Because of the rainstorm, the black suit waiters in the movambi hotel are standing outside the hotel with umbrellas to welcome all kinds of guests who run out and get off the car.

A waiter raised his eyes and saw a group of men coming in a hurry outside the hotel. He immediately called his companion and ran out with umbrellas in one hand and several umbrellas in the other.



In the storm, two faint shots rang out.

The two waiters fell down ten meters in front of the group of men. The open black umbrellas were blown away by the strong wind. The unopened umbrellas fell on the ground. The torrential rain hit their bodies, and the scarlet blood from their chest gradually diluted in the rain.

The rest of the waiters saw that two of their companions died at gunpoint and fled in a panic. However, the men with pistols didn't mean to let them go. They raised their pistols and shot them in the back.

The gunfire in the rainstorm reverberated and became louder.

In the room, ye Buqiu is sitting face to face with Gu Yuyan, discussing the script and the details of acting. Yin Qiuhe makes tea for them.

"Thank you, sister Yin." Ye Buqiu took the cup from Yin Qiuhe and said thanks, but he didn't mean to drink it. Although his constitution has recovered a lot in these years, in order to avoid recurrence of old diseases, he can only control drinking tea or coffee.

"You're welcome." Yin Qiuhe smiles. Since Gu Yuyan told her the sentence "I like him" the night before yesterday, she has been secretly observing ye Buqiu in these two days.

Although his age is a few years younger than Gu Yuyan, his personality is calm, his attitude is gentle and close, and he is handsome and sunny. He is barely worthy of Gu Yuyan with a golden spoon.

"Which family are you from?" The more yin Qiuhe thinks of Gu YuYan's excellence, the more she doubts ye Buqiu's identity.

However, she knows that Gu Yuyan dares to love and hate. Since she can make Gu Yuyan admit that she likes him in public, then she doesn't know how to contradict or investigate him. Isn't it against her bad luck?

Without an answer, she can only keep it in her heart.

Suddenly, ye Buqiu's right eyelid jumps slightly, his ears move lightly, and his face turns black. Gu Yuyan catches ye Buqiu's anomaly and asks in a low voice: "younger martial brother, what's the matter?"

"There was a gunshot." Ye Buqiu frowned, then he jumped up from the sofa with a scratch, took Gu Yuyan and Yin Qiuhe by the hand, and ran to the door of the room: "I don't have time to explain to you. Let's get out of here, or it's too late! "

Yin Qiuhe instinctively wants to shake off when ye Buqiu touches her arm, but seeing Gu YuYan's gradually dignified expression, she doesn't struggle again, letting ye Buqiu pull.


The door opened, and several black guns were on their heads.

Ye Buqiu three people were muzzled, can only slowly back to the room.

"It's still late." Ye Buqiu sighed helplessly. He knew that there might be actions against them these days, but he didn't expect that these people would be so crazy that they dared to kill innocent people in the hotel. Are they not afraid of being hunted down by the world anti terrorist organization?

Gu Yuyan is well-informed and has touched many guns. When she sees a few black holes in the muzzle, her face shows shock and instinctive fear. Then she takes a deep breath and looks at ye Buqiu next to her, forcing her mood to calm down.

But Yin Qiuhe was almost paralyzed. If Gu Yuyan didn't help him, he might have fallen to the ground now. Although she is very open in the entertainment industry and has a wide range of knowledge, she has met a lot of ups and downs, but at least it's on the surface, and it's the first time she's been so real.

"It's OK." Ye Buqiu patted the back of Gu YuYan's hand and whispered comfort.

"Yes." Gu Yuyan heard ye Buqiu's words, like eating a reassuring pill, her mood calmed down, heart's uneasiness also quietly fade.

See ye Buqiu's little action, the man with the gun on his head looks fierce, grunts a lot of words. Although ye Buqiu can't understand the bird talk of this guy, he can still know his meaning. It's just words like "don't move, or I'll kill you" and "if you don't believe it, I'll beat you to death".

Ye Buqiu knew that he was under the eaves and had to bow his head and shrink back subconsciously.

Several men saw ye Buqiu's timid appearance, muttered a few words of sarcasm, and then pointed out their fingers at him one after another, laughing arrogantly.

Ye Bu Qiu took a look at the female dependents who had no defense and hurt on both sides, and gnashed her teeth in her heart: "mother, I'll bear it."

Seeing ye Buqiu's reaction, Yin Qiuhe turns pale, as if the last straw in his heart is crushed to death. Before her, she thought that this boy, who is usually so good that Gu Yuyan likes him, should have the responsibility of a man at this time. However, she didn't expect that he was threatened a little by these gangsters, and he collapsed in an instant.

Gu Yuyan doesn't know Yin Qiuhe's inner thoughts, but she knows that ye Buqiu's purpose is to protect her and Yin Qiuhe.

Suddenly, a few men with guns will look down on Gu Yuyan, eyes suddenly a bright, eyes immediately revealed a deep color of greed.

See a few men's eyes, ye Buqiu heart clapping a, dark shout not good.

Sure enough, the men locked the door of the room and hijacked Gu YuYan's thick lips. The bandit raised his gun to her head, pointed to her clothes and motioned her to take off her clothes immediately.

Gu YuYan's delicate body vibrates a little, subconsciously leaning towards ye Buqiu.

"Gollum, wow!" Thick lips bandit arrogantly said a few, top gun strength also become much bigger, Gu YuYan's head by this force a top, she seems to footwall instability, staggering to the back of the sofa down.

Watching Gu Yuyan fall on the sofa, several gangsters laugh more arrogantly.

Just Gu Yuyan while a few bandits don't pay attention, quietly give ye Buqiu a look.

Ye Buqiu takes the meaning of Gu Yuyan, and his eyes flash with a cold look. He suddenly pushes Yin Qiuhe aside, and then blows his right hand to the short haired man in front of him. The man with short hair didn't seem to think that ye Buqiu would burst into force. His face was hit by his fist, dizzy and falling back with stars in his eyes.

Ye Buqiu's figure flashed past. He grabbed the pistol in the hand of the man with short hair and shot the men in the room one by one at almost non-stop intervals.



Between the lightning and flint, the arrogant smiles on the faces of several bandits were instantly stiff. They were shot in the middle of their eyebrows or chest, and fell to the ground with their eyes wide open.

"Elder martial sister, let's go." Ye Buqiu with a pistol rushed to the past, a pull up the sofa above the Gu Yuyan and shrink in the corner, covered his ears and kept shouting Yin Qiuhe.

Yin Qiuhe looks at ye Buqiu with empty eyes. When he sees the corpses on the ground again, he struggles back subconsciously, but ye Buqiu holds her arm tightly, which makes her unable to get rid of it.

The three ran out of the room, but they didn't expect to meet several gangsters with guns just as they went out. Obviously, they have just heard the news here.

Seeing ye Buqiu's appearance, they directly shoot without any hesitation. Ye Buqiu's three are forced to retreat back to the room.

Ye Buqiu quickly picked up the fruit knife on the table, tore open his clothes, twisted it into a cloth bandage, and then tied the fruit knife tightly to his hand.

"Elder martial sister, you wait in the room, don't run outside!" Ye Buqiu patted Gu Yuyan on the shoulder and said.

"Good." Gu Yuyan nodded calmly and said with concern: "ye Buqiu, promise me, you must be careful! I don't want anything to happen to you. "

"I don't want anything to happen to me either." Ye Buqiu grinned.

With a pistol in one hand and a fruit knife in the other, he opened the door of the room and rolled out like lightning.

Soon, there were bursts of gunfire and fighting outside the corridor.

He is a brave man who cuts through the thorns and blocks the wind and rain for the princess. He will be fine! Gu Yuyan thought firmly in her heart.

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