Before anyone could react, Lei Li suddenly appeared behind Jiang Lin. His hands were still controlling the two steel tubes that were quite heavy.

Jiang Lin only felt two muffled "pu pu" sounds from behind him as his two lackeys fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Lei Li had already turned around and ran outside with Ewen Wen in his arms.

At the same time, Hao Qiang suddenly leapt onto the second floor and began attacking Jiang Lin.

Facing this sudden attack, Jiang Lin reacted quickly by dodging. At the same time, he reached out a hand to his subordinate and threw a person towards Hao Qiang, creating an opportunity for Jiang Lin to retreat.

"Looks like we won't be able to continue today's negotiations. Hao Qiang, see you next time."

When Hao Qiang blocked the person who acted as a human cushion, Jiang Lin had already disappeared from the corridor. The assassins quickly retreated.

"Damn it, I run the fastest every time." Hao Qiang cursed in anger.

After jumping off the stage, Hao Qiang looked at the few people with puzzlement on their faces.

"Are you guys okay?"

Qi Mengxi only nodded her head to show that she was alright.

"Elder sister is injured, so I will treat her." Han Ziyun, who usually didn't speak much, said. His voice was indeed as cold as her men.

"Zi Yan, you're injured?" Hao Qiang frowned.

Han Ziyan nodded her head, "It's nothing, I just suffered some minor injuries. Ziyun will treat it for me."

"Are you still going to activate your Discipline?" After knowing that the other party was fine, Hao Qiang asked.

Han Ziyan nodded.

"Then I'll leave these people to you." Looking at the unconscious or lightly injured ordinary people around him, Hao Qiang said.

Han Ziyan's psychic abilities could erase some of the memories of ordinary people.

"No problem." You take them out first, I'll come out later. "

"Okay, you be careful." Hao Qiang reminded again and again worriedly.

Han Ziyan nodded, indicating that she understood.

Only then did Hao Qiang feel at ease to bring the few of them out.

"Hao Qiang, what's going on? Who are you?" "Why would Big Brother Jiang Lin want to kill you?" Qi Mengxi asked anxiously as they left the room.

Hao Qiang looked at him, not knowing what to say. His matters were too complicated, and he didn't know how to begin.

Seeing her opponent's expression, Qi Mengxi assumed he was just being cautious of her. He felt a wave of disappointment in his heart.

Her understanding of Hao Qiang was truly too little. All along, she had thought that Hao Qiang was just a little scoundrel who liked to act cool, but now, it seemed that he wasn't as ordinary as he appeared.

Looking at the sad expression on the other party's face, Hao Qiang sighed helplessly, "This is a long story, I'll explain it to you slowly in the future."

"Mm. Alright." After this incident, Qi Mengxi didn't want to put too much pressure on Hao Qiang anymore. In the past, she had been too willful and inconsiderate. However, when she thought about Hao Qiang lying there without a sound, she felt a lingering fear.

It was rare to see such a sensible young miss of the Qi family, so Hao Qiang was rather surprised.

"Alright, come in." At this moment, Han Ziyan opened the door from the inside.

"I changed their memories to make them think that it was because a fan broke into the banquet and made the scene like this."

"What's going on with this hotel? How can it let fans casually enter!"

"Someone told me last time that this hotel's security was good. I finally got to see it today!"

As they were talking, people came out of the house in a sorry state. They complained and called the driver to get the car ready. No one wanted to stay at the scene after what had happened.

The shop manager also kept apologizing. But it didn't seem to be of any use.

Looking at the manager's sad face, Hao Qiang could only silently pray for him in his heart. If you had to blame someone, blame Jiang Lin. If he didn't cause trouble, there wouldn't be any problems here today and you wouldn't be in danger of losing your job.

"Let's leave as well." Looking at the weakened Han Ziyan, Hao Qiang said.

The few of them nodded in agreement.

"Hao Qiang, we are also curious about your identity. Do you want to come and have a chat with us?"

Hearing this voice, Hao Qiang felt that the situation had not calmed down yet. Why didn't he notice this woman earlier?

"Sister Ning, Sister Ruo Bing." Qi Mengxi shouted.

"Mengxi, aren't you curious about his identity?" Noticing Qi Mengxi's hesitation, Yin Ning continued, "It's obvious that these people are here for him. Aren't you curious why they are here?"

"I …" Qi Mengxi hesitated. She really wanted to know, but she didn't want to force Hao Qiang to answer her.

"I also want to know. After all, as a filmmaker, I wanted to know what kind of drama I was doing, what kind of actors I was using, and whether it would affect the future development of our company. If you don't understand what's going on, Hao Qiang, I'm afraid this movie won't be released. I have to be responsible for the company! "

"Sister Ruo Bing!" Qi Mengxi cried out in alarm when she heard that the movie might not be shown. This was her first play and also her graduation present to her good friend, Iven. She couldn't just let it all go to waste like this.

There were even fans who were looking forward to the show's broadcast. She could not let them down.

Hao Qiang looked at Yin Ning. He thought he knew why this woman brought Ouyang Ruo Bing along.

Using this movie to threaten him to confess his identity was indeed a good choice. For the sake of Qi Mengxi, he couldn't let anything go wrong with this movie.

"Find a place and we can talk." Hao Qiang nodded his head helplessly.

It was still this hotel, in a certain room.

Hao Qiang, Qi Mengxi, Han Ziyan, Han Ziyun, Yin Ning, Ouyang Ruo Bing, as well as Lei Li and Ai Wen Wen were sitting at the table.

"Everyone's here. Can we begin?" Ouyang Ruo Bing asked impatiently.

Originally, she didn't get along well with Hao Qiang, so she wouldn't be polite to him.

"Fine." Hao Qiang chose a more comfortable position. Honestly speaking, he was never used to this kind of situation.

"I think everyone present, except Miss Ouyang, is aware of their own Discipline." "For example, Lei Li's ability to control objects, as well as the ability of Zi Yan to change people's memories, I have the ability to control time."

"Wait, what did you just say?" Ouyang Ruo Bing interrupted in confusion.

"It means that she has an extraordinary ability. Miss Ouyang, don't tell me you usually don't read novels?" Hao Qiang said in an indifferent tone. Anyway, she had already threatened him with the movie, he didn't want to pretend to be friendly with this woman anymore.

"If you say that everyone here has superpowers other than me, then do you mean that Meng Xi and Wen Wen also have superpowers?" If just this little bit of sarcasm and Ouyang Ruo Bing couldn't bear it, she wouldn't have the status she had today.

Hao Qiang nodded his head, "Of course. Mengxi is a foreign ability of family inheritance, her inspiration is the source and this. Wenwen, on the other hand, had voice abilities. Her voice could become the best hallucinogen, or the most dangerous weapon. Miss Ouyang, do you have any other questions? If not, I'll go on. "

Ouyang Ruo Bing shook her head.

"As for the Adepts, the State isn't in a state to ignore them. Instead, a special law enforcement agency has been set up to manage them." I am the number one assassin of this organization, the fifth ranked [Emperor] of the assassination world, and Han Ziyan is my partner. Lei Li is my broker, and it has been him for a long time that has helped me accept all kinds of killing missions.

"But three years ago, the [Dynasty] was brought here overnight, and the only ones left now are the three of us. It's because I promised my comrades that I wouldn't take revenge for them, because the other party is too strong, I am not the same person. That's why I opened a café to hide in Demonic City, and entered the entertainment circle purely for fun. "

"If you have anything else you want to know, just ask me." Hao Qiang spread out his hands and said, "I will say anything I know. I will say anything I can."

"You said that I'm a member of the family, then does my father know about you?" Qi Mengxi asked.

Hao Qiang nodded his head: "Mister Hao has always been under our control."

"Why didn't Dad ever tell me?"

"He's protecting you."

"Have you killed anyone?" Ewen asked carefully.

"Of course, I can't live until I kill someone." Hao Qiang replied with certainty.

"What's going on with Big Brother Jiang Lin? Why did he ask you to work with him today?"

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that Jiang Lin is a member of the Bureau of Enforcement. I have yet to investigate the specifics on the situation, and I'm afraid that he will have to expose himself. However, what I can be sure of is that he wants to use Hao Qiang to consolidate his strength, and even control the entire law enforcement bureau. There must be something in the Enforcement Bureau that could threaten him. " This question was answered by Lei Li Dai.

"If working with him can rebuild the dynasty, why don't you work with him?" Ouyang Ruo Bing asked.

"Back then, when the [Dynasty] was annihilated overnight and the Law Enforcement Bureau ignored it, do you think they are not suspicious at all? I'm definitely trying to get along with him. "

"Then you don't want to rebuild the dynasty anymore?"

"Of course not, those are the hard work of my comrades. If I could, of course I would want to rebuild it. But I'm not in a hurry, this is something I need a chance to do. " Hao Qiang replied.

"Hehe, Hao Qiang, do you really think you can rebuild the [Dynasty]?" Yin Ning, who had always been silent, suddenly mocked.

Hao Qiang looked at her and changed the subject, "Miss Yin Ning, to think that I've already confessed my identity. Shouldn't you also be more honest?"

"Honest?" Yin Ning smiled, "I have always been an honest person. "Hao Qiang."

In the time it took for a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, Yin Ning shot straight towards Hao Qiang.

Everyone present was shocked. No one expected her to suddenly make a move. Fortunately, Hao Qiang reacted in time and dodged to the side. Seeing this, Yin Ning agilely turned her body in midair and attacked Hao Qiang once again.

"Hao Qiang!" After what happened just now, Qi Mengxi's heart was in her throat once again. She couldn't help but cry out in alarm.

Seeing this, Lei Li also got up and attacked Yin Ning. In an instant, the three of them formed a triangle.

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