"You don't need to say that! Can you do something real? " Hao Qiang wanted to change his manager again.

"I can't help you much. After all, I don't know where my ability to control objects will go the moment he makes a move. However, as long as I give him a bit of mental attack, he'll definitely be able to run into the streets at any time …" "But I just told Han Ziyan to guard the door."

"Bastard, why don't you go?"

"I don't believe you can trust her." Of course, this was said in a low voice by Lei Li.

Lei Li was naturally clearer than anyone else about the importance and trust Hao Qiang placed on his comrades.

Lei Li firmly raised his thumb: "Qiang Qiang, I believe you can do it."


If it wasn't because the enemies in front of him were too troublesome, Hao Qiang would definitely buy time to kill Lei Li along with him.

When he finally understood that he couldn't rely on the manager, Hao Qiang could only calm down and look for the other party's weakness.

Since it was an Adept, then there must be a fatal flaw. Everyone knew the nature of a superpower. The stronger it was, the more fatal its weakness was.

Right there! After determining the opponent's weakness, Hao Qiang's gaze darkened. He exerted force through his legs, instantly increasing his speed by more than twofold. To think that when he put his two fingers together, it would be a heavy blow.

The opponent's weakness was attacked and with a muffled groan, he fell straight down.

Lei Li stepped forward and pulled off the other party's mask. When he saw the other party's face, he was greatly shocked.

"He, he, he, he …"

When Hao Qiang saw that face, he also frowned.

"Send him to you secretly, don't let anyone find out."

Han Ziyan pushed open the door and was startled when she saw the person on the ground.

He didn't expect that the person who had been missing for so long would actually run out on his own, and in such a defenseless manner at that.

"What are you going to do with him?"

"What else can we do? Once we understand the situation, we'll go our separate ways!" It couldn't be said that Hao Qiang had a good impression of this person.

"After all, he is your master's only son. Your junior apprentice-brother … you truly plan to ignore him."

"I have never betrayed my fellow disciples like this. If he was not his master's only son, he might not be in this world anymore. Lei Li, take him away first. "

"Sigh, you still won't forget what happened back then." Han Ziyan sighed. Although she didn't know much about what happened that year, she knew that after that mission, even though Hao Qiang's expression didn't change, his heart had actually changed a lot.

"It won't do you any good in the future to be too angry about the past."

"We can talk about the future later. Now, do you want to come with me and see who that Jiang Lin really is?"

Hao Qiang picked up the Jiang Lin file on the floor and asked.

Han Ziyan shook her head. "Not interested. You know that I just want to protect my sister and not participate in your matters."

After saying that, he opened the door and walked out.

"What a heartless woman."

Jiang Lin's identity far exceeded Hao Qiang's expectations. He was actually a member of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and his position wasn't low either. As for which side Lei Li was on, he didn't find out.

Back then, the [Dynasty] had been abandoned by the law enforcement officials, which was why the situation now was like this. If it was now that it realized how important they were and wanted to win him over to use him … Hao Qiang couldn't help but sneer. He would not let their plans work out!

"Hao Qiang, you went to be lazy again!" "Hurry up and get me out of here. I won't let you in for another half a month!"

Hearing the loud voice of Miss Qi outside the door, Hao Qiang resigned himself to his fate and stood up. Right now, he was just a poor little star who was depending on someone else.

"Quickly go back and pack up. I'll get my company's car to pick you up in an hour. We have to go out to take a look. At least half a month, at most a month." When he heard the sudden news, Hao Qiang was stunned. Why didn't he notify her in advance?

"No, Sister Ning, you came in a hurry." I wasn't prepared at all. "

"This is my temporary decision. I've already notified the entire production crew. If you don't want to go, you can leave." With these words, Yin Ning turned and walked away.

Facing this time bomb that could explode at any time, Hao Qiang could only chuckle.

That night, Hao Qiang boarded a plane to another place.

The place to look was surprisingly a beautiful little town. Even the rooms were made of wood. Hao Qiang didn't really like this house that had this little bit of practicality, but the girls in the crew were extremely happy. After the filming was done that day, they shouted that they would go to the market their landlord told them about. Meanwhile, Hao Qiang and the other men could only follow as well. It was a pretty good name: Protect the girls' safety. To be a free porter.

Because this town was built for tourism, the goods sold on the streets were all local specialties and special exquisite gadgets. Because it wasn't a busy season for tourism and there weren't many people on the streets, Hao Qiang and the others didn't try to disguise themselves, wearing their daily attire as they left the house. On the way, some fans recognized the photos and signed them together before leaving, which didn't create too much of a sensation, so the girls had a lot of fun.

When they returned to the place where the crew was stationed, a group of men rushed back to their rooms impatiently.

Hao Qiang looked left and right. He felt that this place was filled with Spiritual Qi. He wanted to find a quiet place to cultivate and see if he could have a breakthrough. Recently, he had a faint feeling that he was about to break through.

After sensing the situation with his mind, Hao Qiang finally headed towards the southeast. He remembered that there was a small mountain in front of him that had abundant spiritual energy and very few people.

Although Adepts were naturally born with special abilities, they still belonged to the spiritual energy of the world. Just like the ancient cultivators, they had to refine the spiritual energy of the world to increase their own abilities. Hao Qiang had already wasted too much time recently because he was in the middle of filming. According to his previous progress, Hao Qiang should have already broken through the seventh level middle stage and advanced into the middle stage a month ago.

The path to the hill was paved with stone. Since Hao Qiang wasn't in a hurry, he slowly walked past it.

However, this leisurely mood lasted less than a minute.

Looking at the rapidly changing scenery beside him, Hao Qiang instantly became vigilant.

The Power of Space was a real pain in the ass.

"Come out."

Following Hao Qiang's shout, a slender figure slowly appeared at the end of the path.

"Hehe, you must be Hao Qiang." The boy's voice came from the mist.

"Why are you asking me when you're already sure?" Hao Qiang shrugged his shoulders helplessly. Aren't you coming? Or do you like to talk from a distance? "

"Huh?" The boy tilted his head strangely and came slowly from the other side.

"Why are you different from what the rumors say you are? Didn't they say that you're gentle, polite, and humble? "

At this moment, Hao Qiang finally saw the other party's appearance. He really was only 15 or 16 years old.

Which family's child was not optimistic about this and let him run out to bring disaster to society?

"You're only talking about girls, aren't you?" Hao Qiang shrugged his shoulders helplessly. If you change your personality now, I might consider being gentle with you. "

"You …" The boy's face turned green. The difference between reality and legend was too great, indicating that he was unable to accept it.

"Don't talk about you anymore. Which family are you a child from? What business do you have with me? Quickly speak and leave. Don't waste my time." Hao Qiang felt a headache coming on. Why was he always coming to his side these days?

"Give my master back to me!" The boy glared at him.

"Your master? "Who is it?" When Hao Qiang heard this, he was completely confused.

"Stop pretending. My master has always wanted to go find you. He hasn't come back since a few days ago. You must have hidden him." "The boy exploded." "Let me tell you, if you dare to do anything to my master, no matter who you are, I will definitely not let you go."

"What?" Hao Qiang blinked his eyes and finally remembered someone whom he had ordered Lei Li to imprison a few days ago.

"Does your master always wear black?" Does your master often wear black, around 1.83 meters, and often uses a dagger to make himself look ugly?

"You are the one who is ugly, your entire family is ugly!" The boy took out a dagger from his waist and held it in his hand. "What have you done to my master?"

"I killed him."

"You lied to me. My master would not lose to someone like you!" He was clearly on the verge of tears, yet he was still saying words of trying to be brave. There was no news of him for the past few days. He could have guessed it, but he still stubbornly chased after the man for so long. Only when the man said it out loud did he show signs of believing.

He knew the man before him, the legendary Emperor. He was the man who had once dominated the entire superpower world and had created countless legends. This kind of man had always been his master's goal. If … If this master of his was really killed by this man, would she be able to defeat him?

Of course, regardless of whether he could survive or not, he had to avenge his master!

When Hao Qiang saw the other party's teary face, he felt extremely bored. How could he have a falling out with a kid?

"Alright, alright, your master isn't dead yet. Why are you crying when you're a man? It's not like you're a woman." Hao Qiang was extremely annoyed.

"Really?" The poor child had not been able to react to the ups and downs of the day.

"Hao Qiang doesn't know whether to laugh or cry." When did he become the one to coax children?

"Then take me to him."

"..." I still have things to do. Go find it yourself, and when your master wanted to appear, he appeared himself. " Hao Qiang easily broke through his space and waved his hand, "I'll be leaving first. You do as you please."

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