Killer Of MC's

Chapter 41 - Rest

In the middle of an island, appeared a portal. It disappeared before 5 people walked out of the portal.

The winds of the sea felt relaxing. Out of all the places that Alex has been, this is by far one of the best sceneries.

{You have received 1x draw for a chance of getting a random system shop}

{Do you want to use it?}

{Yes} {No}

"Yes." Responded Alex.


{You have drawn "Avatar the last airbender shop"}

"You have got to be kidding me…"

He thought he would get a system shop like Dragon ball, or Naruto, but Avatar?

It's not a bad series, if anything it was one of Alex's favourite shows. But, just controlling the elements is not gonna be powerful enough to beat people like Saitama and such.

"Whatever… maybe it might have a use for me one day." Alex said to himself.

"Where are we?" Asked Madara.

"I don't know." Alex did not recognize this place from the anime. Most likely they have been teleported to an unknown island that has yet to be shown.

{I cannot say which part of the world you are in, but the timeline you are in is in the beginning of the Dressrosa arc}

"Dressrosa… perfect."

According to his knowledge, Doflamingo should have already announced his competition to win the fire fruit.

Although it was used to lure Luffy and the others to the island, the fire fruit is indeed on that island. Alex needs that fruit to increase his fire ability.

Too bad for Alex, he was expecting to teleport to the great war with Whitebeard and all the rest. Sadly, not everything can go the way he wants it.

"Saviour, I just scouted the island and there is a small village up ahead. Maybe they can give us clues of our current location." Said Linlin.

"Let's do that."

They ran at full speed to the village, it wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. There are many people walking around the area.

Alex honestly did not know where he is.

"Bluescreen, where the hell did you bring us?"

{You see… the portal is always weird. Even I don't know in which timeline and location you will be in.}

"That sucks."

"Let's spread out and find just where we are."

"We are in an island called 'Cuco'" Said Linlin.

"How do you know that?" Asked Alex. They have been here for like 20 seconds, and yet Linlin already knew the name of this island.

"I used my speed to read the maps owned by several store owners. I also took the liberty of bringing you the books I could find as well as maps." She showed him a neat stack of books and maps, all in alphabetical order.

"That was way too quick." Her speed is something else indeed.

"I also read that Doflamingo is hosting a tournament in 1 day. We could fly over there to Dressrosa in a few minutes."


"Yes, Saviour?"

"Good job."

She smiled. No amount of gold could amount to her happiness. Lili did not feel jealous at all, if anything she felt happy for her sister.

"Madara, have you learned how to fly yet?" Asked Alex.

"Yes." Madara extended a pair of black wings from his back. He had already mastered his demonic ability faster than Alex and the sisters could.

Madara is already way too talented, and using his rinnegan eyes, it did not take long for him to master a completely new technique.

"Good. Linlin, did you also read any other maps?"

"Yes I did."

"Do you know where to find a shipyard?"

"Uh, yes. It's on another island on the west side about 3000 kilometers." She answered after some thought.

"Let's find us a ship then."

"Wait. Won't a ship be much slower compared to flying?" Madara interjected.


"Then why do you want to do it?"

"The competition is in 1 day, so even if we make it there right now, it will only be a waste of time. I also want to fully explore the world, and find and read all kinds of books, especially about haki."

Alex came to this world for many things, one was to recruit the sixth commandment, the other is to learn haki. He had other plans as well.

"Actually, nevermind. Let's split up and explore the world. And who knows, we might find something useful like the One piece."

"You want us to split up?" Asked Lili. They had never split up ever since they met each other.

"It'll be easier and faster this way. And besides, we can communicate with one another using telepathy. With our powers and immortality, there should be no one in this world who could go against us, not even the 4 Yonko."

"And besides" Alex added "You guys are not my slaves, you are people who deserve a break, and deserve freedom. You are free to do whatever you want."

They nodded in agreement. Madara was still working on stuff like telepathy so it wasn't possible for him to use it yet.

"I'll work on the ship. The rest of you do whatever you want. Take a break, go to the beach, or just relax. It doesn't matter." Alex spread out his wings and flew off in the west..

Madara did the same, followed by Steven who would have done that anyways.

"Sis?" Lili said.


"Do you want to relax on the beach, and perhaps go shopping? It's been too long since we had time to ourselves."

"That sounds fun. Let's do it." Like two little girls, they held each others hands and began frollicking to the village.

Honestly speaking, they all needed a break from fighting, war and killing. Even the great god himself takes a day off in the sabbath day.

Alex flew through the vast ocean. It was beautiful, until he saw a bunch of warships ganging up on an unknown pirate gang.

Alex shook his head.

"No matter what world we go to, there will always be bloodshed. Ah well." He launched a fireball at the ships and burned everyone and everything alive.

Alex collected their souls and left not leaving a soul behind. He sold them for some measly soul points. He continued flying to look for a ship.

Part of him always wanted to own his very own mod of transportation, like a car or something, but a ship was very acceptable.

He might be over 1000 years old, but he still acts like a child.

Back with Madara.

After flying for a few minutes, he finally arrived at an unknown village. It was bigger than the one they had teleported to earlier.

There was even a marine HQ here. It was a building where civilians would join the marines in hopes of making the world a better place.

Madara was extremely curious and wanted to explore this world to its fullest.

As he walked through the village, he noticed that he was being watched by many people. His hair, looks, eyes and clothing told them that he was weird, or dangerous, or both,

Nobody has hair that long, or eyes like him. It wouldn't be strange to call him an alien from another planet.

"Mom, look at that man's eyes." A small boy pulled onto his mother's skirt as he pointed at Madara.

"Yes, son. Let's get out of here." Horrified, the woman grabbed ahold of her son and ran off with him. Call it a mothers(women's) intuition but something told her to not meddle with Madara.

Madara casually strolled into the marine headquarters, which also gave him weird looks.

One of the marines asks on the counter asked his friend beside him, "He looks like a pirate. Is he on the wanted list?"

"I haven't seen him poster before. Surely with unique looks we would have recognized him." His friend responded.

As they were chatting, Madara was scanning every detail of the building. He hasn't seen one strong person at all. They were all too weak, even weaker than the weak ninjas he fought in the ninja war.

"Sir, may I ask if you are here to join the marines?" A young marine said. He was probably the only one who didn't mind Madara's looks.

"I came here to learn about this world."

"Ohhhh...." The marine now thought that Madara was weird. Who actually says that nowadays.

"I come from a distant land, and the culture here is vastly different to my homeland." Madara added.

"May I ask where you come from?"

"Far away."

"Far away… is that a city or a village?"

"..." Madara. He felt that somehow the people of this world was dumber.

"So, may I ask for your name?" A marine on the counter asked.

"Madara Uchiha."

"Uchiha… I like that name. How would you like to join the marines?"

"No thanks. Are there any strong people here? I would like to test their strength."

"Ah, a fighter. Well, since you do not want to become a marine, and you aren't a pirate either, how about becoming a bounty hunter?" An old marine asked, it seemed that he was someone in a higher position.

"But sir, a bounty hunter is-"

"I know." He interrupted "Madara, you see those wanted posters over there?" The marine pointed at a poster board filled with numerous pictures of wanted criminals, all with high bounties.

The lowest one was someone with a bounty of 10 million.

"If you want to fight strong people, may I suggest fighting those criminals. Not only will it make humanity for the better, but it is also not a bad idea to earn some berries. I was also a bounty hunter back then in my younger days, I was-"

"Sir… he left."

Madara looked at the posters memorizing their faces by a simple glance. He used his ninjutsu to find those men. He was not a hero, but he was curious if haki was strong or not.

"I didn't even hear him leave."

Madara flew all over the island and the surrounding islands as well. He scanned everywhere and found some criminals from the wanted poster.

One of the criminals he found had the 3rd highest bounty from the posters. A man named "Greg" had a bounty over 200 million.

It was a tanish man, a little obese. He wore dark shades and was completely bald. He reeked of alcohol and a stinge that reeked of sweat and blood.

Madara landed behind him, which caught the attention of many people present.

He grabbed his shoulder firmly.

Annoyed that someone would touch him, Greg turned around to punch the bastard who would interrupt his time. But, he was lost when he looked at Madara's eyes.

Madara used a low level genjutsu on the man, and he didn't stand a chance.

"Weak." Madara let go of the man and disappeared. He didn't care about the bounty one bit. All he wanted was a test of strength.

Somehow, after watching Alexander and the sisters fight, he felt he was the weakest in the group. As an Uchiha, he cannot rest until he knows he is as strong or stronger than Alex and the others.

Greg fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Did-did that man just took down Greg with a single look?" A random person asked, unsure if what he saw was real.

Greg was notorious around these parts, and very few opposed him.

As Madara was flying, a thought struck him.

'I wonder if I can find information about those yonko? Maybe they might prove to be a challenge indeed.' And with that thought in mind, Madara sought out to fight at least one of the Yonko.

-Back with the twins.

Linlin and Lili had both 'burrowed' some fine pieces of swimsuits and wore them on the beach.

These two beauties were beautiful not matter that they wore, so imagine when they wore a bikini. It attracted many males like flies were attracted to sweet things. Many of them were already married…

The twins, Alexander and Steven were born from the world of 'The Dragon king's son-in-law'

According to their logic, the powerful one is the more beautiful/charming they become. This has been proven various times in the light novel.

Just like anybody else, when they age they lose their attractiveness. However, with the help of the fountain of youth, they will never age.

In short, because the Twins became much more powerful over the years, their beauty has also risen by many levels. The more powerful they become, the more attractive they are.

The twins were just on a beach chair. Linlin read a book about the history of One piece. While Lili drank happily the water of a coconut, her cheeks blushed at the taste of the water.

After a thousand years, the two twins finally took a break from the blood and battle. It felt nice.

"It was nice of Saviour to give us a rest." Lili said after placing the coconut on her ŀȧp as she enjoyed the sun rays hitting her bȧrė body.

"Yup. We really needed this." Linlin was enjoying her rest as well. Even as maids, they long for vacations on nice beaches and just want to relax and let go of their worries.

"What about those men staring at us? Do you want to do something about them?" Lili pointed to the group of horny men feasting their eyes on their bodies.

"Let them do whatever they want." Linlin responded a bit angrily.

"Sister, are you mad at Saviour?"

"What? No! Why would you ask that?"

"I know that you love Saviour, but he has never looked at you like those men are. Is that why you are angry?"

"I am not angry at Saviour… I am just angry at myself." Linlin responded with a flushed face.

"At yourself?"

"I mean, we have been with him for a long time. But he never see us as more than his friends. I don't mind being with him till the end of times, but is there a reason why he won't make a move on either one of us?"

There was a brief moment of silence. You could only hear the waves hitting the shores and people talking in the background.

Both sisters like Alexander more than anybody else. And they know he likes them too, but he never sees them as more than friends.

He is not like other MC's from other lightnovels. (I'm looking at you, Yun Che.)

"Sis… I know that it seems weird, but I really like the way we are right now. We might not be his wives, or even concubines, but I don't want anything to change between us. Saviour is not like other men, if he was, then we wouldn't have followed him all this time." Lili said hesitantly.

Linlin looked at her sister, she smiled at her.

"You're right. I guess that is what makes him special." Linlin touched her ċhėst where her heart was, and felt it beating rapidly. She was happy.

"Sis, can I ask you something?" Linlin said,


"If Saviour ever did fall in love with one of us, what will you do?"

"If he fell in love with you, I wish for the best for both of you. But, if he fell in love with me, then I hope you will do the same."

"And if he fell in love with both of us?

"I don't see anything wrong with that either." Linlin responded casually.

"And what if he fell in love with someone else?"

"Someone else?"

Linlin has never thought of that before.

When they first met Alexander, she thought that he will make a move on one of them. She thought the same thing when they spend over 1000 years in Purgatory.

The thought never crossed her mind. She already pictured him with someone else, and it made her heart ache.

"If he does fall in love with someone else… then all that will matter is his happiness." Linlin said softly and slowly.

"Yeah… his happiness."

"Papa, higher!" A little girl with blonde hair was playing with her parents. Her dad raised her up high like an airplane. The little girl seemed to enjoy it a lot as her laughter echoed throughout the beach.

This brought a smile to the twins' face. 'Happiness… is all that matters.' they thought at the same time.


The sound of something fast was coming from the beach. A cannonball hit a building with some people in it, killing and injuring some unfortunate ones.

This was followed by a barrage of cannonballs. All aiming for the beach.

*BOOM* all of those cannonballs blew up upon contact.

"Ahahahaha! Men, grab all the stuff from this village and leave nothing behind!" A man in his late 30's was on top of a huge ship boarded by several dozen men, all strong with weapons on them.

It was an unknown man in a pirate ship. They have never been mentioned in the One Piece series before.

When the smoke cleared, there was a dark, purple wall covering the beach.

"Perfect wall." Lili casted a spell she created while in Purgatory. One can do a lot in a thousand years. It was like a different version of 'perfect cube' only that she can change the shape and size at will.

With the wall in the way, those cannonballs did not manage to harm anybody else in the beach.

"A goddamn devil fruit user." The pirate captain was angry. He didn't expect a devil fruit user to appear in this small island.

Linlin and Lili are not devil fruit users, but it was understandable why some people thought that. No one in this world has supernatural abilities, unless they have devil fruit powers or are unique like Garp, Mihawk, Zoro and so on.

"Sis, please let me handle this.' Lili said in an angry tone. It's been so long since they had a break, and someone comes out of nowhere and ruins the moment.

And what made her angry, is that is she hadn't stopped one of those cannonballs, it would have hit the little girl and her family.

"Very well." Linlin backed up and continued reading her book. There is no one in this world who can match up to her or Lili, not to mention some no named pirate group.

Lili extended her finger at the ship. "Exterminate ray." a powerful beam shot from from her finger incinerating everything in its way.

The pirate crew, who didn't even have one devil fruit user, or even a haki expert, were all killed the instant the ray made contact with their ship.

Lili was satisfied. She took a quick look at the little girl to see she was okay. She walked up to her beach chair and took another sip of her coconut.

"Too easy." Lili said it like a boss.

After that, no man was daring enough to disturb her. Lucky for them that none of them made a move earlier.

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