Killer Of MC's

Chapter 97 - Fusion

At that point Beerus had no idea what was most shocking: Alex completely challenging the High Priest, which is someone that not even Whis could match up. Or the fact that Alex knocked out Goku in Ultra Instinct mode in one punch.

"Dammit! Are we really going to lose." Beerus had to admit it, Alex was just too powerful. Not even Ultra Instinct Goku is his opponent.

"Beerus-sama, if I may." Whis reached out his hand to Beerus and gently took the Potara earrings from his hand.

He touched the Potara earrings with the tip of his staff. The Potara earrings then glowed a silver colour.

"Here you go." Whis handed the Potara earrings back to Beerus.

"What did you do?"

"After seeing your expression, I knew that you were planning to use the earrings soon. So I gave them an upgrade."

"You can do that?"

"I can."

When two people fuse using the Potara earrings, they will stay in that form permanently, unless something were to happen that could cancel the fusion.

When Goku and Vegeta transform into Super Saiyan Blue Vegito, the Potara earrings will only be able to keep that transformation for a short amount of time, due to the immense power of both Saiyans.

Whis knew that, which is why he altered the earrings so they could last forever. But there was another thing to the upgraded version.

"Beerus-sama, before you give those earrings to Goku and Vegeta, there is something that they must know." Whis added.


"Once Goku and Vegeta have fused, they will stay like that forever."

"Wait, didn't their transformation only last like 15 minutes last time?"

"Yes. But this time, they will forever be in that form forever. And nothing, not even I nor the Dragon Balls can cancel the fusion. Maybe the Super Dragon Balls can. But that is only a theory on my part."

Beerus understood. If Goku and Vegeta use the earrings, they will be stuck in that form for a long time.

If the Super Dragon Balls work, then they would only need to wait an entire year before they could be used again.

But if the Super Dragon Balls do not work, then they will be stuck like that their entire lives.

"But, there isn't a need to use the Potara earrings."

Krillin spoke and it somehow broke the mood.

"I mean, the guy just said that after he has won the tournament, he will use the DragonBalls to resurrect all of us. So what is the use in fighting?"

Krillin wasn't new to this. Many of them had already been wished back from the dead using the Dragon Balls, some of them more than once.

"Krillin-san, it is not that we haven't thought of that, it's just that I don't believe in Alexander-san."

"Don't believe him?" Krillin was confused.

"Why would someone as powerful as him bother to hide his power?"

"Because he is saving up his stamina."

"In many cases, you would be correct. But haven't you noticed something abnormal about that group?" Whis pointed out.

"Abnormal?" Krillin squinted his eyes to get a good look at Alex and the others. But he found nothing wrong with them.

"Their stamina." Beerus pointed out.

"What about it?"

"Krillin-san, after all this time they were fighting, all of them, except one, had yet to show any signs of fatigue."

"They have unlimited stamina? That explains why that big Saiyan is still so powerful."

"Not only that, but they all have no wounds on them. At first, I thought that they might have some sort of regeneration ability, like a Namekian can regenerate limbs if they were ever taken from them. But, even when Piccolo has regenerative properties, he can still die." Whis said.

"But," Beerus added. "When that girl was shot in the head by Frost, she didn't die." They were talking about Eggy.

"Wait, if that's true, then that means-"

"They're all immortal." Whis interrupted Krillin.

They continued watching the fight. Whis had other things in mind that he did not mention about Alex.

What puzzled him, is how did Alex manage to find Broly when he is not even from their universe? He is from universe 9, but how did he find someone like Broly in the vast universe of universe 7?

Even Whis cannot find a specific thing in the vast universe, unless he knew exactly what it is and where it is. It would be like finding a needle in the Pacific Ocean.

And yet Alex was able to recruit Broly. He did not contribute it to coincidence or luck, because it just seemed so weird that Alex had recruited Broly just before the tournament began.

And what also puzzled him, is that none of the other Gods or Angels have ever met Alex before. Surely, with Alex's ability to transform into Super Saiyan Blue and win against Ultra Instinct Goku, he should have at least been on their radar.

It is like he wasn't even born until yesterday. The reason Whis suspected this, is because Sidra and Mohito were smart, and they would have recruited Alex long ago, even before the Trio-de-something brothers.

Even some of the other Angels knew about Jiren before.

And one more thing, how did Alex know about the tournament of power? And how did he get to know such powerful people?

Those reasons are why Whis did not believe in Alex. They practically knew nothing about him. And he has the amazing power that can overpower a God of Destruction easily.

Sidra mentioned that Alex and the others offered to fight for their universe. How could a mortal know something like that? Unless Sidra wanted to announce it, then no one else from universe 9 should know.


Alex was still angry that Eggy was gone. He was going to vent his anger on something. And who is a better target than the same universe who injured Eggy?

There were only two members left on universe 6, Hit and Cabba were the only ones remaining.

They were both strong fighters, but they made a mistake by staying so close to each other. Hit had just recovered a bit from Madara's genjutsu, and Cabba was still protecting him just in case.

Alex pointed his finger at their direction and used an ability that he hadn't used since the Seven Deadly Sins world.

"Cero: El Dios!" A powerful ray of energy shot out of his finger, and destroyed anything on it's path.

Cero is a move from the Bleach shop. Alex hasn't used this move since his fight with Meliodas.

Hit noticed a powerful ray of energy headed towards them. He skipped time just before the Cero could touch him. He grabbed Cabba and quickly got out of there.

"Hit-san…" Cabba was scared and confused. He did not even sense when Alex shot that cero at them.

"HIT AND CABBA! IF YOU LOSE WE ALL DIE!" No one was more scared than Champa. Their lives were at the hands of Cabba and Hit.

Before Hit could say anything, he saw a familiar face just inches from his face. Alexander closed the distance between them in a second.

Before he could react, Alex punched him so hard on his face that he knocked out some of his teeth and possibly broke his jaw.

"Hit-san!" Cabba knew that running was useless. The only thing they could do was fight.

Alex merely looked at Cabba and he froze on the spot. Cabba sweated like a pig and fear crept up on his eyes.

He couldn't move. It was hard to breath. His entire body was cold when he looked at Alex.

Alex was never this pissed before, so he could not help but reveal a bit of his aura to his enemies.

Alex's aura was the definition of evil, darkness, hatred, death, hell. He is a Shinigami, Hollow, Devil, Vampire, a creature from the Dark Continent, Asura, Dark, Destruction. All those things combined into one entity.

What Cabba saw in Alex could only be described as one's worst fears multiplied by infinity.

Seeing as how Cabba was frozen in fear, Alex grabbed him from his shirt and tossed him angrily towards Champa.

Next, he did the same thing to Hit. And just like that all of Universe 6 fighters had lost.

"Universe 6 has lost all fighters." High Priest announced.

Both Zeno's didn't waste much time and erased their universe in an instant.

At that moment, two people were very pissed after seeing universe 6 being erased: Vegeta and Beerus.

Champa and Beerus are brothers. Seeing his only brother being erased made Beerus sad and angry, but did a good job hiding it.

Vegeta has just lost his student that he had only met for 20 minutes. He blamed Alex and even both Zeno's.

"I have never seen Alex so angry before." Linlin added. Both her and her sister were watching Alex. After declaring a battle against 25 Gods, everyone was focused on him.

"It feels like he is only making up an excuse to fight those Angels and Gods." Meruem pointed out.

"No, it doesn't feel that way… wasn't Freeza chasing you just now?" Lili asked.

"You mean him?" Meruem pointed at universe 7's bench, and there was Freeza with only a leg and an arm left. His missing limbs looked like they were chewed off not too long ago.

"I was hungry."

"Neat." The twins knew that Meruem ate live prey before, it wasn't as shocking as others thought.

Beerus and Whis were keeping a close eye on Freeza. They wouldn't want him to break any rules, like Frost.


Broly and Toppo crashed in front of them. Broly mashed Jiren's head into the ground almost breaking apart the entire arena.

Toppo lost the will to fight and returned to his normal state.

Broly then grabbed Toppo by his mustache and yeeted him off the stage. It was more puzzling as to why Toppo's mustache didn't detach from his face.

"Hey Broly, save some for us." Linlin said in a joking manner.

"?" Broly did not know what to say. Why would he go easy when those burgers were being rewarded to him?

"Good job, Broly. You kicked his ȧss good!" A familiar voice shouted from the sides.

It was Eggy who cheered for Broly.

Since she was out, she was indeed angry. But instead of sulking, she decided to cheer for her team.

"Neigh." Steven finally showed up after doing nothing the entire time.

At that moment, Jiren rested long enough. When he opened his eyes the first ones he saw were Madara, Mihawk, and Garou.

Three Commandments were going up against one of the strongest foes in the tournament.

Mihawk conjured a sword and cladded it in nen and haki.

"Susanoo!" Madara transformed into the Ten-tails Jinchuriki and activated his strongest Susanoo form.

Garou got into his usual fighting pose. He still looked like a hideous monster.

"You three can do it! Beat that… guy!" Eggy pulled out a pair of pom-pom's from out of nowhere, and continued to cheer for Mihawk, Madara and Garou.

Jiren looked at those three as if they were a serious threat. After being pummeled easily by Alex, he could not afford to be ċȯċky, especially to the other Commandments.

"Wood style: wood dragon jutsu!" Madara made the first move. He produced a gigantic wooden dragon and attacked Jiren with it.

Jiren gazed upon the Dragon and it got torn apart in pieces, leaving only splinters behind.

Both Mihawk and Garou then acted quick enough to attack Jiren from his sides. Jiren grabbed Garou from his feet and used him as a club against Mihawk.

"What?" Garou did not expect that.

Mihawk could not counter with his sword. So he let go of his weapon and grabbed Garou, but Jiren's strength was on a whole other level and he was launched back along with Garou.


Madara trapped Jiren in his Susanoo by catching him using his Susanoo hands.

But Jiren easily broke free from Madara's grip by using his sheer strength alone.

Jiren glanced at Madara and his entire Susanoo broke apart. But what shocked everyone watching was his body turning into dust.

Jiren looked up and noticed another Susanoo coming at him from above.

Madara conjured up two blades into his Susanoo with the intention of hacking down Jiren with them.

Jiren countered by punching Madara's swords. It also destroyed Madara'a Susanoo.

But Madara expected that. He jumped out of his Susanoo before it broke, used his truth seeking balls and black receiver to attack Jiren with.

Jiren noticed something abnormal about Madara's weapons. Instead of countering he jumped back

But his path was cut off by Mihawk.

Mihawk slashed down his sword, cladded in haki and nen, right at Jiren.

Jiren bȧrėly dodged Mihawk's sword. There was a deep cut on his shoulder. If he hadn't dodged it, his entire arm would have been sliced cleanly.

This is the first time someone has ever cut him. And it had to be someone with such a weaker power level than him.

Jiren looked back behind him. Mihawk did not only manage to injure his shoulder, but also managed to slice off the entire arena in half.

The arena that they were standing on, was cut in half by Mihawk. Even half of the pillar was not safe from Mihawk's sword attack.

Both halves of the arena were floating in space, away from each other.

"Strange… the arena is supposed to be made from the hardest metal in the universe. And this mortal managed to cut it in half without much effort." The High Priest commented. He himself personally made the arena, so nobody but him should know just how durable it was.

Mihawk aimed to become the strongest swordsman in the multiverse. With that will and determination along with his power and mastery of the sword, there wasn't going to be a metal or anything else that he couldn't cut.

"Fuck yeah! You got this, Mihawk!" Eggy started throwing some punches in the air. She looked rather cute doing it. This was a side of her that no one could have foretold.

There were not many comments to be made here, There were not that many people left as before.

The rest of the Commandments were merely spectating the fight. This was their fight and them alone.

Alex also watched. He had planned on defeating Jiren for good. But since Madara, Mihawk and Garou decided to fight them, he could only stick his nose out of it.

Mihawk was about to cut down Jiren, but Jiren quickly grabbed Mihawk's sword and broke it in pieces. Although Mihawk's swords are made out of energy, it can still maintain a physical form and break.

Jiren concentrated his ki on the palm of his hand and struck Mihawk in the abdomen, sending him back miles away.

"Crap!" Mihawk realized that he was going to be kicked out.

With his quick thinking, he extended his wings to help him slow down in mid-air. But it still wasn't enough, because the force of Jiren's power was too powerful to push back.

Then a thought occurred to him. He conjured millions of swords but this time underneath him. While controlling the countless swords under him, he managed to pull himself back in time. He used the swords that he conjured as a protective layer that helped him from being disqualified.

He looked down. It was a bottomless abyss. Imagine if they didn't teleport to the stands when the other contestants were kicked off the stage. The people who fell would probably still be falling into nothing.

"Go Mihawk! If he can't do it no one can!" Eggy continued to cheer.

"..." Mihawk.

While Jiren was distracted, Madara used this time to sneak up on him.

"Limbo." Madara said while smiling creepily.

Jiren turned and sensed not one, but 5 Madara's. But he only saw one.

He thought that it might be 4 invisible opponents. It makes sense for him to think that, as he has never faced Madara's Limbo before.

The other Gods also sensed something, but could not see anything.

Even Alex failed to see anything. Only those with Rinnegan eyes could see Madara's Limbo.

One of Madara's Limbo aimed for Jiren's side. Jiren threw a heavy punch at that area, but failed to hit anything.

He felt something hit him and was pushed back. There was an obvious wound on his hip that wasn't there before.

"Hey, what the hell is this?" Beerus asked. No one had any clue as to what was going on.

Whis had no idea either but they kept observing.

Vegeta and the rest were having the same thoughts.

For those who were wondering, Gohan got to Goku before he fell off the arena. Ever since Alex kicked him, Goku has been unconscious the whole time.

Limbo is a powerful move that only Madara can use. It is like 4 invisible clones fighting for you. They are just as powerful as the user, and even have the same movesets as well. Another thing to mention, they cannot be harmed physically, like a Logia user.

The only downside is that the four shadows are only temporary. They need to merge with Madara after they have left his body for a while. Madara needs to wait a while longer to be able to use them again.

Madara's Limbos ganged up on Jiren. The only known thing to damage Limbo's are by using Six Paths Senjutsu, and nobody in the entire universe knows how to use Six Paths Senjutsu.

Jiren knew that he could not fight against Madara's Limbo's. But he could still injure the real Madara.

Jiren jumped up high completely avoiding the Limbo's. He stood atop the pillar that was cut in half by Mihawk. He needed to gain some distance from Madara's Limbo.

Madara sends out his Limbo's after him. There is no way he is going to give Jiren a chance to do anything.

"... I don't even know what is going on here." Eggy tried to cheer, but since she couldn't see or sense anything, everything was confusing to her. It looked like Jiren was dancing for a while and decided to jump on top of the pillar.


It was like watching a current Yugioh card game match. No one really knew what the hell was happening anymore.

Jiren charged up his ki on the palm of his hand. The intense heat coming out of him affected everyone nearby. Though the heat could not be compared to Alexander's heat, it was still pretty warm.

Madara knew what Jiren was about to do. He stood there with a smirk on his face.

As Jiren was about to release his ki at Madara, he sensed someone running behind him.

He kicked at the person behind him while still holding his ki. But, the person sneaking up behind him successfully managed to avoid his attack swiftly.

"Water stream rock smashing fist."

It was Garou that sneaked behind Jiren.

Garou grabbed Jiren's arm and aimed to kick his face. But Jiren did that thing where he looked at someone and they would get hit multiple times.

Garou expected this and managed to dodge and block nearly every single one of his attacks. Unfortunately, Jiren managed to hit Jiren 3 times.

Garou threw up blood and his arms were bruised from blocking Jiren's powerful attack. If he could, he would not have blocked any of his attacks, but he couldn't dodge them in time. With no other option left, he blocked them in order to avoid further damaging his body.

Jiren was surprised. Garou had not only managed to dodge his attacks, but block some of them as well.

Garou is a prodigy when it comes to fighting. He can learn and copy anyone's fighting style with just a glance in their technique. It took a while to learn Jiren's fighting style since he was so fast and powerful. But now, Garou had finally understood Jiren's techniques.

Garou knew that he could never overpower Jiren. A human like him simply could not accomplish it. But facing an opponent he could not defeat makes his blood boil with excitement.

He revealed a satisfied and sinister smile which even made Jiren feel a bit creeped out. In his mind, Garou was the biggest battle maniac he had ever met.

'These humans… how.' Jiren had faced many powerful foes. But this is the first time he had faced many weak humans who could keep up with him.

The rest of the competitors are aliens. Humans are unfortunately weaker compared to other alien races, which is why no other universe, aside from universe 7, bothered to recruit any humans.

Even the only humans in universe 7 were taken out easily. Which is proof how weak they really are.

And yet, the humans from universe 9 were that powerful. Linlin, Lili, Mihawk, Madara and Garou, all were very powerful indeed.

Although Alex was born human, he had long ago given up on his human side for greater power.

Jiren had not forgotten about Madara for even a second. While Garou was injured, he shot his most powerful ki blast right at Madara, creating a giant hole where Madara stood.

"Limbo." A voice could be heard behind Jiren.

Jiren saw Madara just behind him while holding a black staff on his hand. Not giving Jiren a chance, Madara impaled the black rod into Jiren's back. Jiren's body was very durable, so only the tip of the staff only managed to impale the right side of Jiren's back.

Jiren felt as his ki and movement were disrupted.

The black staff that Madara wielded could disrupt any opponent's movement and energy. Although it could indeed disrupt an opponent's chakra path, what's to say that it couldn't do the same with ki? This is another reason why Vegeta was wary of Madara's black receivers earlier, because he and many others knew that Madara wielded a powerful technique.

The reason Madara managed to sneak up on Jiren so fast, is because of his Limbo. His Limbo technique allows him to switch places with any of his shadows. Right before Jiren's powerful attack managed to hit him, Madara switched places at the last second which made it seem that Jiren had managed to connect his attack. Jiren did not know this, which is why he did not expect Madara to be able to dodge his attack in time.

And also, when Garou attacked Jiren and kept him occupied for a few seconds, it gave his shadow just enough time to get in place.

"MORE STABBING!!! IMPALE HIM!!!" Eggy shouted.

Not convinced that one receiver was enough, Madara quickly summoned more black recievers to impale Jiren with.


However, Jiren was not going down that easily. With his ki disrupted and his movement thrown off, he waved his hand at Madara, which created a strong gust of wind that pushed Madara off the sliced-pillar.

While Madara wasn't near him, Jiren quickly regained his composure and wanted to take off the black staff from his back.


Jiren spat out a mouthful of blood. Suddenly, the staff that was impaled on his back digged deeper onto his body. He could see the other end of the rod pop out from his stomach.

Garou was behind Jiren the whole time. Jiren not only had his ki and movement disrupted, but also his concentration.

Jiren has never been this heavily injured when he has that much power. The feeling of being powerless and weak made him lose his focus. Because of that, Jiren had failed to sense Garou behind him.

Garou could not sense the abnormality of the rod, but could tell that it is what made Jiren weak after being stabbed by it.

Taking this chance, Garou jumped high and kicked the staff deeper into Jiren's body. When his foot came into contact with the rod, it also disrupted his movement but it managed to injure Jiren.

The black receivers do not distinguish between friend or foe. Even a small touch can affect a powerful person badly unless they are immune to it, like Naruto and Sasuke.

"The heck?" Garou lost his balance and fell off the pillar. He could not find the power in him to save himself from falling off the arena.


A black Pegasus swoopt in and saved Garou in time.

Garou saw who it was and was relieved, His injuries were recovering fast but his stamina wasn't.

"Thanks… uh…"


"Right, Steven. I remember?"

"?" Steven was shocked. Did a human actually understand what he said, or was it luck?

"Garou! You son-of-a-gun!" Eggy raised her pom-pom's up high.

Jiren fell on one knee. He tried to pull the receiver from his body, but every second it became more difficult to control his movement and energy.

Another man leaped in front of Jiren. With his sword, he slashed at him once. Mihawk had finally made his move. Jiren wanted to counter Mihawk with whatever bit of strength he had left.

A second later, Jiren's arm came off. It was the same arm that Mihawk failed to cut off earlier.

Jiren felt pain and got weaker. He went down to the ground bȧrėly supporting his body with an arm and two legs. He was bleeding heavily from his sliced off arm.

Now that he was finally weakened, Madara conjured more black receivers and impaled Jiren multiple times while missing his vital spots.

Jiren was flat on his stomach and couldn't even lift a finger.

No one uttered a word.

In the beginning, the difference in their power levels was obvious. Jiren's power was leagues above anyone of those three. Everyone thought that Jiren would emerge victorious.

But later throughout their battle, Jiren was being outsmarted and overpowered by them. It was like an example of David and Goliath, if only there were three David's instead.

"Ji-Jiren…" The God of Destruction who had high hopes for Jiren felt dejected. It wasn't a God who defeated him, nor a Saiyan or demon, it was 3 mortals.

"Oh wow. They actually pulled it off." Alex was indeed surprised. Garou, Madara and MIhawk managed to defeat JIren.

Madara, Mihawk and Garou are the weakest in the group, including Eggy. At the beginning, even Alex did not expect them to pull it off.

This did indeed put a smile to his face. Even those three could overpower Jiren, imagine what the rest could do. He has never been more proud of them as he is now.

"Almighty push!" Madara activated his rinnegan powers, and pushed Jiren off the stage. Jiren couldn't even resist at all.

Jiren teleported to the sidelines. He was still alive but didn't look like it.

"Jiren!" Toppo wanted to quickly tend to JIren's wounds. He touched the black receiver to pull it off, but the moment he touched it he felt his body went numb.

Toppo did in fact sense the abnormality that the black receivers had, but that didn't stop him from trying to help his friend.

He truly thought that Madara and the other Commandments are literal devils. What kind of mortal has an ability that could make even Jiren immobile? Not only that, but Alex has power to completely overwhelm JIren.

Everybody else from their team was still speechless. Even now they could not believe that Jiren had actually lost. Had it been Anderson that did it, they would have understood. But now...

"Universe 11 has lost all of its fighters. They will now be erased by the hands of both Zeno-samas."

Both Zeno and future Zeno raised their hands and made a fist. And just like that another universe was gone.

Mihawk and Madara sat down on the pillar. It was the toughest fight to date. If Madara hadn't been able to surprise Jiren with his Limbo, then the ones who would have lost would be them.

"What you said came true Madara. You did indeed defeat Jiren." Mihawk said. He wasn't tired. He was only relieved to be able to defeat such a powerful opponent.

"I did… but I couldn't have done it without you two." Madara now fully respected Garou as well as Mihawk. He saw them as equals and not beneath them.

Garou had to sit down somewhere safe and recover his stamina.

"After this is over, how about if the three of us go for drinks? Where I come from we have the best alcohol." Mihawk added. All this fighting made him thirsty. He had already tasted several wine beverages from other worlds, but for some reason they could never compare to the wine made from his homeworld.

"Done. Loser has to be the winner's slave."

"You're on."

It wouldn't be a drinking contest without stakes involved.

Meanwhile, Eggy was jumping up and down excitedly while swinging her fists around. She felt really happy to see her team taking down Jiren. Watching them fight made her excited and she wished that she was there with them.

Goku had just woken up.

"Huh? What happened?" Goku had missed the entire fight between Jiren and the Commandments. He did notice that there were less people than before.

The last thing he remembered was fighting Alex in Ultra Instinct. Then Alex transformed into Super Saiyan Blue and knocked him unconscious.

"Finally! Goku, Vegeta!" Beerus shouted.

"What?" Goku asked.

"Use this!"

Beerus threw them the Potara earrings.

They both caught it and knew exactly what they had to do.

"I refuse to fuse with him!" Vegeta hated many things, and one of them was fusing, especially with Goku.

"Listen here, you shit! You two don't stand a chance against him individually! So fuse now or we all die!"

"Why Kakarot of all people?" Vegeta hates to admit it, but Beerus was right. Their only hope was fusing together.

Not even Ultra Instinct Goku could stand against Alex. So how could Vegeta even have a slight chance of defeating him at all?



Heavy footsteps drew near them both. It was Alex walking slowly towards them.

"Go ahead and fuse. I would like to see how this plays out."

"I don't have to listen to you."

"Or would you rather fight me as you are right now? Either way it is still going to be one sided."

"Vegeta, come on. We have to fuse once more."

"Goddammit!" Angrily, Vegeta put the earring on his left ear while Goku hanged his earring on his right now.

Beerus intentionally did not mention anything about the Potara earrings to them. If he did, then Vegeta would rather die than to be stuck with Goku his entire life.

Their bodies drew closer to each other and had fuses completely. There was a small dazzling light that covered the area It was just like the time they fused when fighting Buu and Zamasu.

Out of the light came a different person. It was like a mixture of Goku and Vegeta. Even his clothes changed for some reason.

It was obviously Vegito.

The Commandments have never seen a fusion before. They were surprised indeed because they had never heard of something like fusion before.

Vegito appeared to be very serious. He pointed at Alex and said,

"The real fight starts now… uh, um…"

"You seriously cannot remember my damn name?" It was one thing for Goku to not remember, but Vegeta too? When both of them fused they also kept their memories.

What this meant is that not even Vegeta bothered to remember his name. Something about that made Alex annoyed.

"I am going to carve my name deep into your subconscious!"

Vegito smirked as he cracked his knuckles.

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