Killer Of MC's

Chapter 35 - Blood-stained Ellie

Alex was in too much pain to do anything, so he just laid on the dry grass waiting for help.

Then he felt something warm and bouncy on the back of his head.

It was Linlin using her legs as a pillow. He did not even sense their arrival at all.

This did not surprise him, as they had given him too many ŀȧp pillows over the years spent in Purgatory.

Then a delicious smell invaded his nostrils, and it even brought back life to him.

It was none other than his favourite food, a burger.

He took that burger from Lili's hands and ate it like a hungry animal, all he wanted to do was to eat something that didn't come out of a rotten corpse, and to get rid of the taste of that terrible soul from his mouth.

"Here, Saviour, a drink." Lili handed him a leather bottle filled with water and lemon in it.

Alex got ahold of that bottle and drank most of it, they had been drinking nothing but the blood of animals for the last 1000 years.

Then he remembered that the Lu sisters had yet to eat.

They had always put him before themselves, because that is what maids do, they attend to their master's every need.

Alex told him not to do that, because he felt it was selfish to do that to them.

They are wonderful girls, they had always been kind to him, and he respects them and cares for them a lot.

He stop drinking the water bottle.

"Did you guys already eat?" He asked to be sure. They had also suffered the same way he did, and he did not feel right to put himself first before them.

They looked at each other before shaking their heads. They could never lie to Alex, not because of his commandment (which they are immune to anyway) but because they just cannot keep things from him.

"You guys… eat something first, we haven't had a decent meal in ages."

"We know, Savior. We just wanted you to eat something first to get rid of that taste."

"Thank you for that. But now let's head to the nearest village to find some food, water, clean clothes, take a nice warm bath, and sleep in a hotel 'cause sleeping on hard rocks is not comfy."

He took their hands and started flying off to the nearest village they could find.

The Lu sisters felt a sudden warmth inside them. The fact that he still tries to be nice to them makes them feel happy.

They lived a longer life than Alex, and know how people work. Alex is just not like most people, he actually does things from the heart.

True he killed a few innocent people, but Satan had him by the throat and he did not have a choice.

Who knows just how Alex would operate if it weren't for Satan's demands. He would probably be like most protagonists who would rather be a sidekick of the original MC than to be someone actually important.

On second thought… maybe it was a good idea that Satan did what he did.

After flying for some time, they landed on another village that looked like they were doing pretty well.

Shortly after arriving at the village, they headed off for the first restaurant they could find. This village had yet to be raided by demons for some reason, maybe the people here are just lucky.

"Saviour, how did the soul taste like?" Asked Lili.

Alex shuddered at the thought of that, some of the stench is still lingering in his mouth, but he got over it.

"To answer your question, it felt as if I was strapped down in a chair with by eyes forced wide open, to be forced to watch the Ghostbusters 2016 remake movie."

"GASP!!!" Everyone including Satan gasped out loud.

"I know, so let us never speak of that moment ever again."

After entering a small restaurant, they did not wait at all and just raided the pantry for any good tasting food.

They found various fruits, vegetables, cakes, bread and so much more.

Even the sisters, whom are very ladylike in front of others, could not help but munch down on the food they could lay their hands on.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be he-" A fat chef wanted to retort on Alex and the others because they were stealing food, but Alex just knocked him back with his demonic energy.

Alex could care less about acting like a gentlemen right now.

Several other chefs who saw what happened ran out of the restaurant due to fear.

After 15 long minutes, they had finished everything there was in the kitchen.

"Saviour… that was delicious." Lu Linlin let out a sigh of relief, she had never known that such basic food would be able to feel like heaven.

"It was… Linlin, Lili."

"Yes, Saviour?"

"Thank you… for suffering 1000 years with me on Purgatory. You two didn't need to suffer with me for so long." Said Alex.

After all this time, he had never shown how grateful he was to them for sharing the same fate as him. They didn't need to do it, but he had to make them to it, for their own good.

The beautiful sisters gave him a warm smile before responding: "Saviour, we never felt like we suffered. Whenever we are with you, we are just grateful for being able to spend time with you."

Alex was touched by their words. He was really happy to be with them. How smart was it on his part to recruit them as Commandments when he had the chance.

He would have brought Zhen Congming, from the Dragon King's son-in-law world, but he didn't want to.

Little Zhen was a smart kid, and had a great potential to be a powerful ally, but he rejected Alex's proposal because he did not want to leave the life he was living in.

He had a family, although he kind of fears them he still loved them.

Alex could never relate to him, but if Zhen Congming did not want to be a Commandment then all Alex could do is respect his wishes.

What is the point of having allies if they might end up hating you?

"I saw a hotsprings on the way, we should try it out to soothe our aches." Alex led the sisters away to a public hot springs.

They did not feel anything when they saw each other nȧkėd, as they had already seen each other bȧrė nȧkėd for many years.

Nothing sėxuȧŀ happened, which is really weird, but it wasn't new to them anymore and it wasn't a reason to feel shy.

Right after taking a quick shower and entering the hot springs, their bodies felt as if they had been reborn.

The closest thing they could find as a shower in Purgatory were some lava spots, but it wasn't soothing at all.

Over 1000 years they had become more resilient to such things. Not even lava could even leave a burn mark on their bodies.

It was not like Alex was gonna get burned by mere lava when he has the power of the sun anyway.

"Saviour… I do not mean to sound selfish, but I really do not want to go back to Purgatory for another 1000 years or at all." Said Lili as she felt her body anew.



It hasn't been two seconds after entering the hot springs until they heard noises of an attack outside the building they were in.

"Damn it." Alex was annoyed, he wanted to spend a relaxing day just trying to erase the harsh memories of Purgatory, but some low leveled demons were attacking this village.

They didn't need to worry about those weak demons, but there was a small chance of the hot springs being destroyed.

"Saviour, let me handle it, you and my sister can just relax in this hot spring for a while." Lu Linlin offered her services so they could spend more time feeling refreshed, but Alex didn't want to.

"No. Stay with your sister, i'll handle this weakling."


"It's okay, Linlin. I also want to kill something today to relieve some stress."

Lu Linlin did not say anything, but just closed her eyes as she enjoyed the warm water on her body.

Alex covered his whole body in a dark miasma from his demonic energy. It looked more like a dark suit, which was very fashionable.

Over 1000 years in Purgatory, they had the ability to use their demonic energy like clothes, armor and weapons. It was thanks to 1000 years of practice.

After watching Alex leave, the sisters were left alone to their own devices.

"Sis…" Said Lu Lili.


"Remind me, why are we all still vɨrġɨns?"

"What do you mean?" She asked unsure.

"We have seen him nȧkėd, and he has seen us nȧkėd. And we spent all that time with him in Purgatory, and yet we haven't even kissed each other. I find that very weird somehow."

Lu Linlin looked at her sister. Lili was always a shy person in public, but in private she was a little bit more open and perverted.

"It's not like we are not attractive, it's just that Saviour really isn't like other men. He only sees us as his best friends."

Lu Linlin would be lying if she didn't say she didn't feel anything for Alex, but she just got to know him better over all that time spent in Purgatory.

"Hm… do you think we will ever have the chance to be more than just maids to him?" Lili asked innocently.

"Do you remember what mother used to say?"

"Say what?"

"That every soul in linked to another one since the day they are born. I feel as if Saviour is not our soulmate, and I am sure he feels that too."

"I remember. Mother was always adamant on finding us a husband. Good times." Lili said with a smile, she missed her mother dearly.

"Don't worry, sis. We might not be Saviour's soul mate, but just being there for him and with him is satisfying." Linlin reached to her sister and hugged her tightly.

"Sis… do you want to go back home?"

"Home? Saviour is our home."

"I know, but I just want to visit mother again. We never got the chance to say goodbye to her." Lili said.

They left their world quickly to avoid anything unnecessary, like the Heavenly Mother going after them.

(I know that the Heavenly Mother never existed in the novel, but I do find it interesting to add it something that wasn't there before.)

"Yes… maybe after we get a little stronger and wait patiently, we will ask Saviour if he could bring us back to mother."

"But, we will never leave Saviour, right?" Lili asked seriously, this is a very rare time that she is ever serious.

"Of course not. He is our home now, and always will be."


"Can't a man just be in peace for once? I just want to relax in a nice hot bath." Alex was furious that he was interrupted by something.

It was a couple of red and silver demons gathering the souls of innocents as time passes.

Alex summoned his spear and launched it towards them, and they were all killed instantly.

The souls of the fallen were brought back automatically to their own bodies.

Behind the remains of the demons, was a very large hole that was caused accidentally by Alex, some homes and buildings were gone just by the sheer force of his strength alone.

He did hold back significantly, but that still wasn't enough to stop himself from causing more damage to the environment.

He was momentarily fazed by his newfound strength, only to realize that he hadn't done some of the things he should have.

((Alexander Anderson 6,800,000))

He had honestly forgotten about his power level after eating that pungent soul of the Demon King's and the false Commandments.

"System, I want to buy the 'new hollow transformation.'"

{Deducted 10,000,000 SP} 4,000,000 SP remaining.

Alex did spent a few SP back in Purgatory to have a higher chance on beating the Demon King, he mostly spent it on the sisters.

"System, did you already merge my demonic energy with the hollow energy?"

{No. You haven't given me permission to do so.}

"Then do it."

{Done. Merge completed}

The merging progress was free this time, because it was a reward that came with killing the Demon King of this world.

Alex's energy was black before, but now it was somehow even darker and it had some silver linings on it.

He was about to activate his hollow form first, to see just how much his dark abilities have improved. But that was when several other people appeared before him.

Alex had almost forgotten about them, had they not shown up before him. He did not get to see the full power of his mask.

It was Elizabeth and the others, they had come to stop Alex once and for all. They sensed his powerful demonic presence far away which is how they knew he was here.

"The seven deadly sins, how nice to meet you, except Merlin, King, Diane and Meliodas." He mocked them on purpose, as those are the people who died, except Meliodas.

They all got mad at him for reminding him of their friend's death.

Elizabeth was serious this time, the fragile girl that they once knew was gone.

Alex noticed Elizabeth's eyes, those eyes meant something that he did not want to see before.

"I see you finally remembered your past lives. How much time till the curse of the Demon King kill you again?"

Elizabeth showed a hint of a surprised look, how did Alex know that?

But, she ignored his question and walked up to his face with her Goddess wings, making her seem more dominating.

Ban and the others wanted to stay beside Elizabeth just in case Alex tries to do anything funny to her, but Elizabeth made it very clear just who was in charge now.

Escanor was the only one missing in their group.

Elaine wanted to do nothing but rip Alex to shreds at this moment for what he had done to King. Though it was Lili who killed King and Diane.

The others felt the same way, but they had to settle this possibly without any of them dying today.

"Did you come here to avenge your friends? 'Cause I am more than happy to see just what the Goddess clan is made of." Alex got closer to Elizabeth, he was now several feet taller than her ever since he experienced a huge growth sprout in Purgatory.

He couldn't help but examine her power level.

((Elizabeth 1,925))

Her power level is weaker than Alex originally thought, but her movesets are very lethal to demons.

"No, I do not want any more of my friends to die. I want to settle this case without casualties." Said Elizabeth.

"And also, I need you to get out of this world forever, your power is tearing up this world to pieces."

Alex did not fully understand what she meant, until he remembered something crucial in the manga.

(Spoilers for those who have yet to read the manga… but then again this who series is filled with nothing but spoilers.)

When the Demon King was revived to this world, it's power was too much for the world to handle, and it could even break havoc to this world.

Alex could never understand that part. Some other people in different anime/manga have more power than the Demon King and yet their world is seemingly unaffected by it.

Either this world is just so weak or the author of this world did not put that much thought to it.

(Ah who am I kidding? The creator of the seven deadly sins is awesome, otherwise I would not have made a fanfiction about it.)

Alex turned to the side and noticed that part of this land was being destroyed by his power alone. It might take a few days until it gets destroyed.

"Okay, I am willing to leave this world, but I need one thing." He extended his finger to Elizabeth.

"What is it that you need?"

"I killed Meliodas a thousand ye- I mean I know that Meliodas has somehow been resurrected, am I right?"

"Yes, he did come back to us, where he belongs."

"Good. Now let me kill Meliodas and I will leave this world."

"No!" Elizabeth made it very clear.

"No more killing. Why do you need to kill him? Did he do anything to you?"

"Nope. It's just that the only way for me to leave this world is by killing him, it's complicated to answer that question, but that is the only way."

Elizabeth clenched her fists tightly. There is no way that she is ever gonna sacrifice any of her friends.

"Or you can kill me right now, and everybody lives." He leaned closer to her face. He doesn't think she has the will to even hurt him.

"Oh, Alex." Satan said.


"I forgot to mention something important about the latest chapter of the manga."

"What about it?"

"Well…" Satan was about to say something, but Alex felt something painful on his stomach and sent him meters back.

"Ark!" Elizabeth created a mini explosion and launched it at Alex's stomach.

That did not do too much damage, but there was a noticeable dent on Alex's demonic energy covering his body.

"The hell?" Alex was shocked, wasn't she the weak and pitiful Elizabeth that he used to know?

"I forgot to mention that she is actually a badass character. Go figure. I think they used to call her 'Blood-stained Ellie.'" Satan left as he appeared, without a trace, he tends to do this very often.

"..." Alex felt that this piece of news should have been given to him before this, as it was very important.

"You will not be killing anybody today!" Elizabeth got in a battle position waiting for Alex to strike Several light particles surrounded her and her friends as if acting like a protective shield.

"Hehehe. It's funny. I used to think that you will be nothing more than a princess who needed saving every single time, but I am glad to see that you were not always like this, Blood-stained Ellie."

See! Even her nickname is cool.

Suddenly, his opinion of Elizabeth went up a bit.

"But, your power is not enough to defeat me or protect your friends. You will die, along with your compadres."

He summoned out his mask with let his power level rise above anything they had ever seen.

"Hey guys, I think my magical eye is broken." Hawk said as he sweated a bit.

"Why do you say that?" Ban asked.

"Unless this eye is broken, then his power level is… 10,200,000."

((Alexander Anderson 10,200,000))

His first hollow form raised his power level by 1.5x. Before then, it raised it by 100,000 but when his new dark demonic powers merged it gave him an awesome upgrade.

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