Killer Of MC's

Chapter 25 - Onto Purgatory

After Alex and Lu Linlin exited the kingdom of Liones, they went straight to Galand's location.

Upon arriving safely and swiftly at his location, Alex kicked the stone statue to pieces, he then proceeded to take his soul and Commandment.

Alex sold the soul of Galand for a measly 200,000 SP. it's an okay amount.

Alex was happy that he was only three Commandments away from getting a huge power up. He could only imagine just how strong he will become.

'Lili, how are you doing?' Asked Alex through telepathy. This telepathy thing is really handy.

"I got their souls and Commandments easily." Lili said with a smile, as if what she had done was incredible, and it was.

Behind Lili, was Gloxinia and Dolor on the ground, lifeless. The area around her was a mess, but Lili obviously won this fight.

Lili is twice as powerful as them, so it really didn't take long for her to kill them.

Gloxinia was really annoying, with his his [Droplet of life]

But luckily for Lili, Gloxinia already used most of it during the battle with Meliodas. So he couldn't spam that technique all day.

On her hands, were two distinct white orbs and two dark orbs.

'What about King and Diane? They should be there with them.' Asked Alex.

"They're here, as if some they are in some sort of trance, they were already like that before I arrived here."

'Ah, I see. Kill them and eat their souls.' Said Alex.

King and Diane are currently going through the memories of Gloxinia and Dolor, back when they fought in the holy war 3000 years ago. Which is why they are in that state.

He only let Escanor live because he respects him a lot, but King and Diane are nothing but a stepping stone to Alex.

And besides, it's better to kill them now than later.

"Okay." Lili bend down slight to touch their bodies. Their souls easily came out from their mouths.

King and Diane could not even protect themselves from Lili. They didn't even see her coming.

"Do you want me to bring you his Chastiefol? After all, it is the exact same weapon as you have." Said Lili, after stuffing the orb and souls inside her storage ring.

'Good question.' Alex pondered a little bit.

Although Alex's Chastiefol is his own Zanpakuto, there might be a slight chance that it could be drawn to the original Chastiefol.

'Bring it to me, one never knows.' Said Alex.

"'Kay." She said cutely. She quickly out the spear away in her storage ring.

'Steven, have you found Melascula yet?' Asked Alex through telepathy.

"..." there was no sound, but Alex knew that Steven was listening.

'Oh right, you're a Pegasus, not a human. Shit. I did not think that one through.' Alex smacked himself out of stupidity. How the hell is Steven gonna answer him?

"Hahah. Stupid bitch." Smirked the Devil by his side.

"Shut up." Said Alex.

'Lili, there is a special connection between all of us, which can be used to pinpoint each other's location. I want you to follow Steven's trail, and we will meet you there as well.'

Since they all have a link with each other, Alex and the others can tell each other's location no matter the distance. It was how Steven was able to locate them easily, during their fight with the Ten Commandments.

"Okay." She spread our her fairy wings easily, and flew off to Steven's location.

But, looking back, she felt sad that their bodies would be lying around like that. She burned their bodies by lighting a fire with her cultivation.

Producing fire with her hand can easily be achieved by any high level cultivator like her.

*Fwish* that was the sound of their bodies burning to ashes.

Lili didn't say a word as she left that place. However, she failed to notice that a weird, dog-looking animal appeared in that place after she left.

She was quite a distance away, which is why she failed to notice it. This animal is Oslo, King's rare pet.

Back with Alex, he looked at Linlin and nodded slightly at her, as a sign of something.

Linlin understood what he meant. He grabbed his hand and ran off like the flash towards Steven.

At this rate, it might take them a few minutes to reach his location. But it was still better than flying.

*********** Back in the kingdom of Liones.

Luckily for everyone, no one died when Alex fought Escanor. The atmosphere was okay, but the problem was that they didn't know what to do now.

Hawk was worried for himself, since he did not know what Alex and Linlin do to his body.

Now, only 3 of the seven deadly sins are alive. Escanor, Gowther and Ban are all that's left.

"Beep! Beep!"

They all recognized that sound, it was Mama Hawk.

Ban quickly got off Mama Hawk. Elizabeth stood beside Meliodas's corpse as always.

"Is sir Meliodas okay?" Asked Gilthunder, unsure if he wants to hear this news.

Ban shook his head, which made everyone feel remorseful for the death of their friend. After Alex fought Escanor, they all believed in his words that he killed Meliodas and Merlin.

"However, there is a place where we can possibly bring him back to life." Added Ban.

"Really? Are you talking about the forest of the Druids?" He said after realizing what he meant. Most of them had been to the Druid's forest, and got a slight power up after training in that place.

Most of them seemed to have caught on, and a look of hope could be seen on their eyes.

"Hm." Ban nodded at his answer. It might be a wild theory, but they're willing to take the chance.

"Ban, you're back." Elaine came out of her room, she was overjoyed when she saw Ban again.

"Elaine!" Ban hugged his cute girlfriend tightly in his embrace.

"Elaine, its possible that I found a way to bring you back to life." He got down on his knees to match her height.

(Then again, Melascula could easily bring back the dead using one of her skills… so it's not surprising at all.)

Then a small portal appeared in front of everybody. And out of it, appeared Oslo.

"Oslo! What are you doing here?" Elaine ċȧrėssed the little dog, happy that he was with him.

But, it was rare seeing him here without King's presence.

Oslo made some weird signs and sounds, which no one, but Elaine, could understand.

"What's he saying?" Asked Ban.

"I think… that my brother is in trouble."

"King?" Said Ban.

Ban looked behind him, wondering what he should do right now. Either go with Elizabeth to the land of Druids, or go see if King is alright.

"Elaine, we should let Oslo take us to where King is. After that, he will head to the land of Druids with everyone else." Said Ban.

If they could take advantage of Oslo's ability, then maybe they could save themselves a lot of time, instead of travelling on Mama Hawk.

Elaine thought the exact thing. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Everyone!" Ban turned to look at everyone.

Ban raising his voice caught their attention.

"I want you to gather the corpses that are inside the Boar Hat. Be careful with the body of Cap'n. We should be back very soon."

He left with Elaine without giving the poor suckers a chance to ask a question.

"You heard sir Ban! Gather the bodies of sir Meliodas and the rest." Ordered Gilthunder.

Some people went inside the Boar Hat to bring the corpses. If they could do this fast, then they would get to see Meliodas alive again. And everybody knows that they need him right now.

"Gilthunder. What do I do with this?" An apprentice holy knight appeared with Merlin's cute statue beside him.

They could never suspect that this cute loli statue, would be the sėxy Merlin that everyone knows.

"I believe that this is the statue of Merlin." Gowther appeared by the side.

"What makes you say that?" Asked Gilthunder.

"I sense a bit of Merlin's magical power in this statue. Considering the fact that we are fighting foes with abilities that we haven't heard of, it wouldn't be surprising if Merlin somehow became a small figure, and then turned to stone."

Gilthunder agreed with his statement. Simple facts shouldn't be used on the enemies that they are facing.

"Gilthunder, bring Escanor here. Once he is healed, it would be best if he were to accompany us to the land of Druids. Who knows if that person should ever show up again." Gowther said.

"Okay." Gilthunder left at lightning speed to fetch Escanor. With the healers they hired in this kingdom, Escanor should be somewhat back to full health,

Gowther kept replaying that scene where Alex stopped his attack. Nobody has ever done that before. Even with his Invasion ability, he feels that he isn't confident on beating Alex.

"Gowther, why are you so worried? As long as you guys have me, those people have no chance on beating us."

Hawk appeared from the side, not realizing that he broke Gowther's train of thought. He was very confident on beating Alex right now, even when he was kidnapped by them 15 minutes ago.

Gowther looked at Hawk for a moment, then turned around without saying anything.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Hawk said angrily.


Back with Alex and the others.

Alex easily reached Steven's location with the help of Linlin. She seemed quite tired at running around for so long.

"Here you guys are!" Lu Lili appeared before them. Since her location was closer to Steven's, she did not take that long to reach them.

"Good. Linlin, get some rest, you deserve it." Alex patted their heads gently, then walked towards Steven.

The Lu twins did not stay behind. Instead, they followed their Saviour.

Alex saw Steven from a distance. He was currently… letting Melascula pet his head?

Okay. What is going on here?

"My, what a wonderful Pegasus." Melascula seemed to be very fond of Steven for some reason.

Her lower jaw was broken, as if it were dangling from her mouth. This happened when Ban twisted her neck at a 180 angle, this happened back when Meliodas fought the Ten Commandments and died:

"Steven… the hell is happening here?" Asked Alex very confused, because this is not how this should be playing out.

Melascula just noticed a pair of strange people watching her.

Being part snake and demon, she noticed very strong and strange powers emanating from them. Especially the male with the white hair and blue eyes.

Melascula surrounded herself in her demonic energy, ready to fight.

"Are you three part of by seven deadly sins?" She should know better than anybody not to mess with the sins, or she will end up paying to consequences again.

"Nope, not us. We are also enemies of the seven deadly sins. And also the enemies of the Ten Commandments." Said Alex.

"Hm… are you the ones who took care of the others?" Asked Melascula, feeling a bit fearful. It was without a doubt that these three are stronger than the Ten Commandments.

Naturally, she had no chance at winning.

"Yes, we did."

After hearing his response, Melascula let down her demon energy. As if all of her fighting spirit faded away quickly.

"I see. Who would have known that humans would grow so much in 3000 years." She said after remembering her fight with Escanor.

Steven still seemed to be fond of Melascula. Maybe because of her demonic energy or something.

"Is he your mount or something?" Asked Melascula.

"Yes." Responded Alex.

"Why are you wasting your time with her? Just kill her already!" Said the devil from the side, a bit impatient that this conversation is going longer than it needs to be.

"I have time to spare." Said Alex.

"Did you come to kill me?"

"Yes. I'll also take your Commandment and your soul for my own use." Responded Alex truthfully.

Melascula summoned her demonic energy once again, a hint of anger crept up on her face.

"If I'm gonna die, I'll at least die by taking down one of you with me."

Alex only chuckled at her wasted attempt. He could kill her right now and end it like that, but he had a better Idea.

"System, how much is her soul worth?"

[She is part demon and part snake. Her powers relies mostly on her demonic powers, and she is also one of the original Ten Commandments]

[Her souls is about 220,000 SP]

That number is not small, but it isn't big either. Her soul worth is bȧrėly over Galand's.

But even still, he had a better idea to become rich without him lifting a finger:

"If I were you, I would give up. You cannot bear any us even if you tried." Said Alex.

Melascula wasn't fazed by his words, as she already knew. But, his next words stunned her.

"I'll make you a deal. If you can gather souls that are higher than twice the value of your soul, then I shall spare your insignificant life."

Melascula did not understand by 'value of your soul' her first thought was power levels, but she was wrong.

"I know you have an ability to summon demons and souls, similar to necromancy. If you gather souls that can be used to exchange your life quickly, then I will spare you, sound good?"

Melascula seemed to have understood him. In short, he wants her to do his work for him, and he will spare her life.

"This is oddly similar to what I did to you." Satan said.

"Is what you said true?" If she would, she would much rather gather souls than to fight him. She is just too weak compared to him.

She wanted to live long enough to kill Escanor and Ban, for defeating her as if she were nothing.

"I do intend to keep my promises till the very end."

The Lu sisters nodded in agreement, as they knew their Saviour well enough to trust in him

Melascula thought hard about it, but at this point, she has no other choice but to do what he wants.

"When is the due date?" Asked Melascula. This meant that she is willing to follow his deal. She even let down her demonic energy again.

"The next time I see you should be in 24 hours, maybe more, maybe less."

Melascula thought that should be enough to gather tons of souls for him.

"I see that your jaw annoys you. So in exchange for your Commandment, I'll repair your jaw."

Although that Commandment of her gives her powers, she is the only Commandment left. If she doesn't give him her Commandment, he will take it by force either way.

"Take it. I don't care." She said.


[On it.]

A small black orb exited her body, and landed on Alex's hand.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Lili remembered that she still had two of the Commandment orbs, and handed it to Alex. She also have her sister two souls from the ones she had just killed.

Alex looked at the number of black orbs he had in his possession. He was really satisfied, and cannot wait till he gets to Purgatory.

"{Droplet of life}" keeping his side of the promise, Alex helps Melascula regain her jaw, it was good as new when the gold drop touched her body.

"Ah yes. So much better." Melascula could finally feel her jaw was normal again.

She was indeed surprised that he could use Gloxinia's technique, but didn't dare to go prying into his business.

"You are the smartest person in the Ten Commandments. You didn't attack us, because if you did, you would have died. Shame that your other friends weren't as understanding as you, or they might have lived a bit longer." Said Alex.

Melascula didn't know what to say. The only reason she is still alive, is because she did not overestimate her abilities, she learned that lesson herself when fighting Escanor.

Steven seemed to be ignoring her after she gave up her Commandment. He then flew beside the Lu sisters, seemingly asking them to pet his head.

This was a routine for the sisters, as they began petting his head gently.

'I now have the Ten Commandments in my hands. I believe that is everything. Now, onto purgatory.' He thought to himself.

"If I don't see the souls collected by the time we come here, I will kill you." He said to Melascula in a threatening tone.

Alex activated his tattoo from his hand, and suċkėd everyone else into purgatory. They all disappeared in a flash, completely confusing Melascula.

"These people are strange indeed. But, they are not ones to be messed with. Oh well, I better gather souls for that young man, or I will die."

She wants nothing more than revenge against those who wronged her, but she can wait for a bit. What's the point of holding on grudges if you die before you can settle them.

(And that is it, next chapter is in Purgatory.)


If you guys are wondering, I will NOT be added Melascula to Alex's Commandments.

And also, after march 27, I won't be posting chapters for a few days, just a heads up.

The reason is because it will be my birthday on that day. I will be celebrating, which means I won't have time to write chapters.

I will fix the mistakes later.

Continue supporting this story, thank you very much.

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