Killer Of MC's

Chapter 91 - Alexander Anderson vs ______

"Broly, do you see that girl over there?" Alex pointed at one of the female Saiyans from universe 6, Kale, the timid and shy girl. She also transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan, only less powerful and less epic than Broly's version.

Now that Alex thinks about it, are all Legendary Super Saiyans timid and shy? There is definitely a connection of some kind.

Broly nodded slightly.

"I want you to keep a close eye on her. And when she transforms, smash her *insert lenny face.*"

Broly did not understand, but nodded nonetheless.

Alex closed his eyes and enjoyed the scene of everyone fighting. It might be because Saiyan blood in his veins now, or the fact that he has killed for many years now, being in places where fighting occurs made him feel relaxed.

Broly didn't do anything. He just sat down and rested while his guard was still up.

Alex did not want Broly to do nothing all day, that was his job. He wanted Broly to gain some experience fighting different characters. Maybe out of all the Commandments, Broly was the one with the least fighting experience.

"Broly, how about this, for every candidate you knock off, that isn't in our team, I will give you 100 burgers with fries and drinks included."

Broly's eyes shined brightly, as if that was the best thing he had ever heard in his life, and it was.

"AHAHA!!! I GOT YOU!!!" A random nobody came behind Alex to attack him, but was instantly knocked off-stage by Broly without having the chance to fight back.

"Good job, Broly. After this, I will give you your burgers."

Feeling extremely motivated, Broly got into the action and proceeded to knock off-whichever candidates were left.

"Za Priccio-sama from universe 3, has been knocked off the stage." The High Priest announced to everyone.

"Dammit, to think that our universe would be the first to lose a candidate." The Supreme Kai from universe 3 said.

Universe 3 has the most cyborg… robotic.... Members out of the other universes. They are known for being smart, and powerful enough to last almost all the way to the end in the anime.

Broly kept on fighting strong opponents without holding back, he wasn't even getting tired at all. While off-screen, Alex gave Broly immortality, and Lili gave him infinite stamina.

Remember that the only one who isn't immortal or doesn't have infinite stamina, is Garou, and that is because of his own reasons.

It wasn't just Broly who was strong, there was the other Commandments as well, they were all too eye catching. Except Garou who was trying his best to save his energy.

Some thought that they were very strong, but they would be the first ones out. Ever since they started attacking, they have never rested nor tried to preserve their energy. The tournament of power isn't just about how powerful you are, but how smart you play it out.

Nobody expected them to have infinite stamina, because it is not possible to have infinite stamina, unless one were a cyborg like 18 or 17, that proves just how rare it was.

"YOU IDIOTS! WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING YOUR OWN TEAMMATES?!?!" A God of Destruction who looked like a giant mouse from the Simpsons, yelled out loud.

Currently, his own members, who were representing his own universe, and who also had all of their lives in their hands, were currently attacking their own team members.

They looked forced, as if they were being manipulated into doing it.

"I-I don't know. My body is moving on its own." It was a girl, Caway. She is a beautiful humanoid with light-green skin, blue eyes and long pink hair. She waved around her energy weapons at her teammates, or anyone else who stood in her way.

Looking very closely, there were some strings attached to her body. She was crying hysterically as her body moved on it's own.

Lili stood not too far from Caway. It should be very obvious that she was controlling Caway with her strings. She smiled as if it was satisfying to see her enemy being manipulated by her.

At the start of the tournament, many had their sights on Linlin, Lili and Eggy. Some looked at them with ŀustful eyes, while others with jealousy. One of the jealous ones was Caway.

It made sense, because they were literally the most beautiful women in the multiverse, as most people would naturally agree with that.

But in the tournament of power, Caway sought the perfect opportunity to knock all three of them off stage, and prove that being beautiful doesn't matter in this tournament… or so she thought.

She regretted her actions immediately when she raised her hand against Lili. She was the third strongest out of the Commandments, she was definitely not weak at all.

"Hey, ref… er I mean, High Priestess! She is clearly using wires which should be considered as weapons. She should be disqualified." Champa yelled out.

Being Gods, they could naturally see even thin wires from a distance.

"That looks very interesting." Zeno said happily.

"Yes, very, very interesting>" Future Zeno also said.

"She hasn't broken any rules." High Priestess responded with a smile, then added, "The strings are clearly produced from her body, which counts as a skill. So therefore she hasn't broken any rules."

"Oh… I see." Champa could not refute him even if he wanted to.

Sidra felt relieved that his universe had very capable people in it. The same went for Roh, but kept very quiet. Alex focused a bit on Roh from the beginning in order to shut him up, he remembered just how annoying he was in the anime.

Had it not been because universe 9 was the first to be kicked out, Alex would have never chosen to fight for this universe. It didn't matter anyway, as he planned to kill them all in the end.

"In the name of justice, I will not allow such unfilial acts go unnoticed. Justice flash!" Toppo came out of nowhere and shot forth many powerful energy blasts at Lili.

Having no other choice, Lili jumped back before the blasts hit her. She was still controlling Caway with her strings.

"Release her this instant!" Toppo demanded.

"She isn't even in your own universe, and you want to save her when literally your life is at stake, and when there is also a high chance you might kick her off the stage in the end? I would say that this is very stupid." Lili touched her lip and went in thought, she wondered how Toppo's mind functioned.

"Using others to fight their own comrades is unforgivable, and is the opposite of justice."

"Justice? This tournament isn't about justice, it's about survival." Lili shrugged her shoulders.

"Justice-" Toppo got ready to shoot out another barrage of energy blasts.

"Death ray!" Lili shot out from her finger a powerful beam, though it could not kill Toppo, it would be enough to injure him. Death ray is the spell she learned from the Seven Deadly sins shop.

But, she felt another presence creeping up on her. She kicked at the place where she felt the presence, but found that she hit nothing. Then she felt someone hit her with great force, causing her to cancel out her death ray, and letting Caway get away.

"What?" Lili did not understand it, she was sure she sensed someone invisible, but hit nothing but air. She could not even fight against Toppo, because that earlier hit made her go off balance.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a bug jumping around the arena.

"Flash!" Toppo used this to his advantage and shot Lili powerful beams.

Lili did not have time to get away, so all she could do was brace for the attack.

But, Toppo's attack did not connect.

All of his barrage energy blasts were cut cleanly in half mid-way, which then blew up without hurting anyone.

"MIhawk? Thank you." Lili saw who it was who saved her, and it was one of her fellow Commandments.

Mihawk had an energy sword from his hand, that he conjured using the technique Alex gave him.

"This isn't like you, Lili. You are much stronger than this." Mihawk said.

"Forgive me, I was caught off-guard. You have my thanks."

Mihawk ignored her, since she didn't need protecting. All he wanted was to face powerful opponents, and Toppo seemed strong.

Toppo looked at Mihawk, as his white mustache was being pushed by the wing, he just has the best mustache ever.

"Let me have this fight."

"Very well, it's not like I want to fight him anyways." Lili teleported away to a different spot.

From the sidelines, a certain Goddess of Destruction was watching this scene unfold, and she was drawn to it.

"My, how beautiful this is. A maiden in distress, and her knight in shining armor came to save her." Heles, the one who resembled a lot like Cleopatra, said as she dramatically acted as if she were in a movie.

Alex pondered on whether he should have saved her, but was glad that Mihawk did instead. His wives are not weak at all, they do not need his protection, unless the enemy was extremely powerful, only then would he intervene.

"You are with her, correct?" Asked Toppo.

"So what if I am?"

"After I beat you, I will beat her as well in the name of justice."

Mihawk didn't answer. He got in a stance and got ready to fight Toppo.

"That puny sword will not be able to defeat me, because nothing can defeat justice.

"Then how about 1 million?."

As soon as he spoke those words, literally hundreds of thousands of powerful swords appeared out of nowhere. It was a dazzling scene that luminated part of the arena.

"Hey, what the heck! That's gotta be cheating!" Champa was affected by Mihawk's ability to conjure so many swords, not even he could do something like that.

"Ooooohhhh. So many." Zeno said in a cheerful tone.

"Indeed, so many swords. Swordsmen are very powerful." Future Zeno could not help praise Mihawk for this scene.

"Mihawk-sama did not break any rules. All those swords were summoned by him, therefore this is his ability." High Priestess said.

"Damn. Where the hell did universe 9 find such a guy." Beerus and the other Gods felt the same. They were all there during the exhibition match, but didn't see Mihawk act at all.

"Oh, he's not bad." Goku also praised Mihawk, but a technique like that should cost a lot of stamina.

Freeza was just looking at everyone from an Eagle's point of view. He was carefully observing everyone, and wondered who would be fun to destroy.

Then, he looked at Meruem, and smiled sinsterly.

"Well, he looks like a fun plaything."

Sidras felt proud at the moment. He did feel bad that his universe was the lowest rank out of all of them, but the new warriors that showed up before him, made him feel a bit better.

Toppo was a bit surprised, but rubbed it off as nothing.

"Useless. Even if you had billions of swords, no amount could ever defeat justice. Justice flash!"

Thousands of swords clashed with Toppo's energy blasts, creating several powerful blasts that shook the arena.

Madara saw how Mihawk was having a good time. He remembered the simple times when Mihawk was weaker than him, but now they were both on par with each other in terms of power, but Madara has the upper hand with his ninjutsus.

"Pah!" Madara felt a heavy blow on his abdomen, and was literally flung off stage. The fact that he was watching Mihawk's fight made him lower his guard a bit.

Standing on the spot he was in, was Hit.

"Hahaha! Take that, universe 9! Way to go, Hit!" Champa roared with delight. When an opponent falls, it means that their universe has a bigger chance at winning.

Sidras and Roh expected Madara to appear beside them, when a person from their team falls off the stage they will teleport to the sidelines. But to their surprise, no one showed up.

Then, the next scene left most of them shocked. The same edge where Madara was pushed off, he suddenly appeared to be flying and landed on the arena.

"As if I am going to be taken down that easily." Madara was close to losing. Had it not been for his quick reflexes, he would have lost already before he made a move.

He grew wings using his Commandment energy and saved himself. Flying was not allowed in the tournament, but those with wings could indeed fly.

Alex noticed it, and shook his head. 'They are becoming too over confident. Was their fight with Saitama not enough to show them that they are not at the top yet?' Alex thought.

Their overconfidence will be their doom. This is the universe where the strongest fighters are gathered. Even Alex had to keep his guard up, and he was the most powerful out of all of them.

Then again, the one who attacked Madara was Hit, who was adept in time-skipping. He might be a bit troublesome, especially to those who do not know how to counter experts adept in using time based skills.

"GAH!!! You're kidding me! He was out of the stage, dammit!" Champa rolled around the seats like a child throwing a tantrum.

Vados merely smiled. She enjoyed it when Champa's plans did not go as planned, or when misfortune fell upon him. Vados just might have a bit of a sadistic side in her. Maybe most of the other Angels did not enjoy serving under unqualified Gods of Destruction.

Madara looked at the one who almost knocked him off the stage.

"You reacted quickly. A second later and you would have lost already." Hit mocked Madara, as if the fact he survived was only a fluke.

"I did not even sense you coming, or even see you." Madara looked at Hit and examined him carefully. Anyone who could sneak up on him is not someone to be taken lightly.

Hit, without warning, went to attack Madara once again. By using his time-skip, it is nearly impossible to counter it, unless one were overpowered individuals like Jiren or Goku.

"This is your end." Hit punched Madara hard, bȧrėly missing his vitals on purpose so he doesn't kill him. But, to his surprise, Madara disappeared into thin air.

"I see. Your specialty is time manipulation. A very powerful ability indeed. Too bad the one you are fighting, out of all people, is me."

Madara popped behind Hit, unscathed.

Hit quickly jumped back. He was still in his time-skip mode, so it should not be possible for anyone to even be moving while he is in time-skip.

"You can also skip time?" Hit asked. It was the only logical explanation.

"I can do so much more than that." Madara snapped his fingers, and the whole area was covered in pure darkness. The only lit area is where Hit was.

Hit, not knowing how, found himself chained up to a crucifix. He tried to break free, but it was impossible to break the chains that were binding him.

"An illusion? But when?" Hit has been living over 1000 years, fought various enemies and almost died several times. Along the way, he has encountered many foes, some who could also use illusions to trick their enemies.

He did not expect Madara to use illusions, and Hit didn't even know how he got trapped in his illusion. Madara only needed to look at someone in the eyes to put them in a genjutsu. Being a prodigy of the Uchiha, and a Rinnegan user, his genjutsu is very powerful.

"Even if you know the truth, nothing will change."

Even more Madara's appeared before him, more than 30 Madara's were present.

"I know how to get out of an illusion." Hit knew the way to counter illusions, and that would be by inflicting pain on himself.

He bit down on his lip, which blood trickled from his mouth. But, he was still in an illusion.

"It is useless. Nothing you do here will save you." One of the many Madara's pulled out a kunai from out of nowhere, and stabbed Hit in the sides.

Hit felt incredible pain, even more than it should be.

"You are now in my world, I can do whatever I want, control time, or even control how much pain will be inflicted on you."

Madara may or not have taken this idea from Itachi.

"I have lived more many years, you cannot break me, even if you torture me for a long time." Hit wasn't lying, he had a pretty strong will.

"We will see if what you say is true. I have plenty of time to spare."

And so, the other 30 Madara's all stabbed him with sharp weapons, inflicting serious pain to the Legendary Assassin, Hit.

To Hit, he doesn't know how long it has been already since he arrived in this world, but it felt like an eternity, knowing nothing but pain

"Oi! Hit, what the hell are you doing?" Champa yelled at Hit, who has been standing there doing nothing.

To them, Hit has only been there for a few seconds just looking at his opponent. Most of them had no idea what Hit was experiencing.

Champa could not stand to see that his strongest member, was acting brain dead.

Then, seconds after Champa yelled, Hit was on his knees while gasping for air. He was weak and clearly in pain

"You're not bad. Almost nobody could survive in such a hellish place." Madara said with arms folded across his ċhėst.

"Hit? What's wrong?" Champa asked very worried. Anybody who saw would say that Hit was paralyzed for a second, and nothing else.

"It seems that Hit-san's opponent can cause powerful illusions on others. Hit must have experienced some hellish place to be like that." Vados added.

"Illusions? How can we counter it?" Champa wanted to know so he could share that information with HIt.

"I don't know, Champa-sama. Our universe differs from theirs, so my ideas may or may not work at all."

"It doesn't matter, just tell me how to counter illusions."

"Do you really want to risk Hit-san's life using nothing but theories? And also, learning about your enemy will be the perfect way for Hit-san to grow, am I right?"

"So long, whatever your name is." Madara extended his hand towards Hit.

"Almighty push!"

As powerful invisible force pushed away to the edge of the stage.

"GYAAHH!!! SOMEONE HELP HIT!" Champa cried out.

Hit fell off the stage, but someone managed to grab his hand before he fell out of the stage.

"That was close, Hit-san." It was Cabba in Super Saiyan form that rescued Hit.

Taking advantage, Madara got ready to knock down two contestants.

"Almighty push."

At that spot, there was no way for Cabba or Hit to dodge that attack, and Hit was too injured to use his time-skip.

But, someone else interrupted Madara, and it surprised everyone watching.

That someone kicked Madara in the face before he could successfully knock off Cabba and Hit.

'Oh, about time someone faced him.' Alex thought.

"Master Vegeta." Cabba turned to see his master saving their lives.

"Listen here, I did not save you. I just cannot stand weak Saiyans. Do you understand?" Vegeta said angrily. He was not in any Saiyan form, he only needed his base form to kick Madara.

If Vegeta was a girl, he would be the perfect tsundere for the men in the world.

Though Cabba did not understand his reason, he still nodded happily.

"Ahahaha! Way to go Vegeta!" No one was more happy than Champa.

"What is that Vegeta doing? How can he help the other team at this moment?" Beerus was a bit pissed that Vegeta saved not only Cabba, but Hit as well. Getting rid of Hit would be a great thing for their universe/

Madara stood up unscathed. He looked at Vegeta with a bit of annoyance in his eyes.

"Are you going to get in my way?"

"And why should I care whether I get in your way or not?" Vegeta stood there proudly with his arms crossed.

Madara could tell that Vegeta was strong, and there was no way that he was going to use any genjutsus on him to win. Like many others, Madara enjoys the thrill of fighting hand-to-hand with powerful opponents.

Madara stretched out his hand, and a long, black rod came out of nowhere.

Vegeta was weirded out. And he sensed something abnormal about that rod. Having already been able to sense the ki of Gods, Vegeta could in fact perceive things that not many others could do, unless they were Gods.

It wasn't just him, but the other Gods as well.

The Commandments knew the true power of those black receivers. Nobody from this world could even touch those receivers. Though they don't know if it could work on Angels or Gods.

"Do all you weaklings from universe 9 rely on weapons to defeat your opponents?" Vegeta mocked Madara but was also angry.

Being the prince of the Saiyan race, Vegeta did not believe in winning by using weapons. That is what made him very angry at Madara, Mihawk and Lili, who uses strings to attack her opponents.

"The only weakling I see here is you."

"Grrr. You are going to pay for that." Vegeta transforms into Super Saiyan and attacks Madara. And so, there broke out another epic fight in the tournament.

Taking advantage of Vegeta, Cabba and Hit ran away to recover. Cabba wanted to help his master, but he knew that Vegeta would only get angry if he were to intervene.

Alex, who was sitting down and observing the field, got a little bored, But now was the perfect moment to strike. Had he taken any sort of action before, he feared that his fellow Commandments will not have the chance to fight anyone worthwhile.

But, now that everybody knew the strength of the Commandments, Alex thought it was time for him to shine.

"Now, come on, I want to face someone strong, someone who will give me a good fight." He said that to himself which no one else could hear.

"Kamehameha!" A powerful energy wave was headed towards Alex. He smiled at first, but when he saw who it was, his smile turned into a frown.

"Krillin… you gotta be kidding me." Alex kicked the Kamehameha away with no effort.

"You know me?" Krillin heard Alex call his name, which is weird because no one should even know his name.

Krillin thought that Alex wasn't strong, but thought that maybe Mihawk or Madara would be the strongest out of universe 9, which is why he didn't face them.

Unknown to him, he made the worst mistake of his life.

Whis looked over Krillin's direction, and said, "Oh no."

"What, Whis?" Beerus asked.

Whis pointed at Alex and added, "I am afraid Krillin-sama might lose this fight."

"That's the guy who went to greet Goku in the beginning." Beerus did not see Alex as powerful, the reason is because Alex did such a good job of hiding his power from even the Gods.

But Whis could tell something was abnormal about Alex.

"How can I not know you? You are the strongest human on Earth, right?" Alex said.

"I am not the strongest." Krillin felt that Alex said that to hurt him when he is the weakest out of the universe 7 group.

"Are you sure? I only see one human here, and no one else in your team is human."

Krillin realized something important now. Maybe Alex was right. Krillin was indeed the strongest human on Earth,

Goku and Vegeta are Saiyans.

Gohan is half-human and half-Saiyan, so technically not a human entirely.

Goten and Trunks are in the same boat as Gohan.

Buu is an alien.

Freeza is also an alien.

Piccolo is an alien.

Though 17 and 18 were human before, but now they were androids, meaning that their human side was not there anymore.

Though Roshi is also a human, he is now very old, which makes him weaker than Krillin.

Tien might be a human, hard to tell when he has a third eye on his forehead. No ordinary human has another eyeball.

"Oh! You might be right?" Krillin agreed with Alex now. The title of 'strongest human' made him smile.

"Hey, Krillin, wanna hear a joke?" Asked Alex.

"Yeah sure, why not?"

Then, Alex transforms into Super Saiyan before his very eyes.

"Alexander Anderson vs Krillin."

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