Killer Of MC's

Chapter 37 - New transformation

The Mother of Chaos clasped her hands together, as if she was praying. She bȧrėly opened her hands, but between the crack of her hands was a bright, green light.

"Chaos light." She softly said.

The light shot out like an arrow heading fiercely at Alex.

Alex moves to dodge that attack, and it only tore off a piece of his clothing, which was his dark-demonic energy that he is using to cover himself up.

It should be mentioned that the Lu sisters too were using their dark powers as clothes, but in the form of a black dress, making them look like dark princesses.

The light beam made a sharp turn and was headed for Alex once more.

Alex was bȧrėly able to sense it as he bȧrėly dodged that attack. This kept going on again and again.

"It seem the light beam can change directions at the users will, similar to a heat-seeking missile. It's attack is fierce and can probably damage my soul, and using perfect counter might prove to be useless." He started examining the light beam very carefully.

Another useful ability he gained in Purgatory, is to observe things more clearly.

It's amazing what humans can do by themselves, but their greatest enemy is time. If humans had the ability to live for thousands of years, then there is no telling just how advanced humanity would be by that point.

Alex extended his right hand towards the beam to destroy it.

"Negate counter!"

The beam of light disappeared as soon as it touched his hand. Negate counter is another move that Meliodas uses in the anime and manga, but most people bȧrėly know about it, unless they really pay attention to the small details.

Negate counter can negate any magical attack instead of redirecting it back at the enemy. Alex never thought he would use this skill, but it never heard to have a few more skills.

The Mother of Chaos showed no hint of expression in her eyes. She moved her hands towards her left ċhėst area, and cupped her hands once more.

"Chaos light."

Another beam of light shot out and was headed for Alex once more.

Alex was prepared to negate the attack like before, but he was caught off guard because that beam turned to 2 beams, then 4 beams, 8 beams, 16, 32 and 64.

All 64 beams had Alex completely surrounded. He had no way to escape.

"Lili!" Alex shouted.

Just as all 64 beams were about to hit Alex, Lili casted a box around Alex to protect him.

The attack created a mini explosion and dirt and smoke covered the whole area.

"I see you want to play it that way." Lili protected Alex just at the last second.

It was to be expected that the Mother of Chaos is not gonna go easy on Alex, after all, he just killed Hawk and most of her friends. He too would be pissed if someone did that to him.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

Meliodas flew in and tried to slash Alex in two, going in for the kill.

Alex and the sisters had been keeping an eye on them all this time without letting their guard down.

Alex managed to grab Meliodas's arm and flung him to the Mother of Chaos.

Meliodas was strong, but he is not even close to Alex's power.

((Meliodas 142,000))

He is not even close to hitting the 1M mark. Where as there were 3 beings that hit the 10M mark.

"Meliodas, glad to see you're fine." Mother of Chaos patted Meliodas's head gently.


"It's me, Mama Hawk."

"What?" Meliodas couldn't believe it. This powerful entity, who is way more powerful than his dad, was actually with them this whole time.

Who would have guessed.

It was never explained how Meliodas actually met Mama Hawk, but the chances that he knew that she was the Mother of Chaos are extremely low.

Linlin, Lili and Alex kept their guard up to the max. These are the most powerful foes in the series, even though they had never appeared in the manga (Yet) that doesn't mean that they are not powerful.

"Old friend. It's been far too long." Supreme Deity said.


"Can we skip the formalities, there is someone here who needs to die." Meliodas said before they started getting chatty.

Alex deactivated his mask, grabbed ahold of his spear and stood beside the sisters. They did not look afraid one bit, despite facing many foes with high power levels.

They were all in the air. Any common person would think that this is a battle of gods, because of the tension and power that they showed.

One side was a dark, and malevolent power. That was Alex and the sisters.

The other was s bright, beautiful power. That was the Goddess clan.

The Supreme Deity didn't notice it at first, but when she looked at the ground below her, she saw Elizabeth's corpse.

"Alexander Anderson." The Supreme Deity said.


"I am going to kill you, and I will make sure that your soul will be destroyed along with your body."

"Funny, I did the exact same thing to Elizabeth. I loved the part where I took her soul, so that she will never be reborn ever again. Good times"

Something happened inside Meliodas and the Supreme Deity, as if something inside them had snapped.

Meliodas had his whole body covered in black tattoos, his eyes seething with rage and killing intent.

The other powerful deities also seethed out killing intent, but their rage was somehow stronger than Meliodas's.


The Supreme Deity launched a giant ball of fire, similar to Escanor's attack.

It makes sense, Escanor's powers came from the Supreme Deity herself. All the Graces came from her, actually.

Alex used perfect counter to reflect the attack. The Supreme Deity counters with another sun attack, which created an explosion when the two suns collided.

It was followed by Meliodas once again going in for the attack.

((Meliodas 157,000))

Meliodas' power keeps growing by the second. If his rage keeps growing so does his power.

Meliodas can manage if he lost a few friends, after all, he has lived a long, bloody life, it wouldn't be weird if he had already lost several people that he cared for in his entire life.

But, the one he lost wasn't just anyone, it was Elizabeth, his everything.

What would be the point of living, if someone killed the reason that made him live such a long and painful life?

And what was worse, is that Elizabeth is gone forever. She won't ever be reborn again.

Alex casually grabs Meliodas' sword, not even flinching. Meliodas tries to pull his sword out, but it was stuck on Alexander's hand.

"Meliodas." Said Alex. "You are still too weak to fight me. Unless you brought your lucky charms with you, then I would suggest you piss off to Ireland."

(I do not mean to offend the people of Ireland, it was only meant as an innocent Leprechaun joke. And also, I love the Irish. I don't know why, but part of me always wanted to be Irish.)

Meliodas lets go of his sword, and proceeds to attack Alexander once more with his dark powers. His hands formed into the shape of a giant, dark claws.

Alexander merely threw the sword straight at Meliodas' face. He bȧrėly dodged it, but was met with a fist to the face, plummeting him deep into the ground.

Behind him, the Archangels, as well as the Supreme Deity, charged at him by all sides cutting off his escape route.


Alexander seemed to have teleported from his current location and appeared beside the Lu sisters.

"Thanks, Lili."

"No problem" Lili casted a teleportation spell on Alexander before anyone managed to lay a finger on him.

Meliodas noticed that Lili had spells similar to Merlin's. He now knew that those twins are not to be underestimated either.

"I feel that this is a perfect opportunity to try out my new Hollow transformation that I just bought."

He flew up to the clouds. He wanted to test his new power where there are less people.

The Supreme Deity and the Mother of Chaos followed him with the intention to kill him.

Meliodas and the Archangels were about to follow him, but were stopped by two powerful twins.

"I'm afraid that Alexander Anderson is not interested in killing you small fries." Linlin said in a stern voice.

Those who are enemies of her Saviour are her enemies as well. She will not forgive anyone who dares to harm him or her sister.

Alexander and the sisters might be the bad guys in the scenario, but she couldn't give an actual damn about whose side she is on.

The twins used to be nice people. They mostly used to lean on the good side before they met Alex.

But, after absorbing the Commandments and spending 1000 years in Purgatory, the things that they were taught were slowly fading away.

As far as they know, only their Saviour is their priority, and nothing else.

This might sound as brainwashing, but it is not. They just taught this to themselves.

"Get out of the way, girly." Ludociel was about to use his speed to go through Linlin. But, a hand slapped his face so hard that he spun several times before falling to the ground.

His Grace is called {Flash} it grants him speed, similar to the Flash from the DC universe.

But, Linlin also had the same Grace as Ludociel. Only she was slightly faster than him.

Combined with the powers of Sonido, and various other footworking techniques that Alex bought her from the system from the Bleach universe, her speed is naturally faster than Ludociel's by so much.

Linlin did not stop by a simple slap.

She pressed down her feet on his stomach so hard that a small crater formed around him.

She proceeded to yank out his 4 wings from his back as if they were paper.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" The pain of having your wings ripped off your back is too much to bear. It would be like getting kicked in the dɨċk, only much more painful.

Meliodas and the others from the Goddess clan did not blink even once before they could even begin to react to what had happened.

In their eyes, they only saw Ludociel being knocked down by some unseen force, and then he began screaming in agony and pain.

They did not see anybody move at all.

Linlin moved so fast that she appeared not to move a single muscle before them. Her Grace combined with the powers of the Bleach universe are awesome and OP.

"Ludociel!" Sariel shouted.

"Stop! Whatever you do, do not blink, or you will end up like me." Ludociel had trouble getting up as his back was covered in his own blood.

"Her speed, is even faster than my own. Be careful"

Everybody looked at Linlin and Lili as if they were terrifying monsters. One had a speed much faster than Ludociel's, and the other had various spells like Merlin.

Let's not forget that there was Alexander with his terrifying power.

"Sister, how shall we deal with them?" Lili said with a smile. It wasn't just a smile, it was an evil smile.

"After spending 1000 years in Purgatory, I might have come up with a couple of ideas."

"Me too."

Meliodas heard them talking. What caught his attention was the word "Purgatory"

He knows that his father was imprisoned there during the holy war. If what they were saying was true, then it made sense why the sisters and Alexander Anderson had so much power.

Granted that Meloidas is older than Alex and the Lu sisters by another 1000-2000 years, but Meliodas wasn't granted the power of a system.

(Meliodas is over 3000 years old. Whereas Alexander is only slightly over 1000 years old (1500 mentally) Linlin and Lili are actually older than Alexander, but only by a few more centuries. This has been proven in the LN.)

Then, there stood two terrifying girls, against an army of Goddesses, 3 Archangels, a Leprechaun and several others.

Alexander did not stop flying until he reached the clouds. He could see everything from there. Too bad that his new power is causing too many natural disasters around the world, which actually kind of ruined the scenery that he expected.

Still, it was a paradise compared to a place like Purgatory and Hell.

He felt the warmth of the sun hitting his face. It did not feel too warm, nor wasn't too bright. SImply put, it was just… perfect.

*Shoo* *Shoo*

Two powerful entities appeared before him. Both were emanating killing intent.

"I only want Meliodas. If you two leave my sight now, your lives will be spared." Alex said, still looking at the sun.

((Alexander Anderson 7,000,000))

The power of his Sunshine gave Alexander a boost in power. So far, that ability only gave him a power boost of +300,000 at its peak. Alex's original power level is 6,800,000 but with the power of Sunshine it naturally raised it up.

It wasn't bad. But since he never got to merge it with Ryujin Jakka he did not get an awesome power boost like he did when he completed the last mission Satan gave him.

'System, what time is it?' He asked in his head.


'Ten more minutes then.'

"That cannot happen. You killed our children, many of my people. You are breaking the balance of this world and you expect us to just leave you?" The Supreme Deity had a ball of fire in her hands, getting ready to attack him.

"You two do not want this fight."

"I'm pretty sure we do." The Mother of Chaos charged up her attack once more getting ready to kill Alex.

"Hm. Good answer."

He activated his new Hollow form that he bought. His aura went from dark to bloody darker. Even the ordinary humans living on Earth could feel something very ominous.

The Supreme Deity and the Mother of Chaos were pushed back by the power of his aura alone. You know shit is going on if the two most powerful entities are being pushed back by his aura.

Alexander was surrounded by a ball of fire and darkness, only for a split second before it disappeared.

He did not look like a normal human anymore.

On his back, was a pair of skeletal wings with a red fire lingering on them.

His head had two masks now, one on the front and the other on the back of his head. One of his masks was made out of bone and red and white stripes, lastly it had a smiling face. There was no detail on that face, no lips, and just blank eyes.

His other mask, which is in front of his face, was normal compared to the other one. It was somehow made out of solid gold. It gave out that warmth feeling of the sun. The only weird thing was its eyes, which were purely black. It had no expression at all, but it still gave a creepy feeling, just like the other mask.

(The mask part may or may not have been an idea from an anime called "Saint Seiya" If you haven't watched that anime, then I feel sorry for you.)

Alexander did not go through a full body transformation like Ichigo did. Only his mask changed as well as his fairy wings.

Linlin and Lili looked up where Alexander was, and smiled. He finally achieved the power that he sought.

The others had the opposite reaction.

"Satan, why haven't I gone through a full body transformation like Ichigo?"

"Your power is different from Ichigo's, so it should be expected that your transformation will be vastly different."

"Are you saying I have more transformations apart from this one?" Alexander couldn't believe it. He thought that this would be his final transformation.

Ichico did had other transformations, like in a movie called "Hell verse" but it's non-canon.

"Yes. However, I cannot provide you any help or clues about that. Your transformation is so unique that you are gonna have to find out how to unlock your other transformations by yourself."

"Quick question, how many other transformations can I achieve?"

"It's hard to say. Only time will tell."

Satan left Alexander to his own devices.

Alexander did feel way more powerful, as expected. Still, he did not believe his power would rise by that much.

((Alexander Anderson 21,000,000))

He turned to face the Deities with his golden mask on.

They were surprised and shocked about his transformation, but that still did not mean they were going to back down from this fight.

"Now… which one of you bitches wants to die first?"

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