sight of Ye Buqiu.

Seeing Zhang Li's face, ye Buqiu narrowed her eyes slightly, then said with a smile: "Captain Zhang Li, as a good citizen, I disclosed to the criminal police that director Li Quan did touch the scissors, but it doesn't mean that the scissors is a murder weapon... Besides, even if it is a murder weapon, someone may be slandering director Li Quan."

"It makes sense." Zhang Li is also a person who has seen the wind and rain, and his face soon eased. And now, it's the only way out.

"Captain? Do you want to ask Li Quan to go to the police station to investigate? " Several criminal policemen looked at their captains in a dazed way, wondering how their captains' attitude could change?

"It's better to let the bad guys go than to wrongly the good ones." Zhang Li drinks loudly“ If we continue to investigate the case, we must get to the bottom of the matter. Otherwise, we will be ashamed of our clothes. "

After hearing this, several criminal police officers immediately got busy.

With the "active investigation" of team leader Zhang Li, the case soon changed.

It turns out that the murder weapon is another large pliers in the props group, and the murderer is a young employee in the props group. Young employees see things exposed, suddenly pale, directly paralyzed to the ground.

The criminal police quickly stopped the team, and the only person who was taken away was the young employee who was crowned with the murderer's hat.

When the criminal police left Xiyuan, Li Quan breathed a sigh of relief and turned his eyes to ye Buqiu. He couldn't wait to ask, "how can you see that there is something wrong with this case?"

"It's very simple. Zhang Li's handling of the case is too extreme. Once he sees weak evidence pointing at you, he will directly bite you. Then there may be problems in the case itself." Ye Buqiu said with a smile. In fact, just before entering the west garden, he knew about the case in the west garden. At that time, he immediately asked No. 6 to investigate the truth of the case.

So the truth soon surfaced.

"I have no grudge or resentment against these people. I'm so wronged." Li Quan said angrily.

"It should be because they think that you are too high in the position of Mr. Li. They are envious." Ye Buqiu explained vaguely.

In the planning of the next few years, many people have proposed that the park should be demolished, but many people have also suggested that the park should be left behind. Therefore, the number of votes in the planning bureau is equal, and it is difficult to decide whether the park will go or stay.

But after the bad events that have happened repeatedly in the past two years, let the votes fall to the "remove the park" side, so as to increase the probability of flattening the park. Then we can recycle the place and bid again, so as to choose a new developer, and finally build a high-rise building on the spot.

As for the "case" accident that happened today, it is just one of the bad events in the past two years. Its function is to speed up the overthrow of Xiyuan. The reason why the target should be placed on Li Quan is that director Li Quan has a high position in the entertainment circle. Once Li Quan is involved in this incident, the bad events in Xiyuan will be more serious.

In this way, the number of tourists in Xiyuan will drop rapidly, so it is easy for Xiyuan to lose the profit channel.

Just after he left Xiyuan, Zhang Li rode alone in a police car, turned on the phone and dialed a number. When he got through, he respectfully reported the incident and finally said, "Mr. Dong, I'm afraid ye Buqiu has known that you have been involved in these incidents in the past two years."

"Zhang Li." The other end of the phone said coldly“ I just met you at a party. I don't have much private relationship with you, so I can't understand what you are saying. If you slander me like this, I have the right to take you to court. "

"Yes, yes." Zhang Li, with a cold sweat on his forehead, quickly changed his words and said, "Mr. Dong, I'm sorry, I have some mental illness these days. I'm always talking nonsense. I hope you don't take this matter to heart."

"Well, that's it." There's a call on the other end of the line.

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