Killer Of MC's

Chapter 60 - Eggy

"Oi, what's with this attitude? Do you know who I am?" A lady who wore gorgeous clothes had a boy with her as she pointed and loudly yelled at the young man…

"I am very sorry. It is already too late now and the school will close soon. Please come back tomorrow." The young man's delicate face was still young and tender, but between his eyebrows, he had a bit of heroic spirit.

He was called Chu Feng. He was 15 years and he was one of the tens of thousands of outer court disciples in the Azure Dragon School.

Although he was an outer court disciple, Chu Feng was different from all the others. He did not feel inferior to others and he did not degrade himself. He did not feel afraid or scared while treating others and was very calm.

"Come back tomorrow… You think I'm an idiot? These the the mountains! Where are you even going to let us sleep?"

"You must arrange a place of residence for me, or else I'll go and find your elders for reasoning." The lady did not listen and did not care. She even grabbed onto Chu Feng's clothes.

(Before anybody else reads the next part, yes, this is the exact same line from chapter one of the original Martial God Asura light novel, word per word.)

At that moment, a young lady wearing purple clothing (Chu Yue) was about to help Chu Feng, but someone else beat her to it.

"What is going on here?" Su Mei said from the side.

The lady who was reprimanding Chu Feng saw Su Mei, was terrified of Su Mei. Who doesn't know the influence Su Mei has in this school? Though she is beautiful, her reputation mostly comes from her older sister.

Su Mei had to ask a lot of disciples from the school where Chu Feng was. Until she finally found him.

Behind her, we the beautiful twins. They could sense something abnormal about Chu Feng. Must be his unique bloodline. Only those with special or keen senses could feel the power hiding deep within Chu Feng's body.

At that moment, the twins had no doubt that Chu Feng was the one Alex was looking for.

Chu Feng turned, and thought that Su Mei was very cute and very beautiful. Definitely a top class beauty.

But, looking behind her, Chu Feng was beyond shocked to see two extremely beautiful twins. They were divine goddesses to the eyes of mortal men.

-Back with Alex.

At that point, Alex wanted to kill something, or someone… most preferably Chu Feng.

"For some reason… I really, really hate someone, but I cannot remember his name." Alex thought.

{Could it be your dad?}

"Maybe… but most likely no. I already killed him a long time ago."

-Back to the school.

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili felt Chu Feng's eyes on their bodies, mostly looking at their brėȧst and ȧss. But, they did not mind as this whole trip countless males, and even females were doing the same thing.

Su Mei ignored the girl beside Chu Feng and asked "Are you the one they call Chu Feng?"

"I am indeed Chu Feng." Chu Feng answered still drooling at the sight of the twins.

"You two divine goddesses were looking for me?" Chu Feng didn't believe it. It must be fate.

"Yes, we are. So glad to meet you, Chu Feng." Lu Lili said with a smile that could melt the entire continent.

The people surrounding them were all seething with hatred when they saw the twins talking to Chu Feng. They even grinded their teeth so hard, it sounded as if someone were to scratch a blackboard.

Many have tried talking to them, only to be rejected or ignored, and at one time they had killed.

(It honestly surprises me how they know that Lu Linlin and Lu Lili had killed somebody in their school and everybody seems to be okay with it… weird.)

"May I know what two divine beauties want with me?"

"Our Saviour wants to meet with you. He has taken a liking to you." Lili said. Linlin didn't answer, as she did not like Chu Feng at all.

"Your Saviour?" Chu Feng asked confused.

"Yes. Would you please follow us to meet him?"

Chu Yue, who wanted to help Chu Feng first could only stare as his adoptive cousin was being led away by Linlin and Lili.

After leaving the school grounds, Chu Feng and the others were stopped in their tracks by a dozen or so people, all with Origin realms.

"See, boss? I told you the beautiful twins would appear here."

"Ahahaha! Yes! We will probably never get the chance to taste some beautiful bodies in our lives. Men, strip them completely, kill the man beside them, and we won't stop playing with their bodies until we get bored."

The dozen or so men charged at the twins all with the intention of raping them.

Chu Feng was about to help them, mostly to protect himself and to get the attention of the beauties. Although he was at the spirit realm, he was not going to die that easily.

But, the next scene shocked him. All those experts before him were beheaded in an instant. Even Chu Feng did not see how they died, much less those men.

"They are too weak." Lili shook her head. They were starting to hate this world because all the men they have met in this world are nothing but rapists.

This made their view of Alex grow even bigger. What would have happened if Alex was like these men? Thinking with only their lower part.

"Nothing… but if you don't want to end up like those corpses, then I suggest to NEVER touch us, or even trying to escape."

Linlin let out her cultivation realm, and it made Chu Feng kneel before her out of fear.

Chu Feng was a measly spirit realm expert, whereas the twins were at the Martial Ancestor realm, that was 9 entire realms of a difference.

(Even after reading up to chapter 1200+ Chu Feng has yet to reach that level)

"What will it be, Chu Feng? Are you going to escape?" Lili asked.

The strings surrounded Chu Feng's body, and there were traces of his body being slowly cut up. Just how sharp were those strings?

"I… I will not escape." Chu Feng was VERY prideful, and even against powerful enemies that he would have faced off in the future, he never bothered to kneel.

But, he was too weak. The twins could squish him like an ant if they want to.

"Good." They started walking.

'I will escape and get stronger. After that, I will **** you two for humiliating me and tricking me!' He thought to himself.

Alex and the others had destroyed an entire city by accident. Houses were burning, people were crying or dying. It was hell.

"Couldn't you two hold back your powers?" Alex asked. Most of this destruction was caused by Steven, Madara and Mihawk.

Who would have known that there would be so many guards in this city alone. That was the reason why Mihawk and Madara had to use their strength to take them down.

"I fail to see why we should care at all?" Madara said.

"Hm… good point."

Alex made sure to let some of the innocents go. They were all worthless to him anyway, and only took the souls of the strong.

"Saviour, we're back." Linlin and Lili said sweetly as they dragged Chu Feng with them.

Chu Feng was seething with rage. So many innocent people were killed. He saw those bodies burning to the ground as they walked here.

"Ah, just the one who I wanted to see… what's your name again?" Alex said as he saw a rather good looking guy behind the twins.

"His name is Chu Feng." Answered Lili.

"That's the one! I had completely forgotten his name." After hearing his name, Alex remembered that this was indeed the MC of this world.

"What do you want from m-"

"Sleep." Alex touched Chu Feng's forehead and forced him to sleep. It was his invasion ability that did the trick.

Chu Feng fell to the ground face first. He cannot wake up until Alex lets him.

"Flaws." Alex muttered.

{Chu Feng}

{First flaw: There is a hidden Asura spirit in his spirit world. One can only enter this part of his body with his consciousness or soul.}

{Second flaw: He is WAY too ċȯċky for his own good.}

{Third flaw:...}

Alex examined him, and found just one thing that he wanted, the Asura spirit. As for his bloodline, it wasn't even worth mentioning. Alex had something much better than a divine bloodline, a system.

Alex remembered a little bit about Eggy. But he bȧrėly even knew her in the light novel.

"System, how can I meet the Asura spirit from his body?"

{I do have a method, you should buy the books of soul Oracles from the {Library of Heaven's path shop" and also the spirit awakening books.}

"Soul oracles… of course! Buy me the books of all the soul oracles and spirit awakeners, from 1-star to 9-star."

{That will amount to 1.8M}

"I'll take it."

Then a mountain of books appeared before Alex. He touched all of them and read them all in an instant, never underestimate his fast reading ability.

Now, Alex became a 9-star soul oracle and a 9-star spirit awakener.

"Now, let's see what's inside your body, Chu Feng."

{God, don't make it sound gay}

Ignoring bluescreen, Alex entered Chu Feng's body. Inside, there was a large room which was very spacious and decorative.

"Hey, who goes there?!" A lovely voice was heard coming behind Alex.

Alex saw a huge, egg. He was wondering why Chu Feng called her Eggy in the first place, now he remembered.

"Wait a minute? Do all spirits come from eggs? It's just like that time with Steven…" Alex remembered something he did not want to remember.

"Who are you?" The egg said again.

"Question: If I were to cook you right now, will you become delicious to eat?" Alex said.

"W-what?" Eggy was confused by his question.

"I mean, you're an egg. And eggs are meant to be eaten."

"What?! I am a powerful spirit! Not some egg."

"I don't know. The last time I met a mysterious egg, things didn't go so well for me." Alex thought of the problems Steven had caused him from the very first world he teleported to.

Like the time the dragons, and Su Han had imprisoned him all for having Steven as his pet.

Alex picked up the giant egg, and began shaking it furiously and spinning it. He did it mostly for the lolz.

"Stop that! I'm getting dizzy…" Eggy felt like she was in a roller coaster because of Alex's shaking.

"Blue screen, how exactly do I extract her powers to strengthen my demonic energy?" Alex asked.

{There is only one way, to snatch her Asura energy and take it for your own. Of course, that would also kill her}

"Hmm… that sounds reasonable." Alex went into deep thought. To kill or not to kill…

He was never really fond of Eggy, mostly because he has seen her for only a measly 2-3 pages.


Then, Alex stopped and placed the egg on the ground.

"Okay, Eggs. Here is the deal: What do you have to offer me?" Alex asked seriously. He said Eggs on purpose.


"I could kill you, and eat scrambled eggs right now. So, I need to know what you have to offer me to let you live?"

"If you can release me, I will tell you." Eggy said.

"Fair enough." After reading the flaws of the giant egg, Alex lightly tapped on it and he broke the egg in two.

Out of the egg, came out a girl. It was a youthful girl with white skin like winter snow yet a rosy ŀustre was emitted on the skin. With a glance, one could tell that her skin was so smooth and it really made people want to have a feel.

"Freedom!" Eggy cried out in joy.

But, Alex instead of being fazed by her beauty, he merely just yawned. He was immune, like a great sage.

"You!" Eggy said angrily. Is that how one would react upon seeing her? Just yawn?

"What?" Alex did not know why she was angry.

"Hmph!" Eggy pouted.

"Well… what do you have to offer me to let you live?"

"I am pretty strong. And I am an Asura spirit?"

"Really? An Asura spirit?" Alex feigned a shocked face.

"That's right. This Queen is an Asura, from the legends." Eggy stuck out her ċhėst out of pride. There was even a cheeky smile on her face.

"I don't care if you are the last Asura thing on earth, just tell me what your worth is?"

"How dare you! Do you know how many people would be shocked to have met an Asura spirit like me?" Eggy was getting pissed at him.

"Does it look like I care?" Alex said with a poker face.

"Take this!" Eggy ran up to him with the goal to punch him and make him suffer.

But, to her surprise, Alex blocked her fist with his hand, twisted her arm and her body, and spanked her ȧss loud enough that it echoed throughout the room.

"Ow!" Eggy cried out in pain. Alex did not hold back.

"Respect your elders, kid." Alex let go of her hand.

"You!" Eggy was fuming with rage. She just got spanked. That was the most humiliating thing anyone has done to her.

What was worse was that it was done by a kid she didn't know.

"If I didn't have my cultivation restrained, then the one who would be spanked would be you!" Eggy angrily said as she rubbed her buŧŧȯċks.

"Oh really? Are you really strong?" Alex asked curiously.

"Why yes. I could drag you around the room like a mop."

"Well… let's see if that is true." Alex appeared in front of her, and touched her belly with his finger. Then, all of a sudden, Eggy's cultivation rose from Spirit realm 1 to Martial ancestor 1.

Eggy just skipped 8 entire cultivation realms. This was her true power.

(It was never mentioned what her cultivation was before it was sealed. Maybe it was mentioned but forgot… I dunno.)

"Ahahaha! My power is back." Eggy rejoiced. Her sealed power came back to her.

But, Alex was disappointed.

"Only a Martial Ancestor? That's it? Seriously?"

"I will show you just how terrifying an Asura spirit of my power is!" Eggy ran up to him again, this time quicker and stronger than before. This time her black flames engulfed her body and the entire room.

"Bankai…" Alex's surroundings burned brightly that it even made Eggy's black flames disperse from the intense heat.

"What?" Eggy did not expect that at all, and she retreated.

But, then a hand touched her shoulder.

"Cut the crap. I don't like wasting time." Alex threatened her, which made Eggy very afraid of him.

"What do you want from me?" She asked after dispersing her flames.

"I just asked you that a few times already. What do you have to offer me?"

"I… I can provide you with information." She said.

"Of what?"

"Anything that I know of. Which is a lot."

"Hm… interesting. Do you know where I can find more Asura spirits like you?" Asked Alex.

"Like me?" Eggy asked.

"Yes. You see, I need to kill and absorb the energy of an Asura spirit. And luckily for me… I happened to find you." Alex said with an evil smile.

Eggy took several steps back out of fear. What Alex said just now wasn't a joke, he was serious about every word he said.

"I… I can't tell you where another Asura spirit is, but if we ever run into one, I will be able to detect them!" Eggy said.

Alex looked at her seriously. Eggy was nervous. Never has she been afraid of a human before.

"Very well. From now on, you will be our guide. Nice to meet you, Eggy." Alex extended his hand.

"My name is not Eggy. Call me Milady Queen."

"Eggy suits you better. After all, you did come out of a giant, black egg."

"I don't like that name!"

"You'll get used to it. Now, before we leave this place, you must tell me some stuff…"

After chatting for a while, Alex realized that Eggy could indeed travel in the real world without needing the help of anybody. Which was a huge relief for him. Alex did not want to become a spiritualist, as it wasn't his style.

She requires source energy to help her cultivated. Which is like a lamer version of eating souls.

Eggy had plans to escape from Alex, but Alex merely smiled. If Eggy ever went back on her word she will turn to stone by the Commandment of truth.

They both appeared in the real world. Mihawk and the others were shocked to see Eggy pop out of nowhere.

Eggy first inhaled deeply as she smelled that air filled with death, fire, charred corpses. It felt just like home to her.

"Ah… it's been so long since I have been outside… who are you people?" Eggy noticed Linlin and the others.

"Eggy, these people are my friends. Linlin, Lili, Mihawk, Steven and Madara, meet Eggy, she will be our guide to this world."

"Nice to meet you." Linlin and Lili were the first to bow. As for the others, they just stood there doing nothing.

Eggy saw how beautiful the twins are, and they were as beautiful as her. Eggy was shocked because she was sure that nobody would match her beauty in this world.

Linlin and Lili also admitted in their hearts that Eggy was very attractive as well.

"Saviour, how much did you tell her about us?" Linlin asked him through telepathy.

"Not much. She isn't a Commandment (yet). She will be very useful to us for now. Until then, just treat her like anybody else."

Alex had no reason to treat Eggy like someone important to him. They had just met, and it would be weird if he started treating Eggy better than the rest.

Alex did not know her character well either. Is she evil? Was she smart? Was she actually a criminal mastermind? He was wary of her.

But, if in the future, she can prove to be someone he can trust, then maybe she can be a Commandment just like them.

But, that would be left for the future. Right now, he needs to accomplish his 2 main missions, killing Chu Feng and gathering 1,000,000,000 SP worth of souls.

And right as this moment, Chu Feng was still unconscious on the ground before him, just waiting to be killed.

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