Killer Of MC's

Chapter 100 - Lilin

This is literally 4 chapters in one.


An epic fight ensued. The battle of the century spread across the entire dark universe. The two titans, Alex and The High Priest, took their battle somewhere else so that the rest would not get caught in their fight.

It was their fight and theirs alone.

The two Zenos had to look at the fight through their ipads. Even if Alex and the High Priest were to take their battle to another universe, both Zeno's would still be able to see them through their ipads.

9 of the Commandments were left facing 24 literal Gods, literally any one of those 24 beings could destroy planets by their presence alone.

The 9 Commandments did not seem fazed by their strength. It was unlike anything they had ever faced.

Both groups were merely floating on the dark space, with small chunks of debris floated around them, it was from what was left of the tournament stage.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Garou broke the silence.

��What is?" Asked Madara.

"You 8 couldn't even defeat a bald ma(Saitama) and then we bȧrėly defeated another bald guy. And now we are facing 24 Gods." Garou only smiled, it was because of the excitement his body was going through.

"But even so, I can't shake off this feeling of excitement." He looked no different from a psycho killer.

"*Yawns*" Beerus began to yawn.

"Do we have to fight them? I can defeat them all with a pinky." Beerus said. Although he does admit that the Commandments are quite capable, but against a God of Destruction they're nothing.

It would have been a different story if they were fighting Anderson. But they're strongest one was Broly, and even he wasn't on par with a God of Destruction yet, not to mention 12 Angels and 12 Gods of Destruction. Or so they thought.

And there's also Madara's weird black rods. But as long as he doesn't get hit by them, he will be fine.

It wasn't just Beerus that thought that, even the other Gods of Destructions felt the same way. It seemed way too one sided if they were fighting 9 mortals. After all, this is the first time that 24 Gods were fighting together.

Sidra felt a bit awkward to fight them. They were literally on the same team minutes ago, and now he felt guilty having to fight them.

Only the Angels were taking this seriously, as always.

"Everyone, activate your Commandments." Linlin said.

All 9 of them turned their Commandments on. They deactivated it before because most of their punishments were too cruel for the tournament. But now that they are fighting for their lives, it did not matter.

Only the Commandments were immune to each other's Commandments. There wasn't anything else, except some beings from the Seven Deadly Sins world, that are immune to the Commandments.

"Hey Champa, you deal with them. I got to go." Beerus was about to leave to try out that pudding. No one knows if he will ever have another chance to try out that pudding cup.

"Man, I did not think a God like yourself would run away from a fight. You really are just a coward." Eggy mocked Beerus.

Beerus stopped in his tracks. He angrily turned to face Eggy.

"What did you say?"

"I said that you. Are. A. Coward. And also a lazy one. You probably only know how to pick on the weak ones, eat and sleep all day." Eggy shrugged her arms.

Whis started to chuckle a bit. What she said defined Beerus very well.

But Beerus was fuming with rage. He will never allow anyone to talk that way to him, even if it was all true.

"I'm gonna teach you what happens when you talk that way to a G-oooooooooo…"

Beerus suddenly could not fly anymore nor could muster up the strength to fly anymore. He began falling rapidly into the dark void that is space.

"Uh… what?" The Gods of Destructions were left wondering what the hell just happened. One minute Beerus was about to destroy Eggy, the next minute he's falling into the eternal darkness of space.

"Not bad, Eggy. Using the power of the Commandment of love like that." Lili commented.

The Commandment of Love belonged to Linlin. Anyone who is angry within the users presence will lose the ability to fight or move, that includes flying. Because Beerus was angered by Eggy's words, the Commandment of Love made Beerus powerless.

But this also showed them something great, not even a God of Destruction is immune to the punishment of the Commandments.

However, what about the Angels and Zenos themselves? Were they immune or not?

"Wait a minute, what exactly happened?" Garou was as confused as the Gods.

"Alex didn't tell you?" Linlin asked.

Garou shook his head.

Garou had recently got his Commandment, the Commandment of Faith. But Alex and everyone failed to explain how a Commandment works exactly.

"Well…" Linlin could not tell Garou about their Commandments, especially when there are Gods watching them. If she were to tell Garou about their Commandments, then she might as well tell them their strengths and weaknesses.

"Imma leave now. The rest of you have fun." Champa was about to leave, until two voices stopped him. It made him shiver in fear.

"You better start fighting, or else."

It was both Zenos. They wanted to see a fight happen, and it is going to happen. No one can go against their wishes.

After seeing them erase multiple universes today, it made them see just how cruel and powerful they are. They will show no mercy at all.

"Ah, uh, yes! Right away!"

Champa started first by launching multiple ki attacks towards the Commandments. The speed and power of his attacks were definitely levels beyond a normal person's attack.

As Champa's attacks were getting close to them, one brave man stepped forward with a sword in hand and sliced every single one in half.

"You underestimate us greatly." Mihawk pointed his sword at Champa and also the rest of the Gods.

"Hehe, I am a God of Destruction. I alone am enough." Champa continued to throw his ki attacks at them, but this time infused with his destruction energy, which made it faster and stronger than before.

But Mihawk cut down all of Champa's attacks easily. Not a single attack managed to hit them.

"My turn." MIhawk summoned from behind a countless amount of swords made from his own energy. The count of swords he summoned exceeded a million easily.

He threw all of them straight at Champa. Just a single sword is enough to cut down the tournament arena in half. Imagine one million.

"Uh…" Champa started to sweat a bit. He might be a God of Destruction, but he is not in the best shape to deal with a massive number of attacks.

"Vados, a little help here?" He had no choice but to ask Vados for her aid.

"But Champa-sama, you just said, in your words 'I am a God of Destruction. I alone am enough' isn't that right?" Vados knew what he was thinking and decided to mess with him a bit.

"Forget what I said! Just help me out!"

"As you wish." dejectedly she waved her wand and canceled every single one of Mihawk's swords.

Mihawk was a bit shocked, but he knew that going against 24 Gods was not going to be a simple task. Still, this is the first time anybody has cancelled all of his swords very easily.

"Ahahaha! Did you see that? I could do that in my sleep." Champa was laughing heartily as if he was the one who cancelled Mihawk's attacks.

Vados did not say anything.

Eggy faced Vados correctly.

"I feel bad that you are stuck with him." Eggy said.

"I'm already used to it." Vados shrugged it off as if it was nothing. It's not the first time someone has felt bad for her ending up with an unqualified God of Destruction.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?"

But, out of nowhere Vados jumps in front of Champa and hits him with her staff, sending him back several meters.

"Ow! What the heck, Vados?!" Champa has always feared this moment, the day when Vados finally rebelled against him. Or so he thought.

If one looked closely at Vados' staff, it was covered in strings. It was in the same place where Champa stood before Vados hit him. Vados was only protecting Champa.

"Tsk." Lili thought she could catch Champa off-guard with her strings, but his Angel was too fast.

"Nice try." Vados managed to break Lili's strings into several pieces with her staff.

A flash appeared behind Vados, it was Linlin using her speed to catch Vados off-guard.

As Linlin went for the attack, Vados managed to dodge all of Linlin's fast attacks without even looking at her. It was as she knew exactly when and where she was going to attack.

Vados flew up high and flew back gaining some distance between her and the Commandments.

Linlin was just floating there wondering how Vados managed to dodge every single one of her attacks. Her speed should be unmatched, so how can anyone dodge her attacks without even looking at her?

"Your speed is not bad, Linlin-san." Vados honestly said.

"Guys, I think Alex forgot to mention something about these Angels." Eggy said.

"After seeing their movement patterns, it looks very identical to Ultra Instinct." Meruem said.

"Are you serious?" Eggy shockingly asked. She was thinking something else entirely.

"We knew what we were getting into when we joined this group." Madara cracked his knuckles.

"Still, I wished he mentioned that the Angels had mastered Ultra Instinct." Eggy said.

"Would that have made a difference?"

"I, um… no." Eggy could not reply to Linlin's comment. She was right. Even if they knew before, it would not have made a difference. After witnessing the battle between UI Vegito and Alex at least they knew how powerful it was.


Broly all of a sudden clapped his fist and hand together which created a loud sound.

"I will not lose." With a strong determination in his eyes, Broly vowed to not lose this fight. Because if he did and died, then he would never be able to eat those burgers that Alex promised him.

After taking out like 90% of all the fighters in the tournament of power, he should have enough burgers to last him a lifetime.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Broly glowed brightly once again and transformed into the Legendary Super Saiyan.

"I'm starting to like you, Broly." Garou also clapped his fist and hand together and stood beside Broly.

"HAAAAHH!!!" Broly's first target was Champa.

Seeing the Legendary Super Saiyan going after him, Champa hesitated a bit before clashing fists with Broly.

Vados did interfere with the fight. Oddly enough all the Angels were standing further away.

"Is that all you can do, Saiyan?" Champa said, both of them were trying to push each other back as their hands met.

But Champa immediately regretted saying that. Broly got mad at him and started swinging Champa around like a rag doll.

"Vados, save me!"

"Of course, Champa-sama." Vados just stood there doing nothing.

Broly threw Champa straight at one of the other Gods of Destruction, but the other God of Destruction kicked Champa away like a ball.

"Ow! Vados, what the hell?! I asked you to save me!"

"But you didn't say when you wanted to be saved."

Broly did not stop with Champa. He started attacking all the other Gods of Destruction, sometimes taking on multiple Gods at once.

"You fool!" The God of Destruction named Quitela, who also looks like a ripoff of Jerry from the series called 'Tom & Jerry' quickly launched his destructive ki attack right at Broly.

Unfortunately the attacks did connect with Broly and it exploded upon impact and covered the area in smoke. But it did not faze Broly a bit. If anything it made him stronger and angrier, he is the Hulk of this group.

Flying out of the smoke screen, Broly grabbed Quitela by his feet almost crushing his leg entirely.

"What are you-WA!!!" Broly started to swing Quitela around like a rag doll while also tightly holding onto his leg.

"Why you!" Quitela, while still being swung around, focused his ki on his palms and launched it directly onto Broly's face. It actually managed to hurt Broly.

This however managed to make Broly even madder and stronger than before. Quitela started to scream when Broly kept on tightening his grip on his leg.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Broly roared furiously as his energy level kept rising. He managed to release Quitela's leg, which was visibly skinnier compared to his other leg, and it also looked broken.

But Broly did not stop there. He quickly grabbed Quitela by his neck and started to choke him with all his might. Filled with nothing but rage and hunger, he wanted to destroy him.

The differences between their bodies were vastly different. Broly was tall and bulky like the Hulk. Whereas Quitela was smaller and slimmer compared to a normal human.

Quitela's Angel, Cognac, did not show any sort of expression to his appointed God of Destruction being choked to death. If anything he enjoyed it.

Beerus and Quitela were very alike, both were lazy and did not take their roles as a God of Destruction well. But Quitela is more cunning, less likeable, and more manipulative than Beerus.

"D-don't… unde-underestimate… a g-god… of… Destruction!" Quitela could bȧrėly breathe and talk.

He poured all his ki on his hands to break Broly's grip from his neck. A God of Destruction has the power to even destroy an entire planet with their nail, and that is without using their destructive ki.

But, Quitela's strength and destructive ki did not seem to injure Broly in the slightest. It did hurt Broly, but his wounds healed very quickly, and it also made him angrier and did not loosen his grip.

Quitela's face started to change colour. He started to desperately kick the air in an attempt to escape. But as time went on, his movements started to slow down.

Not one of the other Gods of Destruction, Angels, or Zeno's did anything to stop this. Both Zenos seemed to be enjoying seeing him die.

No one felt like helping Quitela at all. He might be a God of Destruction, but no one liked him.

"Cognac, are you gonna help him? Whis asked.

"If he dies then another God of Destruction will be appointed, no big deal."

As an Angel, Cognac remained composed despite his God of Destruction, the very same one who he had mentored for many years, was being choked to death.

They will remain neutral no matter what. Even if one of their brothers was in grave danger, they will not help them, because it is the 'Angels law.' no one's sure what that is yet. But that does not mean that they all did not have their own little dėsɨrės and thoughts.

Vados is a different story. She saved Champa for one reason only, because it was purely out of habit. After years of taking care of him, like keeping his weight in check, healing him many times especially after fighting Beerus, it seemed unnatural to not help him, for the most part.

Quitela is very lazy, and therefore Cognac rarely ever needs to attend him as he just falls asleep for the most part, like Beerus.

But Champa is much more adventurous than Beerus and Quitela. He might be fat, but he's the one who gathered the Dragon Balls twice, even travelling between two vast universes blindly to get them, he even loves to collect food from other worlds just to prove to Beerus that his universe has better food than him.

He is much more spirited compared to most of the other Gods, seeing that none of them have probably never even heard of the Super Dragon Balls.

Since Champa is not lazy and does not sleep a hundred years at a time, Vados is naturally there for him much more often like a mother taking care of her son. Champa just likes to eat unhealthy foods which explains his appearance but he is not lazy.

The Commandments were just staring at Broly. They were caught up in the moment that they forgot that they had to fight as well.

"Is anybody else grateful that Broly is on our side?" Asked Eggy.

Some of them nodded in agreement.

"What the hell are we just standing here like side characters? Let's fight!" Garou took action going after one of the Angels.


Unexpectedly, a large powerful energy wave came out of nowhere and pushed back everyone, the Commandments and even the Angels could not stand that powerful surge of energy and had to coat themselves with a protective shield, but even so, it bȧrėly helped them.

The energy that came out of nowhere was made out of different colours, blue, red, silver, black, and more.

Broly was also taken by surprise and had no choice but to release Quitela from his grip. Despite being in his Legendary form, he could only be pushed back by the powerful wave of energy.

"Perfect cube!" Lili casted a spell that protected the Commandments except Broly, who was far from them. This spell is from the Seven Deadly Sins world that is meant to protect anybody inside a cube made out of energy. Supposedly it is supposed to deflect the attack of anybody no matter if it is weak or strong.

"What the hell is this energy?!" Eggy, and the other Commandments have never felt this crazy power before. It even almost made them all throw up due to the sheer pressure of the power.

"This power…" Linlin noticed something.

"It's Alex." Lili knew who it was. This power was far stronger than Alex's mastered Ultra Instinct. It made them all realize that it is him. This is his true power.

They saw how the Gods of Destruction were being pushed back by the powerful energy, like fish being carried by a strong current.

They also saw Broly struggling.

"Broly! Abort!" Lili tried to teleport Broly inside her cube, but it did not work.

"Teleportation doesn't work while I'm inside the cube." Lili did not know this about this fact until now.

"I'll save him! Just let out quickly!" Eggy was the next to step forward.

Without wasting time, Lili trusted Eggy and opened a small hole in the cube. Eggy produced her black gaseous flames in the shape of a hand and dragged Broly into the cube.

Broly started gasping for air and threw up. It must be some great power to make Broly puke like that.

"Relax, you're okay now." Eggy started comforting Broly.

"Lili." Madara pointed at the perfect cube.

The cube showed signs of cracking like a cracked window. Not even the cube could handle Alex's power.

"It won't hold!" Lili said.


Madara activated his Susanoo form and covered the entire cube in his Susanoo. It actually helped.

"Thanks, Madara." Lili said wholeheartedly.

"I think we should be the ones thanking you." Madara looked at Broly still puking. If Lili didn't protect them at the last second, then they would be the ones puking on the ground. They were grateful for Lili's help.

"Thank you, sis." Linlin held her sister's hand.


What followed was pure silence, as if nothing had happened. It seemed very eerie and unnatural at first, so they decided to stay inside the cube for a couple more minutes.

They were right to do so. It wasn't a minute later that an even more powerful wave of energy came out of nowhere.

The energy was actually 100x times stronger than before.

Because of this, perfect cube and Susanoo were very close to being shattered into pieces.

"It won't hold!"

Mihawk took action. He summoned many swords outside of the cube and covered it. Mihawk had the brilliant idea to use his swords as shields. It seemed to have worked but it was still going to break.

Madara, Lili and Mihawk were the ones in charge of keeping them all safe. Unfortunately no one else can contribute much.

If those three did not have infinite stamina, then they would not be able to keep themselves inside the protected cube.

"That should hold for a little bit." Lili sighed in relief. That was too close for comfort.

Meruem sat down and went into a deep thought.

"Where is Anderson? I don't see him but his energy is everywhere." Eggy said.

"Madara, can you see anything?" Asked Mihawk.

"I don't see him. He has to be far away for me not to be able to see him."

"And we also can't sense him. He is either in another universe, or really, really far." Meruem added.

"He's not responding to me either through telepathy." Linlin said.

"Still, this energy is insane. How powerful must he be to be able to even affect us?" Garou said. The power Alex showed was unbelievable. When they thought he was powerful fighting Vegito, as it turns out he wasn't even using 1% of his power.

"Even the other Gods are affected." Mihawk looked at the Angels still shielded inside their barrier that they made. They were focusing into their scepters as if they were looking for something. Since both Zenos were their first priority, they quickly went to protect them just like their guards did. They all are very good at their jobs.

And as the Gods of Destruction, there were no signs of them anywhere. They must have been blown off by the energy wave.

Even both Zeno's were affected by the powerful energy. It made them feel uneasy for the first time in their lives. Right now they wanted to know what the High Priest was doing. The energy even broke their ipads.

Both Zenos were ready to erase Alex on the spot after disturbing their peace, but they couldn't do that for 2 reasons.

First reason, they had no idea where Alex was. He was not in their universe anymore. Apparently, he and the High Priest managed to take the fight to another universe, which could be any 12 universes. Since they could not trace their energy, because it is literally everywhere on the 12 universes, the Angels had no choice but to search their universe blindly like searching a needle in a haystack.

And the second reason they couldn't just erase every other universe, is because they did not want to accidentally erase the High Priest. Both Zenos liked the High Priest and would rather he'd be alive.

"I just hope that he's okay." Linlin started to become worried. What if the High Priest was too strong? Or what if this high level of power was too much for Alex to bear and is suffering?

"Relaxe, our husband is fine." Lili comforted her sister, but she too could not help but worry for Alex.

The last time he took more power than he could chew, it almost killed them all. They had a good reason to worry about their husband's well being.

"Let's use this to our advantage." Meruem suddenly said.

"I know how to defeat those 12 Angels."

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Eggy. They weren't going up against 12 weaklings, but 12 beings that could be Gods in any universe.

"If we do this right, we will win. It starts with Broly…" Meruen then told everyone about his plan.

Universe 7

10 minutes ago.

Goku and the rest were overjoyed to be alive and they were all having a grand feast at Bulma's place.

After that scary experience, it made them all see how precious life is. Even Vegeta, the proud, arrogant, bastard, saw life differently, especially after seeing his infant daughter.

"Man, Bulma. This food is so good. And there's so much!" Goku was acting carefree as always. After his fight with Alex he was very hungry.

"Eat as much as you want." Bulma smiled. She has gotten used to spending her money like nothing. The rich do have it all.

"By the way, where are Beerus and Whis? It's not like those two to miss a meal." Bulma asked with her hands on her hɨps.

"I dunno. God stuff?"


A powerful surge on energy came out of nowhere and affected everyone on the planet.

The powerful energy made them all kneel due to the pressure they were feeling.

"What?" Vegeta, who is carrying his infant daughter, protected her with his body, but it did nothing at all. Even he was affected by the powerful pressure that he could not help but almost kneel.

"Is it me, or is it getting hotter in here? Like really hot." Krillin could not help but point out.

What he said was true.

The ground below them started to feel no different from a hot stove. One could crack an egg on the ground and it would cook itself instantly.

The air was also warm. And then trees, grass, houses started catching on fire.

They also noticed it got brighter as well.

Looking up, they saw the sun getting bigger and bigger. But it was actually getting closer to the Earth.

The immense powerful energy was even pushing the sun, and even Earth away from its orbit.

"Kakarrot!" Vegeta knew what to do. If they did not take action, they would all fry to death. He quickly handed Bulla over to Bulma.

"On it! HYAA!!!"

Both Saiyans transformed into their strongest forms. They flew up and high and charged their attacks.


"Final flash!"

Their plan was to use their strongest attacks to push back the sun. But even the two most powerful Saiyans on Earth could not manage to push back the sun. Their power could not be compared to Alex's energy.

"Dammit! Where the hell is this energy coming from?" Vegeta wanted to know that so he could strange said person with his own two hands..

"Dad!" Gohan also came to help.


His energy bȧrėly helped push the sun back.

Then the other warriors from universe 7 started to arrive and help push back the sun.

When it seemed like it was all over for them, the energy suddenly stopped. They managed to push back the sun enough so it could not fry them all alive.

Finally, they all sighed in relief.


Vegeta saw both his wife and daughter alive and fine. It was as if the weight of the world did not weigh him down anymore.

"I will not lose my family a second time."

"Yeah…" Goku said in a non caring tone. Death literally meant nothing to him.


It hasn't even been a minute until they felt another explosive force of energy this time much more powerful than before.

But, this time it shattered their planet to pieces along with everyone in it. Everyone on Earth died and no one knew how.

It was as if someone took a crystal ball and smashed it with a wrecking ball.

And just like infinity war, Earth turned to literal dust and flew off into space. It wasn't just Earth that was affected, the entire solar system, and universe were being equally affected.

It wasn't just one universe, but all 12 universes were facing the same fate.

There wasn't a single planet, sun, star that was safe.

Meanwhile a few minutes ago.

As everyone knows, Alex and the High Priest took their fight elsewhere. Alex was acting ċȯċky by fighting the High Priest without any transformations. He was in his base form and nothing else.

The High Priest had no trouble dodging Alex's attacks.

"Aren't you just a little prideful? Fighting me like that is no different from suicide." The High Priest karate chopped Alex on the back of his neck, which hurt like hell.

There was so much force in his karate chop that Alex was shot down many meters down in space and landed into a barren planet that was the size of Jupiter.

It was the only planet near them. Only the stars were illuminating the entire area.

"Prideful? Me?! Alex got up as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Pride is my greatest sin."

"It would seem so."

The High Priest summoned his staff and waved it at Alex.

Alex had a bad feeling and quickly flew away from the planet. In a single second, the High Priest deleted the entire planet out of existence. It was as if it wasn't even there before.

"Man, that was close."

"Hm." The High Priest was about to wave his staff once again, but it somehow disappeared from his hand.

The staff, which was his most powerful weapon, turned to bubbles.

"..." High Priest. He wasn't angry nor mad. He felt nothing to see his weapon disappear before his eyes.

There was a noticeable red flow on Alex's knuckle. It was the reality stone. Alex turned the High Priests' staff into bubbles.

"You are an interesting being, Alexander Anderson."


"Quite frankly, it almost makes me want to spare your life."

"I was thinking the same thing about you. But your soul is too valuable to pass on." He whispered the last part to himself.


"I have one question, why are you holding back against me?" The High Priest asked.

"Why? 'Cause I was disappointed by this tournament. I expected a challenge, something to look forward to. And what do I get? Pure disappointment."

"That still doesn't explain my question."

"What I meant is that because I was too powerful, it seemed just so easy to win the tournament. Which is why I am holding back against you, so this will last longer."

"Hmm… it seems you are implying you could finish this fight when you want to?"


"Then I would like to see it."


"Show me your true power."

Alex realized something.

"Was this your goal from the beginning? You wanted me to show you my true power from the start?"

"Indeed. So I can know if you are a threat to us, the Angels."

"Why do you think I'm a threat?"

"I sensed many energies from you during the tournament. Most of those energies that are not from this world, and yet here you are. If you are a threat to our very existence, then I have no choice but to kill you right here right now."

There was a reason why there were not many threats to Zeno or the Angels, because they were taken care of by him or the Angels and in some rare cases, Zeno would take care of it himself..

Alex pondered on whether he should use his full power. He himself was curious to see how powerful he has become.

"Sure. Why not?" Alex decided it was time to use his full power. Who says he couldn't? And using it against the High Priest seemed like a good opportunity to see how strong he was.

The High Priest sat in a lotus position and rested his chin on his arm. He was going to see if Alex was an actual threat to both Zeno's. And if he is, he will kill him on the spot.

He usually doesn't ask people to show his full power before him, because he has his staff to look into a person's power level. But with his staff gone it wasn't possible.

Even if he did have his staff with him, he would not be able to see Alex's power due to the soul system.

"Hehehe. I'm gonna make Zamasu and Zeno look like a fuċkɨnġ saint!"

Alex took a deep breath…

He opened his eyes and glowed a bright, white color.

This is his Avatar state.

Then his entire body turned black, this is his haki.

"aaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Alex's hair turned blue, it's Super Saiyan Blue. Then his entire aura turned silver, this is his Mastered Ultra Instinct.

Since Ultra Instinct and Super Saiyan transformations are two different things, it is possible to combine both of them. Goku didn't use it because it would 100% kill him due to the sheer power it carried. But Alex was different from Goku.

Alex's veins started bulging as power surged through his body.

Then a dark energy covered his entire body, this is his demonic energy. His dark energy was darker than the darkest void.

*Back on Earth*

Mr. Popo is casually watering some plants.

"Hm?" Mr. Popo sensed a disturbance in the force.

(This is a tfs reference nothing else)

*Back with Alex*

He then summoned out both of his Chastiefol which were hovering beside him.

"Ban… kai!"

What followed was a bright, yellow light that illuminated a grand part of the universe. It was as if a giant sun came out of nowhere.

The High Priest was getting worried. The power Alex displayed was beyond his expectations. He created a shield around him to protect him from Alex's energy. Even he was affected by Alex's power.

Alex's entire body took an entirely different shape, a shape of a demonic monster, which also raised his entire power level astronomically. This is his final hollow transformation. The area around him started to change a bit...

The infinity stones on his hand activated on their own. Now pure infinite energy travelled through his veins, like when Tony Stark handled the infinity stones in Endgame.

The area around him was being distorted. Time, space, planets, life, they could not handle the power of Alexander Anderson. Space was being distorted. Time was all over the place.

The High Priest was not smiling at this sudden development. He could already tell that Alex was even more powerful than him, the strongest out of all the Angels.

Alex's appearance was weird. All of his transformations piled up into one entity made him look weird, and yet still a badass.

"No mortal should have this kind power. Are you a God from another dimension?"

"Am I a God? No." Alex's voice sounded distorted and menacing.

"Then are you aiming to become one?"


There was a momentary pause.

"At one point, I did see myself as a God, then I realized that being a... God is beneath me."

"Those are some big words." What Alex just said was that the Gods of Destruction, Angels, Zenos, and the High Priest were beneath him.

His pride could be compared to Escanor's.

Alex grinned, because he had one final transformation to use.

"Kai-o ken!" His aura spiked dramatically and turned into a red color.

"No." The High Priest realized something. His expression was just like Krillin's when he realized how fuċkėd up he was.


All 12 universes could not handle the sheer power of Alex's transformation. Stars, planets, entire galaxies, suns, they were disappearing in the blink of an eye. His destruction was above Zeno, and is without the infinity stones.

Alex looked at himself carefully. Technically speaking, with that much power it should have ripped his entire body to pieces. He did not know if it was his immortality or something else that did the trick.

Even he failed to control his own power. He could not control it at all.

He himself was in awe of his power. Alex had expected this kind of power, but it still greatly shocked him.

Now he could claim the title as the strongest in the multiverse.

"Behold, the true power I possess!"

His aura was dark, and yet bright. The dark aura came from his demonic energy. Whereas his bright aura was from the sun. Two opposite powers in one entity. It was as if one side was heaven and the other side was hell.

"... we're fuċkėd, aren't we?" The High Priest said.

"Very much."

Alex appeared before the High Priest and punished him in the stomach.

The High Priest did in fact react to Alex's punch, but he wasn't fast enough, not because he was slow, but because Alex was just too fast. It proved that not even Ultra Instinct would help him against Alex.

Alex coated his entire arm in fire that was as hot as the sun.

"Praise the sun!" Alex grabbed the High Priest shirt and started punching him repeatedly. Alex was going too fast for the High Priest to actually do anything.

"I THOUGHT I SAID!" Alex hurled the High Priest far back.

He summoned literally millions of suns around him. It was very hot that not even the deepest parts of hell could compare.


At his command, all the suns threw themselves at the High Priest creating a huge explosion. Anyone caught in the middle of it could not survive the impact.

Alex was not affected at all.

"After all that, you are still alive." Alex said.

The High Priest was still alive. There were noticeable bruises and burns on his body.

"You are very strong, Anderson. I won't be able to defeat you." The High Priest said. He might have had a chance with his staff, but Alex turned it into bubbles.

All Angels relied on their staff for many things, turning back time, tracking, repairing, and such. Which is why Alex destroyed his staff before he had the chance to use its full power.

"But, both Zenos will erase you on the spot long before you can touch them."

"Oh really? We'll see about that."

Alex raised his hand, showing him all 6 infinity stones to the High Priest.


The High Priest had a terrible uneasy feeling run through his spine.

"What did you do?"

"I did… what was necessary."

There was an evil smile on Alex's face. Those who met the devil and not Alex counted themselves fortunate.


All 12 Angels were safely guarding Zeno inside their shield. They all felt something terrible, but could not see it coming.


Future Zeno noticed his hand being turned to ash.

"No." All 12 Angels quickly reacted and used their own staff to fix the problem.

They rewinded time, and it worked… at first.

The other Zeno was also being wisped away by an unseen force. Not long after was the other Zeno turning into ash again.

The Angels had realized that they screwed up. Once they use the ability to turn back time they will need to wait a long time before they could use it again.

"Help?" Future Zeno looked at his 12 Angels, basically begging to help him.

Even if they did manage to stop them from turning into ashes, it will not matter. It was like stalling the inevitable.

Future Zeno was the first one to turn to ash. The other Zeno looked in fear as his best friend disappeared before him.

"It'll be okay." Vados comforted him.

"Will it?" That was Zeno's last words before disappearing.

Now the Dragon Ball universe was left without an Omni King.

"..." They were all left without words. The most powerful being was probably dead, and they couldn't do anything about it. Zeno's two guards were the ones who were mostly shocked. There was never a time when the King of all just vanished like that. It wouldn't be surprising if they were to have a heart attack at any minute.

Unfortunately, the Commandments did not see both Zenos turn to ash. Because of Mihawk's swords, they could not see outside the box that they were in.

"I don't know what just happened, but something tells me that Anderson had something to do with this." Whis added.

"Whis." Vados touched Whis's arm.


"Look." Vados showed a projection of a pile of earth and rubble floating in space.

Whis did not understand at first what Vados wanted to show him. Then he realized something horrible.

"Is that… Earth from my universe?"

"Not just your Earth. All 12 universes are being we speak."

"That does not matter. We can always use the Dragon Balls to restore them once more."

"But, would that be too late?" Whis rubbed his chin as he went into deep thought.

"What do you mean?"

"Back in my universe, Earth also had Dragon Balls but they were much smaller. Those Dragon Balls cannot bring back a large group of people back to life who have been dead for more than a year. It's only a theory on my part, but can the Super Dragon Balls restore the universes after 1 year, and also bring back both Zeno's at the same time?"

The others frowned upon hearing this. If that is true then they were in trouble. The Super Dragon Balls take one year for them to be usable again after one has made their wish.

"That's a good theory, Whis." Vados said, "But you are forgetting that the Dragon Balls on Earth have limitations, but the Super Dragon Balls have no such thing."

"Then tell me something, when the High Priest wished to restore all the universes, why weren't the other 6 universes restored?"

It's no secret that there were originally 18 universes instead of 12, but were erased by Zeno's hand. They were obviously destroyed more than a year ago, which is probably why they weren't restored along with the other universes.

(It has never been said when they were destroyed so don't bother fact checking it)

If it was a small group of people, then they could use the Super Dragon Balls easily. But this was not just 12 universes, but 2 Zenos as well. Maybe a single wish is too much for even the Super Dragon Balls to handle.

"This is troublesome. But it is still worth a try. We will have to wait a year, but-"

Then all of a sudden, the burst of energy waves suddenly stopped. It was finally calm.

"Is it over?" They deactivated their shield and observed the area. It looked like nothing had changed, but reality was that everything had changed.

"Did the High Priest win?"

There can only be two reasons why the burst of energy finally stopped: either Alex lost, or the High Priest lost.


A powerful blast of energy came towards them out of nowhere. It was Broly taking action first.

Broly took this chance to attack all 12 Angels at the same time. If anyone had bigger balls than Super Shenron, it's Broly.

"Nice try, but we never let our guard down."

With a single wave, Broly's attack was cancelled and was pushed back. Meruem grabbed a hold of Broly.

"Limbo!" Madara summoned 4 of his limbos to attack the Angels. They could sense them but not see it or attack it.

"Perfect cube!"

Lili casted her spell and trapped all 12 Angels, all of Zeno's guards and Madara's Limbo's.

The 4 Limbo's took no time to attack, starting with Zeno's guards.

The cube was quite spacious for them to move around and fight.

The guards could not hurt Madara's Limbo's, but they could easily dodge their attacks. And they also knew that Limbo's could only fight for a limited time, so they were just stalling. They knew this after watching Madara's fight with Jiren.

"It looks like before we can do anything, we have to get rid of them." An Angel named Kusu pointed out.

One of the Angels tried breaking the cube with their staff, but it did not break, which surprised them.

"It seems they are a bit capable after all."

"And it seems that teleporting outside of this cube will not be possible either."

After a few minutes had passed, all of Madara's Limbos vanished.

"Now!" Meruem shouted.

Mihawk conjured even more swords than before and as fast as he could all while the guards were busy fighting Madara's Limbos.

1 million, 10 million, 1 billion and so on. The amount of swords was astronomical.

"Lili, when Mihawk's swords are at close distance, deactivate the cube." Meruem said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Lili nodded her head.

The Angels heard him too and thought that he was an idiot. He just gave out his plan to them.

All of those swords were conjured behind the Angels backs. Mihawk threw every single one of his swords at the Angels.

"Haven't you learned from your previous mistakes?" Vados turned around to destroy all of Mihawk's swords, but something else happened.

A dark lightning surrounded her body for only a second. Nothing happened to her but she stopped moving.

The other Angels immediately noticed something was wrong.

Meruem saw this and grinned. His plan worked perfectly.

"Vados, what's wrong?" Asked Whis.

Vados turned and looked at her brothers and sisters. Her eyes didn't show a hint of life. It was like staring at the eyes of a doll.

"There is nothing wrong with me. But all of you are a threat to my master. So all of you must die!"

Vados quickly attacked her siblings by launching her strongest ki attack inside the closed space.

"Vados! What are you thinking?!" Kusu turned to defend from her sister, but once again the same black lightning surrounded the Angel.

Vados' attacks avoided Kusu and made contact with the other Angels.

Kusu turned around, and without warning shot down her own siblings with all her might.

"Kusu? Vados?" Whis and the others obviously realized something was incredibly wrong. No Angel should turn against each other.

Whis started to rack his brains to what might have caused this.

Then he thought of how Eggy taunted Beerus in the beginning, and he fell into the endless void of space.

Not only that, but Roshi was also affected weirdly by Eggy as well.

He thought it might have just been Eggy's special powers, considering that literally every other Commandment has weird abilities.

'Think… This only happened after Vados turned to defend from Mihawk's attacks. But, why would someone like Mihawk use an attack that had no affect in the beginning? And why did Meruem announce their plan loud enough for us to hear? Unless… This is exactly what he wanted. And Kusu turned on us as soon as she turned around to defend from Vados… oh no.'

Whis now realized the true power of the Commandments.

'As soon as we turned our backs to them, we unconditionally serve them!'

"Everyone! Listen! Whatever you do, do not turn your back to Meruem, or Broly. Once you do you will end up like Vadod and Kusu." Whis said.

The other Angels heard him and were surprised. What kind of ability is that?

Meruem expected them to realize it sooner or later.

Whis had figured this out, but not entirely. He now knew that everyone else had a weird ability. One has the power to render anyone weak if they showed anger within their presence. There was also Eggy's power, who can control anyone who shows ŀust towards her. And finally the power to make anyone serve under him if they turned their back to him.

Whis did manage to piece it together, but a few things remained a mystery. Like if each of them did indeed have a weird ability, then he only knew about 3, which meant there were about 7 other weird abilities he and the other Angels had to watch out for.

And also, he did not know who had the overpowered ability to make anyone serve him by merely turning their back to him. His money went to either Broly, or Meruem.

"All according to plan." Meruem said.

This was his plan all along, making the Angels fight each other.

There was no way that they could win against them in a contest of strength, speed, agility, numbers, or wit. Meruem knew that, which is why he had to think of another method to win.

Then he thought of a moment when he and Alex played gungi while in Purgatory.

While in Purgatory, Meruem had asked many questions to Alex, one of those questions were about the black orb that was inside him(Commandment).

Alex explained all of their Commandments to Meruem. What caught his attention was one certain Commandment called 'Piety.'

That Commandment was way too overpowered. He even asked why Alex did not have that Commandment, when it was clearly the strongest one, and Alex was the leader. The leader should have that Commandment.

Alex told him that the Commandment of Truth had been with him since the beginning. It would feel wrong to just depart with it at that point. And although he does admit that the Commandment of Piety does overshadow the Commandment of Truth, he did not like the idea of controlling people, unless it was necessary. It's much easier and effective to just simply kill people and harvest their souls, instead of controlling them.

"That actually worked." Eggy said in amazement. She had to compliment Meruem on his strategy.

Out of all the Commandments, Meruem was naturally the most gifted in strategy. Not even Alex, without the help of the system, could beat Meruem. That was proven when Alex could not defeat Meruem once in a game of gungi.

The other Commandments were very naturally gifted in their own area. But Meruem beats them all in a contest of wit. When he fought against Netero in the anime, Meruem displayed thousands of battle tactics in a matter of seconds. Similar in this case, he simply chose the best option to use against the Angels.

The only people who can be on par with Meruem's thinking are Mavis Vermillion, from Fairytale. And maybe Shiroe from Log Horizon. And also the Nara clan from Naruto, AKA Shikamaru's clan.

(There are others, but those are all I could think of)

*boom* *Boom*

Several explosions rang inside the perfect cube. Noticeable cracks could be seen forming on the cube.

"Perfect cube won't hold for much longer." Lili said.

Meruem knew that it wouldn't hold, but he thought that at least 3 Angels could be under the control of the Commandment of Piety. But two Angels on their side is still good.


"On it."

Eggy used her gaseous black flamed and surrounded the perfect cube, thereby blinding the Angels.

There was a sudden change in Broly, but nobody paid attention to it.

"Then Madara, Mihawk and Lili, it's your turn."

Madara conjured all of his black receivers and his truth-seeking balls and threw them straight at the Angels.

Mihawk did the same thing with his swords and threw them all at the Angels

Now all of Madara's receivers and truth-seeking balls were merged alongside Mihawk's swords, which made it impossible to tell where they were.

"Perfect cube! Perfect cube!"

Linlin created two more perfect cubes, one was so large that it trapped them and the Angels as well. It was the size of half of a football field.

The other perfect cube was meant for the Commandments only, it was smaller than the other one, but it fit all the Commandments in it. It's to protect them from any Angels from sneaking up behind them.

The large perfect cube was so that the Angels did not teleport away in order to avoid Madara's black receivers and truth-seeking balls.

Meruem's plan was simple and effective.

Make Lili create 3 perfect cubes, one for the Angels so they could be trapped for a while as Broly's Commandment took effect. The other perfect cubes were created to protect themselves, and once restrain the Angels movement. Once someone was inside a perfect cube, no one could teleport in or out.

While the Angels were trapped inside Linlin's cube, he had Mihawk conjure as many swords as he could, in order to make Madara's receivers and balls hide inside the swords. This is so that the Angels could not see when one of Madara's receivers or orbs were close to them.

And lastly, Eggy's gaseous black flame was meant as a smokescreen. As the Angels are too busy fighting each other, they will have no idea what was going on.


The cube that trapped the Angels shattered into pieces.

All of the Angels quickly shielded themselves by coating themselves in a layer of their godly ki. All of Mihawk's swords broke upon contact.

But that still did not stop Vados and Kusu from attacking their siblings with all they got.

"Kusu, Vados, pull yourselves together!" An Angel named Comparri could not help but feel annoyed to see his own siblings trying to kill them.

It was 10 Angels and 4 guards against 2 Angels. The odds were stacked against them. Even so, the 10 Angels did not dare to injure their siblings, because they care for each other.

Vados and Kusu quickly launched their attacks on Comparri, which made him put all his attention on defense.


Comparri felt a terrible pain in his abdomen. He looked down to see that he had been stabbed by one of Madara's black receivers.

"Comparri!" Whis and the others quickly went to his aid.

5 of them kept Vados and Kusu occupied. While the rest attended Comparri.

"This is getting annoying!" Whis and 3 more Angels, Awamo, Sour and Merus released their godly ki which absolutely destroyed all of Mihawk's swords, and unfortunately, Madara's receivers and truth-seeking orbs as well. Eggy's gaseous black flames also dispersed.

Both perfect cubes sustained major damage but did not shatter.

Whis used his scepter to pull out the receiver from Comparri's abdomen. They also healed his wounds.

"I feel weak." Comparri said. He stood up and thanked his siblings for helping him.

"That's probably the effect of Madara's weird ability… but to think that it can even affect an Angel's ki."

Madara's black receivers can negate a person's energy and balance if they were to touch it. The same thing applies to Angels.

Whis and the other 3 Angels flew towards the Commandments. As long as they did not turn their backs to Broly or Meruem, they were all safe.

They were close enough to reach the perfect cube, but did not touch it.

"Is your brother doing fine?" Garou asked in a mocking tone.

"Angering them will not work." Meruem added.

Garou wanted to make the Angels angry in order for them to lose their strength. But it did not work.

Angels are advanced beings. Even if one of their siblings were to die right now, they will never let their emotions control them. Which is why most of the Commandments will never work against them.

"You all have crossed the line." Whis and the others together worked to bring down Lili's perfect cube.

And as expected, many cracks appeared on the cube.

Meruem and the others acted calmly to this situation.


"Let's do it." Linlin understood what her sister meant.

They each grabbed a Potara earring and inserted it in their ear.

Both of their bodies were drawn together and connected like magnets. And then they merged into one being.

A dazzling light appeared where both sisters stood. The Commandments were very curious to see how Linlin and Lili together looked like.

A being came out of the light, it was a beautiful, tall woman. Since Linlin and Lili were twins not much about their appearance had changed. Only her height, power, and charm increased.

Since they were both very beautiful, their charms combined into one and it made them look even more beautiful than before. Even the Angels could not help but think that she was indeed very beautiful, and they never give out compliments especially about another mortal's appearance.

Linlin and Lili were average in height for women, about 5' 10'', but Alexander was much taller than them standing in around 6' 11''

But now that they had all merged, their height went from 5' 10'' to 6' 1''

"So, this is us merged into one." Linlin and Lili looked at their hands. As they did that they were getting used to their newfound power.

It sounded like two people were talking at the same time. But it also sounded sweet, soothing, and gentle.

"What should we name this form? Linli? Lilin? Lilin sounds perfect." They were talking to themselves in third person.


The perfect cube broke into pieces due to the Angels power.

Whis was annoyed at himself. To think that the enemy would be using something he made for the purpose of helping his own universe. He could not have foreseen this outcome, but it does not mean that he doesn't blame himself for helping the enemy a tiny bit.

"You all have caused a disturbance to the peace and balance of this world. Under the name of the Angels and Zeno, you all must die."

As they got ready to use their staff, somehow their staff broke into several pieces before them.

Lilin was not at her spot anymore. She was standing behind the Angels showing them her back.

Whis and the other Angels did not see when and how Lilin managed to sneak behind them. Not only that, but she's the one who destroyed their staff in an instant as well.

"So this is how it feels like to be close to Alex's level… no, this level of power is nothing compared to his."

Lilin summoned her strings and they wrapped themselves around Whis and the other Angels' arm.

The Angels were not gonna make the grave mistake by turning their backs on Broly or Meruem, they weren't sure who had the Commandment of Piety, but they knew it was one of those two.

"Your puny strings will not be able to break through our angelic ki. Your strings will fall apart easily, `` Awamo said.

But, they were all surprised to see that Lilin's strings did not break at all. Despite adding ki powerful enough to destroy a planet the size of Jupiter, Lilin's strings did not break at all. If anything it actually managed to cut through their skins.

"We might not be as powerful as Alex, but that does not mean you shouldn't underestimate our own power."

Lilin's strings were gonna wrap themselves around their throat, but the Angels quickly dodged her attack perfectly. They were still not going to turn their backs on Meruem and Broly.

Whis and the other Angels grabbed the strings that were wrapped around their arm and pulled at the same time. Their plan was to use Lilin's own strings and hopefully hurt her with them, but it did not go as expected.

Instead, Lilin produced even more strings which wrapped around the Angel's other arms. It was wrapped around nicely like a Mummy.

"I don't have time for this." Whis used even more of his Angel's ki to break the strings, and it did. They might be Gods but even their stamina wasn't infinite, which is why they were trying to conserve their energy by not using huge amounts of ki.

Even without their staff they could still fight against Gods of Destructions and win.

"Sorry about this."

Whis got behind her, karate chopped her neck, and she fell unconscious. He grabbed a hold of her before she fell.

"I'm gonna make this easy. Surrender now and I won't hurt her soul." Whis said menacingly. He had a right to be angry at them. Ever since the Commandments showed up it has been a disaster. Their father was probably dead, trillions of lives are done… again, and both Zeno's are dead or missing.

"Back in my world, I read that Angels are supposed to be divine beings who are supposed to help good people, and they also despise demons… oh, wait, yeah, I see now." Garou was about to mock Whis for taking a hostage when he was an Angel, then he remembered that the Commandments weren't exactly the good guys.

Like in many stories, even if the Ten Commandments were not good guys, the Angels would still be the enemies.

"Did you actually think you could take me hostage?"

Whis saw how Lilin's neck moved around unnaturally, like Linda Blari from the movie Exorcist. Lilin quickly grabbed a hold of Whis without letting go.

Then Lilin's body transformed into strings which wrapped around Whis' body. Even if Whis has Ultra Instinct, he was holding Lilin close so she couldn't escape, meaning that escape was impossible.

Whis tried to quickly escape from Lilin's strings, then his body stopped moving and went limp. It was as if he died on the spot, but he was still alive.

"How do you like my string clones?"

Another Lilin showed up behind Whis. She kept producing more and more strings by the second.

"What did you do to Whis?" One of the Angels demanded to know.



Lilin crushed her hands, and at the same time, all of Whis's insides were destroyed. Whis felt a great amount of pain going through his body.

Disturbingly, strings came out of Whis's mouth and nose. His body was being wrapped around like how a spider wraps his caught prey.

The Angels were confused, until they saw several of Lilin's strings entering Whis's body from the cut on his arm that Lilin had caused earlier.

As it turns out, Lilin had planned this. The cuts on Whis's arm was a way for her strings to enter his body. If she could not hurt an Angel on the outside, then what about on the inside?

Since Angels were immortal, they could not die, but they could still feel pain.

"I heard from our husband that Angels are immortal like us, but that does not mean that there are other ways to deal with that."

"Just wait until our siblings come here. Then we'll see who's in trouble." Awamo said.

Linlin and Lili were the second and third strongest in their groups, in terms of power levels. And since they both merged, they became even more powerful than before by many times. Even so, it should not be possible for them to overpower an Angel.

Even Blue Vegito was not even a match for Zamasu, so how can Linlin and Lili have the power to overpower an Angel? The answer was obvious; power levels are bullshit in Dragon Ball.

And also one other thing, Whis mentioned in the anime that the Potara fusion might work better for 17 and 18, because they were both twins and both were compatible with one another. Nobody really knows what that means exactly other than Akira, but one thing is certain, that if twins were to use the Potara earrings it would be more beneficial than simply combining two different people.

When Alex used the Library of Hell's path on the Potara earrings, it said that if twins were to fuse, they would become even more powerful depending on their power level. He had completely forgotten about this fact and was glad that he noticed before he destroyed the Potara earrings.

"It does not matter. You all have already lost." Lilin said.

As she said that, 7 Angels and 4 guardians stood beside her in a perfect line. They all had the lifeless look on their eyes.

The remaining Angels were sincerely shocked to see most of their siblings under mind control. When did it happen? And how could it happen?

"Was Whis wrong? Did turning our backs to Meruem or Broly have nothing to do with anything?"

They were sure that Whis was wrong. Otherwise how could most of the Angels and Guardians make such a mistake?

"Haven't you noticed something else missing?" Meruem pointed out.

"Missing?" They looked carefully at the Commandments.

The Angels noticed that there wasn't something missing, but rather someone's energy was missing, and that person was Broly. It meant that Broly's wasn't there, and yet they could see him standing right there.

Madara made a hand sign and Broly turned into a puff of smoke. It was actually Steven in disguise.


"Look behind you." Meruem said.

There he was, Broly with his arms crossed, standing beside the other Angels and guardians.

"How… how did."

"Fuck you, that's how!" Garou said as he flipped him.

"After we took control over the 2 Angels and when Eggy blinded you all with her gas, I had Madara quickly disguise Steven to be Broly. Because I knew that one of you will figure out that Broly will be the one bearing such a powerful ability."

Madara could already disguise others into different things. He did this back on the One Piece world when he helped that family...

"That does not make sense. How did we fail to see or sense his energy?"

"That was me." Lilin said, "I turned Broly invisible before any of you noticed. And he also hid his energy very well. What's funny is that none of you could even sense our demonic energy until she displayed it. Which meant that our demonic energy cannot be sensed easily, just like a God's ki."

Lili did know invisible spells, which came from the SDS world. It was a basic spell, but it worked to fool the Angels a bit.

"Then when you Angels decided to split to deal with us and your two brainwashed siblings, Broly quickly ran towards the other group but did not engage in a fight. He just had to be at the right place at the right time, in order for your siblings to turn their back to him."

It did not matter if the Angels knew if Broly was even there. When they turn their backs on him, the Commandment of Piety will take effect.

"And then slowly but surely, you all will be under our command like right now."

"What about Comparri? Why did you stab him with that black rod?"

"Oh, him? He was just a distraction so you wouldn't notice Broly's presence. No matter if you are Gods, or Angels, it must have left you irritated to see that us mortals can still injure beings such as yourselves. I know that feeling… looking down on a puny race only to be brought down by them in the end… truly irritating."

Meruem got bested by Netero, even if it was a cheap trick, he still lost. He viewed himself as the most powerful at the time, the king who will rule everything and everyone. Then when Netero defeated him, a puny human, it did irritate him, but it made him respect the human race more.

Meruem was gambling whether the Angels would be affected when Comparri was injured, and he was right. They are beings who have lived a long time. They view themselves at the pinnacle of all races. They will never view another race as high as them. Which is why it irritated them to see a couple of no ones injuring their sibling, because it also meant that the Commandments could injure the other Angels as well.

The three remaining Angels looked at their siblings. They could not help them in this situation. They all felt powerless.

"It's alright. When Father gets here, he will save us all and destroy the Commandments."

Lilin, Meruem, Eggy, Madara, Mihawk and Steven rolled their eyes. The Angel sounded like a villain from a light novel. Relying on their older relatives to solve their problems for them.

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

A familiar voice came from above them. It was naturally Alex. The Commandments smiled. Their leader came back.

"Wh-where's Father?"

"Here he is." Alex showed them the head of the High Priest. His head was cleanly cut off from the rest of his body. He threw it at one of the Angels, but out of shock she didn not grab it, but it rather bounced off her head like a soccer ball..

The High Priest is an immortal, so therefore he could not die by a simple beheading. So Alex had to injure his soul instead. Killing an immortal wasn't easy, but it was still possible, especially to someone like Alex.

"Th-that can't be!"

"Master!" The Angels and Guards bow before Alex. Alex is the leader of the Commandments, therefore they listen to him and protect him.

Although Broly is the Commandment of Piety, Alex is ultimately the boss.

"Master? Oh right, Commandment. I cannot believe the Commandment of Piety actually works on Angels. That's good to know. And also here."

Alex threw at the hostile Angels the heads of all the Gods of Destructions, even Goku was included. But all their heads bounced off them.

"I was once again disappointed by how weak the High priest was, so to let out some steam, I killed all the Gods of Destruction and Goku. But they were all dead. I was gonna take care of the Angels too, but it seems you guys are doing good."

There was a fatal weakness about the Gods of Destruction that many did not know, their lives were linked to the Supreme kai of their own universe. If the Supreme Kai dies, the God of Destruction dies as well. Since Alex's energy was too much for a Kai to bear, they all died, along with the Gods of Destruction.

And as for Goku, he reversed time using his time stone, brought them all of the people from Earth back to life, then he killed them all shortly after, and collected their souls. Goku and the others died 3 times in the same day. That's gotta be a record for them. But now they were gone for good.

The remaining Angels now knew that they were done for good. They were going to die.


The Angel's eyes started to melt.

"What's wrong with them?" Eggy asked.

"It seems Garou's Commandment of Faith took affect."

"What does my Commandment do exactly?"

"I never told you?"


"Oh, my bad. Whoever shows faithlessness shall have their eyes set ablaze."

"Ohohoho, now that is awesome."

Alex gave the Commandment of Faith to Garou because it suited him the most. Even after fighting so many beings more powerful than him, he never displayed Faithlessness.

"You guys defeated the Angels by yourselves. How do you want to deal with them?" Asked Alex.

"There's no guarantee that the Commandment of Piety will last forever. Kill them all." Meruem suggested.

The others nodded. If it weren't for Meruem's clever thinking, the outcome of this match would have been very different.

Angels could not die, unless they broke something called 'Angel's law' but nobody cares about that.

"I agree as well."


Alex snapped his fingers, and then the Angels turned to dust. There was no use in mind controlling them. Like Meruem said, any moment the Commandment of Piety could wear off.

It is indeed possible to reverse a Commandment's power. Which is why Alex did not want to take any chances with the Angels.

"Wait, that was you who made those little terrifying kids disappear?" Garou asked.

"Garou, we have a lot to catch up…"

"So… that's it? We won?" Eggy asked.

"It looks like we did." Mihawk smiled, this is a rare moment as he rarely ever smiles.


It was quiet and awkward. No one knew what to do.

"You know what, let's celebrate this victory. This is the first time as a group that we have won." Alex suggested.

"Even Steven contributed a bit." Lilin jokingly said.

"He did? Steven what did… who are you?"

"..." Lilin.


She smacked her husband on his head. They've been together for over a thousand years and he can't recognize his own wives.

"Ow! Linlin, Lili?"

"Can't even recognize your own wives."

"Sorry, honest mistake…"

Maybe it was because he absorbed the soul of the High Priest, and the Gods of Destruction, and Goku's soul as well, that he was in such a good mood that he did not notice the Potara earrings on Lilin's ears.

"Anyways, we should celebrate at Mihawk's place."

"Why my place?"

"Because your house is big, and you probably have a secret stash of wine hidden somewhere. And also, the rest of our worlds aren't exactly in a state for us to celebrate.

"Now that sounds like my kind of party." Garou put his hand over Madara's shoulder.

"We did say that we will have a drinking contest after this is all done." Madara did seem a bit happy as well. Booze after a tough fight seems about right.

"System, take us all to the world of One Piece."


A portal opened before them. Lilin was the first to enter. Then Madara, Mihawk, Meruem, Garou, Steven.

"Come on, Broly." Eggy grabbed Broly's hand and pulled him to the portal.

As Alex was about to enter, he took one last look at the universe behind him. He destroyed all 12 universes, killed all the Gods. Nothing remained.


He went into a deep thought then left the Dragon Ball universe for good.

*The next chapter will be the end*

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