Killer Of MC's

Chapter 55 - One Piece

"I have an idea!" Alex said. He flung his hands up high. Then, a huge tsunami came hurtling towards Blackbeard and Shanks crew.

Blackbeard and Shanks noticed that the area was covered in a big shadow. They turn to see a huge tsunami crashing onto them.

But, Blackbeard activated his earthquake powers and somehow made the giant tsunami disappear before it could touch him.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Blackbeard asked confused. Why would a tsunami appear all of a sudden?

Blackbeard had indeed used his earthquake powers during his fight with Shanks, but not powerful enough to cause a huge tsunami.

Alex did not use his full might of that tsunami. But, he wondered what would happen if he did.

Alex let out a long sigh, and his eyes glowed a bright-white light. He had activated his avatar state.

But, with his mask on, he looked somehow even creepier than before. It made him even scarier looking when it was dark.

Robin and the others were shocked to see his face glowing white. They had never seen nor heard of such a thing before.

But, Luffy felt that something bad was about to happen. He somehow was able to get his mouth free from the bear's hand.

"SHANKS! LOOK OUT!!!" He shouted so loudly that everyone looked up.

"Luffy?" Shanks gasped in surprise. He did not expect Luffy to be there. He also noticed Alex who had white glowing eyes, but could not recognize him.

"Straw Hat!" Blackbeard said while laughing. They somehow failed to recognize Sabo and the others. It wasn't that dark, but they could still see Alex's white eyes glowing brightly in the night.

Luffy was about to say something else, but Alex once again covered his mouth, this time he shut his mouth by covering it with ice.

Then, Alex summoned another tsunami, this time much, much bigger than the last one, at least 10x bigger than before.

Blackbeard's face popped out at seeing such a huge tsunami. Maybe if he used the full power of the earthquake fruit he might be able to conjure up a huge tsunami like that, but at the cost of 90% of his stamina.

Blackbeard covered both his hands in a white halo, and he wanted to use it to cancel out the tsunami like last time, but couldn't.

He failed at cancelling out the tsunami that it covered the entire island sinking it to the ocean. Also sinking him and his crew, along with Shanks's crew with him.

Luffy saw in horror as one of the many people that he cares was drowned. He struggled even more to get out, but still to no avail.

Sabo and Robin were left in shock. Alex just took down 2 Yonko's at once.

Alex wasn't sure if two powerful people like Blackbeard and Shanks would die that easily. He dived into the ocean and dragged out two bodies with him.

He covered a small piece of ocean with ice and dropped those two bodies there. They were Blackbeard and Shanks.

Blackbeard and Shanks were choking on water that had entered their lungs. Blackbeard was in a weaker condition because he touched the water.

Alex didn't give him much chance to say anything as he touched him and suċkėd out the devil fruits from his body.

Blackbeard watched in horror as his most powerful abilities were being taken away from him.

"It's ironic. Two years ago you did the same thing to Whitebeard and killed him. And now, the same fate is about to befall on you. Any last words, Blackbeard?" Asked Alex.

However, Blackbeard couldn't talk. Not because he didn't want to, but because Alex had his hand on his throat and was choking him.

"Very well then." Alex stabbed Blackbeard's heart with his hidden knife and took his soul. He didn't bother to eat it, so he just sold it to the system for a mere few SP.


"Shanks." Said Alex.

"What the hell are you doing with Luffy?" Shanks asked in a pissed tone.

"I just need him. Don't worry, after I am done with him I will send him back to you, in a coffin."

Shanks let out the might of his conqueror's haki. His haki could affect almost anyone in the world, but not Alex.

Alex had perfected haki. Alex was on a league of his own above anyone else.

Alex also let out the might of his Conqueror's haki, there was a sudden clash between two haki users, but the dominant side started to show signs of empowering the other.

Shanks took several steps back as he started to sweat profusely. He was shocked and scared. Just by facing Alex's haki proved that he was no match for him.

"Do you now know the difference between us? You are no match for me." Alex mocked him. But it was the truth.

Luffy tried even harder to escape from Alex's chastiefol, but succeeded little in doing that. Sabo and Robin were not very familiar with Shanks like Luffy was, but they still tried to escape.

"Say Luffy, if I were to kill Shanks right here right now, will that upset and anger you even more when I killed your crewmates or less?"

"Do you think I will let you kill me?" Shanks mustered up the courage and slashed his sword at Alex. Alex merely clocked each of his attacks with one finger without breaking a sweat.

However, Shanks did not give up. He kept going and going, as fast as he could with one arm.

Alex noticed that several of Shanks and Blackbeard's crew members were resurfacing and were finding their way back to kill Alex.

But, Alex unleashed his Conqueror's haki one more time, and they all fell back to the ocean, not waking up anytime soon.

Even those who were with Shanks would have some immunity to conqueror's haki, were no match for Alex's strong will.

Shanks watched in horror as his precious crewmembers fainted, and were probably going to drown to their deaths if he didn't do something fast.

Shanks knew that fighting with Alex would mean his death. But, during his many years of being a Yonko he has not always won by using violence. He was not one to induce fear into others, but was kind hearted, just like the situation with Mihawk.

And just like Whitebeard, he was also one who cared for his allies and friends. Almost like a family.

Shanks retracted his sword and sheathed it.

"Please, let me save my crewmates. I beg you." Shanks said solemnly. If he were to die right here right now, then he would at least die knowing that his crewmates would be saved.

"Smart man. Very well." Alex responded wholeheartedly. Alex gave Shanks credit for being smart in his decision making.

If the fight had dragged on longer, Alex would get bored and would have killed Shanks along with his crew. There were not many people like that in many worlds.

"Thank you." Shanks dived into the water and pulled out his friends back to the surface and threw them on top of the ice.

Alex examined the two devil fruits he got from Blackbeard. He ate the darkness one but left the earthquake fruit inside his storage space.

{You have created a new skill: Pure demon energy V3}

{Combined with the powers of the Demon King (NNT) Hollow energy and the fruit of darkness, you created a new version of pure demonic energy}

{Hollow transformation increases your power level by 3x} (It used to be 1.5x)

{New hollow transformations increases your power level by 5x}

Then, he noticed a subtle change in his Library of Heaven's path.

Alex entered his mind where the Library of Heaven's path was, and was shocked.

Above the library, there was a difference in the wording.

"Library of Hell's path? Did the Library get an upgrade?" Alex asked. It changed shortly after he consumed the darkness devil fruit.

Further into the distance, he saw the tailed beasts still chained up to his library.

1-tails 2-tails have been devoured completely by Alex's demonic energy. There was nothing left at all.

The 3-tailed beast was in the process of being devoured. It tried so hard to escape, but couldn't. It was impossible to do so.

The other tailed beasts watched in horror as their siblings were being devoured by his energy, slowly becoming part of the library.

{You have gained a new skill: Library of Hell's path.}

{There is literally no changes to the library, except the name. But, there might be a change once all the tailed beasts have been devoured}

Alex was satisfied with this. After taking one quick look he left the library.

After a while, Shanks managed to save every one of his crew. Not including Blackbeard's crew not sensing the new strength that Alex just recieved.

"You done?" Asked Alex impatiently. He wanted to go to another world and receive new system shops, and find the One Piece for that sweet SP.

"Yes." Shanks got out of the water all drenched.

There was a silence between them. They could only hear the ocean waves tilting and splashing all over.

"I know I cannot beat you. But, perhaps we can come to an agreement?" He looked at Luffy still restrained.

"I am afraid I cannot let Luffy go by any chance. But, if you want to live and your crew members to live for a cost that might interest me, then I might be tempted."

Shanks clenched his fist in anger. He had some things that could be tempting to someone like Alex, but Luffy not being able to live is something he could not tolerate.

Shanks had planned several ideas already for Alex.

Fight him? No chance of winning.

Come to an agreement? Possibly worth a shot.

Run away? Not a chance.

"Bluescreen, is there anything in this world that can be traded for SP, aside from souls?"

{Devil fruits, the One Piece, that is pretty much it. No treasure maps or treasure nor weapons are worth any SP. Unless if it is something very unique, then it might be worth something}

Bluescreen is referring to that time Alex sold that Coffin of Eternal Darkness from the Seven deadly sins world.

"Just to let you know Shanks, I will only accept devil fruits, and something very unique, like a treasure that is just as good or powerful as a devil fruit,"

"None of our crew members, including I, have never consumed a devil fruit before."

"Really? A Yonko with no devil fruits? That's rather shocking to hear."

"But, that doesn't mean we don't have devil fruits stored away. We keep them safe in case they ever fall into the wrong hands. They are very powerful."

Seeing as how Shanks did not turn to stone, Alex confirmed that he was telling the truth the whole time.

To think that Shanks is willing to give up powerful devil fruits just to save his men.

"Where is it?" Alex asked.

"Back in our own base."

"Good. I will meet you there. And don't be late, or I will kill you." Alex proceeded to fly away with the three prisoners to the One Piece.

Shortly after he left, Shanks clenched his teeth in anger.

"Luffy, no matter what happens, even if I had to sacrifice another arm, or even my own life, I will never let you die no matter what."

As he said that, a small ship came out of nowhere and landed beside Shanks.

"Hey you, did you see- Red haired" Koala came out of the ship to ask Shanks for directions, but taking a clear look at him, she noticed that she was talking to a Yonko.

Koala and the others spared no time at all chasing after Alex to rescue their friends. They had been following Alex with the vivre card that was attached to Sabo.

Even Rebecca was there for some reason…

"Aren't you with the Revolutionary army?" Asked Shanks.

"Ah… yes. Have you seen 4 people flying around here? And did you notice a person with round eyes, curly blonde hair, and a top hat?"

"You mean Sabo, the second in command of the revolutionary army?" Shanks noticed him as well, but as occupied with several things.

"Yes! Where did they go?" Nami asked with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know. But, I can tell you where they are going to be."


"It seems that the revolutionary and I have some things in common. I have tested his power and I cannot win him alone. So, may I suggest we help one another and rescue the people we love?"

Koala and the others froze on the spot. A Yonko and the revolutionary army joining forces? Such a thing is unheard of.

"Hold on… let me ask Dragon first."

And so, the rest is to be mentioned later.

-Back with Madara and the twins.

"How can we be sure that he is dead?" Madara asked.

"We don't. I teleported him far away from here and deep under the ocean. Even if he doesn't drown to death, the water pressure is enough to kill him." Lili responded.

Then, someone came out of the rubble and pushed Madara to the ground.

"Neigh!" Steven looked at Madara with raging eyes.

"Steven? What are you doing here?" Lili and Linlin asked very surprised.

Steven let go of Madara and communicated with the sisters using signs.

"So, you were here this whole time eating their food without anyone noticing?"

Steven nodded angrily.

"You were having a good time until Madara sent that giant rock on top of your head and destroyed everything you were eating?"

Right after Steve left the group, he had been hunting for various places filled with food. He had done nothing but eat and eat until he was satisfied, but he was never satisfied.

Steven somehow made his way to the Holy land WAY before Madara and the twins arrived, and he sneaked into their kitchen and ate everything.

Those who saw Steven eating were killed by him so he wouldn't get kicked out.

He was having a good time, until Madara came and fuċkėd it all up with his ninjutsu.

Madara left and found the family huddled together. The mom was protecting her children from any harm that might befall on them.

"Come, it is not safe to stay here. I'll take you three to a safe place. After that we will part ways." Madara said as he walked away.

Robert was the first one to get up. He helped his mother up and they followed Madara to wherever he was taking them.

Linlin and Lili stayed there in case there was anything else that needed to be done, but there wasn't much. So they flew off back to Hancock's island.

Steven just left as well. He was going to eat as much as he wants before they leave this world.

However, as that happened, the entire world was shocked once more.

The news of Doflamingo spread through the world. First it was Madara killing Kaido, next Big Mom, and now one of the 7 warlords.

It also mentioned how the Strawhats have discovered the darkness hidden in Dressrosa and released thousands of prisoners.

But, they were overshadowed once Alex came into the picture.

Not only has Alex killed Doflamingo, but also Roronoa Zoro and Blackleg Sanji. He killed three infamous people in one go.

He had also kidnapped Luffy, Robin, Sabo and princess Mansherry from the Tontatta tribe.

His bounty was raised by the marines to 1,900,000,000 not as much as Madara's though.

Several people who knew the Strawhats were shocked at the sudden news. Luffy was kidnapped but Zoro and Sanji were killed?

This was especially true in Alabasta. A certain princess started to cry. But, she soon headed out to the new world to rescue her friends.

The princess was none other than Vivi. She knew her father would never allow her to roam the seas, so she didn't ask and just sailed with her duck on board.

"Hold on, Luffy. I am coming to save you." She said with a firm look on her face. The Strawhats helped her and her kingdom, so she is going to repay them the favour.

Alex followed the map leading to the One Piece. He did not expect Raftel to look so old and wasted, almost like an abandoned jungle forest of some kind.

"Where are we?" Sabo asked.

"Raftel." Robin said.

"What? The same place where Gold Roger hid the One Piece?" Sabo asked to make sure he heard her right. People all across the world, not just pirates, were looking for that long lost treasure.

No one has ever been able to find it or the island, until now.

"You three better be prepared. This is a chance that only comes once in a lifetime." Alex said.

He found an old temple and entered it. There were various Poneglyphs in the entire room. Even the walls were inscribed with the same language as the Road Poneglyphs.

On the exact center of the temple, was a huge golden ċhėst.

Inscribed on front of the golden ċhėst, was the word 'One Piece'

"There it is." Alex got on his knees and opened the ċhėst. Inside, he saw something he did not expect to see.

{You have found the One Piece}

{Awarded 100,000,000 SP}

"Useless!" Alex closed the golden ċhėst as soon as he saw what it was.

"Wait? What is the One Piece?" Sabo asked. Luffy tried to say something, but his mouth was blocked by ice.

"Doesn't matter. That ċhėst is staying closed for good." Alex left the island with everyone else.

"Wait! I need to read what it says! I need to know what happened to the lost history 800 years ago." Robin said loudly. She did not have time to read every single Poneglyph on this island.

"Who cares?" Alex ignored her and left the island. Not before sinking Raftel to the bottom of the ocean and destroying the temple with his power.

"Why would you do that?" Robin and Sabo exclaimed in shock. He just destroyed something important to the world.

"Now nobody will know what the One Piece really is." Alex/troll laughed.

Meanwhile, Hancock read the latest newspaper. She started to tremble in fear. The man she loves had been kidnapped by the same man that the Lu sisters were very familiar with.

"Hancock, we're back." Said Lili in a sweet voice. But, unknown to them, Hancock was very angry right now.

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