Killer Of MC's

Chapter 84 - One Punch Man

Alex woke up in bed nȧkėd. He stood up and rubbed his face as if he had forgotten something important. He noticed a weird scent in the room.

Turning beside him, were the twins also nȧkėd, but the bed sheets were covering their important areas. There were also two distinct red stains on the bed...

Alex remembered getting married yesterday, and losing his vɨrġɨnɨtƴ. It was a good night for them.

He might have been a bit too aggressive last night, but he blamed that on the wine they drank.

He left the room, took a shower and covered his body with his demonic energy. He kissed them both before leaving.

Right now he had no idea what to do. Alex wanted to clear his head and think things through.

When he left, the twins opened their eyes. They smiled and were clearly happy.

"Sis?" Lili reached out to her sister's hand.

"Yes, Lili?"

"I have never been so happy. Dreams do come true."

"They do."

Alex stared at the scene which was still filled with all the corpses and blood of dead cultivators. And also the rubble of buildings that were destroyed.

He activated his reality stone and turned every ounce of blood and every body to bubbles including the buildings. It was all clean as if nothing had ever happened.

{Hey, congrats Alex. You finally married the girls who have loved you for a thousand years. Not many MC's would say the same thing}

Alex only smiled, He was indeed very happy.

He remembered that weird vision he when he first gathered all infinity stones. He saw the twins and his children. He will never forget their faces.

But, that other vision of that glowing man making him feel so powerless, he will never forget about him.

"Blue Screen, I have an important question to ask."

"Do you know of anyone named 'Rex?'"

There was a moment of silence…

{Where did you hear that name?}

"Right before we left the Martial God Asura world I had a vision about him."

{It took you that long to mention his name to me?}

"I didn't think it was that important."

{Yeah, I know, it's our fault we should have told you about this some time ago actually}

"Can you tell me what or who he is?"

{I guess one could say that he is 'inevitable' he could be the very Thanos who will wipe out all existence, not just halfway but all the way}

"What do you mean?"

{Alex, do you know much about me?}

"Not really other than the fact that I buy stuff from you in exchange for souls."

{Okay, I am an existence that is older than God and Satan, I have been alive for far too long}

{And also, I am not the only system out there}

"I believe you did mention that but never told me about the other systems."

{I guess you are somewhat ready now so I will explain. Listen to what I have to say}

{I am the soul system, not surprising at all. But there are others with different systems as well}

{There are the fire system, insect system, sėx system, gravity system, all kinds really, like devil fruits}

{But, they are not as powerful as I am now because they had to 'restart' a long time ago}

"What do you by restart?"

{I'll explain it soon. More than trillions of years ago, there were over 2000 systems all as powerful as me. We lived together with the humans in perfect harmony, like how Pokemon and their trainers co-exist, something like that}

{But, then a war happened. Out of the 2000 systems that lived only 2 remained}

{The last 2 systems remaining were me, and another system called 'the Master system'"

{The Master system is right now the strongest of all systems}

{However, there is a sacred rule that we cannot kill or destroy, that is why we give our powers to humans}

"Wait, if you two only survived, then who were the other 2 system users?"

{Naturally, Satan and his brother survived, because Yahweh was the system user of the Master system}

Now Alex understood.

"But, what does restart mean and why can't you kill anybody?" He asked the same question.

{Now, to restart is like this: imagine that right now I am a video game character who is at level 100. But if I restart, I would have to literally restart to level 1 and lose all of my powers, literally restarting from the beginning like a video game}

{That is what restarting means, Alex. That is why you are the one doing the killing while offering their souls to me}

{We cannot die, either, we only restart}

{When we restart, we do not have the ability to travel to other universes, we also cannot have a human form. And it would pretty much limit our powers by a lot}

{But restarting doesn't mean we are stuck like that forever. It just means we just have to wait until we reach a certain point where we can become our final phase}

{When a system reaches their peak, we call it our 'final phase'}

"So, wait… there are still about 2000 system users somewhere in the Multiverse?"

{Yes. But right now, there are actually 6 systems who have achieved their final phases since then, including me and the Master}

{It is going much slower than I had thought}

"That still doesn't explain who or what Rex is."

{Okay… Rex is also a system, just like me}


{Before the Master system, Rex was the strongest of all systems and ruled the multiverse}

{He is the 'King system'}

Alex didn't know how to feel. To him, it felt like a cliche or something. Someone who names himself that 'king of something' is always a cliche.

{I don't know why, but Rex wanted to destroy the human race, and all life on the multiverse including the systems}

{He was our king, loved by all. The multiverse was literally at peace with each other all because of his work}

{But, he wanted to destroy the very thing he was protecting. And so we were left with no other choice but to seal him}

{We could not kill him because he was still too strong for us, and because he would just restart like any other system}

{We had him sealed up in a crack of the universe, somewhere that no one is meant to know or see}

{That way, he couldn't use his power}

{But it wasn't just him, his family also wanted to destroy all life}

"He had a family?" Asked a confused Alex.

{If there is a King system, then there is also a Queen system, Prince and Princess system. The royal systems is what they were called}

{We had them all sealed at different points of the multiverse because one seal wasn't enough to contain their power}

{But, we knew that one day they would escape and will bring ruin to the multiverse}

{It is fate, or simply inevitable}

{Does that answer what you wanted to know?}

"Sort of. If this Rex guy is going to escape his seal in the future, why don't you guys do something about it."

{You think we haven't tried? We keep adding seals to him, but they are just not as effective as they were before. We keep trying, but to no avail}

{The one who is trying his best to keep Rex in that seal is someone named 'G.' another system who achieved his final phase and is probably as strong as me, maybe, sorta. It depends}

Alex was surprised to hear that.

"Why is he called 'Rex?' not a fitting name for a villain."

{Why do you humans call the king of all dinosaurs 'T-Rex?' not a fitting name for a species who can swallow ȧduŀts like pills}

"That… is a good question."

{It's because the name 'Rex' translates to 'King' in Latin}

{And yes, Latin is the one language spoken by us from long ago, But we had long adapted to English and other languages}

"Oh… neat."

{What else did you see in your vision?}

"I saw my children, a boy and a girl, Alexis and Lexi were their names."


"My daughter… she told me that I had to 'gather the rest and to fight the royal systems."

{Gather the rest? You mean the Commandment?}

"I thought so too, but no. Then there appeared 6 different lights telling me to gather the remaining system users to fight the royal systems."

Alex couldn't help but look at the infinity stones in his hand.

{What exactly did they say?}

"Find the one who his very name will make the Heaven's bleed, he shall sail the great blues and play the game!"

"Find the one who is heartless, and conquerors all he sees. For he shall restore the power of the powerful and dead race."

"Find the one who is renowned as the master of all strange weapons and techniques. Born and trained to kill. He mastered the ways of the mind."

"Find the one who has more than 1 live, for that will become his greatest power."

"Find the one who possesses the device to do anything."

"Find them…. And don't fail."

"That is what they said."

Blue Screen stood silent for a bit.

{Yes… they are all system users… but it should not be possible for them to know that}

"What do you mean?"

{One of the benefits of being a system or a system user, is that no one is able to see your future. No power on the multiverse is able to do that}

{Being a system user means that their future will always change and will never be set in stone. The future also changes because of them}

That is why O's power to see the future does not work on Alex. The same went for the Heavenly Mother, who could also see the future, but did not see when she will die, because Alex changed that future.

{Is that all you saw?}


{Very well. I will have to go deliver this information}

"Wait, you can't just leave. What if I have to buy something or need to travel to another world?"

{Don't worry, I will set myself to auto screen}

{It's like an AI will be talking to you instead of the real me. Only that she is more bland and will only follow basic commands}

{Meaning that you cannot have long chats like right now or do anything else but ask for system related powers}

{I'll be seeing you soon, Alex}

"Bye, Blue screen."

And just like that, Blue Screen left Alex on his own devices.

"Husband." The beautiful twins greeted Alex by kissing his cheeks.

Alex felt like the twins were more beautiful than before. He felt lucky to have them as his wives. But also felt dumb for waiting this long to marry them.

"Breakfast is ready." Linlin said.

"Okay." Alex let go of his worries and entered the building again where they had a delicious breakfast, with the Queen of the West also at the table.

Alex felt like this was a family. The wives taking care of the husband, while he provides for them and protects them. All they needed were children running around while playing with their food...

"Anderson." The Queen of the West said.

"Yes, Mother?" Even if they had just met yesterday, Alex called her 'mother' on purpose, because she is now his mother-in-law.

And also, she is a much, much better mother than Alex ever had. Someone like her deserves his respect.

"I never got the chance to thank you for bringing me back to life. When my soul was destroyed, I was sure that I wouldn't get resurrected. But here I am thanks to you."

She stood up and bowed to him out of gratitude.

"You don't have to bow. We are all family."

They all smiled because it was true. The twins and the Queen of the West were already family for many years, but now Alex is also a part of their family.

"Indeed, my daughters picked a great husband."

"Mom." Lili felt embarrassed.

"There is no reason to be shy, Chenyi. You are his wife and he is your husband."

"I know…" She was embarrassed but also happy.



"Do I expect any grandchildren anytime soon?"

The twins immediately blushed hard. They just thought about last night. Their legs were still weak and limb from last night's activities.

But Alex only smiled.

"Definitely." He answered.

"Good. I don't want to die again before that happens."

They both just started laughing, but the twins were still embarrassed.

The rest of the day was filled with warmth and joy. They all did feel like a great happy family.

But, they had to leave at one point. They still had other places to go to, things they have to do.

"Mom, I have an idea." Lili suddenly said. "Why don't you come with us?"

The Queen of the West merely smiled at her idea.

"I can't. I have many things to do here. As much as I would love to, I simply cannot. You three have a life ahead of you. I will simply be a burden if I travel with you."

Alex did not want to admit, but she was right. She might be a legend in this world but to Alex, she was weak, she did not fit as a Commandment.

The Queen of the West knows this as well, which is why she wants to stay here to bring back 9th heaven to how it was. She did not want to be a burden to her daughters or Alex.

"Ah. Sorry." Lili forgot about that fact, and sat down quietly. She was starting to get deep into the mood and wanted her mother to come with them.

There was nothing wrong with her idea, because anyone would bring their loved ones with them if they were going away for a long time.

But the Queen of the West will not be able to survive their world, which will not only endanger her life but the other Commandments as well.

"Lili, we will visit her as much as you want." Alex said that to comfort her. Happy wife happy life.

"Thanks, Husband." Lili felt better.

After that, they all hung out in that world for many days.

Alex helped rebuild 9th heaven to how it was originally, he only restored all the buildings which didn't take much effort.

He offered to help his mother-in-law even further, but she kindly refused him. She wanted to take things from here on out by herself.

Alex respected her decisions and let her be.

They spend an entire week with her. It also gave him an excuse to do more night activities with his wives during that week.

And now, they had to go back to the other Commandments.

"Bye, my daughters. Be safe." The Queen of the West pulled her daughters in a tight embrace.

"Please, take care of yourself, Mom." They all started to get teary eyed.

Alex stood their and let them take their time.

"Okay, time to go." The mother was the first one to let go and stepped back.

The twins walked to Alex's side and held his hands while not taking their eyes of their mother.

"There is nothing to worry about. I will protect them even if costs me everything." Alex said in a confident tone.

"I know. It's you who I am worried." She jokingly said.

"Bluescreen, take us back to the world of Hunter X Hunter."

{As you wish}

This was not the same Blue Screen that he knew. It felt like Siri was talking to him.

A portal opened behind them. The twins walked into it while still looking at their mother as they waved goodbye to her.

The Queen of the West did not worry for them. She knew that Alex will protect them and will take good care of them. Any good mother would wish for their daughters to be at the hands of a capable man.

Alex was now in the familiar forest of the Dark Continent.

The Commandments were still on the ground, just minding their own business,

Meruem was playing Gungi with O.

Mihawk practiced his sword techniques.

Steven and Madara played Poker.

Eggy was eating souls of the beings she killed in order to get stronger. She did not like the idea of being the weakest of the group.

"Oh, you're back." Eggy waved her hand at them.

"How long were we gone?"

"2 days." Mihawk answered.

"Ah… okay now, who wants to go to another adventure?"

"Will it be interesting this time?" Madara asked.

"Oh most definitely. Not an interesting world but it has one being that even you cannot defeat." Alex said.

"Now that sounds like fun." Madara somehow felt joyful from that news.

"I just need to finish the last mission Blue screen gave me.."

"Here you go." O threw Alex a book titled 'West.'

By touching it, the book got recorded in his Library of Hell's path. The book contains much information about the Dark Continent, including it's secret, which was just plain old immortality, nothing new.

{You have completed the last mission}

{You have completed all the missions}

{You can now teleport to any world or decide on any system shop}

"Oh, wow, thanks… freakishly large eyeball." Alex did not know who he was.

"The name's O and you're welcome." I felt relieved that he got to meet Alex, at least he won't throw another pickle at him.

He knew about Alex's last mission by reading the minds of the other Commandments.

"Should we continue our game on a later date?" O asked Meruem.

"Very well. It was going to end in another stalemate anyway." Meruem got up and left O.

O felt that Meruem was the most dangerous, not because he was strong, but because he was more brutal compared to the others.

"Linlin, who is that?" Alex did not recognize him.

"I do not know. But he's a friend to the others."

"Okay… Blue Screen, take us to the world of 'One Punch Man'"


Another portal opened before them all. They stepped on it and left the world of Hunter X Hunter for good.

O wiped the sweat off his eyelashes, he was relieved.

"Wait!" O remembered something, "You forgot about Blue and his family!" His voice echoed through the forest but no one heard him.

Alex and the other Commandments stepped into a different world. It looked like modern Earth.

{You have unlocked the Hellsing shop}

"Huh, neat." Alex was happy about this, because it meant that having the blood of a powerful vampire could finally let his hollow transformation have no flaws. And Alucard is one of the most powerful vampires that he knows, and probably the only one.

"Humans, die!" A humanoid insect was about to attack the Commandments, but his head came off as Meruem ate his brain. He made the worst choice of his life by attacking the Commandments.

"Gross." He spat out the remains of the insects brain as if it were cold sloppy seconds.

"Bluescreen, what timeline are we in?"

{It is after Saitama finished his tournament}

There were not many details, but Alex knew what timeline he was in, somewhere between episode 8-10 of season 2.

"Madara, Mihawk, Steven, Eggy, Meruem, Linlin, Lili."

Alex faced them.

"There are 2 men here that I want you to remember. The first one is Saitama, he is the strongest man, probably even stronger than me. I want you to hunt him down and if possible, kill him but do not eat his soul."

Alex shot his invasion ability at all of them, now they knew what he looked like.

"The second one is named Garou. He is the future 9th Commandment, so he is off limits. Kill anyone else who isn't him."

"Let me get this straight." Madara said. "We cannot defeat you, even if we all teamed up at full power we could not even lay a finger on you. And yet, you say that there is a man on this Earth, who is stronger than you, and you want us to kill him?"

"Yes." Alex truthfully answered.

"Amazing." Madara cracked his knuckles and laughed in delight.

Now, all of them got excited. An opponent that even Alex isn't sure he can beat is someone worthy of fighting.

They all walked away to find him. "Good luck." Linlin and Lili said.

Alex nodded. He wasn't worried because his wives are not weak. Saitama will indeed hurt them, but they cannot die. He wants to protect them from all harm if possible, but he doesn't want to be on theif case 24/7 and he knows that is is impossible.

They are not the weak little girls he knew. They are now Commandments, as well as his loving and caring wives, who are now about to take on the legendary Saitama.

"Anderson." Meruem did not go with the Commandment but stayed back.


"Is this Saitama person stronger than you at your Ultra Instinct form, Mastered Ultra Instinct, or can he even match you in your strongest form?"

Alex knew what he was talking about.

"It's hard to say. But he should be as strong or stronger than my Ultra Instinct."

"Then… this shall be a fun fight." Meruem somehow got excited. He was always excited when he fought Alexander. He didn't think he would find an opponent as strong as him, but now he knows that there are and it made his blood boil with excitement.

Seeing them all leaving, Alex was going to plan on recruiting the 9th Commandment. He is indeed glad that he read the manga before arriving here.

"But first things first… system, buy me the vampire blood of Alucard, and also all of his abilities."

{You do not have sufficient funds for that}


Alex did not want to snap his fingers to absorb the souls of everyone in this world, because they're so weak that they won't amount to much. There are indeed some people who know the meaning of hard work and sacrifice, but it's not enough. And he doesn't want Garou to affected by it.

So Alex went to the One Piece world, killed over half the population there, got some decent SP, came back and bought the items he wanted from the Hellsing shop.

"I wonder how the others will do against Saitama. Hopefully it won't be too one-sided."

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