Killer Of MC's

Chapter 43 - Wano Country extinct

On a nice and beautiful beach, were two girls just relaxing as they enjoyed their wonderful day off.

After Lili had destroyed and entire ship without effort, they went back to relaxing. But, the people who witnessed the scene, became a little fearful, yet admired the twins for their strength, mostly Lili.

"This coconut water is not bad." Linlin took many sips of the coconut with full delight. Back in their home, they had never tasted something like this before.

Trying new and exotic foods made the girls look like they were just two little girls who have never seen the outside world before.

"I know. Should we bring some for Saviour?" Lili said.


"U-um. Excuse me?" A voice sounded beside them.

Both sisters turned to the source of the voice. It was a young man, no older than 17. He has short-blonde hair, with a brown hat on. He wore a white shirt and some long black shorts. He wore blue sandals with dandelion pictures on it.

"May we help you?" Linlin asked, she could not detect any sort of ŀust in this man, apart from the other men whom were ogling at her and her sister a few minutes back.

"Yes. My name is Charles. I am a reporter."


"I just wanted to ask you some questions, is that is okay with you two?"

"As long as we can answer it, we will give you a straight answer." Lili said still sipping on her coconut.

"Thanks." Charles bowed to them in gratitude.

When he saw one of their powers by chance, he was shocked and scared. But, he was a news reporter who was about to get fired unless he got a good story by this month.

He is actually 25, yet he looked so young. He has been a reporter for almost 10 years, and yet, his news has been one of the worst, selling not too many copies of his work.

So, putting his fear aside, he found the courage to walk up to them and ask them for some important questions before he lost this huge scoop.

"First question: Are you two sisters?"

"..." Linlin.

"..." Lili.

That was the most stupidest question they had ever heard in their lives. THEY ARE LITERALLY TWINS! HOW IS THAT NOT OBVIOUS THAT THEY ARE RELATED?!

"Pass." Linlin responded casually.

"I'll take that as a maybe. Second question: Are you two pirates?"

Linlin and Lili turned to look at each other. Their Saviour never made it clear if they were going to be pirates or marines.

But, knowing their Saviour, it was most definitely that he was going to be a pirate and them as well.

"We are… pirates." Lili responded.

"This is good news. Well, not to the people, but this is huge news." The reporter recorded everything in his snail camera thingy and also took notes down just in case not missing a single letter.

"If you are pirates, which one of you is the captain?"

"Neither of us are the captain. The captain is-"

"Sis, are you sure we're allowed to say this without Saviour's approval?" Linlin intervened, her sister is getting a little bit too chatty.

"Uh… hold on." Lili closed her eyelids shut, and contacted Alexander via telepathy.

-Back with Alexander.

Alex was reading various books about haki and swords that he found on Mihawk's castle. He was getting a lot of good information and copying all of it down in his library of heaven's path.

If he could compile several sword techniques and haki techniques, won't he be able to compile all of them and perfect them? Just like in the light novel.

"Heaven's path haki art. That sounds cool." Alex said to himself and he browsed through the huge corridor filled with countless books.

"Saviour?" Lili resounded in his head.

"Yes, Lili? Are you two in trouble?"

"No, we're fine. We just wanted to know if you're okay with being known to the world as a pirate?"

Alex thought about it. He didn't care at all if the world thought he was a monster or an angel. It's not like he is going to live his entire life in this world.

"Sure." Alex responded without a care.

"Thanks, Saviour. We'll bring you some coconuts when we meet you again." After that, the telepathic link was gone.

'Coconuts? Why those?' he thought.

-Back with the sisters.

"To answer your question, Charles, the captain's name is Alexander Anderson." Lili said after getting a response from her Saviour.

"Alexander Anderson. I haven't heard his name before. What can you tell me about him, and yourselves?"

"All you need to know is that he is strong, we are too. And our pirate's group name is 'The Ten Commandments.' Is that everything?"

"Yes. But, can I do just one more thing?" He asked after hesitating.

"What is it?" Linlin asked in a harsh tone, she was getting a little bit annoyed now.

"Can I get your picture? For the world to know your faces and… whatnot."

"Okay, but hurry."

"Y-yes!" Charles took out another snail with a camera in it, and took pictures of the beautiful twins.

"Um, can you two move a little bit, just to get a clearer shot." Charles now acted as a professional photographer, but that only made Linlin a bit more annoyed at him.

"Charles, I have been very patient with you. But, if you don't get out of my face in the next ten seconds, I will personally drown you to the depths of the ocean, feed you to a sea monster, and make sure no one will find your body, just so you can leave us alone. One, two, three-"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Charles took her threat very seriously, and proceeded to run away while screaming like a little bitch.

"Was that necessary?" Lili rolled her eyes at her sister. As far as she knew, Linlin has never been nice to other men, except their Saviour.

"Oh yes, it was very necessary. Would you like another coconut?"

"Yes, please."

-Back with Alexander.

Shortly after tricking Mihawk into joining his group, he gave him Excalibur shortly after.

Mihawk did not by any means want to join a group, as he has always been fighting by himself for many, many years.

But, he cannot go back on his word. Whether he was tricked or not, he had to comply with his part of the deal.

If he didn't, he would have been turned to stone by Alexander's commandment of truth, for going back on his word.

Alex gave Mihawk some time for himself, to get familiar with his sword. He didn't bother telling Mihawk everything he needs to know about the Commandments, as he can always do that later.


He had managed to compile two new arts, Heaven's path sword art, and Heaven's path haki art.

Both were still incomplete, filled with over 10 flaws.

"It seems there are still many other books I need to copy down." He could already tell his sword technique was on par with his spear technique, and it was still incomplete.

He trained with his spear over 1000 years, and yet he almost mastered the sword art in half an hour that was almost as good as his spear technique.

"Damn. Why didn't I get this system earlier?"

There were also many other books, such as historical events, ships, geography, wanted posters, etc.

He left the room and went to check on with his new member. Mihawk was outside testing his sword on apes, because he didn't have anybody else to use as a punching bag.

His sword art was fine and strong. Every swing cut the air itself, and he wasn't even trying.

"Flaws." Alex muttered. A book about Mihawk appeared in his mind, with over 20 flaws in his sword technique alone. With his new understanding on the way of swords, he could now tell many flaws in his sword art.

"It seems not even the greatest swordsman is perfect. Luckily for him, I can fix that."

Perona, on the other hand, was charmed beyond when she saw him swinging his sword. It almost looked like a dance.

Moments later, Mihawk sheathed his sword. He could feel the power of the sword in him, new powerful sword techniques appeared on his mind.

Mihawk wasn't wrong when he said that the sword he had was the strongest he had ever seen. It was not from this world.

"Where did you find this sword?" Mihawk asked Alex. Even after visiting the land of the Samurai, which is renowned for crafting the best swords in the world, is pure dog-shit compared to Excalibur.

"You wouldn't believe me if I tell you."

"Try me."

"Well… since you are now part of my crew, I guess you would have known anyway." Alex extended his finger and shot a blue light on Mihawk's forehead.

Mihawk saw the same thing that Madara saw. So many worlds. So many adventures. So many foes.

Alex also showed Mihawk everything he needed to know about the Commandments.

Mihawk never would have thought so many amazing worlds exists. For a long time, he thought this world was small and bland, almost boring. But now, he realized he was a frog living in a well.

"Commandment. I know see why you trusted my word easily. If I had gone back on it, I would have been turned to stone."


Mihawk could not believe what was happening. But, he was still acting very cool about this, as if it was the normal thing to do.

"I was starting to get bored. Not much had happened ever since the war 2 years ago."

"Alright Mihawk, now comes the moment I have been waiting for. Unlike Madara, I will give you the chance to pick which Commandment you want. Only five remain. Purity, reticence, faith, piety, and repose."

Mihawk scratched his chin. Which Commandment fitted him most?

Purity? Maybe. With his looks, not a bad idea.

Faith? That might work for him.

Piety? Meh.

Repose? That one might work as well.

Reticence? Hm...

"I will take reticence." He said.

(For those who remember, Steven originally had the Reticence Commandment. But, after some thought and planning, I changed his Commandment to Pacifism and gave Mihawk Reticence instead.)

"Very well." Alex takes out the Commandment of Reticence and gives it to Mihawk not caring about the price of the Commandment.

It entered his body, then he started convulsing, as if he was having a seizure attack.

"What did you do to him?" Perona asked very worried for him.

"It's the power of the Commandment. Humans can't handle the power, unless they possess significant strength to wield it."

It didn't affect him, Linlin, Lili, Steven or Madara, because they already had a lot of power before they received the power of a Commandment.

Mihawk might be powerful, but he is still just a human who is really good at swinging his sword.

"Then why did you give it to him?"

"If he doesn't have the strength to wield it, then he doesn't deserve to have such power." Alex responded.

Mihawk's condition started getting worse by the second. It was till the point when he was on his knees, he couldn't take it anymore, as the power is stronger than anything he has ever felt.

He clenched his fists tightly. As if something like this will take him down that easily. He stood up on both his feet and would not let the power consume him.

He didn't have the strength as a demon, cultivator, hollow, or anything like that. But, he had something just as strong, his strong will.

Finally, the Commandment fully merged with Mihawk's body. It's power is a part of Mihawk now.

Mihawk was left sweating bullets and breathing heavily. No one said it was going to be easy.

"Welcome to the team, Mihawk." Alex smiled in delight. To think that he would recruit two very powerful and famous people. (Or is it infamous? I dunno.)

"Now, let me address your own flaws in your sword technique. First…"

-Back with Madara.

Two giant figures were standing on a little piece of island, of what was once known as Wano Country.

Literally, the HUGE island, was destroyed by these two monsters. The buildings gone. The people gone. The Wano history and culture also gone.

It was as if it was never there before. All that remained was a small piece of island that only had enough space for Kaido and Madara to stand in.

(Welp… it looks like the Wano arc is not going to happen anytime soon or at all.)

Before, Kaido would have been very pissed if he saw his island getting destroyed like this. But, he was having the time of his life.

He was having the best moment when he was fighting Madara. Not even the admirals or fleet admiral, nor anyone else could have the strength to fight against him at his peak.

"I commend you for your strength, Uchiha. I will enjoy it when I break your will and force you to join me." Said Kaido.

"You are not worthy." Madara responded.

Madara was getting tired of fighting him. What posed him more of a challenge was his insane regeneration and defence. It was unlike anything he had ever seen.

And his haki was also a nuisance. Luckily for Madara, he had a strong will, otherwise Kaido's conqueror's haki would have affected him.

"Even without haki, your devil fruit powers are something to fear. But, if you had haki, maybe you might actually be able to defeat me." Kaido mocked.

But Madara didn't say anything, he only smirked at him.

"Is that so?"

Madara's susanoo was going for an attack. Just as Kaido was about to block it, he noticed that Madara's arm was clad in haki.

His punch managed to injure Kaido far more than usual. He was even sent flying back to the edge of the island, bȧrėly hitting the sea.

"What?! You knew how to use haki all along?" Kaido was shocked. Madara had not once used any type of haki until now.

Was he holding back? But, who in the world would hold themselves back against a Yonko?

"I didn't. I was just taking my time to learn haki from you." Madara said in a ċȯċky tone.

"From me?" It takes years to master haki, unless you were born with it. But, clearly Madara wasn't born with, so what gives?

"I didn't know what this so called 'haki' was and I wanted to experience it myself. But, after carefully observing it, I can finally use it."

Madara was satisfied. There might be three types of haki, observation, armament and conqueror.

In a way, Madara already achieved observation haki earlier, as he can use natural energy to check his surroundings. These two might be different, but they complement one another.

Armament was something he had trouble mastering at first, but after fighting Kaido and testing it out on himself, he had no problems using it at all.

As for conqueror's haki, it was still somewhat out of his reach. For now.

"So you have already mastered 2 types of haki. Not bad. But, it's gonna take a lot more than that to take me down."

"I know. That is why I was holding myself back until I was able to master haki." Madara made a handful of hand techniques, then over 100 Madara's appeared beside him, all in their Susanoo form.

Madara now had immortality and infinite stamina. With these two and his Uchiha powers, what can't he possibly accomplish?

Kaido was shocked and frightened. Why were there suddenly 100 Madara's?

"Kill him!" The original Madara commanded.

All 99 Madara's charged at him, with the power of Susanoo and the power of haki, their attacks were very painful, even for a Yonko.

Even if Kaido wants to escape in his dragon form, the small army of Madara's could still fly with their jet-black powers. And Kaido can't call for reinforcements, as they all drowned and died when they destroyed the island.

-1 hour later.

The original 100 Madara's was only left with 10. Kaido managed to kill most of them, but at the cost of his own stamina depleting to none.

Madara tried stabbing Kaido, crushing him, and anything else he could think of, but he just won't die.

"Hahahaha! Nothing in this world can kill me. I have tried for many years to kill myself, but failed to do so." Kaido made fun of Madara, even after coming so close and winning the fight, Madara still cannot kill him.

However, Kaido was wrong. Madara was not trying to kill him, he was only using him as a punching bag.

Madara was testing out his haki on Madara, by combining it with his other ninjutsu and taijutsu moveset.

And after testing out his haki over an hour, he had a deeper understanding of it. Finally, he was done.

Madara walked over Kaido's body, touched his forehead, and proceeded to take out his soul. Surprisingly, he met with a lot of resistance from Kaido's soul. Must be because of his will, which also affects one's spirit.

In the end, Madara was able to take out Kaido's soul. He ate it, which increased his power level.

He did not want to believe that there was such a method to increase your power level. But now, he realized it was true.

"Hm… if i had this technique in my earlier days, no one would have been a match for me."

Madara was about to fly off, but he had an idea. He grabbed Kaido's lifeless body and took it with him.

The people and everything that was once in Wano Country, could not be seen anywhere. Madara did not care at all and proceeded to fly away.

-In another island.

"So… boss." A young marine said. This was the small marine headquarters that Madara visited earlier.


"Have we found anything about that Uchiha fella?"


"But, you heard what those witnesses said. A guy with long black hair, and weird clothing took out Greg with a simple look. It has to be him."

"John, if I said this once then I said it a thousand times in the last 2 hours I ALREADY FUCKING KNOW THAT!" The old marine with the high status was getting very annoyed with John, he had asked him the same thing for the last 2 hours.

"AAAAHHHHH!!! IT'S KAIDO!" A high pitched scream could be heard outside of their building, followed by other people screaming and panicking.

As marines, it was their job to protect the people. But, after hearing 'Kaido' most of them did not dare to go out for various reasons. What are they gonna do against someone like Kaido?

For a short comparison, it was like Krillin fighting against Jiren.

"What the hell are you bunch of pussies standing around for? We must protect the innocent!" The old marine bellowed at them.

"But sir, a Yonko is out of our reach."

"I know. John, stop pissing your pants and call HQ for help!"

"Yes, sir." John picked up and den den mushi and told the ones at HQ that a Yonko had appeared.

But, the screams of people died down significantly. The old marine thought that the Yonko had began killing people, therefor silencing them, so he drew out his sword and began charging at Kaido without fear.

But, he stopped at the entrance. His mouth touched the ground, and his eyes popped out of their eye sockets.

The other marines thought that the old man was struck by fear, but, he then said. "Guys… come out here and look at this."

The marines were afraid, but one of them decided to look out, and he too had the same expression.

What they all saw was Madara carrying the body of Kaido on his hand.

"So… how much is his bounty worth?" Asked Madara.

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