Killer Of MC's

Chapter 89 - The 9th Commandment

Still in the world of Dragon Ball Super, Alex spend time with Broly. Paragus was mostly quiet and did not care what they talked about. All he cared for was getting out of the planet. After that, he will figure something out for himself and for his son.

There was still about 68 hours left before the tournament. Alex needed to think of something quick to get Broly to unleashe his Legendary form, and to have Broly join his group.

"Thank you… very much…" Broly said. He was eternally grateful for Alex for the food.

Since Broly has never socialized with anyone but his father, he had trouble talking with Alex and was kind of awkward. His speech was slow, but understandable.

"It's okay, Broly. My name is Alexander Anderson." Alex stretched out his hand to greet Broly. He thought that he was trying too hard to befriend the Legendary Super Saiyan, but it just might work.

"Alexander… Ander...son."

"Just call me 'Alex.'"

"Alex…" Broly slowly shook Alex's hand, still not used to it this kind of friendliness.

"Mr. Anderson, what brings you here?" Paragus tried to think about it, but could not see any reason why Alex would be here. It was too much of a coincidence that someone would crash here, that is what he thought. And something told him that Alex was suspicious.

"Like I said, I was attacked. I just landed here because it was the closest planet." Alex now realized that Paragus was wary of him.

"Hm… and where are the ones who attacked you?"

"Lost them. Hopefully they gave up looking for me."

Of course Alex made up that story. He couldn't just tell them his real reason for being here.

"..." Paragus found some loopholes in his story, but did not go further. But so much about Alex's story did not make sense to him.

But, if Alex did send out that call for help, then they should be rescued within a few days. After that they would be on their way.

And also, Paragus could not find any logical reason for Alex crash landing here on purpose, and blowing up his ship. No one sane or insane would want to stay in a terrible planet, with 2 Saiyans.

Alex did not send anyone for help. He was planning on creating different beings using his reality stone, and they would attack them, and kill Paragus to get Broly to his ultimate form.

In the end, Alex would pin the blame on those 'beings' who did not exist. And after having befriended Broly, he could get him to come with him and become a Commandment.

Of course, he will only do that after having gained Broly's complete trust.

After a couple more hours of getting familiar with Broly, Alex was ready to initiate the next phase of his plan, killing Broly's dad.

"Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom." Alex made up some excuse to leave, but really he was going to do something else.

Hiding behind a rock, Alex activated the reality stone. And there appeared 2 beings of red, Alex was too lazy to think of details so he just made two beings that looked humanoid, but were made from a type of red energy.

Of course, they were not strong at all, but they seemed very powerful. Only Alex could destroy them.

The red beings nodded to Alex and disappeared. After waiting for a dozen seconds, Alex heard someone.

"Anderson, are they here to help us?"

Alex heard Paragus yell, and then saw those two red beings hovering on top of them.

"No… no they're not."

Paragus at first thought that the red beings were the help that Alex requested, but it seemed that they were enemies instead.

One of the red beings shot out red energy blasts at them without warning.

"Broly!" Cried out Paragus.

Broly quickly reacted to save his father by blocking those incoming blasts. They did hurt him, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

Broly was beginning to get angry, like the Hulk.

Alex moved slightly and dodged the red beings energy beam, it would be weird if they didn't attack him, which is why he ordered them to attack him in order to avoid being suspicious. The beam exploded when it touched the ground behind him, destroying half of the planet.

Paragus, who is calm and composed, felt his knees were as weak as jelly. and he plopped to the ground. He also shit his pants due to the power those beings possesed.

"Broly, take care of them."

Showing his true colors, he ran away from the scene. He knew that Broly was strong and could probably beat those guys. While Broly did that, Paragus would make a run for it.

The red beings smiled and shot another energy beam, this time it was headed for Paragus.

Broly tried to stop him by intercepting the attack, but was the second red being stopped him. He was a normal Saiyan who has never even transformed into a Super Saiyan yet.

Paragus, saw the energy beam coming towards him. He knew he would die, but he still ran like a bitch. He could not stop even if he wanted to, his fear was too great to even think properly, all he could do was run.

He closed his eyes and hoped that this was all a dream… seconds later, he felt nothing happened.

Looking behind, he saw Alex protecting him.

Alex saved Paragus from the red being's attack. He only did that so Broly could trust him more. This was a one time thing, if those beings took another shot at Paragus he would not stop it. He did this once so Broly could be thankful to him.

"Yo-you-... saved me." Paragus cried tears.

"Don't get used to it."

The red beings acted surprised to see Alex block his attack. Anyone who is hit by his attack, no matter how well protected they were, would suffer grevious wounds, or in most cases die from impact, well only to weaklings that is.

The red beings launched at incredible punch at Alex, with full intention to kill him. It looked so real that it didn't look like they were acting.

Unfortunately, Alex countered with a punch, which ended up killing that red being easily. Alex did not show it, but was surprised and wanted to smack himself in the head for doing that.

Alex did not mean to do that. He just could not control his power very well. After fighting with Saitama for many years, he has achieved a new level of power.

"… Saitama."

Alex smiled and he closed his eyes as he remembered the short time he fought Saitama during Purgatory.

What really happened there was…

During his fight with Saitama, Alex tried to understand how Saitama got so strong when he was only human.

Their first day of fighting, Alex used his Saiyan transformations to power himself up. Fighting Saitama did indeed make him stronger as expected.

That is when he had an epiphany, Saitama was only human, whereas Alex is also part human. What if he achieved that kind of power while in his base form? Wouldn't his transformations be even stronger if he were to obtain such power?

'If Saitama could achieve such power, then I can too.' He thought.

So, Alex made the choice of fighting Saitama while in his base form, no transformation, no nothing.

Alex would be lying if he said it was an easy task, it wasn't. His first few years was about his ȧss getting handed to him by Saitama. He had lost so many times he had long forgotten his loss count. Every single time, Saitama would punch him, and either his head or even entire body, would turn to pieces and scatter everywhere.

It was a hell of its own, but he went through it if it meant getting powerful.

What felt like days turned into years. Not even Alex knows how long he was in Purgatory that time, he was too busy trying to defeat Saitama.

Until, one fateful day, Alex got what he earned. He had finally achieved the power he wanted.

Saitama was also surprised to see Alex stand up to him when it came to strength. Only when he was in his transformation.

'The only way to beat Saitama's unfair strength, is to become a being with unfair strength as well.'

The other red being did reacted by launching several deadly ki blasts at everyone, all with the power to destroy dozens of planets the size of Jupiter.

Alex deflected all of his attacks easily, some managed to hit the moon, which shattered into millions of pieces.

The very same red being sneaked up behind Alex and chopped him on the back of his neck, making Alex crash into the planet.

Taking advantage that Alex was down, that red being made his way towards Paragus. Broly got in the way and began fighting him head on.

Alex let himself be hit, now that there was only one red being left, he had to act quickly.

Then, the very same red being that was fighting Broly, made a sword out of his energy, which impaled Broly's stomach.


Alex made sure that the red being bȧrėly missed Broly's vitals, otherwise he will die.

Broly dropped to the ground and was too weak to do anything. No amount of training could prepare him for this.

The red being flew towards Paragus very slowly.

"Get away from me. Broly! SAVE ME!" Paragus cried like a bitch.

"Father!" Broly wanted to get up, but was bleeding from his abdomen.

"Wait… oh shit!" Alex feinted that he was injured and jumped at them to save Paragus, once again, this is all part of his plan.

The red being cut of Paragus's head without hesitation, Alex was only a second away from saving him. It looked like Alex did his best to save Paragus but failed.

Broly, was shocked at first. It felt as if time had stopped and had lost all feelings. Then, sorrow and grief replaced his shock, followed by anger, pure hatred clouded his heart.


Broly let out a huge roar that made even pushed back the nearby planets, it wasn't his aura that pushed them back, it was his voice alone.

Then a dazzling green light blinded everyone and everything nearby.

Broly had transformed into the Legendary Super Saiyan. With a body of a body builder and epic green hair.

Meanwhile on Earth.

Whis was eating gracefully and enjoyed every last bit of food.

But his meal was interrupted when his saber was flashing brightly.

"Hm?" Whis did not receive that many messages often so he checked it out. He saw someone with great power on a far away planet.


"What? You're ruining my meal."

"There seems to be someone with great power on a planet very far from here."

"Is it a threat to me?"


"Then ignore that and keep eating."

"Very well."

Although Whis wanted to check it out, an order from Beerus was absolute no matter how dumb it is.

Alex had no idea that Broly was on their radar now, but thanks to Beerus' non-caring attitude, they were saved the trouble of dealing with them.


Broly attacked the red being who killed his father, wiping him out from existence. That should not be possible at all, but with Broly's inhumane strength he managed to do it. Of course Alex had a little hand in it, because those things are basically immortal unless Alex destroyed them by his command.

And as expected, Broly did not stop there. He also aimed to attack Alex and kill him. His mind is filled with nothing but anger, and the only thing he wants to do is to destroy everything and everyone.

Alex is not going to allow that, so he knocked him out unconscious easily.

"Well done, Broly." Alex smiled, this was what he ever wanted. Broly's father was dead, therefor Broly was now powerful and free from his father's grasp.

With a little bit more time, Alex believed that Broly will join him. Alex did not want to use Broly as a weapon of mass destruction, he felt sympathetic of Broly because he too knows how it feels to fear your father.

After this was done, Alex was going to set Broly free for good. Whatever Broly wanted to do it didn't matter to Alex.

Looking at what was left of the planet, Alex sat down beside Broly and waited for him to wake up.

"System, how much time until the tournament begins?"

{66 hours}

"There is still plenty of time... I am going to use that bit of time to train Broly. And also, system, is it possible to teleport to another universe that isn't this one? For example, this is universe 7 but what if I wanted to go to universe 6, is that possible?"

{Users powered up space stone should be able to teleport user to any other universe you want}


Alex laid down and looked at the sky, which was dark and filled with stars and planets. It was beautiful, how he wished that the twins were here to enjoy the view with him.

"Now... which universe shall we join? I don't want to join universe 7, because Goku and the others are there. I want to fight them, not fight with them... hmm."

Alex closed his eyes and went into deep thought. According to his memory, there are 12 universes, but only 8 will participate in the tournament of power. The reason the other 4 universes did not participate, is because the creators could not create 40 more beings because it's too much work.

The universes whom participated were 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11.

He didn't want to fight universe 7 or 6, because they're powerful. Universe 6 has Hit and the other Saiyans as well.

Universe 11 had Jiren in it, and he is also one opponent that Alex also wanted to face.

And to be honest, Alex had already forgotten about the rest of the universes minutes after they were erased from existence.

"I am not overly fond of universe 9, but they are the first universe to be erased from the tournament. Since that means that they are the weakest, then no one should complain about us taking all of their spots."

Alex had a simple plan. After recruiting the 10 Commandments, he is going to universe 9, prove to the God of Destruction just how powerful they are in comparison, then they should kick out their original team for the Commandments.

Those Gods want to win in order not to get erased. And having a more powerful team obviously means that their chances to win will be higher.

Broly woke up with sweat covering his body, as if he had just been woken up by a horrible nightmare.

"Eh… father? Where father?" Broly first worried of his father's well-being.

"Broly… I couldn't make it in time… your father… he died. There was nothing I could do. Those two were just too strong for me to handle." Alex shook his head and pretended to be sad. He could have saved him, but didn't.

"No… father. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

Broly let out a loud scream that shook the planet once more. Before he could go all hulk mode again, Alex smacked him on the back of the head.

"Sorry." Broly understood what he had almost done and apologized, it is not the first time he had lost himself to his rage, but every single time he did he would get shocked with the collar on his neck.

"It's okay, Broly. You just need to control your rage. And also, here." Alex handed him a collar.

The collar was the same one from Broly's neck. Broly checked only to find that it is not there anymore.

"Broly, I feel bad about your father(not really). I know you loved him, but you are free now, you can do whatever you want."

Broly looked at the collar on his hand, it was unknown if he had heard what Alex just said.

Without another thought, Broly broke the collar by crushing it. It is something he had been longing to do for a long time.

He threw it far away using all the strength he had in him. It told Alex that Broly was finally free from his father for good.

"Broly, one more thing, do you want to follow me?"

Broly turned to face Alex.

"I am not your father. We do not even know each other that well. But if you follow me, I will never hurt you. If you do follow me, I will give you lots of food, and you will never live like this again. I will train you so no one could ever hurt you. What do you say, Broly?"

Alex extended his hand to Broly in a friendly manner.

Broly only looked at Alex for a moment.

During his whole life, Broly has never been treated well. And sadly, during these past few hours with Alex, he trusted him more than he did with his dad.

It is like in the new Broly movie, Broly was so touched by the green girl's(cannot remember her name) actions that he ended up trusting her more than his father.

Broly extended his hand towards Alex and they both shook hands firmly.

Both men smiled. It was indeed a good day for them.

"Now Broly, first things first, I need to teach you how to control that power of yours."

With less than 3 days left before the tournament starts, Alex ended up practicing with Broly. This was going to be the last time he ever trains another Commandment. All the moments he trained with the other Commandments, all the time he spend with them, he enjoyed it fully.

It brought him to tears as it all seemed to be coming to an end.

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