It was already ten past seven when Liu Jie woke up in the morning.

In order to wait for Gu Yuyan to return to their suite, Liu Jie didn't go to sleep last night. Almost at two or three o'clock, she finally couldn't bear the strong sleepiness before she fell asleep.

When she woke up and opened her eyes, the first idea was not to take out the expensive make-up box for make-up, nor to run to the bathroom to solve physiological problems, but to step on slippers and run to Gu YuYan's room and tap on the door.

Liu Jie, with a pair of black eyes, saw that there was no response in the room for a long time. When she pushed in, she only saw a clean sheet on the bed. She didn't find Gu Yuyan in it.

In her heart, Liu Jie was shocked and subconsciously pressed her mobile phone to enter a number.

After a while, she deleted the numbers on the screen one by one, put her mobile phone back in her pocket, quickly changed her clothes and ran to the next room to ring the doorbell.

After a few minutes, there was still no movement in ye Buqiu's 1113 suite.

Liu Jie sighed softly and turned back to her room.

After nearly ten minutes, she suddenly heard the opening of the door and ran out of the room. It happened that ye Buqiu came in from the outside with Gu Yuyan on her back.

Gu Yuyan climbs down from ye Buqiu's back. Her feet are a little awkward. She holds ye Buqiu's shoulder and slowly sits on the sofa beside her.

"Yuyan, what's the matter with you?" Liu Jie stares at the intimate two.

When she saw Gu YuYan's abnormal legs, some thoughts came out of her mind. Then she thought of Gu YuYan's absence all night. Her heart was more turbulent and her head fell into a dizzy state.

"Just now we went for a run. My elder martial sister sprained her and couldn't walk, so I carried her back." Ye Buqiu sees the difference in Liu Jie's eyes and explains it.

Liu Jie's face was scorched when she heard the speech, but she was quietly relieved.

If Gu Yuyan really had an accident in this trip to South Vietnam, she would have a certain responsibility, and it would be hard to say in Dong Shao's side.

She quickly ran to catch Gu YuYan's little hand and asked with concern, "Why are you so careless? Yuyan, it's not a big deal, is it? Or I'll get you some sprain lotion. "

"Sister Liu, ye Buqiu has massaged me. I'll be fine." Gu Yuyan gently shakes her head.

"It's OK. It's OK."

"Sister Liu, I'm a little hungry now. Go to the hotel restaurant and help me bring some breakfast. I'll take a good bath at this time."

"Well, well, I'll be back soon. You have a good rest, but don't get tired. " Liu Jie tidied up, took a look at ye Buqiu, and then left the suite with her bag.

Seeing that Liu Jie left, Gu YuYan's pretty face was a little dim, but she said, "have you seen all kinds of reactions of sister Liu just now?"

"Maybe she really cares about you." Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

"I hope so, too."

At 7:50, the three had a simple breakfast in the hotel, and Li Quan arrived as scheduled.

This time, several people are still riding yesterday's Buick GL8, and the driver is also yesterday's photographer Liang Zhong.

Liang Zhong peeks at Gu Yuyan in the rear mirror. He can't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva. Finally, he moves away from his sight and drives off with a face full of excitement.

Li Quan and Liu Jie are in the middle row, while ye Buqiu and Gu Yuyan are in the last row.

"No autumn, rain Yan." Li Quan looked back at them with a smile on his face and said, "have you seen all the scripts sent to you last night? Do you think there is something wrong? We can discuss and study it together. "

"Mr. Li, I think the originality of this advertisement is wonderful, and there is also Mr. Li's professional guidance technology. I think the effect of the advertisement will not be bad. We'll just follow the script. " Gu Yuyan said with a clever smile.

"And you?" Li Quan focuses on ye Buqiu.

"Mr. Li, don't stare at me. I'm just a half baked boy, but I'm just making up for the number. And you, a big director and a big movie queen, are all professionals in this field. Both of you have no opinions. If I speak now, I will not deny your face? " Ye Buqiu joked.

"A dog's mouth doesn't spit out ivory." Gu Yuyan gives ye Buqiu a look in the narrator.

"If a dog could spit Ivory out of its mouth, I would have gone to have a dog. Do I have to come here with you to make trouble?"

"It's very eloquent."

"It's only because I didn't know much when I was a child. I swallowed a lot of spring by mistake. If I had known that there was such a causal relationship, I would have given up spring money and changed to large denomination banknotes, so that now I can spit out a large amount of money by opening my mouth freely. "


There was a lot of laughter in the car and we got along very well.

Today's shooting site is in the West Lake, which is the largest lake in Hanoi and one of the famous tourist attractions. It has a natural and unique sense of beauty and the impact of human integration.

Huaxia also has a Poxi Lake in Suzhou and Hangzhou, but in recent years, the pollution of Huaxia's West Lake is a little serious. Even though it has been vigorously rectified, Huaxia's West Lake still loses its natural beauty, so it has more artificial machinery and less natural flavor.

The West Lake covers an area of about 500 hectares, and the road around the lake is more than ten kilometers long. It is one of the top scenic spots in South Vietnam.

Near the West Lake, the most famous is violet.

The colorful red flowers of violets are in full bloom, which dye the whole west lake with layers of red veil, giving people a mysterious and enchanting beauty, and making people wonder at the sight.

For this shooting trip, yarna, the general manager of Asia branch of van clenburg brand, came to the hotel overnight. She had a short rest in the hotel, and in the morning, she had already come to West Lake with the crew.

Gu Yuyan, as one of the most influential movie stars in the world, can agree to act as the spokesperson of their company. Just by virtue of this, we need them to express their greatest respect.

And yarna can come here in person, while proving the respect shown by van cletta, she also indirectly sees Gu YuYan's position in Van cletta.

Yarna is a Frenchman, tall, sexy and full, tall and straight as a baby's head. In her actions, she exudes all kinds of European women's manners and the unique French romantic atmosphere, which makes the male compatriots around her swallow a few saliva secretly.

When Buick stopped at xihukou, yarna walked up gracefully on her crystal high-heeled shoes and said to Li Quan who was the first to get off the bus: "director Li, long time no see. You are getting younger and younger. This advertising shooting is hard for you, but I believe in director Li's professional level. "

Yarna speaks English. For Li Quan, who is proficient in foreign languages, there is not much problem in communication.

"Miss yarna is very kind. We have a good cooperative relationship. You have provided us with shooting conditions and paid us a lot. We should do our best." Li Quan exchanged greetings with yarna with a smile on his face.

Yalna nodded with a smile, and then put her eyes on Gu Yuyan who just got off the bus. She stretched out her white palm and said very friendly, "Hello, Miss Gu. My name is yarna. I'm the person in charge of this Chinese market project. When we meet for the first time, please give me more advice. "

"Hello, miss yarna." Gu Yuyan shook hands and said with a smile.

"It's an honor for our group to invite Miss Gu as our advertising spokesman in China. I hope that in the future we can have more exchanges with each other, enhance the feelings between the two sides, and maintain our friendly relationship. "

"It's my pleasure, too." Gu Yuyan smiles.

Two people delicate palm after holding namely cent.

Yarna looks at ye Buqiu beside Gu Yuyan, blinks her eyes and says with a smile, "this must be Mr. Ye Buqiu, the fifth apprentice of Mr. Jiao Tianya, Miss Gu's little apprentice, right? I've heard a lot about you. Today, you are as handsome as the outside world has said. "

Ye Buqiu was ready to be ignored, but she didn't expect that yarna recognized herself and said her identity accurately.

He couldn't help looking at the woman more.

This woman has done her homework for this seemingly "simple" advertising project.

"Miss yalna, you are also like the simultaneous interpreting of the beautiful and beautiful lips. I think you will be the sexy goddess in the hearts of countless men. "

"And miss yarna has been the general manager of the Asian Division since she was young. It's really rare. It's really a model for our generation." Ye Buqiu is not stingy in praise.

In the car, he had learned from Li Quan that yarna was the person in charge of the project investment.

"Dear Mr. Ye, thank you for your praise." Yarna responded calmly with a smile.

While talking and laughing, they walked towards the West Lake.

When we arrived at the shooting site, the crew was preparing for work in a tense and orderly manner.

There are about 20 people in the whole crew, most of whom are men. When all the crew members see Li Quan coming in, their work stops for a while, and they peek at him one after another.

Of course, most of the line of sight still falls on Gu Yuyan.

As an international star, Gu Yuyan is one of the representative stars in the entertainment circle of China. She not only has a super high status in the circle of stars, but also has a great influence in the circle of ordinary people.

Gu Yuyan, with her acting skills, character and exquisite appearance, has attracted countless fans among the common people, including those on the scene.

When they saw the graceful Gu Yuyan coming in, they were full of excitement and their eyes were full of blazing.

At the risk of being reprimanded, many staff members took out their mobile phones and took photos quietly to record the beautiful moment when they saw the goddess with their own eyes.

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