Hou Liangjun used to be a skillful and famous magic makeup artist in the industry.

But now he is just a man without job and position.

Half a month ago, because he accidentally touched a female star's chest at a banquet, he also had a verbal conflict with her. As a result, he offended a local dignitary. As a result, he was directly laid off and became an unemployed vagrant.

His salary was deducted by the company, and the operation of the powerful man made his rental house in the city be recycled unreasonably by the landlord, so that now he can only temporarily live in a waste car recycling yard outside the western suburb.

This waste car recycling yard is owned by his cousin.

Before he was banned by the make-up and entertainment industries, he had always scoffed at his cousin's work. But after he was in trouble, his friends around him fell down and the monkeys scattered. Only his cousin, whom he looked down upon at the beginning, helped him, which moved him a little.

Hou Liangjun is playing with the computer in the innermost room, humming songs.

His cousin was cooking in the small room outside the room. He saw that Hou Liangjun was not depressed a few days ago, but showed amazing ecstasy. He couldn't help looking up and asking, "monkey, what's so happy? Won the lottery? "

The more Hou Liangjun thought about it, the more he laughed, the more he became crazy. Can't help but say: "cousin, this is even more happy than winning the lottery! I tell you, I'm going to be developed now. Ha ha, I'm really developed. "

"What developed?"

"One hundred thousand dollars, isn't it developed? Ha ha... "

"You." Cousin thought that Hou Liangjun was crazy after drinking, but said“ You are my aunt's favorite child. You have been excellent since childhood. Now, when it comes to this kind of thing, my cousin can't help me. I just hope that in the future you will work steadfastly and don't think about some wishful thinking things. "

"I see. She's like a woman." Hou Liangjun stopped laughing and said impatiently. Not to be scolded in the heart, "brother woodlouse".

"Monkey, you help to look at the shop." My cousin looked up and said“ I'll go out and buy some meat dishes, and we'll have a drink in the evening. "

"All right. Go ahead, go ahead. " Hou Liangjun stared at the bad video in front of him, and waved without raising his head.

After about ten minutes, light footsteps came from outside the room.

Dong Dong.

There was a knock outside the big room.

Hou Liangjun heard the knock on the door, scolded a few words, but still suspended the screen in front of the computer, reluctantly got up to open the door.

"Cousin, don't you have the key? It's so annoying that I have to open the door to you every time I reach the climax. You're really unlucky... Who are you

Hou Liangjun stares at the two men in black who suddenly appear outside the window. Instead of opening the door of anti lock, he subconsciously steps back and is full of vigilance.

"The one who wants your life." The man in black on the right takes out a pistol from his arms and points it at Hou Liangjun.

Hou Liangjun looks at the muzzle of black Tongtong's gun and screams that it's not good. He immediately bends over and hides behind the desk beside him.


A barrage of bullets smashed the glass and hit the desk through the window.

Because the pistol was equipped with a muffler, there was not much noise. Only the sound of "Pooh Pooh" could be heard.

Soon, scarlet liquid seeped out from behind the desk.

The two men in black stopped shooting, kicked the door open and walked behind the desk. When they saw Hou Liangjun lying on the ground dying, one of them raised his pistol in Hou Liangjun's desperate eyes and put a few shots in his eyebrow.

The two men in black simply checked the scene, then closed the door again and quickly left the recycling yard.

On the rooftop of a high-rise building not far from the waste car recycling yard, a man in a black leather coat coldly watched all this.

Tongxi restaurant is a little-known small restaurant in Hanoi. It is not only located in a remote place, but also has poor decoration and appearance.

The flow of customers in this restaurant is pitiful, so the business is poor.

However, such a remote hotel is not without benefits, at least it can serve as a good occasion for some unseen transactions.

In the innermost box on the third floor of Tongxi restaurant, a burly man is eating cold dishes on the table, and constantly wiping the sweat on his forehead with a white handkerchief.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" The burly man put down his chopsticks and said with a frown.

In front of the big man sat an inch man. The cuntou man took a sip from his glass and said with a smile, "manager Yuantong, we have cooperated for more than ten times. Don't you believe our professional level? Don't worry. There won't be any problem. "

This burly man is Ruan Yuantong, the general manager of Yate hotel.

"It's not a question of whether you believe in your major or not. It's a matter of great importance this time, and no carelessness is allowed. Now that the stone has fallen, I'm not sure. " Ruan Yuantong said helplessly. After that, he took a sip of liquor, which made the sweat on his forehead more intense.

"Manager tact. You're too nervous. Just relax. Come on, let's have a drink Cuntou man is not impatient and raises his glass to Ruan Yuantong.

"Come on." Ruan Yuantong made up his cup and took a sip in a dull voice.

Suddenly, there were three different knocking on the door outside the box. The cuntou man looked at Ruan Yuantong and said with a smile, "manager Yuantong, you said there's no need to worry. Do you see for yourself? It's coming! "

At the sound of a knock on the door, Ruan Yuantong's heart finally fell down.

The cuntou man got up, pushed open his chair and went to open the door. Before opening the door, he specially glanced at the cat's eye on the door. When he saw that there was nothing unusual, he slowly opened the box door.

"Our great heroes, welcome your triumphant return!" The cuntou man looked at the two men in black in front of the door and stretched out his hands to make a hug.

However, the two men in black were standing at the door, their eyes blurred and indifferent.

Abrupt, cuntou man smelled a breath of danger.

The pupils of the two men in black suddenly widened and then fell straight ahead. Behind the two men in black, a man in a black mask and heavy leather coat is looking at himself with his eyes jokingly, and the man with the mask has a bright silencing pistol in his hand.

"Who are you?" This is the question of the cuntou man, and also his last word in the world.

“good bye!” The voice of the man with the mask rings. At the same time, there is the sound of silencing pistol shooting.


The cuntou man was shot in front of his chest and fell back in disgust and confusion.

The space of the box is not big, and the movement of the door is not small. Moreover, Ruan Yuantong has been watching the situation of the door, and it is not difficult to find the change of the door. When the cuntou man asked "who are you", Ruan Yuantong knocked on the window of the box and tried to jump down.


Ruan Yuantong was shot in the wrist, which made his next move stop suddenly.

Ruan Yuantong lay paralyzed on the floor, wiping the sweat on his forehead with his left hand, looking at the mask man at the door in horror. As the mask man came, his body kept shrinking back.

The mask man stopped one meter away from Ruan Yuantong. He looked down at Ruan Yuantong with disdain in his eyes and said in a cold voice: "he said he wanted to see you. By the way, I'll take good care of your debt. "

Because ye Buqiu was not a citizen of South Vietnam, he had the right to refuse the police's request to detain his mobile phone during the trial.

The policewoman had no patience to interrogate ye Buqiu for a long time. She ran out of the interrogation room half an hour ago and gave him free time.

At the moment, ye Buqiu is squinting and resting on the chair. Suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrates a few times.

Ye Buqiu takes out his mobile phone, which is a short message just sent. There are only six words in the message: big fish has been hooked.

Ye Buqiu put the mobile phone back in his pocket, his eyes were cold, and he sneered in his heart: "I didn't expect that you would be so impatient, so anxious to jump out and kill people. But it's also good to avoid the trouble of finding out your identity. "

Half an hour later, a message came from the communication room of Hanoi police station.

The assassin of the Yate Hotel murder case is another person, and ye Buqiu is acquitted.

When ye Buqiu left the police station, Deng Xingan, deputy director of Hanoi police headquarters, went out of his way to see him off and kept apologizing to him.

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