Ruan Yuewen and Ruan YUEWU are from South Vietnam. Although they are two brothers, they are quite different in appearance. Ruan YUEWU is very muscular, but Ruan Yuewen is small and skinny, with a pair of rat eyes and a typical sneaker. The combination of culture and martial arts does not disgrace the name given by their family.

Ruan Yuewen and Ruan YUEWU were born in a drug trafficking family. They developed a cruel and cautious character from childhood. It is precisely because of this character that they often escape from danger.

When the operation of Mingzhu Grand Theater failed, Ruan Yuewen and Ruan YUEWU retreated quickly, and then used some tricks to escape from the encirclement. After they left the pearl theatre, they did not leave Pearl City immediately. There are two reasons. One is that after the terrorist attack, pearl city must be checked at all levels, and their organization has little foundation in Pearl City, which can not guarantee their safety in and out of the customs. The second reason is that they want revenge.

It's true that Nanyue people are vicious, but they have another characteristic. That is to attach importance to emotion and righteousness.

In this operation, not only two brothers, Ruan Yuewen and Ruan YUEWU, but also a man were involved. That man is the elder brother of the gang in South Vietnam where they are, and is their guide on this road. As a result, that man was shot in the head by a hateful woman named Qin ruxuan.

After Ruan Yuewen and Ruan YUEWU settled down in Hongdeng street, they began to prepare for revenge on Qin ruxuan. It's just that Qin ruxuan doesn't show up in other occasions these days, either in the Public Security Bureau or in the downtown apartment, which makes them helpless.

"Brother, if you want me to say that, just take a gun and shoot that girl in the street. There's no need to beat around the bush. " Ruan YUEWU while gnawing hard dry food, while holding more language not happy shouting. The more he looked at the dry food in his hand, the more uncomfortable he felt. He seemed to treat it as Qin ruxuan with a picture on the wall and trample it severely.

"There is a Chinese proverb that careful sailing will last forever." Ruan Yuewen stares at the laptop in front of him, which shows the monitoring system near Xixiang hotel. Ruan Yuewen is not only an extraordinary sharpshooter with intelligent mind, but also a computer hacker. To solve the problem of monitoring nearby, it is as simple as Chinese college students' math problems.

"His mother's. We are in Africa, or in South Vietnam, which one is not happy to take a knife and a gun to do his mother's work? When do we shrink? I said, "elder brother, are you getting older and less daring?"

"This is Huaxia. China is a country where guns are strictly forbidden. If we kill people with guns in the street, we will have to die. What's more, we are the people who participated in the Falcon project. If our identity is exposed, the situation will be even worse. " Ruan Yuewen was not angry either and explained. He knows his brother better than anyone else, and naturally knows his hot temper.

"It's a damn thing." Ruan YUEWU angrily broke a curse. Although he was hot tempered and impulsive, he would listen to Ruan Yuewen from childhood to adulthood.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance." Ruan Yuewen narrowed his eyes. His eyes were fixed on the photo of Qin ruxuan beside the computer, like a snake lurking in the dark.

Ruan YUEWU ate a few mouthfuls of dry food in his hand, touched the pistol pinned to his waist, said to Ruan Yuewen, and then lay down in bed and fell asleep.

"YUEWU, come here." As soon as Ruan YUEWU fell asleep, Ruan Yuewen woke him up. Ruan YUEWU rubbed his sleepy eyes and went to Ruan Yuewen's side. He asked suspiciously, "brother, what happened?"

"Look." Ruan Yuewen pointed to a picture on the computer. In the picture, a young man is holding an enchanting woman dressed as a student into the hotel, and their bodies are about to stick together, which is completely like a monkey.

"Big brother, there are a lot of Chinese dogs and women, and there are a lot of men like monkeys. Men are happy and women love each other. What's so strange about coming here to open a house. I said, brother, it won't be long since you haven't tasted the taste of women. Can't you stand it? Otherwise, I'll grab that woman and let you have a good time first. " Ruan YUEWU yelled at him in a loud voice.

Ruan Yuewen is not angry. If he was really angry with his brother, he would have been so angry that he would not have lived so long.

"Pay attention to his eyes." Ruan Yuewen pointed to the boy in the picture and said.

"Look straight ahead."

"That's right. If any man, in this case, will more or less focus on the women around him, but this man is not. There are two possibilities. The first is that he is not interested in the women around him. However, judging from the degree of ambiguity between them, this one can be denied. So, there's only one possibility left... That's this man, with another purpose. "

"And look at his walking posture, step by step similar, footwall stability, a look to know that he is a practitioner. And this guy, who seems to be familiar, seems to have seen him somewhere

"Brother, you mean this guy's purpose is us?" Ruan YUEWU's eyes widened and his voice lowered. He took the pistol from his waist and opened the safety.

"Eight or nine is ten. Go to open the window and tidy up the room quickly. The things in this room can't fall into the hands of Chinese people. " Ruan Yuewen did not mess in the face of danger, and quickly gave an order to his unreliable brother. He also picked up the things beside him, and then took out a silver pistol from the drawer.

When they finished, there was a knock outside the room.

Ruan Yuewen and Ruan YUEWU made a gesture, looked at the cat's eye, and found that it had been blocked from the outside. Ruan Yuewen took out a dagger and leaned against the back of the door of the room. Then he asked the door in fluent Chinese: "who is it?"

Dong Dong.

There was still a knock on the door, but no sound came in from outside. Ruan Yuewen asked Ruan YUEWU to check the window of the room. After Ruan YUEWU gave him an "OK" sign, he walked slowly towards the window from behind the door. At the same time, his pistol was pointing at the door all the time, as if he was on guard against someone breaking in.

When they were about to jump out of the window, the door broke open and a shadow flew in. Ruan Yuewen didn't think about the time. He fired two shots at the shadow one after another. The gun hit, and the shadow flew out.

"Bad." Seeing the shadow flying out, Ruan Yuewen reflected that the shadow was a coat. When Ruan Yuewen's heart was not good, a fist appeared in front of him, from small to large, and in a twinkling of an eye.

"Big brother, I'll come." Ruan YUEWU was several times better than Ruan Yuewen in fighting. When Ruan Yuewen felt that someone was rushing, Ruan YUEWU already stood in front of Ruan Yuewen and used his bowl sized fist to blast him.

Their fists collided with each other. Ruan YUEWU, who had always been famous for his fists, was numb and staggered back a few steps.

"Stop it." Ruan Yuewen pointed a pistol at the visitor and said coldly in poor Chinese: "I was a little suspicious at the beginning, but when I saw your real person, I knew that you were the masked person who appeared that night. What, want to kill? But unfortunately, you are the one who died today. "

It was ye Buqiu who came.

Ye Buqiu looked at the muzzle of the black hole, a pair of happy Taotao look, completely did not care about their current situation. Ye Buqiu looked at Ruan Yuewen and Ruan YUEWU, who were big and small. At last, he looked at Ruan Yuewen and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that your head was so smart. Originally, I wanted to deal with you easily, but now I don't need to work hard. Oh, what a pity. "

Ye Buqiu spent 600 yuan to get close to the room and solve the two guys by surprise attack. Now, he was pointed at with a gun, and the woman in the student costume didn't touch one. Isn't that a pity?

"Who are you?" Ruan Yue Wen said with a sneer. In China, when he had no choice, he was not willing to use a pistol, even if the pistol was equipped with a muffler.

"Red scarf." Ye Buqiu said solemnly.

"Red scarf?" Ruan Yuewen seems to have heard the name for the first time“ Hehe, I hope your blood is red. Now you stand still, or I'll shoot you... Don't think I dare not kill you, I just don't want to make a mess of myself. YUEWU, go break his legs. Pay attention

"Yes, big brother." Ruan YUEWU grinds his fist and goes over. In the fight just now, the underdog who belittled the enemy, which made him very unhappy. Now that he saw the opportunity, he must break the smiling man's legs and hands in front of him.

Ruan YUEWU walked past with a arrogant face. At this time, ye Buqiu suddenly launched his strength, and suddenly kicked Ruan YUEWU's crotch with his right foot. Ruan YUEWU didn't react as well as being kicked, and covered his painful crotch and squatted down. Ruan Yuewen was angry in his heart. When he was about to shoot ye Buqiu, his right hand did not have the power to hold the trigger. He looked down and saw that his right palm was disconnected from his wrist, and the palm fell to the ground with the pistol.

"He has reinforcements."

Ruan YUEWU, who often lives on the edge of a knife, suddenly realizes that there are ye Buqiu's reinforcements outside the window. Moreover, he also knew that the strength of the reinforcements outside must be so terrible that it would make people feel cold. Otherwise, it would be impossible to use the blade as a dart to cut off his palm at such a long distance.

"Big brother, let's go." Ruan YUEWU suddenly hugs Ruan Yuewen and pours out of the window.

The room is on the second floor. It's not too high, but the two people jumped out sideways, so they just fell down on the lane where there was no one behind. Because Ruan YUEWU hugged Ruan Yuewen, Ruan Yuewen received very little damage. However, as soon as the two men landed, they saw a woman with a blade in her hand coming quickly.

Ruan YUEWU roared and rushed towards the woman. At the same time, he yelled at Ruan Yuewen behind him: "brother, go quickly. If you don't go, it's too late. Remember, you must avenge me and kill them all. "

Ruan Yuewen looked at his brother's back, gritted his teeth, dragged his wrists full of blood to the back of the road, grabbed a car and left the scene quickly.

smooth and clean.

Ye Buqiu is on the second floor of Xixiang hotel. He squints at Ruan Yuewen, who completely abandoned his brother. He didn't expect this guy to slip away decisively.

But that's where the cat and the mouse play. Ye Buqiu thought in his heart.

His eyes fell back on number six. He believes that with the killing ability of No. 6 pervert, it's as easy to deal with this big man as a cat playing with a mouse, and there's no need for his own help.

At this time, ye Buqiu's mobile phone rings.

"Hello, leaf. I've arrived at Mingzhu. I'll give you an hour to come to Mingzhu station and wait for me, otherwise you'll be waiting for me to kill you this evening. " It's the sound of sunshine. This guy is ye Buqiu's best friend at school.

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