Zhang Dong is a small police officer in Hanoi police headquarters. This weekend is his vacation time.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, Zhang Dong yawned to his downstairs breakfast stall and bought more than ten Zhang's buns and his wife's favorite soybean milk fried dough sticks. When he was about to return upstairs, his wandering and confused eyes suddenly stagnated.

He saw outside the small hotel next to his community, a man was carrying two breakfasts back to the hotel.

The man carrying breakfast has a pretty face, and has the unique standard of Chinese men. Most importantly, Zhang Dong is no stranger to this man.

This man is most likely the murderer they were in charge of last night.

It's just that Zhang Dong doesn't care whether the man is the murderer or not, but the reward for the murder. According to the Bureau, as long as anyone can provide clues to the case, 10 million South Vietnamese shields will be awarded.

Zhang Dong was very excited. Ten million yuan of Nanyue Dun was enough for his three-month salary.

Zhang Dong went back to his small rental house with a red face, threw his breakfast directly on the dining table, and ran into his room in a hurry without waiting for his wife's scolding.

Qin ruxuan felt her heart was dead.

At least in the past two years, her heart has not any ripples, sometimes she felt that living in this world is redundant.

Qin ruxuan wanted to leave the world, but she gave up the idea.

She can't die yet. She still needs to kill the man two years ago, eat him alive and cut him to pieces.

It can be said that in the past two years of gray life, hatred for that man is her motivation to survive.

However, when she saw him again, she didn't have the strength to pull the trigger of the pistol, and she couldn't lift her heart to kill him. She even saved his life at the last moment.

Qin ruxuan's head was in a flurry, which made her a little flustered.

"How long has it been since? Why do you feel like this? " Qin ruxuan has been thinking about these problems all night, but the more she thinks about them, the more confused she is.

Yes, now Qin ruxuan's heart is in a mess, and the source is ye Buqiu.

Even last night, her companion died in the explosion and the ruthless slaughter of the enemy. She didn't have the slightest fluctuation in her heart.


The sound of opening the door broke Qin ruxuan's mind. She swept over from the window, holding a dagger and cutting at the people who came in.

Just came in ye Buqiu felt a sense of crisis, heart chilly, bitter voice called: "it's me."

Qin ruxuan quickly took back the dagger and gave him a cold glance. Then she went back to the position where she had just stayed. She rubbed her feet and jumped up, leaning her body against the window. Her eyes fell on the scenery outside the window.

Ye Buqiu put his breakfast on the table and said with a smile, "the breakfast in South Vietnam is not as rich as that in China. We can only make do with it. I hope you don't mind."

Qin ruxuan didn't say a word, and her eyes were staring out indifferently.

Seeing Qin ruxuan's indifference to the meal, ye Buqiu is helpless. He walks over with his breakfast. As a result, he is stopped by Qin ruxuan on the way: "stop."

Ye Buqiu's steps stopped obediently.

Better than Garfield.

He knew that Qin ruxuan didn't like men to be close to her, even no one else. For example, last night, even though there were two beds in the room, Qin ruxuan had been sleeping on the windowsill.

Because the windowsill is the farthest space from the bed.

"Throw it." Qin ruxuan said coldly.

Ye Buqiu throws the breakfast in the past. Qin ruxuan picks up the plastic bag with her finger.

Qin ruxuan opened her breakfast and ate it slowly. Seeing this, ye Buqiu realized that this woman is not really like a wooden man. She still has a woman's side.

Qin ruxuan's right arm was injured, and the speed of eating became slow and difficult. Ye Buqiu wanted to help several times, but finally gave up the idea in her cold eyes.

Ye Buqiu also opened his breakfast bag, filling his hunger and thinking about it.

After the factory explosion last night, except Qin ruxuan and Wang Zhengying, who disappeared later, almost all Interpol personnel died in the fire or in the enemy's massacre. Ye Buqiu took Qin ruxuan out of the hell on earth by using the bat wing suit newly developed by the US military.

After leaving, Qin ruxuan did not choose to go to the police station in Hanoi. Instead, she took several rounds with ye Buqiu to find the small hotel for rest.

After the two came to the hotel room, there was no ambiguous plot like the one described in Ali Literature Network's urban novels.

On the contrary, ye Buqiu seems to be stepping into the ice cave, almost suffocating in this spacious room. So let alone the ambiguous plot, it's good that he can survive the whole night.

I can't help it. Qin ruxuan is too cold.

If it wasn't for the fact that she could jump and eat fried dough sticks, ye Buqiu thought that she was a gorgeous mummy in the coffin of a thousand years old.

"What do you want to do next, choose revenge? Or return to Huaxia immediately? " Ye Buqiu finished his breakfast and asked Qin ruxuan.

Qin ruxuan's eyes were still out of the window and did not answer ye Buqiu's question.

Ye Buqiu's face was full of bitterness. He stood up and put the bat suit hidden in the wardrobe on the bed. Then he wrote a note and put it on the side, saying, "I'll keep this equipment for you. You may need to use it. In addition, I left my number for you. If you have anything, you can call me directly. "

Ye Buqiu can't stay here too long.

When he just found a charger to charge his mobile phone, he received Gu YuYan's message, which told him everything that happened in the hotel last night.

Gu Yuyan is still under investigation in the police station. If she goes half a minute late, I'm afraid she will continue to suffer for half a minute. This is the last thing he wants to see.

"I'll go with you." Qin ruxuan got up.

"What? You said you were going with me? " Ye Buqiu thinks that there is something wrong with her ears and looks at Qin ruxuan's eyes in disbelief.

"That's right." Qin ruxuan said this, and then she slammed out the door.

Ye Buqiu smiles bitterly. He hastily loads the bat on the bed into a special backpack, destroys the note with his own number, and after thinking about it, wipes all the easily touched places in the room. Then he goes out in a hurry to catch up.

Qin ruxuan's walking speed is very fast, and ye Buqiu makes great efforts to catch up with her before entering the elevator.

They took the elevator to the first floor and walked towards the door.

When the two of them just came out of the hotel, a group of police in system swarmed in and surrounded the hotel three floors inside and outside, while countless pistols pointed at them.

Ye Buqiu blocks his body in front of Qin ruxuan and looks coldly at the police.

A middle-aged policeman with a big stomach came out of a police car and came to ye Buqiu. He looked like a leader. He had a fat face on the floor and spoke a lot of South Vietnamese.

"Have you ever returned to Chinese? Come out and translate Ye Buqiu said in a cold voice.

The big bellied middle-aged policeman was upset when he saw the attitude on ye Buqiu's face. He gave orders directly to his subordinates. The policemen rushed up and wanted to arrest ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan on the spot.

Ye Buqiu is about to make a move. Unexpectedly, Qin ruxuan rushes out first.

She kicked away the policeman in front of her, fell over her shoulder and knocked down the policewoman who came from her side. She grabbed the pistol from the policewoman, and then pointed the pistol at the middle-aged policeman.

"Stop it all." Qin ruxuan spoke coldly and arrogantly.

Although these policemen did not understand Chinese, most of them felt the murderous tone in Qin ruxuan's voice. When she saw that the weapon in her hand was pointing at their deputy director, they stopped one after another, and there was no next step.

But their muzzle is still aimed at Qin ruxuan and ye Buqiu. If the deputy director had a slight accident, they would shoot and kill without hesitation.

Qin ruxuan took out a small medal from her chest pocket and threw it in front of the middle-aged police.

When the middle-aged police picked up the medal, their eyes widened, and they immediately respected Qin ruxuan's attitude. They made a standard and serious international military salute.

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