Killer Of MC's

Chapter 81 - Introduction

Meruem munched on a human arm with full delight. Behind him, were not only the remaining bones of the Phantom Troupe members, Franklin and Shizuku, but several other nen users who were hired to protect the area. The number of skeletons was more than a dozen.

Meruem did not care if one was evil or good. Does a human care if a chicken, cow, or pig were evil or good in their life? Do they care if they had family or children when they die?

If all humans did really care, then there would be no KFC, no Mcdonalds in the world. That alone would be a hell of its own.

It should be no surprise that Meruem sees most humans as livestock, the only exception are Komugi, Alex, Netero and others..

"That's enough, for now." Meruem sat on the ground with a full belly. He rested his chin on his hand and thought of something. He was bored and had nothing to do.

Right now, he would be playing Gungi with Komugi. Even after playing Gungi with Alex for over 1000 years, Meruem did not believe that he has improved in his gungi skill by a lot. In order to beat her, he needs to play with the best there is. The bad thing is Komugi IS the best gungi player in the whole world… no, in the entire multiverse.

To make matters worse, gungi does not exist anywhere else besides his world. Gungi is a game that was created by the author of HxH. Meaning that unless if another person wanted to get sued, they will never add gungi into their work.

As much as Meruem wants to see Komugi again, he will not until he has fully paid his debt to Alex. Besides, if he were to visit her right now, it will be very hard for him to leave her again.

"What to do… what to do…"

An idea popped into his head. He stood up.

"I guess I will introduce myself to the other 'Commandments' Anderson mentioned." He jumped up high, spread his wings and flew straight to Madara and the others.

Taking advantage of that, he will introduce himself to the group. He is actually hoping to fight them, and compare himself with them in terms of power, speed, etc.


Alex flew to the twins' location. He dropped into a store because the twins were inside said store. Looking through the glass, he saw them both in a shop where they sold baby clothes, baby accessories, toys, and so on.

Linlin and Lili were both picking out stuff for their future children. It looked like they were having a good time. They even made cute remarks when they looked just how small the babies clothes were. Everyone else had already left when the Phantom Troupe attacked the city.

They had no idea that Alex was outside because they were too focused on themselves.

Alex felt a tinge of warmth inside him. He knew that they loved him, which was especially obvious after they had confirmed their relationship.

He loved them too.

Alex examined the baby shoes on display, and just thought how small and cute they were.

"Children… that idea actually brings a smile to my face." He smiled at the idea of having children. But, he was also worried for some reason.

"You do know that pedophiles receive the harshest punishments in hell, right?" Satan finally appeared after so long.

"Satan? You were gone for WAY too long." Alex actually was happy that he saw Satan again.

"I had to visit my brother, bluescreen probably told you that already."

There was a moment of silence. Alex just kept watching how the twins were having such a great time on the baby store.

Satan noticed a hint of worry in Alex's eyes. He smiled as he knew what he was thinking.

"There is nothing to worry about, Alexander, you will be a great father and husband." Satan comforted Alex for the first time.

"I keep telling myself that, but the truth is I don't know how to do that. If I did have children, how will they react when they hear about all the things we have done?"

"You're worried? Please, the one who should be worried is me."

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Alex.

"When I met the love of my life, I had no idea what to do. I am also a killer, then again I am the Devil, I am all the evil things in one person. I did not know how I was gonna spend my life with her with all the horrible things I had done. Compared to me, you're a saint...ish. I am so glad I married her."

"Wait? You're married?!" This is one of the rare times that Alex was shocked.

"I have been for the longest time. Sadly, we cannot have children due to… reasons."

"Let me guess, erectile dysfunction?"

"Yes- NO! Nothing like that!"

"You're gay?"

"I am actually bi." Satan responded casually.

"Figures. Wait..."

"It's because my wife cannot have kids because she is not human… her kind cannot reproduce." Satan quickly added.

"That sucks, man."

"Yes and no. But that hasn't stopped us from having LOTS of good moments on the bed, streets, vehicles-"

{Will you stop telling others about OUR personal moments!}

"Yes, hon."

There was another moment of awkward silence.

"... is bluescreen…" Alex could not find the words to finish his sentence.

"Bluescreen is my wife. Her name is actually Sou."

"You… married a box."

"She can manifest into a human form. And let me tell you, she is HOT!"

"Ah… I honestly did not expect that at all."

{We know}

"What I don't understand is how you two met? And how you two got married?" Alex could not piece that part together.

"Guess. Here is a hint: You are the second one to use the soul system."

Alex thought about it for a moment…

"Satan… you were the first user of the soul system?"

"Ding ding ding ding!"

"Okay… I kinda half expected that, to be honest." Alex was not as surprised as he thought he would be.

"Yes, Alex. I am the first user of the soul system."

{You see, Alex. Satan worked alone for the longest time, he did not want to make a group like the Ten Commandments, because he had a hard time trusting people, except his brother}

{When we met, as first our feelings were neutral. But after spending time for so long, we fell in love. There is no law that goes against that. Although we cannot have children because of me, that hasn't stopped us from falling in love}

"Aw… so sweet. But, I heard that Satan had children from the stories I had heard."

"Oh that is just a bunch of lies created by you humans." Satan waved it off an non-important.

"Listen, Alex, I will give you relationship advice, there is no one who can give you better advice than me. We are as old as time itself." Satan grabbed his shoulders firmly.

Alex listened attentively.

"Carve these words into your mind, like a scar: Happy wife, happy life. That is all, goodbye."

Satan left in a flash. He only came back to Alex to check up on him. He was glad to see he was doing very well.

"But… I needed advice on children!"

{Yeah… we have no children… so we cannot give you any advice on that. But you better listen to what Satan has to say about that, because it's true}


Alex pretended like that never happened. He just focused on what was in front of him. The children part will happen much later.

"Happy wife happy life… or in my case, happy wives happy live. Wise words."

He pictured himself being married and living a normal life… but nothing came out from being normal.

It was too late to live a normal life. He will just have to make do with what he has.

"Linlin… Lili… after we leave the world of Hunter X Hunter… let's get married." He said to himself.

"Saviour… is what you said true?" Two lovely and familiar voices came behind Alex.

Alex was paying attention to the store that he failed to notice Linlin and Lili behind him.

He spoke loud enough for the twins to hear him, and it wasn't his intention. But, now that they heard him he cannot back down.

On the other side of Bluescreen, Sou(bluescreen) and Satan were laughing to themselves. This was a part of their plan. They were the ones who distracted Alex long enough to not let him notice Linlin and Lili were right behind him. They acted as his wing man, because he needed that extra push.

Alex turned around, and saw their faces were even redder than a tomato. Even their ears were red.

"Linlin, Lili…" Alex collected his thoughts. He seemed cool and composed on the outside, but he was a total wreck on the inside.

'Oh god, what am I gonna do now. They heard me! Stay calm and breath… but I don't even have a ring with me… okay, happy wives happy life.'

He took a few breathes. He has never been so nervous in his life.

"Yes… Saviour." Even the twins were a total wreck on the inside.

'Was… was that a proposal? Isn't he moving too fast? But, we have been together for so long that it seems like the right time.' The twins thoughts were exactly the same word-per-word.

"Linlin… Lili…" Alex got on his knee and took each of their hands.

The twins' breathing became more apparent and faster. They saw this scene in books, and it can only mean one thing...

"I kneel before you two, feeling nothing but love and warmth. I have no diamond ring to offer, only my soul and love. Let our souls and love last together as long as our immortality, forever and never ending. A thousand years we have been together but the best is yet to be. And on this day, this special day, I ask of you, to spend the rest of your lives with me."

Alex said that with all his heart.


The twins started to cry from his proposal. It was tears of joy. They wiped their tears with their free hand.

"Yes. Let us spend the rest of our lives with you."

They launched into his embrace. The area was filled with warmth, joy and love.

Even though the entire city they are in was destroyed, that didn't ruin the mood at all.

The day finally came that the twins had been waiting for. As for Alex, he had no idea this is what he needed for so long.

Nothing could compare to this joyous feeling. Not even when he collected the infinity stones was he like this.

"I am sorry, you two, for keeping you waiting like this." Alex knew that the twins liked him all along, but never grew a pair of balls to do something about it. until today.

"It's okay, Saviour. We don't mind it." Linlin answered.

"Even if we had to wait another thousand years, we would have indeed done that if it took you that long to realize our love." Lili said as she hugged him harder.

Far away, Satan and Blue Screen were watching them.

"Are we the best wingmans or what?" Satan felt that Alexander deserved this and needed this. The twins were the perfect match for him.

"We sure are. High five." Bluescreen, who was in the form of a beautiful and attractive woman, reached out her hand to Satan and they high fived each other.

"I better go back. I just came back to check on Alex and you." Satan left in a flash leaving no trace of him behind.

Sou rolled her eyes and continued to observe Alex and the twins.

She smiled because it reminded her of her and Satan trillions of years ago. It might have been a long time, but her memory of their good times was still fresh on her mind.

While they were hugging tightly with one another, Alex was thinking, 'What the fuċk… am I gonna do from here?'

Satan's advice actually lodged deeply into Alex's brain. Even after living over 2000 years, and spending over half that time with the twins, nothing could prepare him for this, unless if he actually got some advice from an expert.


Mihawk and the others were contemplating on what they had just seen. Someday, they don't know when, but they will fight an enemy they can't win.

O has explained to them that there is no other path to take. Even after looking at 14 million different futures, they still had zero chance against whoever he is.

They surprisingly got over this news quickly, and accepted it. Except Eggy who was still hysterical about it.

Mihawk leaned on a tree and calmly waited for Alex. Madara used Steven's soft fur of his sides to rest his head.

"What the hell? Did you all just forget what you saw? We cannot win against this Rex character. And all of you are acting as if it were nothing! We were literally almost KILLED by him!" Eggy could not keep her emotions in check.

"The life of a pirate is filled with dangers, Eggy. Once you set sail for an adventure, you better be prepared to sail for death." Mihawk said.

"We are not pirates!" Eggy angrily retorted.

"You're right. The life of a ninja is filled with dangers, that is always lurking in the shadows waiting for the perfect moment to strike you. If you die, then that means that you were not strong enough to counter death." Madara said.

"We are not ninjas either!" Eggy loudly retorted.


"I have no idea what you just said, but no!" Eggy was fuming with anger. She did not want to die.

"It makes me question why Anderson recruited somebody as annoying as you." Mihawk got annoyed at her.

"It's because her Commandment fits her pretty face… that is just about it."

"Ah." Mihawk learned something new today.

"Stop saying that I am useless!" That last line of Madara's always hit her in the worst way.

Eggy is an Asura spirit from the MGA world, and anyone in her universe would kill their own families to form a contract with her, literally. Not to mention her beauty as well is something that any man would want to have for themselves.

But both her beauty and power mean nothing to the Commandments. Out of everyone in the group, her power level is the weakest. Her beauty cannot compare to Linlin and Lili anymore.

"You guys do know that you were weaker than me when you first met me." Eggy said that in order to gain some of her confidence and pride back.

"That is true, but not anymore. Stop living in the past, that doesn't matter." Madara said nonchalantly.

O was just there all quiet. He enjoying this scene for some reason.

"Hm?" They all noticed a presence coming at them at a rapid speed.


A dark figure, with a tail, came up to them slowly. It was obviously Meruem.

"Isn't that?" Madara, Mihawk, Eggy and Steven recognized the man in front of him, not due to his aura of the Commandments, but because he was one of the figures that dies beside them in their vision.

This made them all realize that their ending was getting closer than they thought.

"My name is Meruem. I am the 8th Commandment." Meruem introduced himself in a normal manner. He isn't that familiar with them, so it wasn't necessary to act like they were friends.

It isn't usual to accept a new Commandment as a friend immediately after joining the group. But since they know that Meruem was gonna be with them in the future, it made no difference if they got to know him.

Mihawk and Madara didn't come to friendly terms at first during the world of Martial God Asura. But after years of fighting together and each other, they were strangers no longer.

"My name is Dracule Mihawk, I am the 6th Commandment."

"I am Madara Uchiha, the 5th Commandment."

"Eggy and I am the 7th."


"You're the fourth Commandment." Meruem understood Steven.

"Wait? You know what he said?" Mihawk asked surprised.

"I am half-insect and half-human. Therefor I can also communicate with other species." Meruem replied casually.

Eggy and the rest could naturally not speak in Steven's language, so they actually never got what he said.

The Chimera ants were made up of various other species, not just humans and bugs. Like Lions, tigers, cheetahs, birds, etc.

The Commandments examined him, and he did resemble a human, but not much like an ant. He did have antennas, but that was all.

"Out of all of you, who is the strongest, besides Anderson?" Meruem asked.

"That would be the twins." Madara responded.

"I only meant between just the four of you." Meruem knew that the strongest in the group was Alex, and the ones after him are the twins. What he did not know is whom is the strongest between the other Commandments.

Meruem is not one that likes to compare himself with others, but he just wants to let off some steam.

After all the time in Purgatory, he has never landed a clear hit on Alex. He just wants to punch something a few times.

"That would be me." Madara.

"That would be me" Mihawk.

"Neigh." Steven.

They all said at the same time.

"What are you talking about, Mihawk? My ten tails chakra combined with my rinnegan abilities make me stronger than you."

"That was a few days ago. Now that I have mastered nen, I can say that I am just as strong as you are."


"He said that 'he's the strongest between you two.'" Meruem translated.

"I don't like where this is going." O said and took cover behind a tree.

"That's a great idea. Let's have a competition to decide who's the strongest." A voice ranged behind them.

It was Alex. Beside him were the twins holding his hands.

"Oh hell no!" Everyone but the twins and Meruem shouted in unison. They will never fight Alex because they know just how powerful he really is.

He is someone who can 'accidentally' destroy a whole universe and kill 99% of the entire population in it. As far as they know, not one of them has that kind of power.

But, far away, at the edge of the Dark Continent, someone was watching them. He just came out of the ocean and was dripping wet. Behind him, were the corpses of the giant sea serpents Madara and Eggy had killed.

"I want revenge for those two killing my family!" The figure roared in anger.

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