Heavy rain poured down, and there was lightning and thunder in the cloudy sky from time to time.

In the alley near the movambi Hotel, a white van stands in the storm, with a man and a woman in it. Men are tall and handsome, while women are ugly.

The man is Wang Zhengying, also known as the dark eagle. Women are naturally Phoenix.

"They failed." Wang Zhengying took off his communication headset and squinted.

In the whole hotel, he had already installed monitoring eavesdroppers in advance. He knew everything inside, and knew that the black snake had become a prisoner in ye Buqiu's hands.

"It seems that they are overestimated." Phoenix leaned back, looking at the clouds outside the window, and said softly, "if the mission fails, tell the eighth master!"

"It can only be so." Wang Zhengying gave a wry smile, took out a special small mobile phone from his pocket, dialed the only number inside, hung up the phone after three sounds, dialed again, and got through.

"Eight Ye." Wang Zhengying called respectfully.

"Failed?" A husky voice came from the microphone.

"The operation failed. It's impossible to find what the devil wants. The black snake has been captured by the target. "

"How is the goal?"

"I've been stabbed several times. It's not fatal, but it's enough to keep him in bed for ten days and a half months. " Wang Zhengying told the truth.

"That's enough. Although it's hard to explain, our plan can be pushed forward." The phone said“ Tell Huangyan cave that they can prepare to catch fish in advance. Once our big fish comes to Hanoi, we can move on to the next step. "

"Yes." Wang Zhengying answered and hung up.

"It's getting better and better." After Wang Zhengying collected the phone, he turned around and gave the voice to Fenghuang, saying, "Fenghuang, do we want to save the life of the black snake? If we can make Denton owe us a favor for this, we should not lose money in this business. "

Wang Zhengying thought for a moment and said, "but with the character of black skin snake, how can he not leave a way for himself? It's necessary for us to paint a snake and add to the mess, isn't it

Phoenix light said“ Let's go

"Get the order." Wang Zhengying started the car, braved the storm, quickly left the alley.

Several helicopters roared past in the sky of heavy rain and dark clouds. Wang Zhengying looked up, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Large conference room.

Ye Buqiu's abdominal pain is more and more intense, and his hand is more and more powerful. The dagger is submerged in the skin of the black snake. The bloodstain spread from the neck of the black skin snake, and the blood also flowed down. The black skin snake's teeth clenched in pain and sucked air.

Ye Buqiu thought in his heart, since you don't let me feel better, how can I be kind to you? When I feel pain, you also feel pain. That's fair!

"Black snake, let them go." Ye Buqiu glanced at the bandits in front, pointed to the prisoners in the conference room and said indifferently.

"Let it go Without hesitation, the black snake simply waved to his men.

All the bandits looked at each other and were indecisive. If all these hostages are released, then in case of any crisis, I am afraid they will not have the chips to escape.

Seeing the reaction of his subordinates, the black snake was so angry that he yelled: "Damn it, let me go!"

The bandits kept silent and busily opened the gates on both sides. The hostages tentatively looked at ye Buqiu. After ye Buqiu nodded, the group of people rushed out of the meeting room with their companions.

Soon, the meeting room, which was just crowded with people, was empty.

"When I was here before, these grandchildren were more cowardly than anyone else, just like they were lack of a handle in their crotch. I didn't expect that these grandchildren can run faster than rabbits now! " Said the black snake sarcastically.

"Everyone has a desire to survive. In the face of death, everything can be lost, including dignity and chastity! " Ye Buqiu said with a smile.

"It seems that you have a good understanding of these rules. It's not a good way to be so stiff. Why don't we sit down and have a good talk? "

"Talk about your death or my death?" Ye Buqiu smile convergence, a serious face said: "unfortunately let you down ah, the final outcome can only be your death, not my death."

"With this knife on my neck?" The snake bowed its head slightly. But when he bowed his head, the dagger in his skin was deeper, which made his veins beat and his brows wrinkled.

"With this knife." Ye Buqiu said with certainty. He is sure that before the gangsters shoot, he can kill the black snake with one knife, and with the dagger in his hand, he can kill anyone in the conference room.

"Since I can agree with you to release these grandchildren, you should know that I must have a back hand, right? Ye Buqiu, to tell you the truth, I placed nearly a ton of TNT explosives on the first floor of this hotel. And the remote control of explosives is the heart connecting my own body. If my heart stops beating, I don't think it's hard for you to guess the result? " The black skinned snake is amazing.

Ye Buqiu eyebrows slightly pick. If the black skin snake really put a ton of TNT explosives on the first floor, its explosion power will be enough to blow up the whole hotel, even if they are Superman wearing extremely coquettish underwear, the result will only be ten dead.

The bandits looked at the black snake in horror. They couldn't believe it. Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, the snake Lord had already installed the explosives? And use his heart as a remote control? If the snake master died here, wouldn't they have to be buried with him?

Ye Buqiu thought about it and said with a smile, "black snake, do you think I can easily believe it with your words?"

"It's easy to do. Since you don't believe it, I'll verify for you whether my words are true or not." The black snake glanced at ye Buqiu, then held out his hand and pressed it on his chest. Then he spat out a mouthful of blood strangely.

When the black snake spits blood, the hotel shakes violently. Then, with a "bang", a spark explodes in a room on the first floor of the movambi hotel. The smoke is filled with smoke and scorches in the rainstorm.

Qin ruxuan looked at the side window and saw sparks in a room on the first floor. She nodded to ye Buqiu.

The black snake vomited blood and became weak. But he didn't look any different. On the contrary, he showed his yellow teeth covered with blood and said with a smile, "this is the technique I learned from India. For normal people, the heartbeat rate in a minute is 70 to 80 times, and the bomb I set is to stop and explode a little. I have set up more than 70 bomb sites, that is to say, if I die, the whole building will become nothing in a minute. "

Ye Buqiu had to be dignified.

In just one minute, he can take Qin ruxuan out of here by some special means, but don't forget that Gu Yuyan is still on the roof at the moment. If the bomb goes off, Gu Yuyan will die. Moreover, the hostages who just got out of danger have not left the hotel yet.

"What do you want to talk about?" In this case, ye Buqiu can only delay time. As long as the helicopter of the rescue team comes to rescue Gu Yuyan, then he will not have much worry and pressure, and he will be able to fight his way out at that time.

"A partnership."

Ye Buqiu thought about it and nodded: "OK, I promise you."

The expression on the black skin snake's face was dignified, and he suggested: "I don't want other people present in this cooperation. If you can, go to the window! Now our lives are in your hands. I don't think you need to worry about anything, do you? "

"Yes." Ye Buqiu released his dagger a little, pushed the black snake to the glass window beside the conference room under the empty muzzle of many bandits.

When he got to the window, ye Buqiu happened to look up and see the helicopter in the sky.

He was a little stunned, and his heart was happy.

But at this time, the side of the black snake is a movement.

The black skin snake bumps into ye Buqiu's abdomen, and without waiting for ye Buqiu to react, he has already smashed the glass window and jumped down. At the moment of the slide, two thin gliders pop out of the black skin snake's clothes, two shoes suddenly emit white air, and take him away from the movambi hotel quickly.

"Damn it." Ye Buqiu looks at the back of the snake and realizes that he has been trapped.

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