Killer Of MC's

Chapter 5 - Dragon god shrine

"What do you want me to do?" Alex asked the demon king on front of him:

"I dunno, it's your own fault that you're in this situation. Good luck, you're gonna need it." The demon king only chuckled at Alex's misfortune, and disappeared from his sight.

"Ah!" Zhao Kuo saw Alex on the ground. And on top of him, was Steven trotting happily on Alex's stomach.

"There it is." As if he saw an incredible treasure, Zhao Kuo couldn't help but look at the immortal being in front of him.

"Who are you?" Alex asked him. Although Alex knows who Zhao Kuo is in the light novel, he has never seen a clear picture of his face before.

(If only that novel had a manga, that will be awesome.)

"Not bad, a low level human actually made it here before me." Zhao Kuo did not put Alex in his eye, as he could not sense his cultivation level. Alex still had his cultivation powers hidden thanks to blue screen, which is why Zhao Kuo couldn't sense it.

"Hm! Oh damn!" Zhao Kou sensed people coming here. He frowned, but still expected this to happen.

"Human cultivators begone! This is not your turf!" A dragon cultivator said angrily at the humans.

"Do you think we're stupid? As if we're gonna let you dragons get ahold of such a powerful being." A human cultivator responded.

Soon, people started throwing insults at eat other. None of them started a fight, as they did not come here for war. But, they will go to war if they have to.

The midget Pegasus still kept trotting without a care in the world. As if this wasn't his problem at all.

"Hey! This immortal being belongs to the east dragon sect and no one else!" Zhao Kuo said loud enough for everybody to hear him.

"East ocean clan? As if you'll be taking it there." A member of the north ocean clan said.

"No dragon will be taking it anywhere. It's ours!" A human cultivator said.

"East ocean clan? Is this one of the guys that is related to Zhao Yanzi? If he's from east ocean clan, and yet he's a Qian cultivator, there is only one man who comes to mind. Zhao Kuo. Interesting. I wonder how Zhao Yanzi will feel once she knows her uncle died in my hands." Alex mumbled to himself.

"Hm?" Zhao Kuo sensed another strong being here, and he raised his guard up.

"Whoever dares to oppose me, shall die." An old lady said. She wore a very loose robe, that was a simple gray colour.

"Ah shit! An immortal cultivator!" Zhao Kuo couldn't help but frown upon seeing her. Even when he is the number one cultivator in the mortal realm, this title meant nothing to a soul formation cultivator.

"Please, as if you old hag could even touch me!" Another man came flying beside Qingfeng Hermit.

"A… a heavenly dragon!" Zhao Kuo said out loud in shock. To think two powerful masters would appear here.

"Qiu Niu. It hasn't been long enough." Qingfeng Hermit said with a frown. To think that a heavenly dragon was so close to this location as well.

"Old ancestor!" Zhao Kou exclaimed again in shock. To think that even the ancestor of the dragon clan appeared here in person.

Alex couldn't help but worry for himself. He didn't believe he could stand his ground to a high tier Qian cultivator, but here are two masters above that level.

"I could say the same thing. I see you haven't made progress, as you haven't advanced to four pedals yet." Qiu Niu said in a mocking tone.

"I can see that you haven't made much progress either. You cannot hold your ground even against a big demon king." Qingfeng responded.

"I am not here to fight with you, I came here for whatever that is… wait? Where is it?" Qiu Niu could not see that Pegasus anymore.

"If you had been paying attention, you would have realized that he fled to the south." Qingfeng pointed to the place where Alex fled.

Alex might have a system, but even he isn't sure that he can take on two masters like them.

He stuffed the little Pegasus inside his storage, and fled in a hurry with his cloud surfer.

Zhao Kuo didn't even notice it when that kid disappeared. His speed is way too fast, even for him. Had it not been for the appearance of these two, he might have stopped Alex from running away.

"He's too slow anyway. But to have the balls to run away from me is truly something." Qiu Niu said as he stroked his beard softly.

"We must not let that kid have that immortal being. Not only that, but when he left I sensed another disturbing power inside of him, something terrifying." Qingfeng said with a frown.

"I sensed it too. But it couldn't have been from the demon ocean clan."

"We'll just ask him then."

They both disappeared from the sight of those thousands of cultivators. They each had a thought of taming that monster. But with the arrival of two powerful cultivators, they could only hold back.

Even if their greed got the best of them, it'll be impossible to follow them with their insignificant speed.

Zhao Kuo isn't gonna stick around here. Summoning the painting, he sped of at the fastest speed he could. Not because of his greed, but because he was afraid that if someone evil were to get ahold of that monster, it could mean the end of the world, and therefore the end of his niece, Zhao Yanzi.

That's right, he is doing this for Zhao Yanzi.

Right behind him, another person was following him at an equal speed.

"Inspector Su! Didn't expect to see you here." Zhao Kuo recognized her from a glance, and was surprised to see her here.

"Whatever it takes, we must get that immortal being." Su Han said.

"I know." That was all he said to her.

Human cultivators did not dare to fight those guys. Nobody here was as strong as Zhao Kuo, and no one was brave enough like Su Han. They could only stay there and watch from the sidelines.

"No! We follow them, and when the moment comes we snatch the beast right out of their arms." The leader of the human cultivator said.

Each of these cultivators were at the Qian level. Those who were not Qian level or higher, were not allowed to participate in this event.

The same goes for the dragon cultivators. From south, west, and north ocean clan, they only sent out their Qian level cultivators.

From far away, Alex already travelled thousands of kilometres in a short amount of time. He did not dare to underestimate those two, so he used everything he could to escape from that place.

His speed is now faster, after he ate that other soul which elevated his cultivation level.

"I am only at high tier Kun level. Maybe I would have a chance if I were at the high tier Qian level, but I still have yet to reach that level." Alex said to himself as he sped off at a fast pace

*VOOSH* *VOOSH* (I am terrible at typing sound effects.)

Two people intercepted Alex's path. It is clear that these two are the two masters. Alex could only stop in his tracks at the sight of those two.

"How did you catch up to me?" Alex said in shock. He was so sure that with the speed he was going, it would have been very hard for them to catch up.

"You underestimate us too much, young man. We are legendary figures. Though I do admit that your speed isn't rather bad, even I had to use a bit of my strength to catch up to you." Qiu Niu said.

"I am not the type to judge things quickly. However, you cannot be in control of such a being. Only god knows what would happen if it were to run out of control." Qingfeng said.

"You mean Steven?" Alex asked. He was sure that this midget Pegasus was powerful, but not that powerful as Qingfeng Hermit described it.

"Steven? You already tamed it?!" Qiu Niu said in shock. It's only been a few minutes after the appearance of that beam of light, and yet this young human cultivator tamed it.

"Well yeah!" Alex answered truthfully.

"Hm… this is problematic." Qiu Niu said to himself.

"There seems to be only two ways for us to handle it. Kill the immortal being while it is still weak, or kill the man in front of us and then tame it." Qingfeng said.

"Agreed." Qiu Niu responded back.

[Make it out of fifth heaven alive. 200,000 SP]

"What is this?" Alex asked the devil.

"I am quite curious to what you will do at this rate. How will you survive this?" He said with a smile.

Alex had to think this through carefully. These two aren't just ordinary soul formation cultivators, they're the strongest of their league. Even if Alex were to combine his current power, it is still far from enough to even injure these two:

He might have a slim chance on fighting one soul formation cultivator, but no chance on fighting two at the same time.

He can't even run away because they are even faster than he is.

"The mission is to make it out alive, right?" Alex said to make sure.

"Yes." He responded.

"Very well then. Because I have an idea to kill these guys, and to make it here alive without a scratch on me."

"Oh yeah! Time for a fight!" The devil smiled at Alex. Even though he knows that he won't make it out alive.

He clearly expected Alex to somehow overpower these two figures, with his small insignificant power. It happens in almost every single, novel, manga and anime.

"Hey! You two!" Alex yelled at them.

"What?" Qiu Niu said.

"I give up." Alex raised his arms as a sign of surrender.

"Wait What?" The devil asked as if he wasn't sure what Alex said.

"Smart one. Hand over the immortal being then." Qingfeng Hermit extended her hand to him.

Alex took out the midget Pegasus inside his storage. The midget only looked at Alex, then started flying around him.

The two masters felt that power inside the Pegasus. Indeed, it was an immortal being only described in legends.

"Unfortunately I do not know how to command it, so it's up to you to catch it." Alex said.

Qiu Niu took the initiative to catch the Pegasus. However, the Pegasus avoided his hand.

Qiu Niu went a little faster this time, but the result was the same.

The horse seemed to be mocking Qiu Niu, as he couldn't catch it.

Qiu Niu got frustrated by it. He tried to catch it again and again, but to no avail. It was getting to a point where he was getting pissed.

"Tell it to stop moving!" Qiu Niu said to Alex.

"I honestly can't. We only met for like 20 seconds, so I cannot command it fully." Alex said truthfully.

According to his foreign knowledge about animal taming, it takes a long time for a special connection to form between master and pet.

Of course, the more powerful the animal is, the longer it takes. Not to mention that the Pegasus in front of him is the strongest there is.

"Ah! Imma kill it!" The old dragon ancestor used an attack to strike it, in hopes he could injure it and then catch it.

He conjured up a very powerful fire in his hands, and launched it straight towards the horse.

The Pegasus faced the attack head on. Instead of getting injured or blocking it, it literally ate the fire of the old dragon ancestor.

Smoke came out of the mouth and nose of the Pegasus. It seemed unaffected by that powerful attack. It kept trotting in the air as if his attack was nothing but air.

"It seems that magic attacks won't work on it." Qingfeng said a bit surprised by its ability. Even she would suffer damage from that attack, but it negated his attack instead.

"I expected no less from an immortal being." Qiu Niu added as he stroked his beard.

The horse stopped trotting in the air. And in a flash, it dashed away far from this place.

"... you're gonna leave me here with them!" Alex could only say this as the Pegasus ran away faster than even he could go.

Qiu Niu wanted to catch it, but Qingfeng stopped him.

"That speed is not something even we could reach. Going after it will be useless." Qingfeng said helplessly.

"No. If we don't catch it before it becomes stronger, no one will be able to stop it." Qiu Niu said angrily. He ignored her warning, and dashed off to catch that thing.

Qingfeng could only shake her head st how stupid he is. Clearly, he forgot that the boy and the immortal being has a special connection that can sense each other's locations.

As long as they have Alex here, he can easily pinpoint the location of the immortal being. Obviously, she is smart.

"So… what now?" Alex asked her.

"I believe that this is the dumbest idea I have ever seen. And you know it's true coming from me." The devil said furiously.

The devil thought that Alex would be special this time, and expected lots of tasty souls. But, he just gave up without a fight.

"Believe me, my idea will be perfect. But the first step, is to surrender."

"I chose the worst person for this job." The devil kept on ranting out loud.

*Shoo* *Shoo*

Two other figures appeared. Zhao Kuo and Su han finally reached Alex.

"Su Han from the dragon god shrine." Qingfeng Hermit said.

Alex raised his brows slightly. Everybody who has ever read 'dragon king's son-in-law' knows who Su Han is.

'She is as beautiful as the novel describes her' was what he thought.

Su Han did not say anything, but her guard was up because that old grandma is a soul formation master:

"Old hag, I demand answers." Zhao Kuo did not show any fear or respect to the master in front of him.

The old lady only waved her arm at him, and knocked him out instantly. You can tell that she can't take crap from others.

The strongest dragon in the mortal realm was easily defeated in a single move. And the worst part, she held back her power.

"I was not talking to you." She said as she saw Zhao Kuo plummet to the ground.

They were up high, but it was not enough for Zhao Kuo to die. He will be injured indeed, but he won't die.

Su Han could only stare as he fell. It's not like she didn't want to help him, but she didn't want to make any rash moves in front of the soul formation cultivator.

"Take this boy to the dragon god shrine. He has a special connection to the immortal being." Qingfeng pointed at Alex, who did not move at all during this time.

Su Han would not take instructions from anyone, unless if it were from the dragon god shrine. But, since the old grandma is stronger than her, she had no choice. Not to mention that she also came here for the immortal being.

Flying on her sword, Su Han went behind Alex.

"Stay still or I will hurt you." Su Han said to Alex. Alex didn't say anything at all.

She took out a special dharma treasure from her other dharma treasure. It was a pair of bracelets that will block a person's cultivation.

Once she locked those bracelets onto him, Alex lost the ability to keep the surfboard in the air, and he started to fall like Zhao Kuo.

He felt a strong hand on his stomach. It was Su Han who stopped him from falling to his death. It seems she predicted this.

"Unless if you can reach Qian level, don't even think about escaping from these cuffs." Su Han looked down at him.

Alex already knew about this, so he didn't pay much attention.

Su Han created an invisible energy underneath Alex. It looked like Alex was now floating in the air on an invisible object.

Su Han brought Alex straight to the dragon god shrine. Followed by the old granny.

The thousands of cultivators could only watch as they took him into the god shrine.

They were all disappointed that the dragon god shrine will have a huge lead at getting the immortal being.

Especially the human cultivators, who could not believe that the old granny wanted to bring the child to the dragon god shrine.

If the dragons were to tame the immortal being, they would become the rulers of this world.

"Wait? That child is clearly a human cultivator! So he should belong to us!" The leader of the human cultivators pointed this out.

"If you believe that all you can take the kid from a heavenly dragon, and a soul formation master, then try to take him if you can." A dragon cultivator said this.

The dragon cultivators could also not believe that the granny was on their side. If she wanted to, she would have taken that kid and no one would be able to stop her.

The granny only decided to bring Alex to the dragon god shrine, for many reasons. One, if she were to take that kid for herself, she would be the target of every single cultivator on the world. Even she isn't strong enough for that.

Second, is because there are other monsters that are stronger than her.

In the light novel, it is mentioned that there are small demon kings, which is equal in power to a soul formation cultivator.

A big king is stronger than a soul formation cultivator. An eternal demon king is naturally stronger.

(Since the novel doesn't mention the title names after a heavenly dragon, or a soul formation cultivator, I will be comparing those levels to other OC characters in the future.)

That is why the granny did not want to face this alone. All she wanted was to see the immortal being fall into the hands of someone with a good heart, or destroy it before it becomes too strong.

Alex could only smirk. He clearly has a plan, and he cannot wait to get to the dragon god shrine for a special reason.

With the speed of Su Han, they somehow were able to leave fifth heaven unscathed and make it to the dragon god shrine

[200,000 SP] has been sent to you.

"Shit! I made it too easy for you." The devil said angrily. Even though he isn't happy to give out SP like that, he is a man of his word.

"Hehe, do not worry, true demon king, you will get your tasty souls later." Alex smiled when his SP number was higher than before.

"You better." He said.

"Now… what should I buy to make my escape easier?"


And that will be all for this chapter. There is a good reason why Alex let himself get caught. He is not stupid.

But, I have been thinking of something lately. What should I do with the Lu sisters? And a harem does not count.

I think that Alex should recruit strong people from other worlds, and give them power to make it easier for him, kinda like the Ten Commandments.

Yes, I am thinking of making my own Ten Commandments, each individual from different worlds.

I honestly cannot bring myself to kill the Lu sisters, as you know why.

But, what should their commandments be? There are currently nine of them left, so there are a lot of choices left.

Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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