"New director? Is that you? " Liu Jie looked at ye Buqiu in disbelief.

She knew that ye Buqiu was a student of Ming University, and that he was a disciple of Jiao Tianya, but she didn't know that he was a student of directing. What's more, even if he is really a student of directing? With his insufficient ability and experience, how can he act as Gu YuYan's advertising director?

Gu Yuyan is a representative figure of the new generation of film and television, which can not be compared with the advertising model of a cat and a dog. If the advertising film is not professional, it is easy to push Gu Yuyan to the top of the bad fallacy.

You know, from the moment Gu Yuyan became famous, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her. As long as there is a chance to pull down Gu Yuyan, they will surely be caught like a mad dog.

"That's right." Ye Buqiu nodded and said.

"Mr. Ye, do you have any experience in directing?" Liu Jie asked.

"Yes. Mr. Li can prove that. "

"But Mr. Ye, you should have never studied advertising photography?"

"I have no teacher."

Li Quan laughed bitterly, but he said, "Miss Liu, bu Qiu is a talented young man in the directing industry. He is diligent and earnest. I think he should be able to do this job. Young people's dreams can't be strangled. We should choose to let them have a try. "

"But..." Liu Jie didn't want ye Buqiu to have too much contact with Gu Yuyan.

Gu Yuyan looks at ye Buqiu with a serious face and laughs. She turns to Liu Jie and says, "Sister Liu, call Miss yalna! I agree with Mr. Li that young people should be given more opportunities to innovate and try. "

"All right! I'll go out and call Miss yarna and push off the request for the director to change. " Liu Jie could not listen to other people's opinions. But Gu Yuyan is different.

Looking at the back of Liu Jie leaving the ward, ye Buqiu and Gu Yuyan look at each other.

Liu Jie left the ward and came to the corner of the stairs. Then she checked the surrounding environment, took out her mobile phone and dialed a number she knew by heart.

When the number got through, Liu Jie said in a low voice, "Dong Shao, the situation has changed. Director Zhao Zhengyang, who was arranged by Miss yalna, has been replaced."

"Replaced by who?" There was a soft voice on the other end of the phone.

"Ye Buqiu." Liu Jie whispered.

"Ye Buqiu? I almost forgot that he studied this major. " Said the other end of the phone“ Now that you have called, does it mean that Yu Yan has agreed to this request? "

"That's right."

"It seems that things are not going well. In this case, you should serve Yuyan well first! It's not a big problem in the future. Try not to contact me. "

"OK, I see." After waiting for the other party to hang up, Liu Jie picked up her mood and made a call to yarna.

When she turned around and came out, she happened to see two pairs of eyes staring at her. She was so scared that her mobile phone fell to the ground, and her pale face could not help shivering.

Liu Jie's mouth barely pulled out a smile, forced calm, said: "Yuyan, Mr. Ye, how did you come out?"

"If we don't come out, we won't see the good code of Infernal Affairs." Ye Buqiu said with a smile. But there was a sneer on his face and a chill in his eyes.

"Mr. Ye, I don't understand what you are saying." Liu Jie's heart clapped.

"When I did it, I was very clear. Now when I was exposed, I began to pretend to be confused?"

"Mr. Ye, please speak with respect..."

"Sister Liu." Gu Yuyan looked into Liu Jie's eyes, interrupted her words, and said coldly: "you should have been with me for four or five years? It seems that since I started signing up with the company, you have been with me, always taking care of everything for me, hardworking, never complaining about sorrow. But this time, you let me down

"Yuyan..." Liu Jie was paralyzed and sat on the ground.

Gu Yuyan looked at Liu Jie's appearance, her eyelids moved slightly, but she said, "this time, you can submit your resignation letter to the company."

Hearing the speech, Liu Jie tearfully pulled Gu YuYan's slender legs and said in a hurry: "Yuyan, don't! Please let me go. I know I'm wrong. I'll never dare to do it again

Liu Jie knew in her heart that if she really offended Gu Yuyan, not to mention whether their company would ban her in this industry, even if the man would not give her good fruit.

Looking at Liu Jie lying on the ground, ye Buqiu has no sympathy.

There must be something hateful about poor people.

"Sister Liu, in fact, I have seen that you have a problem for a long time. I know that you should have been bribed by others a few months ago. But I think in the love between the two people for many years, I did not find you. But do you know why I made up my mind this time? " Gu Yuyan said.

Liu Jie's body was stiff and looked up with difficulty.

Gu Yuyan looks coldly and looks down at Liu Jie, then points to ye Buqiu and says, "because he is my sister."

Ye Buqiu was stunned and immediately looked at Gu Yuyan.

When he saw the resolution on her face, her unquestionable words echoed in his mind, and some hard thing on his chest melted quickly. His heart is bitter and full of warmth.

This woman is so flirtatious.

"I'm sorry." Liu Jie said these three words powerlessly. As if the whole person suddenly old ten years, body decadent down.

"Liu Jie, tell me, what did Dong Yuanyuan do for you?" This time Gu Yuyan didn't address her by her first name.

"A million." Liu Jie has no need to hide it.

"Is it all the work of Dong abyss that Mr. Li entered the hospital and that Mr. Zhao Zhengyang acted as director for him?"

"That's right."

"What is his purpose?" Gu Yuyan face is not very natural asked.

"I don't know." Liu Jie hung her head and said wearily: "I just do what Dong Shao told me. Dong Shao won't tell me anything else, and I dare not ask him. "

"You must have collected my fingerprints, too?" Ye Buqiu said with a sneer.

Liu Jie hesitated in her mind for a moment, but she still said, "I collected the bottles you had drunk, and then gave them to Ruan Yuantong, the general manager of Yate hotel. Later, he imitated your fingerprints and got them on the murder dagger to frame you."

"Leave Hanoi tonight!" Gu Yuyan sighed“ I hope we don't meet again in the future. Take the one million Yuan Dong Yuanyuan gave you and find a good place to live! "

Liu Jie knew that the boat had been built. Instead of struggling, she felt relieved. With a smile on her pale face, she looked at Gu Yuyan and said, "thank you, Yuyan."

"Younger martial brother, go out with me for a walk!" Gu Yuyan looks at ye Buqiu.

"Good." Ye Buqiu nods and agrees without hesitation.

He knew that Gu Yuyan must be very heavy at this time. And I am not a counselor proficient in psychology. I can't help her to enlighten her mood. The only thing I can do is to accompany her to have a good stroll.

It's just that ye Buqiu has some worries about why Dong Shenyuan has to spend all his efforts to get Mr. Li into the hospital, so that Zhao Zhengyang, who is far from famous, can get involved?

Is it just because Zhao Zhengyang is Dong Yuanyuan's person, and then Dong Yuanyuan sends him to supervise Gu Yuyan and himself? But if so, then Dong abyss is not Dong abyss.

What's the reason?

Dong Shenyuan, the talented man who was praised as the "East emperor", what pieces did he play this time?

And all those early arrangements, just to put themselves to death?

But I'm just a college student. At most, I learn from Jiao Tianya and Gu Yuyan. But with such weight, it seems that it is not enough for him to attach so much importance to it?

The more ye Buqiu thinks about it, the more confused he is.

One after another doubts covered his mind like cobwebs, wrapping his thoughts layer by layer, which made him feel suffocated for a short time.

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