Killer Of MC's

Chapter 23 - Pride vs Truth (Part 1)

Alex saw the little destruction that the Ten Commandments caused in the kingdom as he walked through the area. The damage wasn't too big, which was a relief for some people here. But, there were still those whom were unlucky to meet their demise today.

"What are you planning?" Asked the sphere in his hand.

Alex looked at the sphere, which is where Merlin's soul was.

"System, is it possible to extract her soul from the orb?" Asked Alex.


"Is it also possible to extract the knowledge she possesses from inside the orb?" He knew that Merlin contained a vast amount of knowledge in her pretty little mind, that knowledge could be used to fight the demon king and the supreme deity.

{The system specializes in many things, soul extraction, shopping for anime powers, and others, but extracting the memories of people does not come with the system}

Alex couldn't even use his {Invasion} on Merlin if he wanted to, because her soul is stuck inside a sphere.

"Hey, Merlin. I will make you a deal." Said Alex.

"..." Merlin did not feel like responding to him, he just killed his captain and her friends.

"I promise to let everybody else in Liones live. After all, do you want to see Elizabeth's soul get taken? And you should know that I am indeed capable of that."

Merlin pondered for a moment, she saw her captain die, so she cannot let others die in front of her.

"What do you want?" She responded harshly.

"I want to know how to destroy the demon king and the supreme deity?"

If Merlin still had her body, anyone would see the surprised look on her face. Who in the world would ever want to face those two monsters?

"That's suicide! Nobody would ever win in a fight against those two!"

"Didn't you trick those two? And because of you, the whole city of Belialuin was destroyed by those two."

"..." She didn't have a comeback for that, as he was right. Merlin had the balls to trick the two most powerful people in the series, so who is she to talk?

"I… do not have the knowledge to defeat those two." Merlin responded truthfully, if she did have the knowledge, she would have used it in the series.

"Oh well, that is too bad. System, extract her soul from the orb."


"Wait, what is happening to me?!" Merlin felt as if her soul was getting suċkėd out from the orb. She thought she would be safe inside, but she thought wrong, Alex could have done this anytime he wanted to.

A small white little orb appeared in the hand of Alex, it was Merlin's indeed.

"How much for this one?" Asked Alex.

"Um… although her power level is weak, her amount of knowledge compensates it. Not only that, but she knows the meaning of hard work and suffering, so its 850,000 SP."

"Sell it." Alex knew that eating her soul would result in nothing, so might as well sell her soul to the devil.

{850,000 SP has been transferred to you} 4,148.500 SP remaining.

"Hm. Just six-million left until I can get that new hollow form." Alex wanted nothing more than that new hollow form, it should be very OP. He also wanted to buy the 'final getsuga' and he would be very overpowered, but who knows if that power came with a price, like in the anime/manga.

But buying the final getsuga is out of his reach, for now. Although he hasn't checked the price for that, he knows it could very well be over 50,000,000 SP.

"There are still 4 commandments left, and I need to hurry before they change their locations, otherwise, finding them would prove to be more difficult."

He flew straight to the kingdom of Liones with his wings, nothing could stop him from accomplishing his mission. And even if the demon king and the supreme deity proved too much for them, he could just teleport himself and the Lu sisters to another world.

And even after teleporting to these other worlds, he can still revisit them whenever he wants to.

Alex looked at the sun, close to setting in. That reminded him of something.

"System, I want to buy a few things."

{What is it?}

Inside the kingdom of Liones, was everybody waiting anxiously for the return of Meliodas and Merlin. They were all worried, but they knew that those two won't be brought down easily. It was very quiet in here.

"Cap'n and Merlin have been gone too long, maybe we should go check on them." Ban broke the silence.

"I think so too, I have been getting a really bad feeling for quite some time." Elizabeth instantly agreed with Ban.

"Guys, guys, why do you need to worry, this is Meliodas and Merlin we're talking about. With those two working together, nobody stands a chance against them." Hawk was very confident in their abilities, so he wasn't as worried as the others


That loud voice reverberated throughout the castle, and almost everyone in Britannia heard Alex's yell.

"Hawk? Who did you piss off?" Asked Ban.

"I dunno. That voice isn't familiar." Hawk responded, not sure why someone was calling him out.


"I've been looking for you, Ham." Alex said with a sinister chuckle, he looked no different from a demon.

"Who are you? I don't believe we have ever met, not even your scent is familiar." Hawk said.

At this moment, the king of Liones was scared beyond belief. The person in front of him was very familiar. He is the one in his omen, the one who will destroy the world.

"Your majesty, I take it that this is the one your omen predicted." Gilthunder drew out is sword, his instincts told him that he isn't here just to talk.

"Yes, he is." The king said very softly, but everyone heard him.

Everybody around Alex got on guard, as they all knew that he is not an ally.

"I've only been here for 10 seconds, and yet I am being treated as an enemy. And here I thought that the Dragon shrine were filled with a bunch of pricks, but this world takes the cake."

Hawk used his Balor's magical eye to see Alex's power. Once he used it, he was scared and shocked.

"G-guys. His power level, is-... its." Hawk had trouble talking, as the fear blocked his voice or something.

"Hawk, what's the matter?" Asked Elizabeth. Even against stronger enemies than them, Hawk never showed this kind of attitude.

"His power level… it's 75,000."

Everyone has their eyes widened in shock. They all knew that they possess a power level less than 4,000 but this guy was almost 20x times higher than that.

"I did not come here to waste time, I came here for the pig." Alex proceeded to walk towards Hawk, while ignoring the stares around him.

"I won't let you kill him!" Ban was the first one to jump in, with his immortality, he shouldn't worry about a foe this strong.

But his body soon crashed into a wall, as if he was launched back several feet by an invisible force.

"Take away your immortality, and all that will be left is your weak human body." Alex stared at the immortal that he launched.

Ban quickly got up, with no wounds on his body. Although he did cough up a bit of blood, that is nowhere near enough to hurt him.

"This guy is strong." Ban said.

"Lightning bolt!" Gilthunder got behind Alex at a quick speed, but Alex already predicted his attack even before crashing in this castle.

"You overestimate your ability, you're just a weakling." Alex grabbed Giltunder by his neck, and threw him towards Ban.

With Alex's power level, Gilthunder was thrown as if he were a softball. Ban and him crashed back into the wall.

"Purge" Hendrickson also went for the attack, and used a power that was very effective against demons.

Once the blinding light dissipated, Alex was nowhere to be seen.

"Where'd he go?" Asked someone in the room.

"Right here!" Alex stood on the other side of the room, completely unharmed.

Everybody reacted to his voice, nobody even saw or sensed when he moved in that side of the room.

"Why bother fighting me? All of you are to weak to even lay a single finger on me."

Nobody responded to his question, because they all knew it was true.

"Don't think that us sins will back down without a fight." Ban said.

"Meliodas and Merlin should be here soon, after all, they just fought this guy not too long ago." Hawk said out loud, in a tone of confidence.

Everybody, including Alex looked at Hawk, unsure of what he said.

"I can smell the familiar scent of Merlin and the captain on him, which means that they fought him not too long ago."

Alex raised his brows in realization. Hawk might be a pig from hell, but his sense of smell is very acute.

"Wait, but then doesn't that mean that they were defeated by this guy? If they did fight, and this guy is still standing, that means they lost." Howzer, who was also in the same room, said out loud.

Then everybody came to a realization. What Howzer just said made complete sense, but they couldn't believe that those two lost to the same person.

"Is that true!" a deep voice resounded throughout the entire room.

Standing behind him, was a tall man with a mustache. He held a heave one-handed battle-ax. He looked down at Alex as if he were an insignificant figure.

Alex didn't even need to turn to know who the person was. Who else could it be, the one and only…

"Escanor, the sin of pride." Alex took a good look at the man behind him, and he was very happy to meet him in person. He is the only one in this show that he admires, and is one of the biggest badasses in the series, no questions asked.

"Is what the funny guy said, true? Did you defeat Merlin?" Escanor lowered his height to meet Alex's height.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?!" Howzer asked angrily. No one has ever called him 'funny' before.

"It is true, I defeated Meliodas and Merlin together. They stood no chance against me." Alex responded truthfully.

Everybody but Escanor reacted to this news. They were shocked indeed.

"May I know if they're still alive." Asked Escanor.

"I killed them both. I also took their souls and send them to the underworld. I did not eat them if that is what you're talking about."

*CLASH* a loud sound vibrated throughout the whole kingdom. Escanor used his battle-ax Rhitta to launch Alex's body back through the wall.

"How dare you! I will give you a cruel death. In the name of the sun and Merlin, I shall kill you." an unbelievable amount of rage filled up Escanor.

In all his lifetime, he has never been so angry at one person. His pride didn't allow that. But, after hearing that Alex, not only killed Merlin, but also took her soul, that snapped him.

He loved Merlin dearly. But now, he cannot ever see her again.

"Unless all of you want to burn to a crisp, stay here, and do not interrupt this fight." Escanor warned everybody, then jumped high towards Alex's location.

"Escanor! Wait! It's already past noon, you'll only get weaker by the moment!" Ban yelled out to stop Escanor, but it was no use.

Elizabeth was shedding tears. Until now, Meliodas died when he fought the ten commandments. But he came back to life, only to die, only this time its permanent.

"Is… Meliodas…"

"DON'T YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE!!!" Elizabeth interrupted Hawk before he finished talking. She yelled at him as more tears gushed out her eyes, like a river.

Everybody felt the same way. The captain and Merlin died, and had their souls suċkėd out. It was hard to believe for anybody.

"I do not believe it. Where did they last fight?" Ban demanded to know, he cannot believe it until he verifies it himself.

"I think I know where they might have fought." Said Hawk.

"If we can get to Mama, then we might get there fast."

"Elizabeth, lets go. Janko, take care of Elain for me!" Ban grabbed Elizabeth and Hawk in both in arms and carried them to Mama Hawk.

"Its Jericho!" Jericho was angry that Ban never got her name right, but she is still going to take of of the fairy loli princess.

They soon left the castle at a fast speed.

"Hm… I think only the sins can take care of such a monster. Gilthunder, release Gowther from the prison." The king ordered.

"Yes, my king!" Gilthunder didn't dare to wait another minute, and vanished quickly to set free one of the seven deadly sins.

"What about now? Do we help Escanor?" Howzer asked.

The king thought about it, then said.

"Stand on the side for now, we must be ready for whatever outcome this fight might end."

Everybody agreed. Even if their power levels are low, they are still gonna help Escanor fight that


"Howzer, until Gilthunder returns, you will lead the group." The King said.

Howzer was a bit shocked, but then composed himself shortly after.

"Yes, my king. Everyone! Move out! We're gonna avenge Meliodas and help the seven deadly sins, even if it is the last thing we'll do."

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered as raised their weapons up. They all proceeded to help Escanor in this fight.


Alex was floating on a river when Escanor launched him here with his ax. His clothes were torn, but he was okay. Thank god for immortality.

But even so, he wasn't angry, he was happy. Even when Escanor is getting weaker by the minute, that single attack was pretty fierce. No wonder he is the sin of pride.

'Lili, Linlin. You two don't come near me for now. Just capture Hawk, but don't kill him, I need him alive.' Alex communicated with the twins through telepathy. He also wanted to fight Escanor without the help of others. This is a fight he has been looking forward to.

"Yes, Saviour!" They responded quickly. Since Alex gave them both the info of this world, they knew who Hawk is.

*BOOM* A huge figure landed on land nearby the river.

"I suppose you want to finish this quickly, it seems you are getting weaker by the minute." Alex turned his head to face Escanor, who is pissed at him.

"That is one thing we can agree on. {Cruel Sun}" Escanor conjured a majestic sun and threw it at Alex.

Alex didn't even want to dodge this attack, as there was no point in doing so.

*BOOM* The entire river was evaporated by him alone, and steam rose from the ground.

"I have never seen you this pissed. Did you really care about Merlin that much?" Alex appeared before him, unharmed.

"You will never understand, she was my pride, and my sun. You took that away from me, and now you will pay the price." He said very angrily.

"I don't want to fight you like this, Escanor. It might not seem hard to understand, but I quite respect you."

"Are those your final words?"

Alex only sighed, Escanor is not gonna let him go no matter what. It was to be expected.

"Let's just fight. Let's see who is stronger, truth versus pride." Alex summoned out his chastiefol, and got ready for a fight.

Escanor recognized that weapon at first glance. But, brushed it aside. He is gonna kill him, so what was the point in asking him questions.

"Before I kill you, tell me your name, so I can give you a proper grave where I can dance on it."

"Big words for a big guy. My name is Alexander Anderson, the real commandment of truth. Remember that name and my pretty face, as that will be the last thing you will ever see." Alex responded.

"Commandment of truth. I see. I hope you give me a better fight than that armored demon."

"Gladly." Alex smiled a bit.

The entire area seemed to burn hotter by the minute, this is the intense clash of two sun masters. Alex with his Ryujin Jakka and the system. And Escanor, with his pride and Grace.

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