Killer Of MC's

Chapter 51 - The holy land

Alex made it to Doflamingo's place with Rebecca.

"You made it. And I was beginning to think that this was so easy. And I see you brought yourself a bitch." Doflamingo laughed hysterically.

"Doflamingo!" Rebecca sounded angry. Now that he was in front of her, she was ready to slice him in two.

But, Alex stopped her before she made a rash decision.

"Doflamingo. I am not a hero, but I don't like the way you do things around here. Using slaves, manipulating people with your strings to kill their most beloved ones. If it were me I would just do it myself instead of letting others do it for me." Alex said.

He never liked Doflamingo from the start.

"Alexander Anderson. People say that you have power that can take down a Yonko. Now, let me see if that is true." The area around Doflamingo turned into strings. This was his awakening.

"Awakening. It's a neat power but pretty weak." Alexander grabbed Rebecca and pulled her out of there. If she stayed there she will only be a burden for him.

He appeared before Viola and Usopp. There was also Kin'emon, the old king, and that other weird samurai that everyone forgot he existed.

"You!" Viola was scared. She just saw him with Doflamingo a second ago and now he was there in front of her.

"Take care of her. Sorry, Rebecca." After putting Rebecca down, he left. Alex was mostly afraid that he will kill her instead of Doflamingo.

Rebecca didn't have the time to even react. She was in front of Doflamingo but now she was suddenly all the way back to the bottom of the city.

"Sorry for the wait. You wanted to test me?" Alex asked Doflamingo.

"Before we fight, tell me, what actually brought you here? I don't think that the fire fruit was the reason you came to my city."

"The fire fruit was one of the major reasons I came here. But, I mostly came here for 6 people."

"6 people?"

"I came here to kill 3 people, and to kidnap the other three. I already killed Sugar and Burgess. And I already kidnapped Nico Robin and Sabo. Can you guess who the other two are?"

Doflamingo caught sight of Luffy making his way there with Law behind him.

"Let me guess, those two people are me and Strawhat." Doflamingo guessed.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Correct! Now, one of you will die. Can you guess which one?"

Doflamingo didn't respond, he just attacked Alex. But, Alex activated his bankai and the strings burned to a crisp.

"Let me give you a hint, I am looking at him." Alex summoned out his spear and proceeded to stab Doflamingo.

He reacted quickly and blocked his spear. But, his strings alone were not enough. The spear impaled his right shoulder.

Doflamingo ignored the injury and shot another attack at him. But, his strings burned before they could even touch Alex.

"Poor Doflamingo. Nothing can help you now. You should have run away when Fujitora told you my identity. But now you will die."

Doflamingo started to retreat. If his strings can't touch him then he needs to think of another plan. But, a huge wave of water came behind him and took him down.

Alex controlled a giant wave of ocean water to take him down. Since Doflamingo was a devil fruit user, he loses his power upon touching said water.

Alex didn't say anything. He just stabbed Doflamingo in his heart. He died.

He also took his devil fruit and his soul.

"What kind of devil fruits do I have in my possession?" Asked Alex.

{Soul fruit}

{Toy fruit}

{Fire fruit (eaten)}

{String fruit}

{Flash fruit}

"Hm, not a bad amount. Do these devil fruits have any value?"

{Soul fruit is worth 100,000 SP but the others not so much}

"I think I'll just keep them with me. They could possibly come in handy later on." Alex then ate Doflamingo's soul.

((Alexander Anderson 52,000,000))

After eating various souls, his power level increased.

"Gomu Gomu no! Red hawk!" Luffy used one of his strongest attacks on Alex while he was distracted.

Alex merely dodged that attack. He had never let his guard down.

"Monkey D. Luffy. Just the one who I wanted to see."

"You?" Luffy remembered that Alex was the same kid from the Colosseum. He did not see his picture of his bounty because he was laughing when Usopp had such a high bounty.

"Are you the one who killed Sanji and Zoro?" Luffy asked quite pissed.

"Yes. And I will do the same thing to Sabo and Robin if you don't kill me right now." Alex mocked him.

That manage to piss of Luffy even more.

"Second gear: Gomu Gomu no! Gatling!" Everyone who watches One Piece should know what this move does.

But, Alex blocked Luffy's fists by grabbing them. Luffy did not expect someone to block him like that.

"It's not like you grew more arms." Alex then proceeded to kick him in the face with haki.

{BULLSHIT! You stole that line from Enel from that One Piece arc during the last fight!}

"Meh! It's not like I have not stolen anything by now."

(Cough Cough *Author*)

Luffy got up and proceeded to attack once more. But, instead of Alex, he ran straight towards a rock.

"Gomu Gomu no!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Asked Alex. Why would he want to attack a rock during the middle of a fight? Did Alex kick his brain so hard that he became delusional?

"Room: Shambles!" Law activated his devil fruit and switched Alex's location with the boulder that Luffy was aiming.

Alex did not expect that at all. He had forgotten about Law's ability completely.

And just like that, Luffy punched Alex hard in the stomach.


But, instead of damaging him and sending him back several meters away, Alex stood in place. The attack Luffy did very little damage.

"Luffy, you aimed to be the pirate king, it's no wonder why you're so weak. Your ambitions are too low." Alex grabbed Luffy's arm and threw him to the ground creating a giant crater underneath them.

"I however, aimed to be the god. After all, why be a king when you can be a god?"

"Room!" Law once again activated his devil fruit powers. Alex remembered how powerful and crazy his devil fruit was, but it did not pose him a threat at all.

"Sham-" Before he could speak, Alex blocked his mouth and restraint his hands with an earth bending technique.

"Law, your story actually kind of moved me when I first saw it. But, since you tried to go against me, I will be taking your devil fruit but not your life."

Alex reached out to Law's ċhėst and took out his devil fruit. Law did not have the Ope Ope no mi anymore. He was now an ordinary human.

Just like with many other devil fruits he stole, Alex put it away. He kicked Law away not even bothering with him anymore.

But Luffy, he was going to get kidnapped by Alex.

When Alex turned, Luffy was standing. His arm was close to mouth.

"Gear fourth!" And just like in the fight, he transformed into a stronger version of gear second or gear third.

Alex just let him do what he wanted him to do. It made no difference.

Alex just noticed, but when he had killed Doflamingo, the giant birdcage made out of strings was gone. Some people cheered, while others cried in joy. It seemed like the nightmare was over.

"Bounce man!" Luffy was so bouncy and big that he couldn't stand properly.

"Come on Luffy, do your worst!"

"Kong gun!" Luffy managed to punch Alex, but he merely blocked it with one hand.

Luffy was shocked. That was one of his strongest offensive moves. It would be impossible for someone to block it like it was nothing.

"It was actually stronger than I expected, but not enough." Alex sent Luffy flying with a kick, but Luffy just bounced around the area like a beach ball in a concert. (Bad example, I know)

"Mhmhmh Ffm Ffm." A voice came from his pocket.

Alex pulled out the little princess from his pocket.

"What? Can't you see I am doing something important?" He asked annoyed at her.

"Please, let me go. I promise to do anything you want." Mansherry said.

"Anything?" He asked in a cheeky tone.


"How do I know you're not lying?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"It's a promise. And I never break my promises." Mansherry responded cutely but yet scared of him.

"Okay. Then go in my pocket and shut up." Alex once again stuffed her in his pocket not caring about her at all.

{Why bother kidnapping her?}

"Just for the lolz. And besides, she's just so damn cute!"

{I didn't know you liked cute things.}

"It's just that, whenever I see her I think of baby Groot." One of the best things Marvel has ever done was creating baby Groot.

(Bless you Stan Lee. RIP.)

{Those two characters have nothing in common… other than being cute.}

At that instant, a few miniature people came out of nowhere and attacked Alex.

"Hand over the princess!"

"Mansherry, we're coming to save you!"

"Prepare to go down!"

Several of the Tontatta tribe shouted in unison. Leo was the one leading the group.

Alex merely waved his hand and sent them all flying back with a strong gust of wind.

Leo, however used a smart move by stitching himself to the ground so he doesn't get blown away. Alex praised the little guy for thinking of something like that.

"Gomu Gomu no: King Kong!" Luffy took this time to charge up his ultimate attack.

As Alex was about to leave, he noticed that Leo had stitched his arm and leg to the ground, preventing him from moving.

"Damn Leo. Smart move, again." Alex did not seemed worried. Leo reacted fast enough to use his devil fruit ability on Alex while he was distracted.

"GUN!" Luffy trusted in the little guy, and that was when he launched his greatest attack ever. Leo quickly ran for cover to avoid getting caught up in the fight.

However, Alex pulled out his trusty hidden knife.

"Perfect Counter!" This was one of his most oldest and most useful moves.

Alex redirected Luffy's attack, then Luffy spat out tremendous amounts of blood. He turned back to his normal self, all beat up and weak.

Alex broke free of Leo's stitches and picked up Luffy as if he were a sack of potatoes. Now that he was in that state, Alex found it easy to kidnap him.

At some point, Mansherry broke a bit of Alex's pocket and her little head came out. Once she scanned the area, she first saw Leo not too far away.

"Leo!" She cried out. Her knight in shining armor came to rescue her.

"Mansherry!" Leo jumped and tried to reach her. But, Alex flew away before Leo could grab her.

"LEO!!!" Mansherry was so close to being rescued, just for Alex to move out of the way. All she could do was watch as the man she loved going further away from her.

"NO! MANSHERRY!!!" Leo cared about her, even though he says that she is selfish and whatnot. But, he was still oblivious to her feelings for him.

Alex pushed her little head back into his pocket.

Alex was above the city of Dressrosa, which looked terrible after what it had gone through the past few hours. He also restrained Luffy with his teddy bear with his other Chastiefol.

Now, he had kidnapped three people, 4 if Mansherry counts.

The remaining Strawhats, Koala, the Tontatta people, Rebecca, Viola, the surviving citizens, all looked at him. They didn't know what to think anymore.

Alex inhaled sharply.


As he shouted to the people of Dressrosa, literally no one could hear him.

"Is he talking to us?" A random person asked.

"I think so. Though I can't hear him."

"He does know that he is like 500 feet high, right? There is no way his voice can reach us.."

Unknowingly, Alex kept shouting because he literally thought everyone was listening to him.


"ALEX!" Rebecca called out to him. Alex somehow heard her and landed beside her.

"What?" He asked.

Rebecca saw everything and Viola told her everything about Alex. Like, how he killed a few innocent people, and kidnapped the princess Mansherry.

She had come to like him and respect him at first. But, now what?

"Are you a good person or a bad person?" She asked. She really wanted him to say 'good person' because she cannot like someone who brings pain to innocents.

"Remember when I said that there are worse people than Doflamingo?" Alex reminded her. Rebecca nodded.

"I am one of those people. Doflamingo is practically a saint compared to me."

"But, that can't be true." Rebecca did not want to believe Viola at first, but hearing it from him was different.

"It is. But, you should be grateful."

"Grateful? For what?"

"If you hadn't been nice to me that time in the coliseum, your dad, your grandfather and maybe your aunt may have been dead already. I held myself back on purpose so I didn't kill you or them. And I also killed Doflamingo because you wanted to. And just like that, I have returned your favor."

There was a moment of silence. Rebecca started to cry again.

"It's better if you do not come for me. Otherwise I will not hold myself back and kill you. You're a nice person, Rebecca, but I do not like people who only want to protect the weak and innocent. I am not a hero. I am just simply me."

If Linlin and Lili didn't have the courage to kill people, innocent or guilty, then he would have never brought them with him. He is looking for people who are loyal to him and are willing to get their hands dirty to accomplish the thing that they want. As for Madara and Mihawk, there wasn't a reason not to add them to his team.

And just like that he ended their conversation.

Alex flew away with the four people he kidnapped. Now that he thinks that everyone heard what he said. Even though he was 500 feet high in the air.

Usopp and the others tried to stop him, but how? Alex can fly, they couldn't. He was an immortal, they weren't. And their 2 most strongest fighters were killed by him alone and their captain was kidnapped.

Koala got out a den den mushi and contacted Dragon.

"Hello?" A deep voice came from the other side of the snail phone.

"Dragon. I have some bad news, sir." Koala responded. She also started to cry.

"Did you fail to locate those weapons?"

"No sir. Sabo… has been kidnapped."

There was a moment of silence on the other side.

"I did not think Doflamingo would pose such a threat. It seems I had underestimated him." Dragon thought it was Doffy who did it, but no.

"It wasn't Doflamingo, it was Alexander Anderson. He also kidnapped your son, and Nico Robin as well."

"Did he say where he was going?" Dragon did not sound worried, but he was. Those three people are connected to him, and he cared for them just like he cares for everyone else.

"I think he did, but I could not hear him. I have Sabo's vivre paper with me. If we follow him, we might catch up to him."

"Good, This Anderson is declaring war on me. I will send all our troops to his location. We will rescue the three of them."

"Yes sir, thank you." Koala hung up. She looked at Viola and thought her devil fruit powers might come in handy.

"Viola, I know it has been a hard day and you have suffered a lot. But, can you please help us? We could use someone with your ability to save our friends." Koala bowed to her.

Viola looked at her. She did not know what to say.

Rebecca was still dazed. The one person she liked turned out that he didn't like her, and he declared he was worse than Doflamingo, even though she thinks that he is still good on the inside.

"Wait, please take us with you." Usopp dragged his limb body to her.

"He kidnapped our friends, we must save them." Usopp said loudly.

"Of course. Any help counts." Koala said yes. The Strawhats are strong.

And just like that, Dragon, and most of the people of Dressrosa were planning on saving their hands from the hands of Alexander Anderson.

Fujitora was a witness to everything. He waited for backup to arrive. But, now he knew that Alexander killed them before they could even get there.

"Fujitora, what now?" A vice admiral asked.

"First, we tend to the wounded. We help rebuild everything. And after that, I will take care of this Anderson guy myself." Fujitora declared.

Akainu's dead, Kizaru's dead. That's two dead admirals already. If the 5 elders don't take action against Alexander, then the marines will face extinction.

-On another place.

Madara had just been able to unlock a small portion of the ten tails chakra in him. He still cannot grasp that godlike power he wielded once.

But, then two powerful figures were staring down at him from the boat.

"Twins." Madara said. He could feel their presence.

"Madara, what a coincidence." Responded Lili. The sisters looked at the siblings, who were covered in blood and their clothes tattered.

"Did you do this?" Linlin asked.

"No. I just saved them before the Celestial Dragons could finish the job."

"I see. Where are you taking them?"

"Mariejois. I think Anderson needs something from them." Madara gave them the paper containing vital information about the One Piece.

Linlin and Lili examined the paper, and nodded. It was indeed what Madara said.

"Good job. Saviour will be pleased." Linlin responded and gave back the paper.

"Hey, kids, when do we arrive at that place?" Madara asked.

"We are already here." responded Celia. The boat hit a piece of land. When they looked at the island, it was magnificent.

The place looked like the gods themselves live there. It was so grand and majestic.

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