Killer Of MC's

Chapter 62 - Immortal Execution Archipelago

Alex made sure to record every single book in the library. It was filled with countless books about mostly everything, like history, theories, combat styles. Whatever book he saw he would record it down in his Library of Hell's path.

"What exactly are you doing?" Eggy asked unsure what he was doing. In her eyes, all she saw him do was touch every single book while muttering something to himself.

"I have an ability that let's be record books by merely touching them." Alex didn't hide it, it would be even weirder if he said something else.

"That sounds like a stupid ability." Eggy said.

"Eggy, you have no idea just how useful this ability of mine can be. Knowledge is power after all."

Take Nie Li for example, he only became that in his world OP because of all the countless books he read in his past life. (TODAG reference)

"I won't deny that, as knowledge is indeed very valuable. But wouldn't learning other stuff be more important? Like world spiritists, martial skills, or something else."

"Martial skills…" Alex knew what martial skills were, they were like skills that gave a user extraordinary power if they are able to grasp that skill.

Of course there are ranks for those skills, the higher it is the harder it is to cultivate and grasp it.

Although those skills are useless to Alex, it wouldn't hurt to record those skills in his Library of Hell's path. And who knows, it could end up helping him a lot in the future.

After recording every single book available in the library, Alex finally said, "Okay, Eggy. Follow me." Alex walked towards a specific area.

"Where are we going?"

"To what I originally came here for, to kill." Alex said as he let out a terrifying aura that made the people near him fear him.

Eggy did not know why Alex would suddenly want to kill, but Alex had a good reason.

After reading through most of the books he recorded in his library, Alex found something rather interesting.

There was a powerful family called 'Immortal Execution Archipelago' they are the overlords of this part of the continent.

After figuring out that they were ȧssholes, and also had decent cultivation realms, Alex decided to pay them a visit. He knew of their location by reading through the maps of the library and got to use his Hell's path Geography art.

There was no doubt that the infinity stones will be his greatest trump card after buying all of them. Though they were out of his reach at the moment, he will soon collect them all.

And the Immortal Execution Archipelago would be his first stepping stone to achieve greatness.

Alex extended his fairy wings and flew at a great speed, leaving Eggy behind to try and catch up to him.

"Wait! You're going too fast!" Eggy used her full speed but still found it hard to catch up to him.

"Oh god… very well then." Alex slowed down his speed to match Eggy's.

Eggy relaxed as Alex slowed down a bit for her sake. During the time they flew, Eggy got to see Alex's face from up close.

He looked young, as least younger than her. He had handsome features as well as a well developed body. His white hair also made him look unique, as most young people have only black hair or brown, blonde, it depends.

Alex noticed her eyes on him, but ignored her. He admitted that other than the twins, Eggy was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but he did not feel anything for her.

After flying for a while, Alex and Eggy finally made it to their destination.

It was in the middle of a luxurious town, making it stand out from other buildings.

"There are about 100,000 people residing in this town alone. 2000 live inside the castle and those are the most powerful ones." Alex extended his senses to the maximum.

"Are you a world spiritist?" Eggy asked. Even she could not sense all those people in such a short amount of time.

"Why would you ask me that?"

"World spiritists have also great detection skills."

"Ah… no I am not a world spiritist." Alex knows what a world spiritist is, but that occupation did not fit to his liking at all.

"Oh… well as it turns out, this Queen here is a world spirit, and I am also-"

"Yes, I know that you are very smart when it comes to formations, pill refining, and you have a mysterious background that I already figured out. You also have a sibling and 2 parents from the Asura world. You are strong, but compared to the real experts of the Asura realm, your skills are so-so."

"Not only that, but you were captured by Chu Feng's mom and sealed inside his body until he became old enough to use spirit energy and form a contract with you." Alex said annoyed, he already knew everything from Eggy from reading her mind and also from his Library of Hell's path.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes! It does!"

"Eggy, I came here to kill people, not to listen to whatever cliche background you have, or whatever skills you possess." Alex said.

While ignoring Eggy, he extended his finger and shot out a strong, dark energy beam right at the center of the castle.

Alex made sure to hold back a little bit, just to not kill everyone yet. Otherwise if their bodies were to disintegrate before him, then getting their souls would be problematic for Alex. And gathering souls was the main reason why Alex was here.

Though some people died from his cero, it was a valid sacrifice.

"What the fuċk!!!" Several people from the Immortal Execution Archipelago cried out.

They were just having a good time torturing their slaves, raping them, discussing plans to kill or plunder other villages, until a part of their castle had been destoyed.

They were all in a confused state, until they saw or sensed two people floating above their castle.

"Yes." Alex didn't deny it.

"Die you bastard!" The same old man, who had a cultivation of Martial lord 5, flew up to Alex with the intend to kill him on the spot.

But, Alex merely saved his hand and the old man was cut in half perfectly.

Alex cladded his hand in haki, and it could be said to be as strong as an armament weapon if used correctly.

Alex got his soul and ate it. Eggy grabbed the old man's body and absorbed his profound energy, she did the same thing to the Blind Old man from last chapter.

The people from the Immortal Execution Archipelago saw in horror how one of their elders was cut in half.

"He dares to attack our sect! Everyone fly up to him and kill him right now!" A young man, commanded everyone from his sect.

This young man was a villain for Chu Feng, Murong Xun. He is the one who was engaged to Zi Ling and some other useless girl that everyone forgot already.

Everyone knew who Murong Xun was. And though they feared Alex, but they feared Murong Xun more.

"Let me take care of this." Eggy summoned out her black flames, and covered a huge portion of those people with her flames, killing them.

"Don't disintegrate their bodies. I will need their souls for my own benefit." Alex said with a frown. Her flames turned their bodies into a state where even their skin was gone, as if it had been ripped out cleanly.

"I know that."

And their bodies plopped to the ground like flies.

"Oh my god! What kind of power is that?!" Several of them cried out in horror. Those two people before them were brutally killing people from their sect in the most brutal manner.

Murong Xun was a bit surprised at first, but looking at Eggy from a close distant, he was more shocked and stunned by her beauty.

He is engaged to two beauties who could rival any other woman in this land. But, Eggy clearly outranked Zu Ling and Ya Fei in terms of beauty and cultivation.

Murong Xun could care less about the lives of his people. He was more interested in killing Alex and torturing Eggy in every sėxuȧŀ way he could think of.

Eggy and Alex noticed Murong Xun's ŀustful gaze upon her. It was surprising that he could have such thoughts even though they were about to die.

Although he knew they were strong, he couldn't sense their cultivation. He thought that they might be Martial lord 9 or might have a special treasure that hid their cultivation. But, if he would take them by surprise, he could possibly defeat them both.

Upon taking a closer inspection on Eggy, he knew why they were so powerful, it was because Eggy was an Asura spirit.

At that moment Murong Xun had an idea, kidnap Alex and force Eggy to be his slave.

It was clear that they had some deep relationship, and if he were to kidnap one of them and use them as a hostage, he would win.

"We just came to destroy your sect. No reason other than your sect are a bunch of ȧssholes." Alex responded. If he could read his thoughts, he would be on the ground laughing.

"What?" Murong Xun asked. What kind of stupid reason is that?

(It isn't a stupid reason at all)

"Like I said, today your sect will crumble before my hand."

"I would like to see you try." Murong Xun quickly took out his Royal Armament, which was his Silver Dragon Spear.

He thrusted hard towards Alex with full intention of killing him.

No matter how strong Alex is, there is no way he can dodge or even counter a surprise attack from someone with a Martial Lord 8 realm. That is what he thought.

But, Alex covered his two fingers in haki and blocked his attack easily. It created a strong force of wind around them.

Murong Xun was shocked speechless. His attack was blocked at a close distance with merely two fingers.

It was something completely unheard of in the Eastern Sea region.

Murong Xun is known as the strongest genius in the Eastern Sea Region. Many people considered him as a powerful god, but now he was no more than a weakling before Alex.

"This spear is a shame compared with my Chastiefols." Alex used his fingers and broke his spear in 2.

Royal Armaments are not only powerful, but extremely resilient to attacks of any kind. They are technically unbreakable. And Alex had just broke one with his fingers.

"How can you break a Royal Armament?!" Murong Xun cried in shock.

"If I were you, I would be more worried about your life than some weak weapon." Alex drove his hand though Murong Xun's ċhėst and through his heart.

Murong Xun felt a terrible pain, then died seconds later. During those few seconds, he got to know what god really was, and one was standing right in front of him.

Alex got his soul and ate it.

Then he turned to face the cultivators before him. Some of them had even shat their pants. How they wished they wore brown pants at the moment.

Some tried to flee but Alex controlled his Chastiefol and killed those ones first.

Alex wasn't worried about their souls leaving their bodies. Blue screen told him that once a person dies, it takes about 8 hours for the soul to leave the body and travel to heaven or hell.

Seeing that there was no escape, the disciples knelt before Alex on the ground below him as they trembled in fear.

"Please don't kill us!"

"Please don't! I have a family to take care of, children to feed."

"I just got married."

Several of them pleaded to Alex and made up some half-ass excuse to spare their lives.

But, some of them lied to him and were turned to stone in an instant. Seeing their friends turning to stone made them ALL shit their pants.

"What happened there?" Eggy asked. She was surprised to see those people turn to stone, and even their profound energy was gone.

"Nothing that concerns you. That reminds me, under no circumstances, must you lie in my presence, or you will end up like them." Alex descended down before those useless people.

Eggy was confused but took his words by heart. It was clear that those disciples and elders turning to stone was his doing.

None of the disciples nor elders muttered a word. They feared they might end up dying or turning to stone.

About a minute ago, they were a powerhouse sect who were feared by everyone in the Eastern Sea Region. But, now they were cowering and kneeling before a man.

"Listen all of you! I need every single one of you to answer me: Do all of you wished to be spared?!" Alex said loudly.

"Yes!" They all said. Who doesn't want to live? (Other than suicidal people, but they're weird.)

"If I were to let you go right now, will that make you happy?" Alex said.


"Do you have any thoughts of revenge? Do any of you hate me? Do any of you want to make me kneel before you like I am doing to all of you?" Alex said.

They all hesitated for a second, before responding "NO!"

But then they all turned to stone, every single one of them. Not a single person from the powerful sect remained in flesh.

"That's what I thought." Alex smiled. Using the Commandment of truth can be fun at times. Too bad Galand wasn't smart enough to use this Commandment like the way Alex was.

"Seriously, how did you do that?" Eggy asked again.

"Do you really want to know?" Alex asked.


"I would tell you, but you're not part of my group. Once I have deemed you worthy of being a part of my group, I will tell you. Until then, shut up!" Alex collected the souls from the Immortal Execution Archipelago.

"Damn you!" Eggy was getting annoyed of his attitude. She was about to attack him, but stopped in her tracks.

"Do you want another spanking?" Alex extended his hand and cladded it in haki.

"Damn!" Eggy could only swallow her pride. She wished to tear him apart piece by piece. But the tingly sensation from her buŧŧȯċks was still lingering.

"I thought so." Alex smirked. He proceeded to eat all of those delicious souls and fill up his power level.

((Alexander Anderson 53,820,000))

Eating those souls increased his power level by over 1 million. If he went to the Holy land of Martialism, where various powerful people resided, he could increase his power by another few million.

But, the amount of people he needs to kill is astronomical. It's like Chu Feng, he needed a lot of cultivation resources to increase his cultivation realms. But Alex needs powerful souls to increase his power.

Eggy started to pout, as she realized that she couldn't absorb the profound energy of the people Alex turned to stone.

"Damn him!" Eggy kicked the stone statues and shattered them to pieces. It helped vent her anger.

"..." Alex smiled at her cute act. She might be proud at most times, but she acted quite childish.

"Come on, we have other sects to raid." Alex said, but was stopped by Eggy.

"Wait! Have you forgotten something else?"

"Forget what?"

"The treasury! Surely this sect must have accumulated some taboo martial skills or powerful treasures." Eggy smacked her face, it was strategy 101 to take their spoils of war after destroying a sect. And Alex had almost forgotten about it.

"Oh… right." Alex almost forgot about that. After that, they raided the treasury vault and found some martial skills, cultivation resources, and so on.

The Martial skills were now imprinted in Alex's library. If he could accumulate enough of those books, wouldn't he make an original skill?

There were various skills that exceeded 1000 but they were mostly low ranked skill books.

But, as soon as they were taking their spoils of war, something had happened.


A large sound, like a million bombs went off and resounded through the land.

The ground shook violently for a moment, before coming to a complete stop.

"The hell was that?" Alex flew up to find the source of that noise, but he couldn't see anything abnormal.

But, he felt something happening around the area, almost like time and space was being disturbed by something powerful, even more powerful than him.

However, it only lasted for a few seconds. It came as it left.

"The hell was that?" Alex wanted to know. He tried to ask bluescreen, but there was no answer.

Eggy sensed the same thing, and she became a little worried.

-Back with Lili and Linlin.

Linlin and Lili had spent some time studying under the old man, and successfully forged their very first armament.

Though it was merely an Elite Armament, it still brought joy to them because it was the first weapon they ever forged.

The old man merely smiled at their accomplishments. He already got used to not getting shocked by their accomplishments.

He wouldn't be surprised if they could forge a Royal Armament at the moment. Though they do need some more rare ores for that to happen.

"Here." Linlin and Lili walked up to the old man and handed him their weapons.

"What?" The old man was once again shocked. They were handing him their weapons to him?

"This is our thanks for helping us forge our weapons. Now that we have a clear grasp on how to make one, we can make a very powerful weapon for our Saviour." Linlin said.

The old man wanted to return those weapons at first, but after hearing that this was their way of saying thanks, the old man held onto those weapons tightly.

"Such nice young ladies. It's pretty rare for such young youngsters to appear in this time and day." The old man felt tremendous joy, if it were anyone else, they wouldn't be generous enough to give out Elite Armaments for free.

Linlin and Lili smiled. If only the old man knew their real age. Compared to him, he was a newborn.

"Bye." They left to gather rare materials and forge two knives for Alex.

The old man waved goodbye to them.

"Such nice young ladies indeed…" He chuckled to himself alone.

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* The same sound was heard from their location. It startled them as much as Alex was startled.

Linlin and Lili flew up to see anything abnormal, but they too could not see anything abnormal. They only sensed time and space being like distorted or something.

No one knew what had happened.

The same went for Madara, Mihawk and Steven.

-Back in Naruto.

Hinata was crying tears, as she knelt and wept in front of her friend's tombstones.

After the end of the ninja war, they all were happy that they had won. But, Hinata upon seeing Naruto's corpse, as well as Neji's and even her own family, she started to cry.

Only her sister, Hanabi, survived. As well as the normal citizens.

Hinata was now in charge of Konoha. As literally everyone from the other elemental nations, except the civilians, were all dead.

Linlin had used her speed and stole their souls when Alex brought them there.

Hinata grieved for the death of her friends for many days.


That was when everyone in the Elemental Nations heard that loud noise. It startled them all but they did not know what it was. Some thought it was an enemy attack.

-Back in Nanatsu no Taizai.

After Alex had left that world, Melascula had taken over that world using her demonic powers. She enslaved humanity as she had always dreamed.


The same thing happened there, that noise…

-Back in One Piece.

Boa Hancock was smiling. When she heard that Lu Linlin and Lu Lili had killed most of the Celestial Dragons, she was happy.

She missed those twins, and wondered when they would visit her again. Boa Hancock had completely forgotten about the existence of Luffy, as did everyone else in the world.


Her cup that she was drinking shook uncontrollably, and it stopped seconds later. Hancock thought it was an enemy attack that caused that sound, but there was nothing wrong.

"Strange. Where did that noise come from?" She asked herself.

-Dragon King's son-in-law world.

Zhen Congming was bored out of his mind. Even months after Alex and the twins disappeared, his mother kept protecting him from people that might want to harm him.

Everybody still looked for the immortal being, but after a while, nobody could find it or Alex anywhere. It was as if he had disappeared from the face of the Earth.

"I miss my friends…"


The ground shook violently before coming to a complete stop.

His mother's first reactions was to protect her son and she grabbed him. But, after sensing nothing abnormal, she relaxed a little.

"Mom, what was that just now?" Zhen Congming asked.

"I don't know…" Lady Zhen bit her thump. She has seen many abnormal things, but this one was something that she couldn't understand.

-Back in Hell with Satan.

After some time, Satan came back to his beloved home.

"You're back." A young lady came to his side and took his coat.

"Blue, long time no see." Satan smiled upon seeing her. He had missed her all this time. It might seem like a short amount of time has passed, but Satan was gone for many years.

"Ehehehe." Blue ran up to him and hugged him.

"Is there anything worth reporting about Alex?" Satan carried her princess style and laid her on the bed.

"After you left, he went to the One Piece world, and is now at the Martial God Asura world."

"Martial God Asura? Why would he go there?"

"He wanted the Marvel system, and therefore he randomly ended up in MGA."

"Ah, I see." Satan chuckled. He knew that the world Alex was in was a big one, filled with countless souls that could easily exceed the population of Earth.


Satan and Blue heard and felt that loud explosion. They stood up quickly out of reflex.

"Time and space are being distorted?" Satan could very well sense that loud explosion, and it wasn't an ordinary explosion.

"Not only that, it even affected all the other worlds." Blue said.

"Can you find the source of that explosion?"

"No… Strange… what could cause something that big and powerful that could affect time and space?" Blue said a bit worried.

Blue was actually Blue Screen, but in the flesh. They were both different gods, but that would be mentioned much later.

"Blue, I am afraid that I will need to visit my brother again. Clearly this isn't a matter that should be ignored." Satan picked up his coat and stormed out of his house.

After that matter, Alex went back as if nothing had happened. If he couldn't inspect where that thing came from, then what was the point in worrying about it?

And that is how the Ten Commandments went on a killing spree across the world. Until the Heavenly road would open again and it would lead them to another world where stronger people resided,

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