When Hao Qiang finished tidying up the mess and went downstairs, Ouyang Ruo Bing had already left for work, and Hao Qiang told Lei Li to push today's announcement all the way down to the future.

Qi Mengxi didn't say anything after seeing his reaction. She only looked at him worriedly. Only after Hao Qiang repeatedly told her that she was fine, did she finally stop worrying and return to her own matters.

Near noon, the doorbell that hadn't rung for a long time began to sing happily. Hao Qiang frowned as he watched. In the next second, he thought of the couple from yesterday. If it wasn't for the things that happened yesterday being too sudden, he and Ewen might not have reached this stage. Thinking of this, Hao Qiang's expression darkened as he angrily opened the door.

However, the two people standing in front of him had surprised him.

Those two faces weren't unfamiliar to Hao Qiang. They were familiar faces that could be seen often on TV. They were also known as the 'model couple' of the entertainment circle, Qi Zhengting and Fan Lulu. They were Qi Mengxi's parents.

The two of them naturally knew Hao Qiang. When the person who opened the door was Hao Qiang, he had also examined him from head to toe.

Hao Qiang stood awkwardly in front of the door. For a moment, he didn't know if he should let anyone in or something. This must be her daughter's home. Wasn't it a little noisy letting people in here?

While Hao Qiang was in a dilemma, Qi Mengxi, who had heard the commotion, walked out. When she saw the two of them, she went over and gave them a hug in surprise.

"Dad, mom, why are you guys here?"

"What, we can't even come to see you?" When the father heard his daughter say so, he immediately said unhappily.

"Hey, Dad, how could that be possible! I was very happy when you came, but you suddenly came, so I didn't have any time to prepare. " Qi Mengxi hugged her father's arm and acted like a spoiled child.

Seeing that her daughter still liked to act like this towards her father, the father was naturally happy and thus revealed a doting smile.

"Enough, don't scold your daughter the moment you get here. You know, Little Xi has always taught her parents a lesson. "Come, Little Xi, let mommy see if you've gotten skinnier recently." Fan Lulu looked up and down as he snatched his daughter from Wei Zhengting's hands. Although she was already over a hundred years old, time didn't seem to have left too many scars on her body. She didn't have the slightest wrinkles on her face that her daughter Xiao had.

Time is always kind to some people.

"No, Mom, I've recently gained a few pounds. You see, there's even baby fat. " Qi Mengxi pulled at her face, happily displaying the flesh on it.

This reminded Hao Qiang of the fact that although Qi Mengxi had been yelling about losing weight, there hadn't been any reaction.

Looking at his daughter's round face, Fan Lulu gave a knowing smile. "My daughter has the nourishment of love. Of course she's going to grow fat."

As he said this, he looked towards Hao Qiang, who was standing beside him.

"Mom, what are you saying!" Seeing Fan Lu's gaze, Qi Mengxi's face turned completely red.

She raised her head and sneakily glanced at Hao Qiang, who was standing to the side. Qi Mengxi's face turned red all the way down to her neck.

"Uncle, Auntie, hello. I'm Hao Qiang."

Looking at their expressions, it was clear that they already knew about the relationship between Qi Mengxi and him. Hao Qiang went up to introduce himself.

"I've also seen your 'Wealthy Class Astral Trail'. Not only is this young lad handsome, his acting skills are also very flattering." Fan Lulu looked at Hao Qiang with a praising gaze.

"Humph." Qi Zhengting snorted with disdain.

It was this wet behind the ears brat who stole his good daughter's heart!

"Why are you making things so awkward again?" Hearing her husband's disdainful voice, Fan Lulu could only give up. She had a good impression of this Hao Qiang, he was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and was a good seedling.

"Alright, you guys can go in first." When Qi Mengxi saw that the two of them were about to start bickering again, she rushed out to smooth things over.

Only when they were embraced by their daughter did they obediently enter the house. Hao Qiang closed the door and followed behind.

If his guess was not wrong, the two of them had come to see him today.

However, right now, his heart was at a loss.

Ever since the incident last night, he felt ashamed to face Qi Mengxi again. He didn't expect that her parents would come today.

Hao Qiang felt that he was slightly unable to keep up with the situation.

There were too many recent facts, and he felt that he could not deal with any more of them.

The few of them entered the room and sat down on the sofa. Then, Lei Li walked down with a drowsy look. He was stunned when he saw the people in the living room.

However, under Hao Qiang's hints, he quickly came back to his senses and exclaimed, "Uncle!"

"What's wrong?"

While the few of them were talking about their daily life, Lei Li approached Hao Qiang and secretly asked.

Hao Qiang glanced at him and said, "If I say that I'm here to see you, would you believe me?"

Lei Li was stunned, "He moved pretty fast. He even saw the parents."

Hao Qiang rolled his eyes at him. He didn't want to bother with him anymore.

As the crowd chatted, Han Ziyan and Han Ziyun also returned from outside. However, this wasn't the first time they had met, so they greeted each other warmly.

"You two are very familiar with each other?" After they finished talking, Lei Li walked in front of the Han sisters and asked curiously.

Han Ziyan rolled her eyes at him. "Of course I'm familiar with it. Don't forget my profession — Famous makeup artist! Eighty percent of the people in this entertainment industry have asked me to put on makeup for them. "

Riley felt he had asked a silly question.

At noon, Fan Lulu personally cooked a table. They didn't expect that a woman who looked like she didn't care about the sun and spring water would have such good cooking skills.

"My mom doesn't usually do anything." Qi Mengxi whispered into Hao Qiang's ear, "My dad usually wants to eat the food my mom cooks so he can only call me back."

Fan Lulu looked at the two of them being so intimate. He whispered something in Qi Zhengting's ear, then secretly flashed a smile. Qi Zhengting just glared at Hao Qiang without saying a word.

"Wow, aunty, the food you made is so delicious." After only taking a bite, Lei Li shouted out in an exaggerated manner.

"Come, Hao Qiang, eat this. This is my mom's specialty." Qi Mengxi asked expectantly as she placed a piece of homemade Boiled Fish into Hao Qiang's bowl.

Looking at Qi Mengxi's expectant gaze, Hao Qiang felt even more guilty. He carefully stole the piece of meat from Qi Mengxi before stuffing it into his mouth.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

Hao Qiang looked at her with a doting smile before nodding his head.

"Little Xi, didn't you say last time that Ruo Bing lived here as well? Why haven't we seen her?" Qi Zhengting suddenly asked.

"Oh, if Sister Ruo Bing went out early because of work, she would probably be back in the evening. "Dad, you can see her at night." Qi Mengxi answered obediently.

When Hao Qiang heard this name, he couldn't help but frown.

"That's right, Xiaoxi, Ruo Bing isn't young anymore. Have you heard that she has a boyfriend or something?" Fan Lulu asked with concern.

"Aiya, mom, how would I know? You know what Big Sister Ruo Bing is like. She's always been so independent, how could she possibly tell me these things?" Qi Mengxi said.

Fan Lulu also nodded in agreement. "That's right. If you, Big Sister Ruo Bing, were too independent, you wouldn't know how much your Uncle Ouyang has been worried about her for the past few years." "Little Xi, if you have time, why don't you tell Big Sister Ruo Bing that when a woman reaches her age, she still has to find someone to talk to. Otherwise, when she's troubled, there won't be anyone she can talk to."

"Alright, Mom, I know."

"Also, it's your 22nd birthday a while ago. Although mom and dad are very sorry they didn't come to your birthday party, don't be angry with mom and dad." Fan Lulu said guiltily.

"Nah, I'm not a kid anymore. I know you guys are busy with work, so don't worry, I have friends with me." Qi Mengxi consoled her mother upon seeing her guilty expression.

Fan Lulu looked at the people on the table and nodded in consolation. "That's good. Your dad and I thought you were going to get angry, but your dad was worried just now. "

Hearing his wife's words, Qi Zhengting awkwardly cleared his throat.

Qi Mengxi couldn't help but smile at her father.

"Oh yeah, your Big Brother Quan is planning on getting engaged to your Big Sister Liu after a while. Remember to go and participate when that time comes." Fan Lulu suddenly said.

"Ah, really?" Qi Mengxi cried out in surprise when she heard the news.

Fan Lulu nodded his head, then turned his head to see Hao Qiang sitting beside him, who had been silent all this time.

"What about you and Hao Qiang? When are you going to get engaged?"

Hao Qiang was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to suddenly ask such a question.

Qi Mengxi was stunned by Hao Qiang's words as well. She then looked at him shyly.

Hao Qiang coughed, knowing that Qi Mengxi was waiting for his answer.

But at this time, he really couldn't give an answer. If it was a day ago, he could have said it out loud — anytime, but now he couldn't.

"Aunt, isn't it a little too early to talk about this now? "Meng Xi and I haven't known each other for long." Although Hao Qiang knew that it was irresponsible to say this, he didn't know what to say.

Upon hearing his reply, a hint of disappointment could be seen in Qi Mengxi's eyes. She ignored the disappointment and pretended to look at Fan Lulu seriously.

"How could that be?" Fan Lulu said, "Xiao Xi's father and I started dating after just one day, and we got married in less than a month." Look, aren't we doing fine too? "

"No, the main thing is that Meng Xi is still too young. I don't think it's the right thing to talk about. "

"Hao Qiang, are you reluctant to part with your harem?" Suddenly, Qi Mengxi laughed out loud.

Hao Qiang was stunned.

"Pa Da!" A clear sound of bowls and chopsticks hitting the ground suddenly rang out.

Everyone was surprised for a moment. They subconsciously looked in the direction where the voice had come from. The chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground. However, at some point in time, Ivy just stared straight at Hao Qiang, her eyes filled with obvious panic.

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